41 famous quotes of Dewey
Acacia turns into red tears
2023-04-29 16:28:34
A complete list of famous sayings

1. If we pay too much attention to practicality, it will be impractical.

2. Education is not preparation for life, but life itself.

3. Education is the process of life, not the preparation for future life.

4. Reading is a kind of adventure, such as exploring new lands and new soil.

5. The great progress of science comes from new and bold imagination.

6. Teachers are always the spokesmen of the true God and the guides of the true heaven.

7. It is very important to emphasize the value of the early experiences of immature people.

8. Labor is highly respected, and serving the society is a highly appreciated moral ideal.

9. The greatest progress of science is brought about by a new and bold imagination.

10. Every great achievement in science is based on bold fantasy.

11. The deepest driving force in human nature is that hope is important and hope to be praised.

12. A good person is a person who is starting to become better, no matter how worthless he was morally in the past.

13. The deepest driving force in human nature is "the desire for attention"

14. As long as school and life are linked, all disciplines will inevitably be linked to each other.

15. No matter what kind of career, such as business, can be separated from education. Without education, there will be no career.

16. The future, not the past, dominates imagination. The golden age is in front of us, not behind us.

17. The key to happiness is to find out the most suitable environment for a person to do and ensure that he or she can do it.

18. If a person does not develop the spirit of science, he will not have the best tool designed for the effective guidance of human thinking.

19. The whole class of children is generally regarded as the same, without identifying their personality, there will never be education that is truly consistent with scientific principles.

20. Education can not only develop children and young people, but also the future society. Such children and young people are the elements of the future society.

21. People must cherish certain beliefs, hold certain dreams and hopes, have rainbows, have songs to sing, and have noble things to join in.

22. Failure is an education. People who know what "thinking" is can learn a lot no matter whether they are successful or failed.

23. Emotion can help and stimulate reason, instead of becoming empty or inconsistent in knowledge and action; Reasoning and intelligence can guide emotions, strengthen emotions, and prevent them from becoming blind and reckless or acting like a tiger.

24. There is only one way to test the success or failure of the new experiment in education, which is to check the newly educated children to see whether their life is beneficial to society.

25. We can purposely use education to make young people start on the right path, thus eliminating obvious social evils. We can use education as a tool to realize the better hopes of mankind.

26. Children often work together in schools, so the reason for such schools is that children must learn how to work together with others. The reason is to enable individuals to get full and free development.

27. Feeling marks the process of behavior habits from one process to another. In this sense, feeling is "relative".

28. Modern industry is becoming more and more complicated due to various scientific inventions. Workers who are eager for real success must have a good foundation of general education, on which to cultivate their specialized skills.

29. Social environment fosters personal wisdom behavior and tendency; Cultivated methods enable individuals to engage in various activities that arouse and enhance various actions, which have certain purposes and bear certain consequences.

30. Through education, society can clearly express its own purpose, organize its own methods and means, and shape itself clearly and effectively towards its desired goals.

31. If he cannot plan his own way to solve problems and find his own way out, he will learn nothing; Even if he can recite some correct answers, 100% correct, he still can't learn anything.

32. This kind of vocational education does not make young people succumb to the requirements and standards of the current system, but uses scientific and social factors to develop their courage and develop their practical and executive wisdom.

33. Our social life is undergoing a thorough and fundamental change. If our education must have any meaning for life, then it must undergo a corresponding complete change.

34. The so-called villain, no matter how kind he has been in the past, has slipped down the path of degeneration and lost his goodness; The so-called good man, even though he has a past that cannot be mentioned morally, is still a person who moves towards good.

35. To really think more, we must be willing to endure and continue the state of doubt, which is the motivation for thorough exploration, so that we will not accept a certain idea or affirm a certain belief before showing sufficient reasons.

36. Education based on the function of things to the society is essential to cultivate morality and increase knowledge. The closer and direct connection between what children learn and the social situation, the more correct and practical the knowledge they get.

37. Teachers are not simply engaged in training a person, but in the formation of appropriate social life. Every teacher should be aware of the dignity of his profession; He is a public servant of the society, specializing in maintaining normal social order and seeking correct social growth.

38. Education is an activity including science. It is in the process of education that more questions are raised for further study, which are reflected in the process of education and further change the process of education. Therefore, more ideas and more science are required to go back and forth to infinity.

39. The social importance of many eye-catching production methods in industry has greatly increased, inevitably making the relationship between school education and industrial life more important. The occurrence of such a large-scale social transformation will not fail to challenge the education inherited from different social conditions, and will not fail to raise many new problems for education.

40. Education is the basic method of social progress and social reform. The reform only depends on the formulation of laws and regulations, or the threat of punishment, or the change of mechanical or external arrangements, which is temporary and invalid. Education is a regulating role in the process of sharing social consciousness, and the adaptation of individual activities based on this social appreciation is the only reliable way of social transformation.

41. In order to create a democratic society, we need an educational system. In this system, the process of moral and intellectual development is, in practice and theory, an interactive process in which free and independent people engage in exploration and cooperation. These people regard the past thoughts and inherited things, both in quantity and quality, as the means and methods to further enrich their lives, They use their good achievements to discover and make better things.