94 sentences describing the road
let nature take its course
2023-05-01 15:02:13
Complete sentences

1. Only on the way can life be respected.

2. There is only one train ticket between Tibet and me!

3. Travel is the best way to eliminate hatred and ignorance.

4. Every year, you should go to at least one place that you have never been to.

5. Walk all the way and look back all the way. Keep moving!

6. The times are still moving forward with a heavy load, and you and I have walked on the waves.

7. I owe myself a trip. One day, I will pay it back to myself.

8. The scenery here is so beautiful that people are reluctant to leave.

9. A person's travel, on the road to meet the most real self.

10. Dream is not a luxury, as long as you take the first step bravely.

11. Carry your luggage to the far place, the dream destination.

12. Life is a practice, short is travel, long is life.

13. If you don't go out, you will think this is the world.

14. When forgetting becomes another beginning, I took the first step of the journey!

15. Travel is to leave, travel is a prison break for ordinary life.

16. Travel is to go from one's own life to another's life.

17. Want to go to Shanghai, want to see the Bund, Pudong, want to see the prosperity there.

18. Either reading or traveling, soul and body must have one on the way.

19. It is the most beautiful luxury of life and the most brilliant freedom to go at once.

20. A heart that can go when you say go, a couple who can take photos, a sweet journey.

21. In everyone's heart, there will be a feeling of an ancient town, flowing south of the Yangtze River, and people living in smoke cages.

22. I am eager for a trip without a deadline, stop and go, and a heart that can walk at will.

23. I have always wanted to go to many places, go out of Nanjing, go out of Jiangsu, and even see the foreign scenery.

24. We visited with great interest all the way. When the sun set, we reluctantly left.

25. A backpack, several books, all your favorite songs, a one-way ticket, and a smart heart.

26. The best travel in life is to find a long lost touch in a strange place.

27. On the road, not for traveling, not for someone, but for meeting an unknown self on the unknown road.

28. The essence of travel is not sports, but to drive your soul to find the spring of life.

29. There must be at least two impulses in life, one for desperate love, and the other for a journey that takes you wherever you want.

30. Tourism does not care about the destination, but about the people and things on the way, as well as those beautiful memories and scenery.

31. Q: Why do you like mountain climbing? Answer: Because the mountain is there. Maybe travel is the same, because the road is there.

32. Life is just a journey. You pass me, I pass you, and then practice and move forward.

33. The advantage of travel is that it can temporarily stay away from daily life without taking on trivial responsibilities in ordinary days.

34. The reason for a journey that takes you wherever you want to go is either happiness, stability and abundance, or powerlessness, helplessness and escape.

35. Hurry up and get on the road. One day we don't want to say at each other's funeral that we would have gone there.

36. I want to go to Tibet, listen to Buddhist chants, see the vast grasslands, see the wind blowing down the grass, and see cattle and sheep everywhere.

37. What matters in life is not the destination, but the scenery along the way. The result is not important, but the process is important.

38. I also want to go to Xishuangbanna, see the butterflies there, see the different customs there, and see their Water Splashing Festival.

39. If you don't do something now, you will never do it again. Every time I thought of this, I left with my bag.

40. Life is a journey, not the destination, but the scenery along the way and the mood to see the scenery.

41. Don't forget to promise yourself what you want to do and where you want to go, no matter how difficult or far it is.

42. Don't forget to promise yourself what you want to do and the distance you want to go, no matter how difficult or far.

43. I just want to have an aimless journey and do nothing in the sun in a quiet and slow place with flowers and sea.

44. Only one person can hear his own voice when traveling. It will tell you that the world is wider than imagined.

45. Flowing water is very clear, and it is the responsibility of cherishing flowers. True identity is nothing but delivery. If this trip is a happy one, it will be a good life.

46. Life can't be a journey of saying go, but those who are far away must always be ready to go!

47. Personally, it helps me find my faith. A life of faith, whether successful or not, at least not confused.

48. Many things are like traveling. When you decide to start, the most difficult part has already been completed.

49. One day, I will leave all my tiredness and ideals behind, take my camera and computer with me, and move away from the bustle to the open.

50. The time flowing has become a beautiful ornament in the life path. Seeing the sky, watching the snow, being quiet and saying nothing is a good scenery.

51. To stay young, you should carry your luggage. Whether it is love or youth, they are actually on the way of travel. If you don't travel, you will grow old.

52. On the way with backpacks, I have seen many people, heard many stories, and seen the scenery of travel. In this way, I gradually learned to grow up.

