103 Sentences in the Long Sentiment
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2023-04-12 11:12:48
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. Why don't you let me be lonely all the way until someone's smile lights up my youth like sunshine instead of a cluster of fire floating in the dark night, lonely and unable to warm up. Don't ask me to break up, okay? Say goodbye! Otherwise?

2. Maybe you don't know that at the moment when you let go of the kite, it didn't fly far, but fell from the high air to the abyss. I looked at your eyes and seemed tired and attached. I knew that those eyes were the sea I would never meet again in my life.

3. People should always maintain strong vitality and not be disappointed in life. Even if you see so many things that disappoint you, as long as you live, you should not be afraid of failure and frustration. In fact, there is always hope ahead.

4. Meeting the right person at the right time is a lifetime of happiness; Meeting the wrong person at the right time is a heartache; It is absurd to meet the wrong person at the wrong time; Meeting the right person at the wrong time is a sigh.

5. I like you, I have been waiting for you, I bless you every day, I miss you all the time, and you received it, I do not know whether I can have you, I do not know who you like, perhaps, the fallen leaves is my reincarnation!

6. Those who have never been lovelorn do not understand love. People who have never been frustrated do not understand life. Those who have never lost do not know how to cherish. Those who have never failed do not understand the process. Those who have never been disappointed do not understand the ideal. People who have never been rude do not understand respect.

7. The deep love is loneliness, the deep love is sadness, picking up fallen flowers and scattering in the dust, the old song in fleeting years is still singing, still cleaning the rhythm of the heart, and the song is permeated with indelible bits and pieces.

8. I suddenly remembered what you said one day, one month, one year, you were like a kite in my hand. I would not fly you free. I was really happy to be so bullied about by a person, but now you are willing to let me go because you want me to admit that you are wrong.

9. The world is very big, my eyes are all you; The world is small, I only have eyes for you. The world is wonderful, let me know you; The world is so bad that I didn't hug you. The world is wonderful, seeing you every day; The world is helpless. I miss you every day!

10. The facts have been made clear. Why hasn't my mind changed a bit? Knowing that it was played with, time after time of injury, time after time of pain, and finally it doesn't matter to wait! Although the disappointment after waiting is painful, there is still some expectation.

11. Disappointment, sometimes, is also a kind of happiness. Because there are expectations, we will be disappointed. Regret is also a kind of happiness. Because there is something you regret. Pursue love, and then find that love has always been a thousand turns.

12. At the beginning, we know that there will always be an end. Love has not yet come, the day is carefree; The most painful things are just tests and exams. At that time, I felt a lot of pressure. Later, I looked back, but it was so small.

13. Forgetting is our unalterable destiny. Everything is like a drawing without alignment. Everything in the past can't go back to the past, so it is slowly extended to be wrong bit by bit. Maybe we should forget the wrong things.

14. In a short life of several decades, don't leave yourself any regrets. Laugh and cry if you want, and love when it's time to love. It's pointless to suppress yourself. There are two kinds of unhappiness in life. One is that the desire is not satisfied, and the other is that it is satisfied.

15. The next post station is doomed to be without each other. The lamp at the head of the bed, dark as an old photo, freezes all this. Sorrow no longer needs words. Is it because I am running in your dream when I am tired and lose sleep with my eyes closed?

16. The smart person likes to guess the heart. Maybe he guessed the heart of others correctly, but he also lost his own. Foolish people, like to give heart, may be cheated, but may not be able to get others. You think I'm invulnerable, I think you are invulnerable.

17. We always feel that the past is too good, the present is too bad, and the future is too uncertain. So that it is unforgivable to miss. In fact, time can witness everything. If we hurt each other once, two or three years will make up for these deficiencies.

18. Some things, we know is wrong, but also to adhere to, because not reconciled; Some people, we know is love, also want to give up, because there is no end; Sometimes, we know we have no way, but we are still moving forward because we are used to it.

19. It is not the candle that waits for you to light for me all night long. When I open my eyes, every day, I will remember everyone's smiling faces. I understand that my heart is a little more brave. I draw a circle with notes. After that, it will be remembered. I think love will always stay in your heart.

