110 Sentences about Sad Husband and Wife Quarrel
A shining red star
2023-05-11 05:00:46
Complete sentences

1. There is no medicine for love, but love is deeper.

2. One should fall in love at first sight once in one's life.

3. I'm fine alone. It would be better if you were here.

4. Love can always guess the beginning, but not the end.

5. Come and have a drink with me. Don't let me get drunk alone.

6. The feelings broken by time, I always have nowhere to deliver.

7. When you are lovelorn, tell yourself that breaking up with me is because you have no eyes.

8. New love is always new love, old love is eternal love.

9. Doctors can't cure people who are dying, and Buddhas can't help people who are doomed.

10. Turn just to meet you, but forget, you will turn.

11. You never give me a look back, but I always smile at you.

12. My heart is dried up in the moist soil, without feelings or tears.

13. A lot of white lies will lead to a lack of trust.

14. Emotion is not your love and my wish. It's better to balance love and hate.

15. Dry your tears and say to yourself that this pain is nothing, the past is just floating clouds.

16. Accustomed to crying in the dark, learned to be strong, stubborn strong.

17. What is happiness? It is to cover up your sadness and smile at everyone.

18. Cry, because really love; Laughed because it really hurt.

19. My love with you, like pure water, hides invisible impurities.

20. People who have never been disappointed in love do not understand love, and people who have never been disappointed do not understand life.

21. Whenever I look back with guilt, it is the executioner who cuts off all my memories.

22. There are no two suitable people, only two hearts that can accommodate each other.

23. Anything can always be simple if you are willing to do it.

24. You are my unreachable distance, and I am your humble touch.

25. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I can be before you.

26. Is there such a person who, no matter how much he misses, never meets again.

27. The real failure is not that you did not succeed, but that you are willing to fail.

28. Get used to it, see through it, understand it, die, get tired, it's time to sleep.

29. I don't want to think of you because I love you and you never loved me.

30. I'm crying because my heart is broken. Heart in tears, because he gave up.

31. The broken strings are playing the past. There is no end to the route we have traveled together.

32. It is too late to erase the sadness of autumn. Lonely snowflakes are beating my desolation again.

33. Love is so complicated, and injury is also a kind of happiness. You will understand it when you experience more.

34. I have given everything I should give, and I am willing to do it, except to let you know that my heart is cut by a knife.

35. Why are you so close to me, but I can't see you with a magnifying glass.

36. Cherish the flowers and lose. Tears flow when you are tired of tears. In my dream, I found her thousands of times, but when I woke up, it was empty.

37. To love the person you love is a kind of happiness. You can remember the beauty of the past.

38. There is nothing wrong with singing love songs alone. It's better than crying for someone you don't deserve to love.

39. Don't be afraid. I have always stood behind you and always stood by you when you called.

40. It takes one day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

41. We are not good actors emotionally. I can't hide my love. You can't act enthusiastically.

42. I love you because I trust you. Now you can't even give me the least trust.

43. Time has not taught me anything, but it has taught me not to believe in myths easily.

44. The sky was originally a scenery, but after meeting the right person, it became a mood.

45. Since love, why don't you say something? If something is lost, it will never come back.

46. After walking the road we once walked, my left hand was empty, and only the wind passed through my fingers.

47. I don't need you to be perfect. I just need you to make me feel that I am the only one.

48. I've been wandering for so long and don't want to go home. Because you are not at home, I will never have a home.

49. My sunset like sadness is like a melancholy bird, and the melancholy bird flies into my sunset like sadness.

50. When you stop to think about whether you love someone, it means you no longer love him.

51. There are some people you think are important. If you don't contact them, they will never contact you.

52. Cool Luoyi, an emotion quietly spreads in my heart, and those old days slip quietly at my fingertips.

53. Remembering every drop of your heart, it began to hurt and could not breathe, and tears could not stop flowing down.

54. Go to see the person you want to see, do what you want to do, while the sun is right, while the breeze is quiet, while you are not old.

55. Many people don't need to see each other again, because they are just passing by. Forgetting is the best memory we can give each other.

56. One day, you will meet that person and accompany you to watch every sunrise until the end of your life.

57. Remembering how much I loved you before, I now know that I only loved myself at that time, when I was young.

58. Who can see through this mask of strength and falsehood? I really want someone to comfort me and make me cry.

59. When I am in a bad mood, I just want to be alone and quiet. Don't ask for comfort, just ask someone to understand.

60. Sometimes, love is also a kind of injury. Cruel people choose to hurt others; Good people choose to hurt themselves.

61. The whole world is green and full of vitality. Except me, I am lazy and neglected, so I forget the taste of spring.

62. The mountains and oceans separated us. I had no choice but to meet you again in memory and in dreams.

63. Until one day I don't want to stay any more, but let go of your hand, will you miss me as well.

64. The most regrettable thing in life is to give up what should not be given up easily and insist on what should not be insisted on stubbornly.

65. Sometimes, we may be so fragile that we burst into tears in a word; Sometimes, I also found that I had walked a long way with my teeth clenched.

66. I hope there is a person who can make me yearn for tea and food all the time, sleep and eat uneasily, and become thinner and thinner day by day.

67. Growth is like this, pain and happiness. You have to accept all the harm the world has brought you, and then grow up without fear.

68. I don't know what the pressure brings to me. I just know that the pressure of adding love to me does not know whether I can survive.

69. Memory is like water poured into the palm. Whether you spread it out or hold it tightly, it will flow clean from your fingers.

70. I have told myself time and again that I am not alone. I always like to deceive myself. Just like I cheated myself that I didn't love you.

