Reflections on How to Read a Book
Love yourself
2023-07-05 08:12:52

How to Read a Book, published in 1940, is still highly respected. The authors of this book are Mortimer J. Adler and Charles, two editors of Encyclopedia Britannica. Van Doren.

This is a book that teaches us how to read, but what's interesting is that this 300 page book is not easy to read. Only when your desire for reading is strong enough can you finish reading this book and find a way to read. The method itself can also deepen your understanding when you read this book for the second time. It's a bit like that you lack a decompression software and find that it is in compression format.

We have all read a lot of books. No matter how confident you are about your reading ability, if you have not read this book, your reading ability must not reach the best.

What I have gained from reading this book is that I have understood the levels of reading: basic reading, inspection reading, analytical reading, and thematic reading. The first three reading methods are for book types, while theme reading is for reading purposes. Among them, analytical reading, as a core ability, needs to be mastered. Themed reading is the highest level of reading. Only when you really master the theme reading can you study a specific theme deeply and quickly.

When reading this book for the first time, most people will feel very tired. Therefore, it is suggested that you should read the contents of this book repeatedly, think patiently for several times, understand the structural relationship and general meaning of the contents, and then start reading. For me, reading most of the contents of this book is obscure and hard to understand. However, in order to master the reading method and improve the efficiency of future reading, I also read hard at many intervals. Reading a sentence in the last chapter of this book makes me feel that this kind of effort is worth it.

If all the books you read are within your ability, you can't improve your reading ability. You must be able to manipulate books that are beyond your ability, or, as we say, read books that are beyond your mind. Only such books can help your mind grow. You can't learn anything unless you can grow your mind.

What I have done so far is just skimming through the book, which is far from being understood (let alone applied). I will read it again and again as a pillow book.

If you are a person who likes reading and want to improve your judgment, selection, reading and absorption of books, it is recommended that you set aside enough time and read and study this book patiently. I believe that the time you put into this book How to Read a Book is worth it: sharpening the knife does not hurt the wood cutter!