20. The most beautiful state of a coin is not static, but when it rotates like a top, no one knows whether the side that is about to turn out is happy or painful, love or hate. Happiness and pain, love and hate, always entangle.

21. On the way home, I cried. My tears broke down again. I can't do anything to walk like this. I can't be proud anymore. What else can I say? What else can I do? I hope you will hear, because I love you, I let you go.

22. I am a good child. I don't smoke, drink, go to Internet cafes, fall in love, and I don't like you. What a good and lovely child I am. In the end, I will lose what belongs to me.

23. It's hard for me to admit that you are the wrong person, but I still have to let go of you to face the cruelty of reality alone, and finally understand that love is not who can live forever, but I will believe that we are really doomed if we bleach a little longer.

24. Every girl used to be a tearless angel. When she met her beloved boy, she had tears. The angel shed tears and fell to the world. Therefore, every boy can not let down his girl, because she once gave up the whole heaven for you.

25. Life is like a dream, and time is merciless. When I look back, I find that living is a kind of mood. Be poor, rich, gain, or lose. Everything is past. Think about it, no matter yesterday, today or tomorrow, it will be a beautiful day if you can suddenly see the light.

26. In fact, it's not that I can't love or dare not love. I'm just afraid of getting hurt, being afraid of hurting myself and others, so I don't love. I don't want to love. I love too hard. Love too helpless. It's not that you don't love. Fear of love is also a kind of injury.

27. Love can contain resentment, and can accept hatred. Love does not need to say sorry. One's life together is a rare fate; Spending a trip together is also a valuable anniversary. Love has no cause and effect, love has no rules, love is right or wrong, love never fades.

28. What should be used to portray the end of the season, and what should be used to portray the departure? When the bridge is broken, you become a memory and I become a past. The place where we stand is called the destination. Many years later, it has become a post station of time. You said you would come back, I said you would leave.

29. Youth is a book that cannot be closed when opened; Life is a road that cannot be turned back once you step on it; Love is a bet that is thrown and never returned. Take out your complaints every day to bask in the sun, and your mood will not be short of calcium. If you want to lose, you will lose to the pursuit. If you want to marry, you will marry happiness.

30. The most sad distance in the world is that two people were far away from each other, but suddenly one day they met, fell in love, and became very close. Then one day, they no longer love each other. The two people who were close to each other became far away, even farther than before.

31. Two people are together for happiness. Breaking up is to alleviate pain. You can no longer make me happy, and I have to leave. When I leave, it is also very painful, but you must be more painful than me, because I said goodbye first, and I was the first person to pursue happiness.

32. Maybe I loved, hurt or hurt the empty shell of my heart. Maybe I once cared too much and deeply, causing myself to be covered with bruises. Now, all you give me is memories. There are deep scars in my memory. I would rather lose my memory than remember.

33. Nothing lasts forever. Don't ask how it can last forever. There are many helplessness in life. Please try your best to enrich yourself and your life. No one knows what will happen in the past today and tomorrow. What you need to do now is to treat this moment well.

34. Many people miss a person because of loneliness, but more people miss a person because of loneliness. We can love each other, but we are doomed not to be together. It's not that I don't love you enough, but I'm not sure whether this love is the most correct.

35. I try not to remember the past as much as possible, because it is impossible to turn back. I am careful to love others, because it will not overflow. I cry when I love to cry, and laugh when I want to laugh, as long as it comes from nature. I don't want profundity, just simplicity.

36. Once there was a smile in my life, but it finally dissipated like fog, and that smile became a swift river deeply buried in my heart, unable to swim, and the voice of the river became my song of despair every day and night.

37. It's sunny outside the window, but it's still raining inside. I smile. It doesn't mean I'm happy. I hold an umbrella. It's not just for shelter. You never understand what I'm thinking. I want to hug everyone, but I have to hug myself first. Please bear with me, because I'm already practicing to bear with you.

