2022 Gu Yu Excellent Copywriting 2022 Winter Olympics Theme Copywriting (89 selected sentences)
Encounter tulips
2023-03-10 21:50:57
Complete sentences

1. As the temperature of Gu Yu warms up, everything is in a good mood, and the happy work performance increases. Happy blessings go through time and space, and peace and health follow. Happiness and auspiciousness flow into Gu Yu's heart, and Gu Yu's happiness is innumerable.

2. Grain rain, grain rain, preaching rain, how big the rain, grain rice blossom. Friend friend, Pengcheng friend, how long the friendship is, how long the landscape flows, how long the care is, how long the care is, April 20. On this day!

3. In the season of grain rain, flowers smell, and sesame opens and blossoms. The oriental blessing rain hastens the blossom of happiness; The auspicious rain in the west urges the blooming of auspicious flowers; The rain in the south hastens the blossom of love; The rain in the north hastens the development of wealth. Gu Yu is happy!

4. It is light, overcast, cool and full of air outside the city, and the scenery, valley and rain are nearly clear.

5. The branches and branches are stained with blood, and the wind is late. The calyx and calyx are sad to open, and the valley is sunny.

6. The last solar term in spring is full of vitality, and Gu Yu is happy!

7. The water is flowing, the fish are swimming, forget all the worries; The wind is blowing and the rain is falling. I want to make you laugh; Friendly heart, like my heart, chat with you most happily; The weather is kind, the ground is kind, today Gu Yu is in a good mood!

8. Poplar flowers and willow catkins dance with the wind. The rain gives birth to hundreds of grains. The summer is coming. Today's grain rain is coming.

9. The temperature rises in the grain rain season, and farmers are busy planting melons and beans. I also plant happy seedlings and work hard to water them for growth. Just wait for Miao Zhuang to grow up and share with friends. Wish you good health, and our friendship will last forever!

10. During the grain rain season, people are busy, and every family is busy sowing seeds. Plant hope and be happy, and work hard to irrigate sweat. This year is a bumper harvest year, and the granary will be full of grain. Happy life is waving, and happiness will last forever!

11. Today's grain rain, the rain produces hundreds of grains, and everything is renewed!

12. Health rain moistens your body; The rain of happiness will nourish your mood; Sweet rain, wet your love; Splendid rain drenches your career; Beautiful rain, accompany your life. Today, Gu Yu presents you with five rains, happiness and auspiciousness.

13. With the arrival of the valley rain, we can enjoy the most beautiful April day in the world with you.

14. In the season of grain rain, I will give you a day of blessing rain: happy rain in the morning, lucky rain at noon, sweet rain in the afternoon, and happiness rain in the evening! Remember to go out and bathe in the rain!

15. In the season of grain rain, the flying catkins fly in the water, greeting the wind. The spring rain is falling, everything is reviving, and the blessings are like clouds. May the spring rain moisten your heart and happiness accompany you forever! Gu Yu is happy!

16. In the season of grain rain, it's a good spring rain. The light rain is coming happily, the medium rain is coming happily, the heavy rain is coming from the source of wealth, and the rainstorm is coming with good luck. I wish you a happy, happy and healthy grain rain!

17. Red and green branches, willows like silk in the valley rain season; Good luck, happiness, and happiness in the rainy season; Smile more and sleep more. Greetings from Guyu season: life is wonderful and you are in a good mood. May your days be happy and carefree.

18. Grain rain and grain rain, auspicious spring rain: the morning drizzle brings you luck, the morning drizzle brings the god of wealth, the rain comes with happiness, the evening rain brings happiness, and everyone reports at night to send you health and peace. Gu Yu is happy!

19. The temperature rises in the grain rain season, and farmers are busy planting melons and beans. I also plant happy seedlings and work hard to water them for growth. Just wait for Miao Zhuang to grow up and share with friends. I wish you good health and our friendship will last forever.

20. Qingming Wine in the style jar and Guyu Tea in the hilltop.

21. Light rain and beautiful mood in spring; Rain floats, worries and sorrows disappear; The rain is fine, and the missing of friends cannot be replaced; The rain is endless, nourishing everything. When the grain rain comes, may you smile in the rain and wash away the dust!