53. When traveling alone, you can ignore the complicated trivia and experience a city, a story and a laugh freely.

In July, the Italian night wind was cool, and I didn't feel cold when I got into my sleeping bag. Looking up at the starry sky, the bright Tianhe is the warmest quilt.

55. Life is like a journey. You don't need to care about the destination. What you care about is the scenery along the way and the mood to see the scenery. Let your heart travel!

56. Of course, I also want to go to Paris, see the Arc de Triomphe of the Eiffel Tower, and see exotic customs. I want to see what the personality of the city of fashion is.

57. Many things are like traveling. When you make a decision and take the first step, the most difficult part has actually been completed.

58. The self in the dream, the self that was once lost, the self that suddenly became clear. Then meet somewhere in the world and have fun.

59. I want to go to Xiangxi, and I want to know whether it is as beautiful as what the writer wrote, green mountains and green waters. Whether someone will sing love songs across the shallow lake.

60. Life is a journey full of unknowns. What matters is the scenery along the way, and what matters is the mood to see the scenery. The journey will not end because of the beautiful scenery.

61. The greatest advantage of traveling is not how many people you can see and how beautiful the scenery is, but that you suddenly know yourself again when you walk.

62. I want to travel alone without a camera or a mobile phone, but I must carry some books on my back, enjoy them in the sea of flowers and grass, and wander in the sea of books in leisure time.

63. I have traveled season after season, from cicadas chirping in summer to snowflakes flying. One person's journey, I drifted one journey after another, from Shaohua Nianmao to Meiyu vicissitudes.

64. If a string is stretched too tight, it will break one day. If a heart is imprisoned too long, it will lose its balance one day. We need to let the heart fly in the free sky.

65. I have to get ready to leave. Thank you for caring about my family and friends. Just pray for my safety. My journey will be accompanied by your stories, so I will not be lonely. Don't worry.

66. Travel is a disease. Once infected, you can never get rid of it. It is also an infectious disease. Finally, you may transmit this disease to others and you don't want to extricate yourself from it!

67. Life is a wonderful journey, just on the train that never returns. Experience it with those new and old people! Maybe this is an irresistible fate for a person. There are you, me and him.

68. Life is like a journey. There are moving, sad, exciting and disheartening places to meet. There are beautiful scenery, and there will also be places where there is no scenery but wind.

69. I want to travel, one backpack, one travel, one witness the scenery along the way, take a camera, take pictures of the scenery along the way, record the mood along the way. That kind of life is what I want.

70. You can have a decent job, but you may not have time. You can have a lot of money, but you may not have good health. Why not travel while we are young enough and in good health?

71. The best habit when traveling: find a comfortable shop, pick up an elegant postcard, send it to your favorite TA, and write on the back: On a certain day, a certain month, a certain afternoon, the weather is sunny, I am somewhere, and I miss you.

72. I went to different places, saw different landscapes, learned different things and felt different lives. In the early morning, as the pulley touched the ground, the plane shook, and I finally said my last goodbye.

73. I always have a restless heart. I will never be satisfied with the status quo, but I always persuade myself to put down what I should put down and be persistent. Dispel a trace of sadness in the heart and condense some feelings in the heart. Is a part of happiness.

74. I wander on the track of time and step on every passing train. The scenery along the way is gradually fading away. I hold the license plate that is called Miss, waiting for the last stop - hometown.

75. At the beginning of each person's life, there will always be a period of time when there is nothing to linger on, only uncontrollable dreams, nothing to rely on, only his good health, no place to go, just want to wander around.

76. Life is about feeling beautiful, kind and ugly. Only in the arduous journey of life, always adjust your attitude to view the scenery, can you feel and enjoy life on the journey.

77. To travel, you only need a quiet heart and ceaseless steps, to meet, to think, to pass your thoughts, and to renew your memory. I am traveling, loneliness is self, but thinking about my soul.

78. In the laughter of the children, you suddenly remembered the outdated song: I thought I would always stay by his side. Today, we have left in the sea of people. Are they old? Where are they? Like this, we ran for life seperately.

79. The journey continues, and this process is difficult and lonely. I carry my luggage and go to the far place alone. The setting sun pulls my figure aslant, but I am still wandering on the road of travel. Waiting for every passing car, let me go farther.

80. Am I traveling? Maybe so. No luggage, no purpose, I walk alone on the road, can't see where I'm going, can't remember where I've been. I just want to be a sheep forgotten by the shepherd boy in the grassland, who can only muddle along the smell of grass and soil.

