80 classic love poems
Sky Mirror Yunsheng
2023-06-09 22:03:27
Complete Poems

1. I hope you can pick more. This is the most lovesick thing—— Wang Wei's Acacia

2. If you knew the tide had its letter, marry a trendsetter—— Jiangnan Music by Li Yi

3. Come back when you are alive, and love when you are dead—— Su Wu's Farewell to His Wife

4. I heard you had two ideas, so I came here to make a decision—— Zhuo Wenjun's Baitou Yin

5. Stay away with one heart, and die with sorrow—— Unknown "Crossing the River to Gather Lotus"

6. You have been walking for more than ten years, and I often live alone—— Cao Zhi's The Bright Moon Goes up the High Building

7. The night moon is a curtain of dreams, and the spring breeze is ten miles of tenderness—— Qin Guan's "Eight Six Sons"

8. Affectionate only spring court month, still for leaving people as falling flowers—— Zhang Bi's "Consignee"

9. When we meet, we fight like we don't see, and when we are passionate, we are ruthless—— Sima Guang's Xijiang Moon

10. An inch of Acacia, thousands of threads, there is no place to arrange—— Li Guan's Butterfly Loves Flowers

11. If a thousand gold coins buy a portrait, who will tell the story—— Xin Qiji's Fishing

12. I only hope that your heart is like mine, and I will never miss you—— Li Zhiyi's Divine Operator

13. Poor bones beside the Wuding River are still people in the dream of spring boudoir—— Chen Tao's Journey to Longxi

14. Heartlessness is not like sentimentality and bitterness. One inch of it is also a thousand strands—— "Spring in the Jade Tower" by Yan Shu

15. Spring comes and autumn goes, Acacia is there, autumn goes and spring comes, information is scarce—— Yu Xuanji's Boudoir Grievance

16. If you want to send colored paper and ruler, you will know where to go—— Yan Shu's "Que Stepping on the Branch"

17. Acacia night plum blossom hair, suddenly came to the window suspected Jun—— Lu Tong's Some Thoughts

18. Envy him that insects can understand the fate of heaven and weave nets into the void—— Yuan Zhen's Weaving Women's Ci

19. Swallows say goodbye to their swans flying south, and when they say goodbye to your guests, they will be heartbroken—— Cao Pi's Yan Ge Xing

20. The sun rises in the east and rains in the west. The road is sunny but not sunny—— Liu Yuxi's Zhuzhi Ci

21. Zun Qian plans to say the date of return, and before he speaks, the spring looks miserable—— Ouyang Xiu's Spring in the Jade Tower

22. Know my meaning, feel your pity, and ask the heaven—— Li Yu's "More Leaky Golden Bird Hairpin"

23. I can't help but beg for silk from spiders—— Li Shangyin's "Chinese New Year's Eve"

24. The huge waves of the Yangtze River draw people's tears, and the west wind blows white all night—— Song Wan's Wind Blocking on the River

25. Your return is not scheduled yet. The night rain in Bashan is rising in the autumn pool—— Li Shangyin's "Sending North in the Rain at Night"

26. The lotus is not as beautiful as the beauty's makeup, and the wind of the water hall is fragrant with pearls—— Wang Changling's "Autumn Grievance in the Western Palace"

27. Changxiangsi, in Chang'an—— Li Bai's Love for Life, One of them

28. It is difficult to be a water when you have been through the sea. Except Wushan, it is not a cloud—— Yuan Zhen's Five Pieces and Four Pieces of Absence

29. The blue water is vast, the clouds are boundless, and the beauty does not come to kill her—— Li Bai's Sending Wang Hanyang in Early Spring

30. Flowing flowers and flowing water, one kind of lovesickness, two places of leisure sorrow—— Li Qingzhao's A Cut of Plum

31. When people come to love, love turns thin, and now they are really not sentimental—— Nalan Xingde's "Breaking the Huanxi Sand"

32. She once made a deep commitment to each other—— Staying in Spring Festival - Plum Blossoms by Shi Dazu

33. Love each other all day long, and spend all day pining for you—— Four South Songs and Two by Wen Tingyun

34. The red flower is easy to fade like a blue flower, and the water flow is infinite like a worry—— Liu Yuxi's Four Zhuzhi Ci Poems and Two

35. Drop endless lovesickness, blood and tears, throw red beans, and open endless spring willows and flowers all over the painting floor—— Cao Xueqin's Dream of the Red Chamber

36. Lonely boudoir, tender hearted one inch sorrow thousand strands—— Li Qingzhao's Crimson Lips, Boudoir Thoughts

37. Old Acacia, partial to idle day—— Wu Wenying's Night Tour Palace: Spring Whispering Orioles Enchant the Green Willows

38. Since the farewell, the sighs have kept ringing. Phellodendron amurense goes to Chunsheng, and the pains grow with the day—— The Song of Four Seasons at Midnight

39. How much is it if you ask about gossip? A stream of tobacco, the city full of wind and catkins, plum yellow rain—— He Zhu's Hengtang Road

40. Tender as water, the best time is like a dream. If the relationship lasts for a long time, it will not be in the court—— Qin Guan's Magpie Bridge

41. When will you know when you will miss each other? At this time, the night was embarrassed—— Li Bai's Three Five Seven Words

42. Embroidering clothes and holding the zither, you can enter the Scholar's Academy—— Guan Xiu's "Good Walk, Hurt Ancient Music, No Friend"

43. One lovesickness, two leisure worries—— Li Qingzhao's One Cut Plum, Red Lotus Root Fragrance, Broken Jade Table in Autumn

44. Sima Xiangru lives in Zuoqiao in the west of the state, and there is Qintai Maoling in the north. After many diseases, he still loves Zhuo Wenjun—— Dufu's Zither Stage

