reaction to a book or an article
White and turbid wine in the cup
2024-01-23 04:25:45
Grade 6
reaction to a book or an article

Standing on the seemingly boundless ridge of the field, letting the breeze blow the hair around my ears and closing my eyes, I felt like I had entered the novel of Mr. Cao Wenxuan. Behind those shining metallic grass houses, there are a lot of wheat waves rolling with sunshine. Among the wheat waves, I can see the dim and old figure?
She is the hero of "Ai Di"; She is a strong old man; She is Grandma Qin.
She has her own dream: to own a piece of land with her husband. They worked hard day and night, and finally realized this dream. Unfortunately, the good times didn't last long. Qin Da died prematurely. Before the wheat was ripe, the local people took her land in order to run a school. While I was angry with Yaumadi people, I also admired Grandma Qin's tenacity. She planted a lot of wormwood and buried herself in the endless yearning for Qin Da and the bitter taste of wormwood, but who knew that her heart was even more bitter.
Like a child, she protested against people's injustice with various actions. I can even feel the old man's helplessness from the lines, and we can fully understand her resentment towards the local people. However, when the pupils of that school accidentally fell into the water, she bravely stepped forward and changed everyone's bad impression of her.
Since then, she has become the patron saint here. Take care of children and teachers. In time after time, she became more and more open-minded and became a kind old lady. She loves the children here, as well as the plants and trees here, because she loves them too much, which leads to irreversible consequences - she fell into the water just for a pumpkin that is about to fall into the water, leaving everything she cares about.
Like Granny Qin, wormwood can't be destroyed by wind and rain. She has toughness and perseverance. Although she has been wrapped in bitterness all her life, she doesn't give up. Although she never left her name from beginning to end, her image has been deeply impressed in our hearts. Her indomitable spirit is what we contemporary students lack.