Scenery copywriting
The day will be bright and the heart will be warm
2023-07-17 10:10:18
Complete sentences

1. It is better to refuse seriously than to promise casually.

2. Only those who are accustomed to me are qualified to control me.

3. Don't think too great of yourself. Without you, the earth will still rotate.

4. May smiles be as bright as flowers; May life be happy and interesting. good morning!

5. There are only two teachers in life, one is years, the other is a liar!

6. Compassion is the ability to think for others from the perspective of others.

7. I am not a born king, but I have blood in my bones that will never admit defeat.

8. Sunflowers will open even if they can't see the sun, and they should stick to life even if they can't see hope.

9. Some people don't like me. What can I do to please others or kill others.

10. Life is like an angry bird. Every time you fail, there are always a few pigs laughing.

11. Even if the wind comes, life will not fail. Youth without efforts is just a barren year.

12. No matter how beautiful or bad, happy or frustrated, after this moment, it will become a thing of the past.

13. The more you want to retain something, the easier it is to lose something, that is, the fragments in memory.

14. The day you like is the most beautiful day; The best way to live is the way that suits you.

15. Don't question your efforts. Look down and work hard. The pain you have will eventually pave the way you want.

16. I want to give up every day, but I insist on it every day. Children without umbrellas must run hard.

17. Keep love and go to the mountains and seas, be loyal to yourself and love life, be content to make progress and live up to ambition, and work hard to meet each other at the peak.

18. Everything that makes a person grow up is lonely. Therefore, the word "grow up" does not even exist in other capitals.

19. Many people feel exhausted because they dare not start at the beginning and dare not end at the end.

20. I used to think that persistence means never wavering, but now I understand that persistence means hesitating and shrinking, but still moving forward.

21. No relationship is wasting time. If it doesn't give you what you want, it teaches you what you don't want.

22. Don't look for happiness in others' eyes, or you will always be sad; Don't look for dignity in others' mouths, or you will always be humble.

23. If you are always in a passive position, you must change from passive to active. If we don't turn passivity into initiative, the outcome will be worse.

24. We always turn a blind eye to our closest family members, and even have many complaints, but we are grateful for a little favor from "outsiders".

25. The future does not welcome, the past does not love, and every moment of the present is the only moment of life. If you live well in the present, you will live well in your life.

26. No one can hurt us without our consent. Our voluntary permission to harm is often more destructive than the harm itself.

27. You should know that there is nothing you can't do unless you are unwilling and there is nothing you can't get through unless you always go back. good morning!

28. When you trust a person unreservedly, there will be only two results in the end, either the person in life or a lesson in life.

29. One day, you will become a passer-by in the world. So, be brave to love life and make the dull days worth remembering.

30. All success comes from tireless efforts and running; All happiness comes from ordinary struggle and persistence. You can't find a shortcut.

31. In the world of adults, it is a kind of kindness that we should be decisive and straightforward, not delay anyone, not consume anyone, not waste anyone.

32. If you are not so smart, it is recommended that you do not use the length of your acquaintance to define the depth of a relationship, because no matter how long you live, you can't see people's hearts clearly.

33. Life is muddling along, don't be too serious, abandon unrealistic desires, live well, and learn to ignore some things is the best protection for yourself.

34. The reason why you are satisfied with the status quo while blaming yourself is that you have not reached the point where there is no way to go. The real choice is that there is no other choice.

35. You can never guess where life will give you a gap, nor at what stage it will give you a love. The rest of my life is long, so why panic!

36. When you don't care how others see you, you can focus more on what you want to do, and at this time you will find that you have gained more than before.

37. The things you want are very expensive, and the places you want to go are far away. Only by working hard can you accumulate enough courage to cross every adventure in life.

38. May you go to work happily in the daytime and dream quietly at night, be a simple and happy person, have a heart of contentment, and keep your luck going.

39. With an easy-going and indifferent attitude, live a life of ease. Take your time to be strong and grand. One day, all the time you need will be given to you.

40. The things you want are very expensive, and the places you want to go are far away. Only by working hard can you accumulate enough courage to cross every adventure in life.

41. Dream what you want to dream, go where you want to go, and become what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.

42. The older you get, the more you will find social difficulties. Therefore, it is never wrong to master a survival skill and develop a hobby of solitude.

43. People who really care about you are picky when nothing happens and hold your hand when something happens. It is enough to supervise you to lead a good life and support you to lead a bad life.

44. Find what you think is happy; If you think it is worth it, go and wait; If you think you are happy, cherish it. There are no things that are not commented on, no people who are not guessed.

45. How can there be so many talents? More excellent people are crossing mountains and mountains alone. You should know that what makes you stand out in the end is not talent, but perseverance.

