Sweet copywriting between lovers (sweet copywriting between lovers is short)
Remaining tenderness
2023-01-29 17:07:57
Complete sentences

1. I hope I can kiss you before going to bed, hold you when I sleep, and see you when I wake up! Always hope so, forever.

2. Regardless of the wind and rain outside, regardless of the vicissitudes of life, give life a little calm, give life a true, give yourself a gratitude, and give others a tolerance.

3. I'm not afraid of dying all the time. I just want to be one heart and eat sweet food. But I don't have sweet food here. I have to think about you.

4. I will give you a hug and warm hands.

5. Please give more advice for the rest of your life—— Huang Weiwen

6. Time blurred the past, but taught us to cherish. You and I have known each other from meeting to never giving up. We use our whole lives to interpret what it means to "grow old together".

7. People should keep a certain distance from each other, which is a necessary living space for everyone's ego.

8. Sometimes, there is no next time, no chance to come back, no pause and no continuation. Sometimes, if you miss the present, you will never have a chance. Only by grasping the present can we be eternal.

9. I used to be dissolute and uninhibited, wandering the Jianghu, but I never thought of meeting you. Since then, I have been cooking in the kitchen.

10. Nothing happened here. The dog is waiting to go out, the thief is waiting for the old woman, the children are waiting to go to school, and the cops are waiting to beat people... Everyone is waiting for cooler weather. And I'm just waiting for you.

11. It may be your words that make people comfortable at first, but it must be your character that makes people convinced later. Life is not all about competition and interests, but more about mutual achievements!

12. When I met you, my heart seemed to become a machine, producing a lot of love every day.

13. Sorry, don't be angry. You can even cook rice; Sorry, don't be angry. It's OK to wash clothes and rub the floor; Sorry, don't be angry. I kissed and hugged. Dear, I'm sorry!

14. Don't ask me how much I love you, I really can't say, only know that you have become a habit in my life, an indispensable habit, every day can not eat, do not sleep, but can not miss you.

15. If I can't hold your hand and spend the rest of my life with you, I would rather choose to live alone. The world without you is already incomplete.

16. Sunshine gives me the power to smile, just as you give me the power. Rainbow, give me an optimistic attitude, just like you give me an optimistic attitude.

17. The relationship between people is really like wet clothes. If you take it off, it will be cold, and your clothes will be heavy and cold.

18. One of the happiest things in the world is that when you hug a person you love, he even holds you more tightly.

19. What a fool I am! I can do nothing well except like you.

20. Missing you is a sweet sadness, a sour expectation, a happy melancholy, and a contradictory longing! In fact, it's good to have you! Love is a kind of giving, even if the pain will feel willing. Love is a straight, even if the heart will feel no regret.

21. My expectation is sunshine, which makes you need more; I expect oxygen to make you breathe happily; I expect roses to make your life beautiful; I hope it is the news, say for me: miss you!

22. I want to see you, after the strong wind blowing the clouds and the moon, in the ordinary day after day.

23. I really want to turn my life to the last page and see if you are the person who accompanied me to the white head.

24. The wind is super sweet with you around.

25. When I rush to you, everything I pass by feels very cute.

26. Eye to eye, tacit understanding between us.