Classic sentences in snowy days
Both wind and rain
2023-07-29 21:14:19
Complete sentences

1. Winter wants you to be my warm pillow.

2. Little bear hides in winter, and everything begins to hibernate.

3. The snow in Yanshan Mountain is as big as a mat, blowing down the Xuanyuan Platform one after another

4. The heavy snow is everywhere, and the moon is nowhere to meet me.

5. On snowy days, why do people always travel far away.

6. You can't erase the traces of us together in the heavy snow.

7. It's said that it's snowing outside. It's early this year!

8. It's time to breathe on the glass and write your name again.

9. I want to accompany you to see a snowfall, only marking our footprints.

10. The romance of snow, dance out a carefree mood, and interpret happiness for you.

11. The snowflakes are floating like catkins, bringing you health and fitness.

12. Who said it is winter now? When you are here, flowers bloom and birds sing and cicadas sing.

13. I can't tell whether I am lonely or lonely when I walk in the boundless snow.

14. Pieces of each other exquisite, flying jade leakage end. At first, the whole ground was covered, and gradually became denser and windless.

15. A cold winter with endless snow; The snow is beautiful, but very cold, cool to the bottom of my heart.

16. A person walking in the boundless snow, can not say is lonely or lonely.

17. I am afraid of cold wind but prefer snow. I am afraid of drinking but like the feeling of being drunk.

18. Know that the most humble but feelings, but also strive for the impossible possible.

19. We will never love as hard as before until we cry.

20. I saw it snowing. I am so happy. Unfortunately, I'm alone, standing and watching.

21. Like a wisp of wind and a scene of snow, it can rise and fall at will. I don't know the direction or the destination.

22. It's snowing. If we don't hold an umbrella and keep going, can we go all the way to Baitou?

23. The wind brightens the snowflakes and whitens our hair. Do you remember when we said that we would create the world together?

24. There is no melting snow in the world, and there is no eternal love. People's hearts will change.

25. I haven't seen snow for a long time. It's like I haven't seen you for a long time. However, it will snow again, but you won't come back.

26. In the morning of winter, with sunny sunshine and clean and peaceful snow, everything is beautiful as I like her.

27. It's snowing. Many things are like the weather. It's getting hot or cold gradually. It's already a season after the realization.

28. The north wind is cold, the rain is cold, and the snowflakes are flying and dancing. The land is filled with sandwiches, and everything is nourished to welcome the bumper year.

29. Look at your heart in the snow and feel discouraged. Everything is white, all for you. Look at the snow slowly and wait.

30. Rain is the tears from the heart; Snow is cold in the heart, but can't bear to lose its softness.

31. It's snowing. The snowflakes are flying all over the sky. Soon, the whole campus became a silver world.

32. Is the weather OK there? It's snowing here. I want to take a walk in the snow with you. It's impossible.

33. Snow is the little messenger in winter. She is white and graceful, like catkins and dandelion fluff flying in the air.

34. It snowed. First, small snowflakes fluttered gently like catkins; Then it gets bigger and bigger.

35. It snowed before winter. It was a little strange to watch white things fall from the sky, and even thought that something good would happen.

36. The heavy snow came with the cold winter, and the streets seemed to be made of silver, so bright, so brilliant, and long icicles.

37. Outside, the north wind is whistling, and white elves are flying beside me, as if they are welcoming me into their world.

38. I haven't found you behind me, but I can feel the temperature you bring me. For you, I learn to look back.

39. There are snowflakes flying outside the window, like thousands of butterflies, jumping on the window glass, bumping on the glass playfully, and flying to one side.

40. Unconsciously, there is another snow. It is as beautiful as last year, but your whisper is lost and your figure is lost.

41. When it began to snow, it was accompanied by light rain. Soon, only goose feather like snowflakes floated down from the sky with thick clouds, and the ground was soon white.

42. A snow came unexpectedly. I think there must be a lot of joy in the remote Xing'an Mountains. The pines are silent, black bears hibernate, and wild mushrooms are in the arms of heavy snow.

43. It is cold with snow, and the wind blows all night. The willow leaves are gathering gold, and the plum blossoms are cold and red. The world is light and thin at the age of, and the heart is full of respect. Spring is not far away in Nanshan, and the haze is full of riding.

44. I used to think: "The seven-year itch", what about the sixth year? Now I know that in the sixth year, we are wondering whether it will "itch" in the seventh year.

45. It's snowing. The quilts and pillows are cool. Looking up at the windowsill, they are illuminated by the snow. It snowed more and more heavily. Lying on the bed, I heard the sound of tree power breaking.

46. It was snowing heavily outside the window this morning. The door is covered with snow, white and white, and made of powder and jade. It's very beautiful.

47. In this winter, when it never snowed, I told her the sad memories of me and her. With sadness, desolation and regret, I thought of her again and that emotion.

48. It seems that I finally understand why the poem "Returning at a Snowy Night" has been shaking for thousands of years, because it is another person who has returned at this time, and is expected by us.

