91 famous sayings and sentences of happiness
smile drily
2023-03-11 20:00:59
Complete sentences

1. Happiness comes from desire—— Schiller

2. To enrich time is happiness—— Emerson

3. Happiness and happiness are two different things—— Zhou Libo

4. Happiness is the intoxication of the soul—— Xi Murong

5. Happiness is always full of defects—— Annie Baby

6. Today's conscience is the requirement of happiness—— Sanmuqing

7. Happiness belongs to contented people—— Aristotle

8. Happiness itself is long endurance—— Farcamus

9. The first condition of happiness is health—— Curtis

10. Only a red branch can blossom in autumn evening—— Wu Chengen

11. When ambition ends, happiness begins—— nameless

12. It is great happiness not to yield to misfortune—— Xie Fa

13. Everyone can become a happiness builder—— Bacon

14. Happiness lies in love and self forgetting—— Zhou Guoping

15. Fulfillment is satisfaction, and contentment is happiness—— Liang Qiushi

16. For people, misfortune is twice as much as happiness—— Homer

17. Be a kind person and seek happiness for the masses—— Golgi

18. In life, the only happiness is to keep moving forward—— Zola

19. The two enemies of human happiness are pain and boredom—— schopenhauer

20. Hope, you are the beginning of the promised happiness—— Valen

21. The happiest thing is only after hard work—— Zhai Qiubai

22. It is also a kind of happiness to have a person who can miss—— Apricot grove

23. Love is a great happiness for people—— Suhomlinski

24. Only by expecting a little can we approach the highest happiness—— Socrates

25. There are thousands of buildings in Ande, which make all the poor people in the world happy—— Du Fu

26. Happiness is to remember youth, witness the era, and live a grateful life—— Bai Yansong

27. The more happiness is shared with others, the more its value increases—— Seiichi Morimura

28. Happiness lies in creating a new life—— Nikolai Ostrovsky

29. I am an ordinary person, and I only want the happiness of ordinary people—— Petrarch

30. It is much happier to die for beauty than to live for bread—— Emerson

31. Happiness and joy are often mixed with misfortune and sorrow—— Cololenco

32. Being faithful to yourself is indispensable to one's happiness—— Paine

33. The invisible destiny can make people enjoy happiness without envy—— Bacon

34. Can we get closer to happiness by standing on tiptoe—— Zhang Ailing

35. Give professional dedication to care givers happiness—— Nightingale

36. Xiaobei: What is happiness? Happiness is the shredded meat on the chopsticks—— Zhang Xin

37. I was thinking that when moths fight against fire, they must be very happy—— Sanmao

38. What is happiness? She looked at me with a little provocative extension—— Annie Baby

39. Happiness will never patronize those who do not cherish everything—— nameless

40. It's not painful to die suddenly, but it's really unbearable to be tired for a long time—— nameless

41. People who always think they are unhappy will never be happy—— Silas

42. The loss of future happiness is more painful than the loss of existing happiness—— Balzac

43. Happiness lies in living for others—— Leo Tolstoy

44. When you are happy, don't lose the virtue that makes you happy—— Moroa

45. There is happiness when there is life—— Leo Tolstoy

46. The secret of happiness is freedom, and the secret of freedom is courage—— Thucydides

47. The happiest place in life is the emotional network we have been building—— nameless

48. People are happy when they find the meaning of life—— You Bondalev

49. As long as you have a reasonable thing to do, your life will look particularly beautiful—— Einstein

50. To enjoy happiness at home is the ultimate goal of all ambitions—— Sai Johnson

51. Do more good deeds in order to be a happy person—— Leo Tolstoy

52. A person with lofty ideals will feel happy even in the most difficult times—— Xu Teli

53. Happiness based on the pain of others is not real happiness—— A Babayeva

54. The more one's ideals, the more likely he is to be happy—— Charlotte Catherine

55. Working for the happiness of mankind is such a magnificent cause and such a great goal—— Saint-Simon

56. In order to live happily, we should believe in the possibility of happiness—— Leo Tolstoy

57. Willpower is the source of happiness, and happiness comes from self-discipline—— George Santayena

58. True love can only come into being after giving up personal happiness—— Leo Tolstoy

59. Bad memory is a magic weapon to become happy—— Rita May Brown

60. I am a member of the broad masses of hardworking people. It is the happiest that I can help people overcome some difficulties—— Lei Feng

