Exam Motivational Sentences
Elderly but not young
2023-03-21 12:20:28
Complete sentences

1. When looking up at the sky, everything is higher than you, and you will feel inferior; When you look down at the earth, everything is lower than you, and you will be conceited; Only by broadening your horizon and taking a panoramic view of the sky and the earth can you find your true position between the sky and the earth. Don't feel inferior, don't be conceited, and stick to self-confidence.

2. Failure is a comma for the strong and a full stop for the weak.

3. Don't be inferior, you are not more stupid than others. Don't be complacent. Others are not as stupid as you.

4. Failure is a rare fortune, while success is the settlement of failure.

5. Many things are predestined, that is "fate"; But you can decide how to face it. It's "luck"!

6. From now on, no matter how difficult and frustrating you are, you should make progress every day. You will act, you will act. You are taking action. Your will and action will reflect your style. I don't want to be successful. Now that I have chosen the college entrance examination, I only care about the trials and hardships.

7. A share of confidence, a share of effort, a share of success; Very confident, very hard, very successful.

8. If you aim high, you will gain in practice. Down to earth, persistence will always succeed

9. An exam is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you will get before the exam.

10. There is no desperate situation in the world, only people who are desperate for the situation.

11. Keep a calm attitude, answer questions carefully and carefully, maintain self-confidence, maintain a good attitude, ensure adequate sleep, and you will win the national college entrance examination day. I hope you can play your best, win the gold medal and go to the university of your dreams!

12. Show fighting spirit, express regret for youth, challenge limits and realize life dreams.

13. Pioneers are tempered in difficulties, gain experience in failures, mature in setbacks, grow gradually in ridicule, improve in exploration, and win in struggle.

14. In any case, we must try, even if we can't prove it, we must also prove it.

15. The new environment and new starting point are exactly the stage for you to display your talents and ambitions. I hope you can seize the opportunity, dare to be the first, dare to rise to the top, and give yourself an excellent or more excellent opportunity.

16. Find time to relax and don't bear too much pressure. Reject the responsibility that does not belong to us, let us do what we want to do, not too long, just one afternoon.

17. Perhaps, life can not be as beautiful as you imagine, the road of life can not be flat, and people's mood will not always be as calm as water.

18. Traveling thousands of miles is better than reading thousands of books; Travel thousands of miles and read thousands of books; A good teacher is better than a good judge.

19. As an experience, failure is sometimes more valuable than success. Failure can leave us more profound and lasting memory and thinking.

20. When a person has a dream of flying, even if he climbs, there is no reason not to stand up.

21. Follow the footprints of the past, and no new footprints will be added.

22. This is an era that only recognizes the strong, and learning is the original capital that gives us to become strong. We have the responsibility and obligation to learn knowledge well. The process must be bitter, but the real strong must endure loneliness, suffering and temptation.

23. Success depends not on dreams and hopes, but on hard work and practice.

24. This exam is not a general quiz, but a graduation exam

25. I am not afraid of dark clouds, but I am afraid that it will not clear after a long time of cloudy.

26. I am confident, I am excellent: I work hard, I succeed!

27. Don't take an A in one exam. If A takes too much, your A will depreciate.

28. Anyone who is afraid of taking the rugged mountain road will have to stay at the foot of the mountain forever.

29. No more senior high school seniors, please cherish them. A year's experience is a lifetime's wealth.

30. There is no easy situation in the world; There is no free time on earth. (Zeng Guofan)

31. As long as the road is right, we are not afraid of a long way.

32. The homework is exam oriented, and the exam is exam oriented. The usual exam is the middle school exam, and the middle school exam is the usual exam.

33. The waves are beating against the bow, and the sea wind is blowing against the ship. I am really in command on the ship, and my direction is firm.

34. You have a colorful world in your writing: may you, and believe in you, have another brilliant picture in your writing.

35. Motivated without pressure, nervous without anxiety, quick without panic.

36. Stick to it for several years, study hard for many years, just for today, keep calm, raise a smile, meet the challenge, fight the college entrance exam, change the fate, create good results, and win! I wish you success in the college entrance examination!

