43 sentences about beauty on qq
the brevity of life
2023-02-21 15:16:44
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1. Pursue beauty through hard work, and strive through beauty.

2. In this age of looking at your face, your face value determines everything about you.

3. The appearance is high, the plot is also good, but the ending is not very good.

4. Although appearance is important, strength is more important than appearance!

5. Image is so important. It's really a society that looks at the appearance!

6. Come and wash your face on the spot if you have the ability. The most important thing is to look good!

7. Alas, what should we do in a society that looks good? Let's die alone.

8. Like a person, starts from talent, trapped in the face, loyal to character.

9. Face value refers to the number of beautiful people, which is used to evaluate the appearance of people.

10. In today's society, boys also need a clean face!

11. Pursue success, grasp yourself, always remember that it is good to look good, and hard work is more important.

12. No matter how high a person's face is, in fact, it is not as shocking as the truly shiny inner world.

13. Don't let your appearance fetter your pursuit, and your inner beauty will be more worthy of praise from others.

14. It is true that appearance can attract people, but it can change or hurt a person.

15. Face value is not a necessary condition for a person to succeed, it can not block a person's path to heaven.

16. The beauty of the heart is not as good as the height of the appearance. The appearance is not so important, and you can succeed without it.

17. The hairline boy is as popular as Chengdu Xiaotian. He doesn't want to eat on his face and refuses to enter the entertainment circle.

18. Obviously, I can live by my appearance, but I have to work. I don't know who it is, but I just want to work.

19. It is said that I can depend on my appearance, but I insist on my strength. Is it a bit cheap for me.

20. Those with low appearance should not be discouraged, but pay more attention to the cultivation of strength. After all, strength is the king.

21. It is people's intrinsic "high face value" that adds luster to life

22. Low appearance is not an inducement for a person to fail; A high face will not be a help to a person's success.

23. Face value, most of which comes from a good gene, is generally unalterable and is a natural attribute.

24. "Beauty" will eventually pass with the years, but strength will always be beyond others' reach.

25. I like a person because of his appearance, his talent and loyalty to him because of his personality.

26. Success comes from your inner "high face". Sometimes that is your persistence and effort.

27. In today's era of "looking at the face", appearance seems to be particularly important.

28. It is obvious that we can rely on our appearance, but we must rely on our strength. How can we see many shortcomings and shortcomings.

29. In fact, beauty is neither a curse nor a blessing. Although high beauty can help you win people's favor, it cannot determine your success or failure in life.

30. Face value cannot determine a person's future and destiny. A person's future only exists in his own hand, never in his face.

31. Those with high face value have lower ability; Those with low face value have higher ability. Both are high, there are, relatively few, that is definitely God's masterpiece.

32. Beauty is always lower than soul. No matter how cute and gorgeous the appearance is, it must bear the taste of being left out and be taken away by time.

33. Your face may make you a temporary success, but strength is the permanent power to increase your "face" in life!

34. I think that your appearance may make you realize your wishes temporarily, but strength is the inexhaustible power to increase your "appearance" in life.

35. In this age of face value, don't lose your direction, maintain your unique self, and develop your own strength. Only in this way can you become a real winner.

36. The so-called face value refers to the value of a person's beauty, which is used to evaluate the person's appearance. However, the deliberate pursuit of high appearance will always give people a feeling of imitating others.

37. Face value is given by parents, which is uncontrollable and we cannot easily change it. But hard work is the sweat of the day after tomorrow, and we can all do it.

38. "Face value" cannot bind our life, and we must not be bound by "face value".

39. Face value - even any external cause can not block the road to success. It is only your heart, not the outside, that decides whether you win or not.

40. Without bright colors and graceful posture, the white velvet dandelion will take a brave voyage, and its freedom comes from its inner "high beauty"

41. In today's era, everyone pays attention to appearance, everyone appreciates beauty, and everyone has high aesthetic standards. However, only the appearance can make people superficial.

42. Your face is not good enough, but your strength is good enough. You should know that people who really like you don't need to please them. What you need to do is to make yourself better, improve your strength, and make your strength the key to success.

43. Low appearance is not an inducement for a person to fail; A high face will not be a help to a person's success. It can not stop you and me from going to the sky. At best, it is just a barely detectable spray on the way of life.