38. I will never admit that there will be any obstacles in the combination of two hearts. Love is not true love. If you see someone else changing, you can turn the wheel, or you can leave when you see someone else turning. If my words are wrong and proved to be incorrect, no one has ever really loved me even if I haven't written poems.

39. The sad face looked through the window and saw the rosy clouds all over the sky. We could not see the future or the future. Those beautiful sentences no longer belonged to me. Are they lost or satisfied? Who accompanied me in this frothy summer? I remember that we were 20 years old.

40. In life, there is no permanent pain. No matter how deep the pain is, the wound will always heal; In life, there is no impassable ridge. You can't sit on the edge of the ridge and wait for it to disappear. You can only find a way to cross it; Life, there is no eternal love, there is no end of feelings, always end.

41. I like to leave my mark on you, but I never remember that you never belonged to me. If one day, I don't like you anymore, will my life be as depraved and decadent as before? I don't want to live like that anymore, so I haven't let it go yet.

42. Time is like a river. The left bank is an unforgettable memory, and the right bank is a time of youth worth grasping. What flows quickly in the middle is young and faint sadness. There are many beautiful things in the world, but not many really belong to themselves. Look at the flowers blooming and falling in front of the court.

43. When love cannot be perfect, I would rather choose to have no regrets. No matter how beautiful the next life is, I don't want to lose the memory of you in this life. I don't want eternal beauty. I want you in all reincarnations. Even if I keep a piece of memory, I will smile happily.

44. I hurt you unintentionally. You left sadly. I will stand here and wait for you to come back. If you don't come back, I won't be waiting here anymore. How sad you should be. You are so fragile. I'm afraid you can't bear it. I'm waiting for you all the time.

45. With that concern, you will have a comforting spiritual comfort on the lonely journey. With others' concern for you, the plain years will be more abundant in life. An ordinary day, or a very ordinary experience, can make people feel a lot of concern.

46. Like love songs, the highest level is lingering sound. The most beautiful thing is not revenge, but regret. The best love must have regrets. That regret turned into a lingering sound, long attention. The most beautiful love doesn't have to fight for the sky, but looks at each other without saying anything.

47. It is just that the heart cannot be freed. Although love is heavy, it is not boring. Happiness and pain, happy feeling arises spontaneously. Everything is in my mind. The road of life, perhaps because of these experiences, will add a lot of sadness.

48. Because of love, you give him the right to hurt you. The person who makes you cry until you are torn is the one you love most; The person who makes you laugh heartlessly is the one who loves you most. In your life, do you want to laugh heartlessly or cry heartrending?

49. Each of us lives in his or her own past. It takes one minute to know someone, one hour to like someone, and one day to love someone. In the end, it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

50. Now I can't see my future, and I'm confused and at a loss. I found myself growing up overnight, but suddenly I felt tired and tired. When I heard an old song, I suddenly remembered a person. Have you been all right?

51. If there is a kind of love that can never meet, never open its mouth, never remember again, just like a never lit fire, staring at the dark sky alone, but there is always a heart that needs to be explained, talked about, and carried on to the last moment of love, so this life is worthwhile.

52. I always thought that I could smile calmly in the face of anything, but at the moment when you turned around and decided to leave, I could not help but burst into tears. This is, the happiness of the past laughs at the pain in the heart. It turns out that the most painful pain in the world is to leave.

53. If you see me or not, I will be there, neither sad nor happy; If you read or don't read me, love is there; If you love me, or don't love me, love is there, no increase, no decrease; If you follow me or not, my hand is in your hand.

54. I have forgotten yesterday's sadness. What can be forgotten is no longer important. But who will wait for me at the subway exit? He will hold my hand, tell me the direction of the stars, and walk with me for a while. Maybe we should sit down, have a cup of tea quietly, and tell us our future wishes.

55. Happiness is stranded, pain is spreading, and my tears flooded yesterday. Forget the sweet moment. Would you feel better if you abandoned your vows and cut off your yearning? Come to an end, the painful past. Who can listen to a broken heart?

