A sentence describing the hardships of the years (thank you for the short sentence that the years are waiting for gently)
Quietness follows fate
2023-07-17 08:42:59
Complete sentences

1. Follow and accompany all the way, life is bitter and sweet with you!

2. The leave of leaves is not the pursuit of the wind, nor the tree's refusal to retain. For the better growth of the tree, leaves choose to fall down sadly. Thank you for your company in this journey of life.

3. Those who accompany me through the most difficult time of faith, objects and people, thank you for your company.

4. Fortunately, in my best years, I met a person who would like to accompany me crazy. Thank you for accompanying me all the time.

5. There are two choices in life, one is to face it firmly, the other is to choose to escape. In fact, many times, the face is not necessarily the most sad. Escape is not necessarily escape, escape can only escape their own.

6. Thanks for having you all the way. Happy words don't need to be mentioned too much, and the experience of sad moments can't be erased in memory.

7. There was a time when you were on the road. Your first taste was sweet, and you saw the wind and rain. Once thought that the feelings ended, time will lose its meaning. After being refreshed, I still want to say: Thank you.

8. To say thank you is not because I have too much gratitude in my heart. The deeper reason is that you love me, and I love you too.

9. I would like to express my gratitude to all my friends who have helped me and my loved ones. Thank you for coming into my life and making my life rich and beautiful. I wish I have a lifetime and bring you endless happiness!

10. Manage love with sincerity, pursue career with perseverance, treat friends with kindness, treat tribulations with plainness, pray for happiness with piety, repay the world with gratitude, follow love, follow love, and have a happy Thanksgiving Day!

11. The wild geese pass without trace, and the leaves fall silently. Beauty is something concrete and real, waiting for you everywhere. Thank you for the charm of the world, your existence and our acquaintance.

12. Thanks for your company all the way.

13. Our future road is rugged. But as long as you accompany me, I will never feel tired. And the scenery after climbing the mountain top is the most beautiful. Let's create a better future together.

14. My friend, thank you for your concern! May all happiness surround you. I wish you happiness every day and happiness forever!

15. What kind of life we want, what kind of life we want, is all about ourselves. I like the simple life, because I think the simple life is very suitable for me, so that I can be very warm.

16. Thank you for watching me closely as I move forward on the road of life, and enlightening my pursuit of the future with friendship. Is today really Thanksgiving Day? After work, I will buy delicious food early and have a meal with my family.

17. You and I are separated. Missing and looking forward create waiting. On the day of waiting, I want to say thank you for your love. I want to repay you with all my feelings. Time can prove everything.

18. I will never forget your kind smile, always think of your encouraging eyes, remember your earnest teachings, and engrave your meticulous care. Dear friends, clockwork SMS wish you happy every day!

19. The happiness of the sky is dressed in blue, the happiness of the forest is dressed in green, and the happiness of the sun is half dazzling like diamonds. My greatest happiness is to be with you. I really thank you, my forever lover.

20. Without sunshine, there is no warmth of the day; Without rain and dew, there would be no grain harvest; Without water, there is no life; Without parents, there would be no ourselves. A drop of grace is rewarded by a spring. Caring for parents is our responsibility.

21. Let a white dove fly to you, with my thoughts and blessings, to your heart and your life. May you happily face every morning and night, and happily face the blooming and falling of flowers.

22. I washed away all the gloom and sadness. I can only remember the sweet days when you accompanied me. Thank life for giving us such a meeting.

23. I am busy and pray for comfort. I only hope to light my own light when I move forward in the dark. It is hard for others to shine on my way for a long time. I am lucky to remember that I have your guidance to move forward all the way.

24. Companion is the confession of the longest love. Maybe, accompany all the way, and you will live forever.

25. I am very happy to spend every minute with you. I hope to make you happy every moment. It's sweet to think of your name. I look forward to seeing you again!

26. In the busy and intertwined years, I will always cherish this friendship. I can't say a thousand words in my heart with a whisper. I just want to send my heartfelt blessings and thanks. My world is beautiful because of you! Friend, thanks for having you all the way!

27. The most painful pain in the world is not that the person you love stands in front of you and doesn't know that you love him, but that the person who loves you has been silently accompanied, but you can't love him.

28. The day smells like the smell on your white shirt. I gently licked the round sun with my tongue. Thank you for your presence.

29. It's not easy to meet a person you love and love yourself. Thank you for your company!

30. Thank you for your bad words, but love never goes away. Forgive me for my lack of romance. Companion is the longest confession.