78 aphorisms describing patriotism
This feeling is worth recalling
2023-03-06 02:12:38
A complete set of maxims

1. Unite to revitalize China—— China volleyball.

2. Steaming clouds and dreams; The waves shake Yueyang City—— meng haoran.

3. Who dares to be patriotic when patriotism turns out to be poor—— Pope.

4. The destiny of our motherland is our own destiny—— Changxiangyu.

5. I often think of being desperate and dying for the country—— Sima Qian.

6. It is natural to love your motherland—— Heine.

7. Patriotism is a noble emotional activity—— Mao Dun.

8. You will die if you serve your country, and your sideburns will never turn green again—— Lu You.

9. When the body is dead, the spirit is the god, and the soul is the ghost—— Qu Yuan.

10. The beautiful rivers and mountains are well organized, and all the people are the masters—— Zhu De.

11. Worry about the world first, and be happy after the world—— Fan Zhongyan.

12. Forty million people shed tears together. Where is China—— Tan Sitong.

13. I would like to donate my blood to the afterland in exchange for eternal peace in China—— Car shines first.

14. You should think of taking back our lost land and don't forget to return it to us—— Feng Yuxiang.

15. Bright China, let my life burn for you—— Qian Sanqiang.

16. Patriotism is a vivid sense of collective responsibility—— Aldington.

17. What is the highest morality of mankind? That is patriotism—— Napoleon.

18. If the stomach is empty, no one can become a patriot—— Braun.

19. We should dedicate the beauty of our hearts to our motherland—— Pushkin.

20. I am running not for money, but for the honor of my motherland—— Wang Junxia.

21. I firmly believe that no difficulty can defeat the heroic Chinese people—— Hu.

22. The way to be a country is to benefit the public. Benefiting people is based on virtue and ability—— Fang Haiquan.

23. If you want to take the torch from me, you must climb over my body—— Jinjing.

24. Although science has no national boundaries, scholars have their own country - Pasteur.

25. The motherland is more important than life. It is our mother and our land—— Neruda.

26. For the sake of the prosperity and strength of the Chinese nation, I will devote all my knowledge and wisdom—— Qian Weichang.

27. If I have some ability, I have the obligation to dedicate it to the motherland—— Linnaeus.

28. Patriotic heroes bring glory to the nation, and autocratic tyrants bring disaster to the nation—— Byron.

29. Heroism is not without tears. The man is seven feet tall and willing to donate for the motherland—— Chen Hui.

30. I love my country all my life. Even if I burn myself to ashes, I am also patriotic—— Ji Xianlin.

31. If you want to die against the Japanese, leave it for today's shame. If the country is broken, how can I cherish it—— Ji Hongchang.

32. I am the son of the Chinese people. I love my country and people deeply—— Deng.

33. True patriotism is independent of political parties—— To Smollett.

34. It doesn't matter if you cut your head, as long as you are honest. Kill Xia Minghan and other people—— Xia Minghan.

35. The sound of wind and rain, the sound of reading, the state, family and the world are all concerned—— Gu Xiancheng.

36. Workers have no motherland. They must not be deprived of what they do not have—— Marx and Engels.

37. We know that individuals are weak, but we also know that the whole is power—— Marx.

38. Only the soul of the people is valuable, and only when it is carried forward can China make real progress—— Lu Xun.

39. I die, my country lives, and my death is still glorious. Although my body is dead, my spirit will live forever, and success will become benevolent, so as to achieve great harmony—— Zhao Bosheng.

40. Only the national spirit of China is the most valuable. Only if he carries forward, can Chinese talents really make progress—— Lu Xun.

41. We should learn from each other and do our best to make our country rich and strong enough to stand on the earth without being subjected to foreign aggression—— Zhan Tianyou.

42. Patriotism is one of the deepest feelings for our motherland that has been consolidated for thousands of years—— Lenin.

43. Gold is indeed precious, but energetic and brave patriots are more precious than gold—— Lincoln.

44. A pile of sand is loose, but it is stronger than granite when mixed with cement, stones and water—— Wang Jie.

45. Generally, it is in the part; Who does not belong to his own country, then he does not belong to mankind—— Belinsky.

46. There are 30000 miles of people in the east of the river and 5000 miles of mountains are still high in the sky. The adherents wept in the dust, and looked at the king in the south for another year—— Lu You.