56. It is impossible to love only one person in our life, but there is often one person who makes you laugh the sweetest and hurt the most. There is often a beautiful wound that can not be healed as part of your body! Because strange, so brave, because distance, so beautiful.

57. Do you still want to say a blessing that you are going farther than us, or do you want to say goodbye? Please remember to give each other a smiling face. The sigh that is close to you is doomed to be warm after turning around. The person who once lived in the heart is far away from here.

58. Those smiling eyes scattered with the wind are like the love poems of a lonely poet, paragraph by paragraph. The lonely bell wailed all night long. Those flowery faces were finally defeated by the decadence cut by time. We looked up to the sunshine sadly, to see that the fleeting years had not died, and that the years were spent.

59. Maybe I really don't know about love. I just know how to pay and wait. I thought that I would stay together forever if I made a promise, and that I could live together forever if I made a promise. It turned out that it was just a joke, but he let me fall into it until I got deeper and deeper, unable to extricate myself.

60. If one day I walk into your heart, I will cry because there is no me. If one day, you walk into my heart, you will cry, because it is all you. I thought that as long as I like it seriously, I can move a person. In fact, I just moved myself.

61. I think love can overcome everything, but who knows she is powerless sometimes. I think love can fill the regret of life, however, it is love that makes more regrets. The ups and downs are repeated in a love story. For another person, the sky is not always blue.

62. Time will slowly precipitate, and some people will slowly blur in your heart. Learn to let go. Your happiness needs to be fulfilled by yourself. The taste of missing someone is like drinking a large glass of iced water, and then it takes a long time to flow into tears. Talk about. Love. Love. It is obviously a progressive relationship.

63. The maze like city makes people accustomed to seeing the same scenery, taking the same route and arriving at the same destination; Habit makes people's life no longer change. It makes people feel inexplicable security, but also inexplicable loneliness. You never know what your habit will make you miss.

64. We really have a hard life. First, we have to bear all kinds of external pressures, but also face our own internal confusion. In your bitter struggle, if someone gives you an understanding look, you will feel the warmth of life. Perhaps just a brief glance is enough to make me excited.

65. Some things are slowly changing. Everything about the past is just like a cloud. It was painful and I couldn't breathe, laughing at the scattered memory fragments today. Those broken and sad memories are luxuries that cannot be enjoyed in life. Crying may be a relief.

66. At that moment, I seemed to see the whole world collapse in front of me. The tiles in the ruins are carved with vivid memories, and now they are quietly pasted on the ground. Even though I am careful to keep quiet when walking, I will eventually find that I am just an exile from memory.

67. At that moment, I seemed to see the whole world collapse in front of me. The tiles in the ruins are carved with vivid memories. Now they are quietly pasted on the ground. Even though I am careful to keep walking quietly, I will eventually find that I am just an exile from memory.

68. If the heart has no home, it will wander everywhere. At a certain moment, do you want to go back to a certain day in a certain month. Sometimes, we can't let go of that person, but we can't let go of that memory. Sometimes, I look heartless, but in fact, I am more sincere than anyone else.

69. Love has to pay the price for timidity. In return, there have been countless sleepless nights in the past ten years, and endless thoughts and pains in the past ten years. I would like to exchange my life for a moment ten years ago. Let me look into your eyes bravely and ask, "Are you the one I love, and am I the one you love?"?

70. After watching an incomprehensible movie, I looked around and found that others were absorbed and intoxicated. Then I suddenly understood what loneliness is invisible. I saw the summer wind blowing gently and the grass and leaves dancing in the past, and remembered that the dark clouds were gradually disappearing and a soft moonlight was falling on the window.

71. If one day the opposite side proposes to break up with you, you must feel a sense of pain. You think you can't live without him. You try every means to keep him, but others have already given up. No matter how fierce your fire is, you can't ignite his heart. Whether you love more or less.

72. If loss is painful, you are afraid to pay; If confusion is bitter, will you choose to end it; If the pursuit is bitter, will you choose to be stubborn. Many things were seen clearly later. Many things didn't feel bitter at that time, but we can't find the way to come.