49. In the snow, the scenery is magnificent. The sky and the earth are the same color, like a white carpet. Occasionally, a few small footprints are stepped on, adding a bit of fairy tale color.

50. Snow is the little messenger in winter. It is white and flawless, like catkins and dandelion hairs flying in the air. I love snow. I love it as white as my childhood. I love the happiness it gives us.

51. The snow outside the window is still falling softly. I close my eyes slightly and don't think about anything. I listen to the sound of the snow quietly, just to let my restless mind get some peace.

52. The light snow like cotton wool, the soft snow like reed flowers, and the snow like dandelion with fluffy seeds fly freely in the wind, dance freely, release and play heartily.

53. When the sun is about to set, you are looking up at the mountain. At this time, the thin snow is like a little girl's shame, showing a little pink. It forms a beautiful and realistic landscape painting.

54. Lonely people will always remember everyone who has appeared in their life with heart, so I always think of you more than I can chew, and count my loneliness again and again every night when the stars fall.

55. Hope, hope, winter is coming. It was snowing under the vast sky, falling on the mountains and rivers and the earth. Just like it puts a silver white new dress on the earth.

56. The world is covered with white, elegant, crystal clear, romantic, white romance, beautiful scenery, moving images, intoxicated with the years, amazing time!

57. The snow is drifting, the frost and dew are drizzling, the feelings are moving, and the blessings are silent. Happy smile, good luck around, healthy, carefree. Peace will jump with you, happiness will make trouble with you, and may your heart be warm and sunny!

58. In winter, there are fewer birds singing and flowers fragrant than in spring, and the scenery is pleasant. In summer, the sun is not as hot and the thunder is not as bright; Not as fruitful as autumn, with falling leaves: but it brings us snowflakes flying all over the sky.

59. When it snows heavily, I will call you. Keep warm in winter, travel safely, eat more vegetables, and be healthy and happy. Hot soup and hot porridge are always available. Catch cold and get rid of colds. Send greetings from relatives and friends, and send SMS messages to keep your true feelings.

60. When it snows at the beginning, the snowflakes are often not large or dense, such as willow catkins floating gently in the wind. The wind blows harder and harder, the snow falls more and more densely, and the snowflakes become larger and larger, like weaving a white net, and nothing can be seen from a distance of ten feet.

61. When the snow is falling and the temperature drops suddenly, friends greet and warm their hearts. Remember to add clothes sooner or later, and always take precautions against colds. Warm water is good for soaking in feet, so you can exercise more frequently. Friend care to send: the snow season, I wish you happiness and good luck.

62. When you say goodbye to a certain kind of life, you simply do not know that sometimes turning around is a lifetime. Time is fixed on that picture, some of which are just shallow memories. I heard it's going to snow today? It's another winter in the twinkling of an eye. Very fast.

63. Snowflakes hit me in the face. It's cool and pleasant! I looked up and opened my mouth to eat the snowflakes. It was so special. I was reaching out to catch the snowflakes, but it was playing hide and seek with me like a naughty snow doll. When I reached my palm, it melted.

64. The snow on the mountain was blown by the wind, as if to cover the small house near the mountain. The big trees howled, and the wind and snow covered the small room. A big slanting tree on the side of the mountain fell down. The cold moon, afraid of being crushed by all sounds, retreated to the horizon!

65. At first, the snow was very small, but soon it began to fall again. In a twinkling of an eye, the snow covered the whole school. The snow fell on the grass, and the grass tip was dyed white. It falls on the roof, and the roof is dyed white. It falls on the branches, and the branches are also dyed white. The snow is pure.

66. There was a vast expanse of white between heaven and earth. The snowflakes were falling from the sky. It looked like a white tent was pulled up around, and the earth immediately became white. I can't help thinking of the poem "Suddenly, like a night of spring breeze, thousands of pear trees bloom". How beautiful it is!

67. The light snow comes in small pieces. This snow, like catkins, like reeds, like dandelion's fluffy seeds, is flying in the wind. I can't help but stretch out my hands to catch these flowers and feel the cool feeling when they fall into my hands.

68. Pieces of snow spell our fate. In this cold winter, you and I meet in this romantic and beautiful northern foreign land. All the scenes here are just like in a dream. The white snow is floating in the sky. They fall and "fly" like beautiful pictures, weaving our feelings.

69. Looking around, some snowflakes fall like meteors; Some snow is as light as wind, as white as yarn, fluttering and swaying; There are also snowflakes like silver beads, raindrops like willows, which are exquisite, carved with powder jade, white as jade, and have hung a vast white snow curtain for us. The crystal snowflakes are piled up on the tree.

70. There was a dream forgotten in winter. There was a word falling on the ground with the snowflakes. When I reached out my warm hand to hold the icy snowflakes, I suddenly found that the footsteps of the dream turned back in the scattered snow. But when I put my hands around my eyes and let them go again, I saw scattered snowflakes drifting in front of me one by one. I think this may be my memory of winter.