47. It is the duty of every patriot to lie for his country—— Alfred Adler.

48. When you die, you know that everything is empty, but you can't see that Jiuzhou is the same. Wang Shi set the Central Plains Day in the north, and told Naiweng about the family sacrifice—— Lu You.

49. I love the interests of the country with greater respect, holiness and seriousness than my own life—— Shakespeare.

50. We cannot all serve our motherland in the same way. Everyone should do his or her best according to his or her talent—— Goethe.

51. Citizens who criticize his country are implicitly contributing to the country—— James Fulbright.

52. To let us love our country, our country should be lovely—— Edmund Burke.

53. Our motherland is not a paradise on earth, but every Chinese has the responsibility to build it into a paradise on earth—— Ba Jin.

54. It is the most glorious thing to be able to devote oneself to the cause of our motherland and fight for the realization of our ideals—— Wu Yuzhang.

55. People have personality, and they have their own qualifications. There are no three qualifications. People will not be human, and those who report will not be reported, and the country will not exist—— Shi Liangcai.

56. I would like to use my life as a ministry to engage in scientific research and give tribute to the motherland and people who gave birth to me and cultivated me—— Pavlov.

57. I am growing a hundredfold of courage and confidence, encouraging myself to continue to fight for our great country and people—— Zou Taofen.

58. One flower can't make a beautiful spring. One person who is advanced is always alone. Only those who are advanced can move mountains and fill the sea—— Lei Feng.

59. I love my motherland and my people. Without it and them, I cannot survive, let alone write—— Ba Jin.

60. How can patriotism be the same as pessimism? The pillar of patriotism is hope—— Lloyd George.

61. Patriotism is multiplied by hatred of the enemy. Only such patriotism can lead to victory—— Ostrovsky.

62. Whatever I do, I always think that as long as my energy allows, I will first serve my country—— Pavlov.

63. People who are not afraid of their own losses for the interests of the country and the people are noble, moral, and free from low tastes—— Liu Shaoqi.

64. Any behavior that is not intended for the collective benefit is a behavior that is harmful to society, that is, to oneself—— Makarenko.

65. How great is the power of patriotism. In front of it, people's love of life and fear of hardship are nothing—— Chernychevsky.

66. Everyone should abide by the law of life, link the fate of individuals to the fate of the nation, and place the survival of individuals in the survival of groups—— Ba Jin.

67. The so-called patriotism means that as a national of this country, you should have more profound feelings for this country than for all other countries—— Bernard Shaw.

68. As long as one loves his motherland and has a patriotic heart, everything can be solved. We can bear all kinds of sufferings and grievances—— Bingxin.

69. A true patriot need not wait for any special opportunity. He can show his love for the motherland in his own position—— Su Buqing.

70. I have my personality and conscience. Money can't buy me. My music should be dedicated to the motherland, to the working people, and to saving the national crisis—— Xian Xinghai.

71. We use facts to prove that China's dockworkers are no worse than others. If others can do it, we can do it. If others can't do it, we can still do it—— Xu Zhenchao.

72. I have my personality and conscience. Money can't buy my music. My music should be dedicated to the motherland, the working people, and the national crisis—— Xian Xinghai.

73. Patriotism and hatred of the enemy can be multiplied - only such patriotism can lead to victory—— Ostrovsky.

74. Even if the world gives me treasures and honors, I will not leave my motherland. Because even though my country is in disgrace, I still like to love and bless my country—— Pei Duofei.

75. My opinions on many issues are quite different from those of my predecessors, but I owe my knowledge to them, as well as to those who first opened the way for this theory—— Copernicus.

76. Our Chinese nation has the spirit to fight to the end with its own enemies, the determination to recover the old things on the basis of self-reliance, and the ability to stand on its own in the forest of nations in the world—— Mao Zedong.

77. Some people think of the "noblest" qualities of human beings, including the bravery in the battle of cooperative altruism and patriotism, which are all genetic achievements—— Edward.

78. Since ancient times in China, there have been people who have worked hard, who have worked hard, who have asked for people's lives, and who have sacrificed their lives to seek justice—— They are the backbone of China—— Lu Xun.