73. When I was young, I wanted to fall in love many times, but as I grew older, I finally realized that even if it took a lifetime to love someone, it would not be enough. It takes a very generous mind to get to know and understand this person slowly until you fall in love with him.

74. In our life, we should remember as much as we should forget. Memory exists in cells, in the body, and will never be separated. To destroy it is tantamount to burning stones. However, some things must be forgotten, forget the pain, forget the hurt of your favorite people, so it is.

75. The so-called flower heart is the mood of having love and bread and still wanting to eat cake; The so-called affair is to sneak out of the besieged city and fall into the trap; The so-called romance means that when you buy cabbage for your wife, you will bring back a rose; The so-called kitchen is just in front of the red carpet when getting married.

76. In the ocean of love, there are always too many waves. We think that love is very deep and true, but in fact love is very shallow and light. A bad word will hurt the other person's heart. We are just a clown on the stage of love. Even if the curtain is gorgeous, the clown will still get hurt.

77. Standing alone at the corner of the cross street, I hope that the memory of looking back and smiling, and the wonderful figure of walking can be seen again inadvertently. However, the only thing left is the eyeful of red wine and green wine, the bustle of the world, and the helpless sigh that the prosperity depends on, but the fate has not ended, and the smile has passed.

78. If you live a good life alone, why should you fall in love. In fact, I also want to find a sustenance. Just once happy, has been quickly covered by tears. None of us is wrong. If you blame me, I'm too persistent. Never forget the most beautiful fireworks. Although it has already fallen. As long as I dare to recall, I am still most moved.

79. My heart is dead, my tears are dry, I can't bear to look back, my soul is drawn, my dream is awakened, I can't feel love, my past is like smoke, it is also empty, it is also true, it is also love and hate, the leaves are silent and the flowers are killing themselves, I just say yes, I am looking for it, it is cold and clear, sad and miserable; However, I have no choice but to end my hatred for a long time.

80. Only you know how hard it is to love a person. It was a mistake to lose all your youth. I don't want to pretend to be confused but have to admit defeat. Who can keep the missed lover? I can only pretend to be confused and happy. Tears can no longer be left in my heart.

81. It's going to be dark for photos. The last sunset is about to disappear. We lost the game. Everyone left in dejected silence. Let's make a gesture of victory! After many years, who will remember that frustrating game? I can only see our bright smile in the photo.

82. Everyone has his own forest. Maybe we have never walked through it, but it has always been there. The lost lost, and the people we met will meet again. I believe in a beautiful encounter, because our life is so beautiful and vivid. Every encounter we have is God's favorite.

83. The fire of love should not be rekindled. If it is rekindled, the beautiful memories of the past will disappear. If we do not reunite, perhaps I will arrogate his deep thoughts and stay with him until he dies; However, at this moment, I hate him. All the good days are far gone.

84. See the clouds in the sky are thick and undulating, limitless. The sun shines without mercy. This power grows and never dies. It seems that after a long sleep, when I wake up, I smell the breath of rebirth and feel very clean. But everything is just for a while. We bear it secretly, or we are empty for a lifetime. We have no choice but to look back.

85. For you, I try to change myself and move in the direction you want. As a result, I lost my soul; For you, I actively face the reality and seriously give you the life you want, but my running pace can't keep up with your imagination; I just want to be the one you like most and the one you hate to say goodbye to.

86. It is mine after all, and I will be a passer-by of you. You never love me, and it is doomed that nothing will happen to you and me. It is doomed, doomed, and doomed. No matter how I cross over, no matter how close I want to get to you, you will still leave me. I miss you, miss you, and want to see you.

87. One day in the past, you met a person. His appearance taught you what is happiness and what is peace. His appearance made you realize what is carefree. One day in the past, someone said I love you in your ear, and he will tell you, don't think about anything, everything has me.

88. People often ask you which one you would choose between friends and lovers? In fact, this problem is unnecessary. If your friends or lovers really understand you, they will understand your behavior. If they don't understand you, they don't need to care too much about losing. Friends or lovers should help each other instead of being obstinate.