61. Commitment is the foundation of a happy and long-term marriage relationship—— Florence Isaacs

62. Fools seek happiness in the distance, while wise people sow happiness at their feet—— James Oppenhan

63. Let others live more comfortably. It doesn't matter if you don't have happiness. It's also comfortable to see others get a happy life—— Lu Xun

64. When a person becomes himself, he or she reaches the peak of happiness—— Erasmus de Sidiu

65. Only when people improve for their contemporaries and work for their happiness can they achieve their own perfection—— Marx

66. Happy families are similar, and unhappy families have their own misfortunes—— Leo Tolstoy

67. The true happiness comes from the wholehearted devotion to the pursuit of our goals—— William Cobb

68. Happiness is not inherently bad, but some happiness producers have brought many times more trouble than happiness—— Epicurus

69. A person who eats well and dresses well is not happy. Only the poor people in the world live a good life is true happiness—— Wang Jie

70. When I was young, happiness was a very simple thing; When you grow up, simple is a very happy thing.

71. If you want others to be happy, please learn to sympathize. If you want to be happy, please learn to sympathize—— Dalai Lama

72. The happiness of each of us also depends on the prosperity of the motherland. If the interests of the motherland are harmed, each of us will not be happy—— Lei Feng

73. Being loved is the same happiness as loving others, and once you get it, it will be enough for a lifetime—— Leo Tolstoy

74. It is not because of where you are, but because of the spiritual world, which makes people happy or sad—— RogerL Estrange

75. I think a person should put his interests first and contribute to the cause of the Party, which is the happiest—— Lei Feng

76. My art should only benefit the poor. Ah, what a happy moment! How happy I should be when I can get close to this point—— Beethoven

77. If the pain is to get to know the truth and adhere to the truth, you should consciously and gladly bear it. At that time, and only then, will the pain become happiness—— Zhang Zhixin

78. Happiness is like perfume, which is not poured on others, but on oneself—— Ralph Waldo Emerson

79. Cattle eat grass and horses eat food. Cattle enjoy the least and produce the most, so it is best to be a scalper. I am willing to be an old scalper for the Party and the people all my life—— Wang Jinxi

80. Even if you become a handful of soil, as long as it is paved on the road leading to truth and your partners stride forward, it is also the greatest happiness—— Wu Yunduo

81. To seek happiness in the midst of wealth, power, honor and exclusive love will not only fail to obtain happiness, but also will definitely lose happiness—— Leo Tolstoy

82. When a person plans for himself, his desire to pursue happiness can only be satisfied under very rare circumstances, and it is never beneficial to himself or others—— Engels

83. Anyone who creates his own happiness should be the craftsman and creator of the happiness of all workers and farmers. When he becomes a happy craftsman for everyone, he will become a happy craftsman for himself—— Kalinin

84. History recognizes that those who work for a common goal and thus become more noble are great men; Those who bring happiness to the majority of people are praised by experience as the happiest people—— Marx

85. The vulgar goals people strive for - property, vanity, luxury life - I always think they are despicable—— Einstein

86. People get happiness in performing their duties. It's like a person carrying something, but his heart is very comfortable. If a person does not have it and does not do his duty, it is equivalent to driving an empty car, that is to say, it is a waste of money—— Rozov

87. Feeling that you are what people need and are close to - this is the greatest enjoyment and joy of life. This is the truth, don't forget this truth, it will give you unlimited happiness—— Golgi

88. Yes, the best way to achieve real happiness in life is to spread the sticky love spider web from itself to all directions without limit, like a spider, and capture everything falling on the web—— Leo Tolstoy

89. Life is not a game, so we have no right to give it up only by our own will—— Lev. Tolstoy, you know, life is neither so good nor so bad as people think—— Maupassant

90. A person's life is short, but my career is infinitely long. Despite personal misfortune and many pains, our labor is integrated into the collective victory, and I share this happiness. As long as I live, I will work for the Party and the people one day. What is the greatest happiness? It is not self serving, but is dedicated to benefiting others—— Ai Runsheng

91. First is the most noble thought, and then is money; A society with money but no lofty thoughts will collapse—— Dostoevsky should consciously and gladly bear the pain if it is to get to know the truth and adhere to the truth. At that time, and only then, will the pain become happiness—— Zhang Zhixin