Reflections on Journey to the West
Mountains and waters always have feelings
2023-10-09 18:25:32

It mainly tells the story of Tang Monk, Monkey King, Pig Bajie and Monk Sha's apprentices who went through hardships from the Eastern Tang Dynasty to the Western Heaven to worship the Buddha.
Tang monk is kind-hearted; Sun Wukong's wit, courage and perseverance; Zhu Bajie is lazy and lazy, and Sha Seng is honest and honest. After reading this book, I was deeply moved by the spirit of Tang Seng's four masters and disciples to march forward bravely and not be intimidated by difficulties.
Our life is like that described in Journey to the West. Every step we take may lead to difficulties. To learn, I will learn the indomitable spirit of the Monkey King; In life, we should be honest and kind-hearted like Tang Monk and Sha Monk; But sometimes, we should also learn from Zhu Bajie's "laziness", take a break from busy times, give ourselves some leisure space, and make ourselves get comprehensive development.
I believe that as long as we are not afraid of hardship and fatigue, everything can succeed!