89. All sadness always leaves a trace of happiness. All regrets always leave a perfect corner. I look for the gap of hope in the deep sea of the ice peak, but I always wake up in a dream. Will you look back on the past! And I am still looking for a harbor that can let me stay in the vast sea of people.

90. Don't let the person who likes you cry for you once. Because, you can hurt him like that only once. After that time, you changed from indispensable person to dispensable person. Even though he still loves you, there are always some real things that have changed.

91. I thought that if I had wings, I would become a bird. After I became a bird, I could have freedom. Now I have the wings I hope, but I can only fly in a small space and lose freedom. I still can't understand whether I want wings, fly, or freedom, or just a feeling of flying.

92. My love is born of you, and the hatred and pain in my memory are also born of you. Who has suffered who is a thorn in my heart that can never be removed. You make me crazy, treat you, and treat me with feelings. It's the most precious thing to never regret a hundred percent. Love lasts forever, and death is not worth heartbreak. Suddenly, I felt full of pain in my heart.

93. What wetted my eyes, I couldn't see your faraway back, what chilled my mood, I couldn't hold your former warmth, it was the noise of the rain that made my peace, I couldn't hear my own crying voice, it was the umbrella that made the city beautiful and could not keep the hurried love around me, who could use love to dry my wet heart.

94. Everything is unpredictable. Love and the future are all in the clouds. Our heart is like a tropical jungle, wet and rainy; It is also like the floating clouds that floated by that day, neither coming nor going. We live with our feet on the ground, but we are all in pursuit of the absolute and ultimate beauty of the world beyond the reach of the clouds.

95. Only when one can stand loneliness can he keep prosperity. Some people appear inadvertently to surprise you. You think that she is the joy in your life. In fact, you are wrong. She is just a passer-by in your life. What she gives you is a temporary feeling. When the tide rises and falls, you will understand that what belongs to you is just a memory.

96. Past events always appear in front of us, sweet and painful. The smell left in the air is always so intoxicating that it can't extricate itself. Watching the shadow being pulled longer and longer by the street lamp, the loss and sadness suddenly filled all around, and there was a sad atmosphere everywhere. Endless sadness and loneliness keep flowing, filling the empty heart.

97. Do you know? I don't think you know. In the night without you, how I am alone, counting the minutes, waiting for the dawn. You must not know that every minute, every second, and every moment we were together were carefully bound by me in memory and hidden in the deepest part of the soul.

98. She cried, tears falling down one by one. She lost the past sunshine, lost the past blue, the sky is dissatisfied with the haze, a gray, the heart is like the sky. She is sobbing softly, releasing her unhappiness with tears. The sunshine always comes after the rain. Cheer up. Crying will become history, and a new page has been opened.

99. When tomorrow becomes today and yesterday, and finally becomes a day that is no longer important in our memory, we suddenly find that we have been pushed forward by time unknowingly. This is not the illusion that we are moving forward in a stationary train when it is crossed with adjacent trains, but that we are really growing up and become another person in this matter.

100. There is a city in my heart, and it hurts to live in it. A person will cry because of pain; The reason why a person hurts is because he cares; The reason why a person cares is because he has feelings; A person has feelings only because you are a person! So, if you have feelings, care, pain and tears, it means that you are a complete person who can no longer be complete.

101. Give you happiness, but can't enter your world. I want to exchange my whole world for a ticket to your world, but that is just my wishful thinking. My world, you don't care; Your world, I was expelled. I really like you. I closed my eyes and thought I could forget, but the tears I shed didn't deceive me.

102. Those who are in a hurry are the most beautiful scenery, and those who are hurt most are the most true feelings. I always thought that I could bear the arrival of this day, but when I faced it seriously, I knew that I was just a woman who needed to be loved. Can silly waiting call back a heart that has already betrayed? I can only mask my pain.

103. Walking on the corridor of the palace, a light sadness envelops everyone. The silence around, the beautiful carvings left on the wall, and the polished marble at the foot all give a feeling of "glory, wealth, and honor turn empty", which cleanses everyone's heart. Everyone remained silent.