Feeling about Reading Wonderful and Terrible
Jungle red maple
2024-02-03 16:25:26
fifth grade
Reading Notes

Today, I read the text "Wonderful and Terrible", which made me feel deeply
The text is about a poem written by the author when he was a child. The mother thought it was wonderful, because the mother knew that the child needed encouragement, but the father said it was terrible, because the father thought that encouragement was not enough for the child. These two opposite evaluations had a great impact on the author. Since then, the author was full of confidence and wrote one novel after another
My parents and I are the same as the author's parents.
I remember one time, I got 97 points in the exam. I was ecstatic. When I got home, I handed my examination paper to my mother. My mother looked at it and said to me, "That's great! Please go and have a meal on Sunday..." My mother praised me so much that I was dizzy. My heart was very happy. She thought, "Even my mother praised me so much, not to mention my father!" I waited for my father's arrival at home.
An hour later, two hours later... Dad finally pushed the door and entered. I hurriedly handed Dad's examination paper to Dad, thinking how Dad would praise me, "I want to be proud!" Dad said to me, my good mood was spoiled by Dad's four words. I even hated Dad, but I knew Dad loved me
Everyone has a boat in his life. He is encouraged not to be arrogant and discouraged not to be criticized. He is dedicated to being a useful person