Boys' emotional discourse related to unrequited love (35 selected sentences)
With the bright moon
2023-03-22 09:48:56
Complete sentences

1. If you really like a person, your eyes will not exist in the whole world except him.

2. We really don't know what we have until we lose it; We really don't know what we miss until we get it.

3. There is no need to make too many promises. Waiting is a better service commitment. Heard some things, it didn't matter originally, but also turned many corners in my heart to think of you.

4. I have no feeling for him anymore. I don't like her anymore. Why is that? Our love was lost to time.

5. Your diligence, let me moved, your burden, let me move, your investment, let me be grateful. Holding your hand is the most appropriate choice for me in this life.

6. The cloth sofa you used to sit on has widened, and the music you love has stopped. On that day, I will wait for you here, waiting for you to be placed.

7. I hope the sun is warm, the breeze is not dry, the years are not old, good friends will last forever, and lovers will never leave.

8. I have never happened in the past when you collapsed, but I want to accompany you to a colorful future.

9. When I take a picture of you, you need to pose according to my rules. I want to take a picture of your most beautiful side.

10. You wake me up every morning, hoping to wake up and see you at the first sight.

11. No matter whether you are getting fat, ugly and old in the future, I will never change your heart.

12. Your back can't get away from the sunset that night, so I intend to be fascinated by every evening.

13. Stay with me all your life! If I can't do it, I'll stay here. If I can't do it, I'll think about other ways.

14. It's more beautiful to dream half way, and the weather is also very good today, so I stayed up overnight and thought of you by the way.

15. I love you, commodity baby, just like a mouse loves rice. You are the golden phoenix flying in the sky, and I am the tiger and wolf chasing on the ground. I don't beat you or scold you, but I destroy you with emotion.

16. When I was a child, I wanted to become a biologist, a mathematician, and a creator, but now I just want to get married with you.

17. The autumn wind comes to say hello to me. Look at the autumn leaves floating down my blessing. The autumn wind and rain are dropping my love. The happiest thing is thinking about you every day.

18. I have few ideals. I have sugar in my pocket, ink in my stomach, life on my hands, wealth on my cards, and you in my heart.

19. I'm sorry, I can't give you an iron horse, nor can I let you live a prosperous life, but I can let you have a small family and warm a cup of tea inside.

20. Without you, I don't know what kind of self I could be and what kind of life I would be living. I dare not think about it.

21. I don't want what you have. As long as your left ring finger, I can't let you have everything I have but one wedding ring.

22. Daily life is not as affectionate as you, if you like me. Fortune is not beside you, I am beside you.

23. To others, you are a person; But for me, you are my whole world.

24. Don't worry, because there are always some people who often stay up late with you, pick you up on rainy days, say they love you, and good things are always in the bottom of the box.

25. I can't stay with you. But you are in my heart, will always accompany me down. Only you in my heart can accompany me to the end.

26. If I had not worried about your worries and your thoughts, I would not be worthy to say I love you.

27. Some people can't be together all their lives. But there is a feeling that it can be hidden in the heart for a lifetime.

28. I have difficulty choosing, but I chose you directly when waiting for you.

29. Sometimes a rain will make me miss you. If you were here with me now, that rain would not easily move my heart.

30. In this life, there will always be one person who can't walk with you, but you want to live with her.

31. For others, no matter how long, I still love you regardless of everything. If one day you look back, no matter how long, I will always be there.

32. I like you. In order to find you better, I moved into the eyes of birds, often staring at the wind passing by, and forgot to listen to the gunshot of hunters.

33. I love you. I don't like your looks and temperament. It's not you.

34. Look forward to the sweet dream tonight. One is calm, the other is leisure. Then you will be very sweet when you are in the dream.

35. I won't allow you to shout at me loudly. Please save yourself. Does your throat hurt? I feel heartache even if I shout bad!