22. Good fortune comes from Gu Yun, Gu Yang shines, good fortune comes, Gu Lei sounds, money comes, and Gu Yu Shun'an depends on you; Guyu wishes you happiness and happiness. I wish you all the best!

23. Today's Grain Rain, the last solar term of spring, wishes the vitality sown in spring to thrive.

24. Sleeping to listen to the sound of rain, the rain drips, the blessing is thick; Heart touch rain curtain, rain, joy!

25. The flower wind will get rid of the old red, and the grain rain will welcome the young green.

26. The warmth and moisture of spring always begin with a light rain. "When the grain rain clears up, spring returns again every year.".

27. Seed with the most sincere wishes and expectations, hoping to take root and sprout in the rainy season, thrive in the spring wind, and bring good fruits and the fragrance of peaches and plums throughout the year!

28. Grain rain is the season of sowing. Please plant your dreams, irrigate them with hard work, and fertilize them with perseverance to grow with hope; If you get a lot of gold and jade soon, remember to share it with me. I wish you happiness!

29. Sow the seeds of hope and harvest the fruits of harvest; Planting hot dreams and blooming flowers; Send sincere wishes to welcome a happy life. In the valley rain season, I wish you all the best and happiness will follow you forever!

30. During the grain rain season, the temperature rises, and the rain becomes more and more humid. Don't be blown by the cold wind when sweating. Add clothes sooner or later. Take care to avoid pollen when going out, prevent moisture and keep healthy. Remember to eat light, low salt, low sugar and low fat.

31. Grain rain season is coming, and everything is alive. I wish you a super well-off life, healthy as steel, sweet in pairs, and delicious to eat! Happy every day, always healthy!

32. My mood is like countless grains: your life is like a full barn; In this season, throw away the old expired husks. Guyu season has come, let my message bring you good luck!

33. I will plant beans and melons with sweat of labor, sow happiness seeds, pour wealth water, grow healthy buds, and bear friendship fruits. In the season of Grain Rain, I will give them to you: May you have a fruitful life!

34. Gu Yu came to Buguming to urge people to sow seeds quickly. Hard work to plant the seedlings of struggle, in return for a basket of success. There is no need to worry about a happy life. Grain rain irrigates the flowers of happiness. Gu Yu is coming. May your life be happy forever!

35. The grass is green, the willow is yellow, and the brook murmurs in spring. Time goes by quickly and people are in a hurry. Don't hesitate on the long road ahead. Good luck is always with you, and happiness is always in your heart. I miss you and wish you good luck and good health.

36. The cloud lane is light, overcast, and the valley is dry. Semi vertical oil curtain protects residual cold.

37. Qingming Sorghum Grain Rain Flower, Beginning Summer Millet Small Full of Potatoes; Cotton is planted before the grain rain, and it can grow quickly. Today is the solar term and the valley rain. I wish you no pains and no gains. The joy of harvest will always accompany you!

38. Good rain knows the season. Blessings happen. Blessing warms my heart after the new rain in the empty mountain.

39. Today's grain rain produces hundreds of grains. In the growing season of all things, there should be no downward heart. It is the right time to struggle!

40. Poems about plum trees and moons, tea fried grain and rain in spring.

41. Today's Grain Rain, "the water meets by chance, and the rain produces hundreds of grains". The rain outside is a sin. The leaves in the rain, which are getting richer and richer, are nourished by water, like an excited heart, like first love.

42. In the rainy season, flowers bloom brightly. Don't delay in planting grains. Happiness blooms with sweat, and grain harvest depends on hard work. The beauty of life is painted by both hands, and a happy family depends on harmony. I wish my friend Gu Yuhuan good health and prestige!

43. Let you shine forever with the sunshine of spring; With the breath of spring, I hope you are tender as water; With today's Grain Rain Solar Term, I will sow the seeds of hope for you. I hope my short message can make everything go well for you and make you happy every day!

44. Today's grain rain makes life warmer and happiness grows wantonly.

45. It's the season of grain rain. Although the temperature is getting higher, it's still cool in the morning and evening. Those who leave early and return late should pay attention to increasing or decreasing their clothes to avoid colds! Allergic people should pay attention to prevent pollen and keep healthy! I wish you happiness and good luck!