81. At that time, I knew that you had been reading Sanmao's book. Sanmao said in the afterglow of the sunset on Gallina Island, "I am a drifter.". So you begin to imagine the scenery surrounded by the sea. Sanmao sang: I remember when I was young, you loved to talk and I loved to laugh. Once I sat side by side under a peach tree, and I knew how many flowers fell in my dream.

82. With a kind of silent sadness, missing goes to pursue the flying wings. The fallen leaves calmed down its drifting direction with the wind. Courageously and persistently carry the heavy luggage and run to the distance. From then on, I will embark on the journey, maybe I will be lonely. Do not fear, do not give up, break through the barriers of wind and rain, and the dawn is ahead!

83. I want to travel alone, carry a simple bag on my back, set foot on the journey, walk through one strange city after another, and experience the beautiful natural scenery, gorgeous ethnic customs, and long history and culture. Put aside the troubles of the world and stay away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and find a quiet place to luxuriously enjoy the elegance of traveling without asking people, and walking as you like.

84. Worldly disturbance and trivial life make people exhausted. In the dark night, I tear off the mask, which is full of tired faces and listless pupils. I am eager to escape from the city surrounded by reinforced concrete, and stop busy shuttling in the busy streets every day. However, I can't step out of the circle.

85. When walking alone, if you are lonely, look for a city with neon lights and colorful lights, climb the roof, look down at the lights of thousands of homes, and experience the excitement in the bustle; If you are tired of the noise, look for a quiet valley, look for the purity hidden in the mountains and the birds that "the birdsong mountain is more secluded".

86. Some things always become so beautiful because they have been admired for a long time. You'd better take off your hat and wave to the birds when they fly by. I think the birds will also look at you with encouraging eyes. You see that there are always some people coming and going from you, but you still have to stay in your own place, and you are looking forward to what kind of scenery is ahead.

87. No matter how beautiful your own mountains and rivers are, you will always be tired of seeing them. No matter how glorious you are, you will also want to change your identity. Travel provides such an opportunity for us to fly out of our confinement, re-examine ourselves, find ourselves, rest enough, fly back, and continue to face our own life. I think this is the true meaning of travel.

88. I think traveling needs solitude. It needs a person to experience it slowly and think quietly. It is different from tourism. It needs a place with slightly beautiful scenery. One person or several people can relax their tired mood or body together without giving themselves a chance to relax. It seems that every corner of the world needs to leave a trace of their feet, which is called life.

89. I want to travel alone. I will climb to the top of the mountain at the beginning of the morning when the flowers are blooming, and see if I can reach out and touch the clouds in the sky; When the sunset comes down with the smoke from the kitchen, take a touch of setting sun, watch groups of tired birds return to their nests, and then think of the families waiting in the distance. They are full of warmth. You can go home immediately, return to the arms of your family, or continue to walk and set out on the road.

90. When you are happy, you can roam on foot, walk mountains and wade across rivers. Everywhere you go, all kinds of flowers are blooming, presenting a moving smile, and blooming along the way; When you are unhappy, take a train and watch the things outside the window quickly change, appear, disappear, and go farther and farther. Then, whether you are sad or full of tiredness, you can put it down, leaving only the expectation of the future journey.

91. Occasionally stop for the unique scenery on the street, occasionally stop for the beauty of high mountains and flowing water, and occasionally be attracted by the beauty at a glance; Or walk into a deep lane and expect to meet a girl with an oil paper umbrella and a sad lilac; Or when the flowers bloom in the warm spring, watch the flowers break through the long cold winter in northern Xinjiang and bloom enchantingly; Or put down a river lantern with a wish on it beside the river, and wish everything well.

92. I walk on the street where people come and go. I only travel with one hand. I am no longer sad. I lift my right hand and cover my left hand to give myself endless strength. I am no longer hesitating or confused. With that determination, I set sail again. I would like to be a learned woman without showing off or quarreling; Not empty, not impetuous, to be a rich woman; Even if life is exhausted, you will grow old in elegance.

93. Travel, in fact, requires some wandering spirit, which enables people to travel closer to nature and enjoy the pleasure of integrating with nature leisurely. Travel, there is a kind of desolation, "floating clouds and wandering people, the sunset is human" alone, hidden into the vast nature, there is a sense of loneliness; Travel, there is also a kind of carefree, totally selfless, and the realm of integration with nature is relaxing and fascinating.

94. When we have time, we can climb the mountain, watch the sunrise, take a walk, enjoy nature, go to a strange corner, do everything we have ever wanted to do or want to do. We can have a person with you, or you can be alone. In short, at that moment, you are free, not only physically, but also psychologically, You will find that everything can be very easy if you want to do what you thought was difficult to do.