45. You see, every year Pan orders Heyang—— Wu Cheng's Crossing the River Cloud, Uncovering the Harmony of Haozhai

46. If you raise the dust of the road, and if my concubine is muddy cement, with different ups and downs, when will they meet—— Cao Zhi's The Bright Moon Goes up the High Building

47. But it's strange that dreams can be short in those days—— Wu Wenying

48. I hate the afterglow, but I don't know about you—— Wei Zhuang's "Bodhisattva · Good Spring in Luoyang City"

49. I regret being a businesswoman, and my life should be that of a lucky husband—— Xu Zaisi's Yangchun Song - Boudoir Grievance

50. A little bit of dust, looking back at the west wind and the past—— Wu Wenying's "Six Yao Ling, Yizegong Qixi"

51. In the boudoir of spring, there is no need to cry for tea—— Yuan Haowen's "Jiang Yue Shakes the Mountain, When I First Came to Mount Song"

52. It is difficult to be a water when you have been through the sea. Except Wushan, it is not a cloud—— Yuan Zhen's Five Pieces of Absence, Four Pieces of Absence

53. Empty labor, slim hands, and free gifts for lovers—— Niu Xiji, "Immortal by the River, Willow Belt Shakes the Wind and Han Riverside"

54. The wild goose is in the cloud, the fish is in the water, and it's hard to send this feeling of sadness—— Yan Shu's Two Pieces of Qing Ping Music

55. Today, the salary is more than 100000 yuan, and I will hold a memorial ceremony with the royal camp to restore the camp—— Yuan Zhen's Three Pieces of Sadness, One of Them

56. Poor bones by the Wuding River, just like people in a dream—— Chen Tao's Four Songs of Traveling in Longxi, the Second

57. Do you know whether it was a general in Shanxi who once belonged to the poetry league—— Liu Guo's "Qin Yuan Chun Zhang Lu Fen Qiu Yue"

58. Feel the lingering feeling of the monarch, tied to the red Luoru—— Zhang Ji's "Chant of a Festival Woman, Send to Li Sikong in Dongping"

59. Asking for love and looking in the mirror someday will make your hair rustle—— Yan Yu's Manjianghong, Sending Liao Shuren to the Que

60. I only hope that your heart is like mine, and I will never lose my love—— Li Zhiyi's Bu Tuan, I Live at the Head of the Yangtze River

61. The white haired sentimental person will cherish it even more if he spins down and spins into the air—— Si Kongtu, Jiuquanzi, Buying Apricot Flowers

62. Acacia has never been idle, and it's time to curse you—— Shu prostitute "Queqiao Immortal, Saying Alliance and Oath"

63. Love each other all day long, and spend all the time pining for you—— Wen Tingyun's Four South Songs - The Second

64. Seeking is cold and desolate. This time, how can I be worried—— Li Qingzhao's Slow Voice

65. Acacia is only on clove branches and cardamom shoots—— Wang Xuan's "Eyes Are Beautiful, Willows Are Slightly Gentle"

66. Love each other, not love each other—— Nalan Xingde's "Huatangchun, One Pair for One Generation"

67. The scene is so full of hatred from the boudoir, and there are so many eyebrows in every walk—— Yan Xuan's "Eight Beats of Man, Clouds Lock, Yellow, Smoky Willows"

68. It's hard to leave when we meet. The east wind is weak and flowers are broken. The silk of the spring silkworm will be exhausted when it dies, and the wax torch will not dry until it turns to ashes—— Untitled by Li Shangyin

69. Know that your heart is like the sun and the moon, and your husband vows to live and die together—— Zhang Ji's "Chant of a Festival Woman, Send to Li Sikong in Dongping"

70. Good dreams are hard to achieve. Who knows my current situation. Tears in front of the pillow cover the rain in front of the pillow, and drop to the bright through a window—— Nie Shengqiong's "Partridge Sky"

71. Beauty is like a flower across the clouds! There is the long sky of Qingming above, and the ripples of green water below—— Li Bai's Love for Life, One of Them

72. Read and break your heart, linger and think about thousands of threads, give you quiet vegetables and steal heavy clouds—— Wu Wenying's Romance · Huangzhong Shangshaoyao

73. This song is intended to be passed on by nobody. I would like to send Yanran along with the spring breeze and remember you are far away from here—— Li Bai's Three Nostalgia Poems, Second

74. I am a stranger in a foreign land alone, and I miss my relatives every holiday. There was one less person who planted cornel everywhere when he knew his brother was climbing—— Memories of Shandong Brothers on September 9

75. It's Jiangshang Village of Qingjiang. Who will ask if the boudoir is deserted? What a haggard railing holder—— Great Virtue Song - Winter by Guan Hanqing

76. Acacia at night is even more incomplete. The sad moon, with its appendix, wants to miss my brocade quilt—— Wei Zhuang's "Huanxi Sand, Acacia at Night, More Lost"

77. The pillow block fumigation stove is separated by embroidered curtains. At the end of the second year, people will suffer from lovesickness, and the apricot blossom will be known only when the moon is bright—— Zhang Shu, Huanxi Sand, Pillow Block, Lavatory, Embroidery Curtain

78. It is wind, rain and night that I leave you this time; You smiled and I waved my hand, and a lonely road spread to both ends—— Farewell to Ode by Zheng Chouyu

79. Hating you is not like the river, the moon and the moon. The north and the south, the east and the west, the south and the east, only follow each other—— Lu Benzhong's "Picking Mulberry Seeds, Hating You Not Like the Moon in the River Tower"

80. Hating you is like the moon on the river floor. When will you be reunited—— Lu Benzhong's "Picking Mulberry Seeds, Hating You Not Like the Moon in the River Tower"