71. Maybe a person will become mature after going through many roads and experiencing countless unexpected prosperity and desolation in life.

72. It is said that the memory of a fish is only seven seconds. If it is true, I would like to be a fish. I will remember you frequently and forget you in a trance.

73. Whether you are beside me or on the horizon, when I think of you in the corner of the world, I feel that the whole world has become gentle and stable.

74. When we parted, we had no lingering tears, and we were relatively speechless. Look at the setting sun shining through Wenfeng Tower and its afterglow on the bank of Xiqing River.

75. Don't trust others just because they say what you want to hear. Don't lose your temper with your family just because they say something you don't want to hear.

76. Good love is to choose a kind of life and stick to it. If you encounter problems on the way, you are willing to find reasons on your own, and so is the other party.

77. I think we are true love. I thought he loved me. I thought we would never part. However, it turns out that all this is just a lie.

78. Sometimes, your words can make me think for a few days. Sometimes, your words can let me down for a few days. This is caring.

79. He uttered his heart and did not respond. Even when he looked at you, his eyes were cold. The feeling of helplessness was like being struck by a heavy plank on his face.

80. Thank you for accompanying me during the college year. Take care of me, so that I can still feel the warmth of home in the place kilometers away from home.

81. If you think I'm pretty good, and I think you're in tune, we can make do with getting a small red book, and then go on living like a cow.

82. A little lonely, I don't know how to say, let it pass in silence, I left, in fact, it never came, but the heart is very soft at night.

83. A turn around and a fireworks show, there is no youth that can not be returned forever, leaving only a faint fragrance of writing and calligraphy, which is the deepest injury you ever suffered in my heart.

84. The end of love is to let go. Yes, I think so. Why do we have to say goodbye? If the goal is clear, the heart will not be so painful.

85. On one's journey, a leaf is dancing in a monotonous way. Without accurate rhythm, the movement is still circulating, and vague and clear memories are lost.

86. People can live happily, but we have chosen to be complex, to sigh and hate, to provoke disputes, love, and to cover up all mistakes.

87. The first button was wrong, but you didn't find it until the last one. Some things are wrong at the beginning, but only in the end have to admit.

88. There is always a place, a person, that makes you feel excited and nostalgic. There is always someone who says sorry, which makes your heart ache and unforgettable.

89. In a person's life, when he looks at it, he smiles. When he smiles, he fades. When he fades, he cries. When he cries, he is tired. When he is tired, he will understand.

90. Silence does not simply mean that people who do not speak and are sedentary are prone to failure. Timely silence is a mentality of wisdom, skill and advantage.

91. It turns out that the children who have something to do with words are always unhappy. Their happiness is like a playful child who wanders to the sky, but still refuses to return.

92. Feelings are hard to understand. He didn't do much. As a result, your love for him has spread out uncontrollably, and you clearly wanted to restrain it at the beginning.

93. When I wanted to look for your figure in the dark, I found that you were like air. I can't catch you, just as you catch my beating but wobbling heart!

94. Some people, some things, should forget it. People never put you in their heart, so don't be sentimental. Don't appear, don't disturb, is the last way to love.

95. After breaking up, you used a good looking word. Actually, I was dumped, right? If you don't accept the fact that you have been dumped, you will not be able to start the next love.

96. Walk on your own, with only the shadow of decline. Silent, the shadow is still holding on, how can I find reasons to escape all of this.

97. Every girl does not have a high vision. Instead, she wants to give her life to a man. The act of giving it away really needs careful consideration, and it is more important to look at people.

98. Looking back and gazing, love has become a tragedy. I would like to turn into a red bud on the edge of the cliff grass and let the long rain soak the whole heart. From now on, I can only go alone in the sea of thousands of miles.

99. Two people have been together for a long time. When they see the scene of hugging and kissing, they will use romance to describe it. Two people together for a long time, people will become very careful and sensitive, dumb and learn to sweet talk.

100. In your life, there will at least one time that you forget yourself for someone, asking for no result, no company, no ownership or even love. Just ask to meet you in my most beautiful years.

101. Who hasn't suffered for the secret love? We always think that infatuation is very heavy and heavy, which is the heaviest weight in the world. One day, looking back, we found that it has always been very light, very light.

102. I dare not say it, because I am timid, because if you refuse, I will never see you again. I would rather love you silently than let you know until you are surrounded by others.

103. The love between prince and princess is not realistic enough. The love of money and fame will not last long. Only the love in the heart is the love of ordinary people - a look, a smile and a kiss.

104. Face, not necessarily the most sad. Loneliness is not necessarily unhappy. Get, not necessarily long. Lose, not necessarily no longer have. Don't fall in love because of loneliness. Don't fall in love because of loneliness.

105. One always goes on a strange road, sees strange scenery and listens to strange songs. Then one day, you will find that the things you tried hard to forget are really forgotten.

106. Pain is inevitable, but I must use all my strength to save myself from a self torture. I must not think that my life has been neglected by anyone and lost its value.

107. One thing, no matter how beautiful it is, once it has a result, don't bother. You will be tired after a long time; A person, even if you can't catch it, you should let it go at the right time. After a long time, you will break your mind and heart.

108. Some people can only leave if they don't come; Some things can only be given up if they are not wanted; Some of the past, about happiness or pain, can only be buried in the bottom of my heart; Some hope that we can only choose to forget about the present or the future.

109. In countless sleepless nights, I believe there will be many people who habitually start to close their eyes and silently miss a person and a face. In their hearts, it may be enough to have such a person to miss.

110. In this world, there is no feeling that can go back. Even if you really go back, you will find that everything has changed. The only thing I can go back to is the memory in my heart. Yes, we can't go back, so we can only go forward.