37. Tears exist to prove that sadness is not an illusion.

38. There is no smooth road to science. Only those who are not afraid to climb along the steep mountain road can expect to reach the glorious peak.

39. Hard work will be arranged, and good results will be achieved.

40. The best is silver, and the fast changing is gold.

41. Take a nap now, and you will dream; Now study, you will realize your dream!

42. Just believe in yourself. It's no big deal. Really, don't think too much about what you can do. If you don't, they will certainly not do much. Believe me! My classmates, sincerely wish you will win the first place in the final exam this year.

43. Struggle on the front line of college entrance examination, immerse yourself in books, reach the upper limit of Tsinghua University, and the bottom line is Baoyan University of Peking University. As long as you can firmly believe, the title of the gold list is only within your fingertips. May your dream of success come true!

44. Be grateful and never give up! Even in the most violent wind and rain, we should have the courage to raise our heads and face the front. Because please believe: any suffering experience, as long as it is not destruction, is wealth!

45. Study hard, think hard, ask hard and drill hard.

46. Frustration is actually the tuition that should be paid for success.

47. If SM is given to you, don't be depressed or indignant! When the pear is big, bear it; Believe that the day will come.

48. Strong belief will win strong people and then make them stronger.

49. One sword every year, the winner is the king, smiling and proud, unstoppable.

50. The sea is very wide, you can swim carp with fish in Longmen, while the sky is very high, and birds can fly brightly.

51. Don't complain. You should know that the quiet desk you are holding on to at the moment is not only a place for your personal and family dreams.

52. Seize the time, pay attention to the foundation, and practice frequently will be fruitful; Build self-confidence, swear to work hard, and go to college to repay parents.

53. In the face of the "top score" of the college entrance examination paper, we are determined to win, and we will not donate anything; More points are better than losses.

54. Sadness ends in the early stage and happiness ends in the later stage.

55. Be brave in Yuelongmen to June, and aim to write about Min in a hundred days.

56. The reason why a great man is great is that when he is in adversity with others, they lose confidence, but he is determined to achieve his goals.

57. No pains, no gains; Nine minutes of hard work, there will be gains, certainly!

58. The brave must have the courage to duel with five test papers; Cowards, we can live by the size of a mouse's eyes. We will lose this battle!

59. Healthy body is the foundation, good style of study is the condition, hard work is the prerequisite, learning method is the key, and psychological quality is the guarantee.

60. Painful thoughts have no hope. Hard work has brains.

61. Life is like a dream. Everything is possible as long as you can think.

62. Yiyi must say goodbye at last. I hope you will treasure it later. If you can talk more deeply, the college entrance exam will be successful!

63. Application for the exam is a lifelong thing. Don't treat it carelessly. Meditate on your happiness. Discuss with others the answers you want, analyze the current employment trend, and choose the best one to fill in. Tips for college entrance examination: I wish you success!

64. Keep your head down and work hard while you are in the prime of your life.

65. Strive to build strength, and attitude determines height.

66. We find that we have reached the age of childhood envy, but we have not become the kind of people who envy us in childhood.

67. Action is the 'good medicine' to cure fear, while hesitation and delay will continue to nourish fear.

68. If the exam SM you, do not be depressed, nor indignant! When Yali is big, let's put up with it: believe it, the day of cupping will come.

69. The moon is pale, the wind is bleak, and a piece of eternal pipa has soured the attachment of this life. Missing comes on the night, and drops flow in the moon sea. The night is filled with empty air, and the marks left by the voices collide with the stupidity in the bottom of my heart. Tears fill my eyes and flow down freely, like string music.

70. Water can't boil, and people don't know how to teach. Up and down is effective, and on-demand can enlighten. On the way of life, a famous teacher is a good medicine to save my life. Silver doesn't change, gold doesn't, as long as a good teacher opens the way for me! Thank you, sir