46. When you learn to reject others and return a tooth for a tooth, they will respect you and even fear you. The more you experience, the more you will believe that there is nothing wrong with being ruthless.

47. Tidy up your mood, forget the unpleasant past, listen to music, see the scenery, say what you can say, do what you can do, take the right path, and meet the people you want to see.

48. No one comes to this world to love you. Others are never the center of their own lives. Only by enriching their lives and becoming better people can we meet better people.

49. I give you a sugar. You are very happy. When you see that I give two to others, you will have an opinion on me. But you don't know he gave me two sweets, and you didn't give me anything.

50. Life is a matter of joys and sorrows, and the joys and sorrows are all our own; Fate is just a link. You should come and go at will. If others let you go, why do you hold on tight; If others abandon, why should you cherish it.

51. In life, it is lucky that someone gives help, but it is fate that no one gives help. We should learn to be grateful when fortune favors us, and learn to be tenacious when fate chases us.

52. Don't throw candy on passers-by. The gun is aimed at family members. Those who can stand your temper are those who love you. Our biggest mistake is to give our worst temper and worst side to the people closest to us.

53. No matter what time you go to bed, or where the end point is, one day has passed. Take good care of yourself. If you have any spare power, remember to protect the beautiful things without fear, fear, counsel, retreat or chatter.

54. Realistic society and life tell men and women that honest people always suffer, and good and honest people always suffer; Those who can't let go are always suffering, and those who can't let go are always suffering—— Ye Qianhua's Collection of Feelings

55. Miss because you don't want to stay; Failure is due to failure; Mediocrity is due to lack of effort; Worry is because I can't let it go. Don't worry too much. Be discontented with your anger, grasp your own destiny, and be happy every day.

56. Comfortable in bed, but may be late; It's cool to stay up late, but it hurts; It's fun to play with mobile phones, but you may find that time goes by, but you don't make progress. People should understand that the harder they work, the luckier they are. The degree of self-discipline determines the height of life.

57. Snow White was envied by the Queen because she was beautiful; Because it was beautiful, it was released by hunters; Because of its beauty, it was adopted by the dwarves; Because of her beauty, she was awakened by the prince; So, do you understand? Kindness is useless. You must be beautiful.

58. We can be disappointed, but not blind. I don't want to think about whether I can succeed. Since I have chosen a distance, I only care about the wind and rain; I don't want to think whether there will be cold wind and cold rain after death. Since the goal is the horizon, the only thing left to the world is the back.

59. Life is full of power because of dreams. I'm not afraid that you will take a small step every day, but that you will stagnate; Not afraid that you do something every day, but afraid that you have nothing to do. Persistence is a kind of perseverance in life. Don't give up your dream. Always believe that the harder you work, the luckier you will be!

60. People who have not experienced pain will not be strong; Those who have not shed tears will not be strong; The world will make way for you when you make up your mind to do something. When your mind is full of goals, only methods and success are left. We don't have to win at the starting line, but we must win at the turning point!

61. If a person loves you only because you are kind to him, let it go. Such feelings are so tiring. No one will be touched by your self sacrifice for a lifetime. If you don't return the love, you will be angry for a long time. Love yourself and love the person you love, this temperature is enough.

62. Life is originally free of troubles. When the fire of desire is lit, troubles will knock at your heart; There was no pain in life. When you began to care about gain and loss and covet more, the pain came. Misfortune often comes from one's own wrong pursuit, and trouble often comes from comparison.

63. When people are on the journey, they miss many things and break their hearts; There are many encounters, never forget. Some dreams may lead to tiredness; Some search, let it follow the wind, may not be easy. Go forward, walk through the scenery that does not belong to you or belongs to you, learn to collect, learn to forget, and learn to be strong.

64. With a smooth sailing life, anyone can say that he is an excellent ship owner. Only when the storm comes can we tell which is better and which is worse. Of course, in the face of adversity, you have the ability to control and rise to the challenge, which is a kind of wisdom; In the face of the strong, you analyze your weakness and choose to avoid it, which is also a kind of wisdom.

65. Difficulties are due to insufficient ability, and problems are due to wrong methods! When you feel difficult, stressed and powerless in your work, it is time to improve your ability; When you feel confused and helpless in life, with many problems, and can't face them, it is time for you to change your mind!

66. There will be many obstacles in life. These obstacles are like curtains blocking us. We should bravely lift them. No matter yesterday, today or tomorrow, as long as you have a dream in your heart, it will always be spring; Whether it's cloudy or rainy or sunny, as long as you are in a good mood, it will always be sunny. Life is like this, sometimes as long as we muster up the courage to take a step, everything will become better than previously thought!