Natsume Soseki's Classic Sentences Natsume Soseki's Classic Love Sentences (Selected 90 Sentences)
Flowers in full bloom
2023-03-15 17:11:12
Complete sentences

1. The moon planted in the west, silver like practice, but already thin, like half cut letter paper.

2. If my life is serious, then what I said today is also serious.

3. I am willing to bear my loneliness today, instead of being more lonely than today, and my loneliness in the future.

4. Even though I know today at 30, happiness is also full of sorrow.

5. Take up the sacred cross and walk alone on the road to the altar, neither envious nor envious.

6. This world is a distant "past" to him at ordinary times, but it has the nature that it must become "present" in an emergency.

7. When I regained my freedom, it was on the scattered branches of Bazhong Cherry that the early summer season began to grow misty green leaves.

8. Living in the world will understand more truth, although it is a happy thing to understand more truth. But one day later, it will be more dangerous. After understanding more truth, it may become sleek or vulgar, forming a talisman of different minds.

9. Although these people look happy, if you ask them the bottom of their hearts, you can hear the echo of sadness.

10. Fate brings us together, and nothing else is mentioned.

11. Sticking to reason reveals its edge, indulging in love drifts with the tide, and clinging to one's own opinion binds one's own corner. In short, the world is difficult to live in.

12. Anyway, it's a cheap life that I don't even know when I will die. Try new things while I'm still alive. It's too late to regret after lying under the tombstone.

13. The purpose of life is not to speak quickly, but to practice. To advance things step by step according to the preset is to achieve the goal of life.

14. These vulgar eyes are born to look at appearances and never care about the inside.

15. Do you feel lonely even if you see me? I don't have the strength to uproot loneliness for you. You are bound to show your fists in other directions. You won't come to me soon.

16. It was sold out in the 19th century, and caught up with the appearance of unsalable in the 20th century.

17. Even if I don't speculate on my husband, he is always afraid of others' cold speculating eyes.

18. Thought it was time to appear but disappeared, thought it disappeared but just forgot to come back.

19. There is only one woman in the world I have ever been close to.

20. I still go to school, but the sound of teaching on the platform sounds like people talking from afar; Still reading, the typeface in my eyes has dissipated like smoke before it has deeply burned my heart. I became more reticent.

21. There is a kind of sentimental person in the world. When he meets a person with squint eyes, he thinks he has a crush on him.

22. The world allows too much self indulgence. When a woman glances sideways, she thinks she is a fan.

23. After saying goodbye, I went out of the door. There was a thick sweet clover between the entrance and the door, which seemed to cover my way, spreading branches and leaves in the dark night. I walked two or three steps and looked back at the treetops covered by the ink like leaves, thinking of the upcoming autumn flowers and fragrance.

24. Although human beings are smart, their biggest weakness is that they forget their original intention out of habit.

25. I can't trust others because I don't trust myself. I have no choice but to curse myself.

26. The reason why I abandon today's respect is that tomorrow will not be insulted; The reason why we endure today's loneliness is that we will not tolerate greater loneliness tomorrow.

27. Too much emphasis on reason, which is easy to cause friction with people; If you are too obedient to your emotions, you will be influenced by them; If you stick to your own opinion too much, you will end up in the end. In a word, the world is not pleasant.

28. There is only one woman in the world I have ever been close to. Except for my wife, almost all women are not women to me. My wife only regards me as the only man in the world. In this sense, we should be the happiest couple in the world.

29. Too much emphasis on reason, which is easy to cause friction with people; If you are too obedient to your emotions, you will be influenced by them; If you stick to your own opinion too much, you will end up in the end.

30. All happiness in the world must come from hardship.

31. I think that if I go further, what I expect will appear in front of me sooner or later, which will satisfy me. I am young, but not all people are so enthusiastic and sincere.

32. No matter how great you are, it is impossible to make everything go well in the world. Neither the sunset can rise nor the Jiamaochuan River can be turned back. The only thing that can be restrained is your own mind.

33. No, Hiroka seems to be deliberately refusing others' sympathy. Is he expressing a kind of obstinacy of "living in isolation for you to see"? Or do you realize that this is the true face of the present society? Either way

34. Even though I was tempted thousands of times, I still felt calm.

35. The hard won opportunity will let all animals do things they didn't like to do.

36. Money! At the sight of money, any decent person will become a bad person immediately!

37. One step into the mountain gate, the green of the ancient Miao world strikes from left to right to shoulder.

38. Death is the end of everything. Even if you accumulate time day by day, day by day, and month by month, in the final analysis, you will accumulate everything to become a tomb.

39. If you are born unqualified, there are only two ways: you may be willing to be out of tune with the world, or you may be patient until you are in harmony with the society.

40. To die is to gain this tranquility. It is impossible to gain this tranquility without dying.

41. Men are argumentative and seem very interesting. I thought that a talk would solve the problem.

42. After all, only cats can understand the world of cats. No matter how developed the human society is, in this regard alone, there is no alternative. Moreover, human beings are not as great as they think, which is even more difficult.

43. When I was young, I cut a papaya book with leaves attached, and adjusted the shape of the branches and leaves with enthusiasm to use it as a pen holder. I put it on the table and let the two and five percent brush lean against it. Looking at the white pen tip looming between the flowers and leaves, my heart was full of joy.

44. Too much cleverness is easy to be mistaken by cleverness, too much affection is easy to be impulsive, and too stubborn is easy to be trapped. In a word, it is not easy to deal with all kinds of things in the world.

45. I don't know whether the rain is moving, the tree is moving, or the dream is moving.