Feelings after reading Snow White
Ordinary and valuable
2024-01-01 03:27:53
reaction to a book or an article

This story is about a queen who gave birth to a princess. The lovely princess had dark hair, white skin like snow, and red lips. Unfortunately, the queen died soon after the birth of the princess.
The king married a new wife. Although she was beautiful, she was cruel and often mistreated Snow White. One day, she asked the magic mirror, "Who is the most beautiful woman in the world?"
It said, "Snow White is the most beautiful." From then on, she hated Snow White very much and wanted to kill Snow White. Once, the queen gave Snow White a poisonous apple to eat. As soon as Snow White ate it, she fainted. The queen was very happy. She left the cabin and came to the palace. The seven dwarfs came back. When they saw Snow White who had passed out, they knew that it was the cruel queen who had done it. They were very sad. They carried the beautiful Snow White into a transparent box. A prince was hunting here. He happened to pass by. As soon as he saw the beautiful Lord, the prince fell in love with Snow White.
He asked the seven dwarfs to let her carry the beautiful princess back to the palace, and the seven dwarfs agreed. The prince asked his subordinates to carry the princess back to the palace, and accidentally bumped it into a tree. Snow White vomited a poisonous apple, and Snow White came back to life. The dwarfs were very happy! The prince proposed to her, and Snow White agreed. They held a grand wedding, and also invited the vicious queen. When the queen saw it, it was Snow White, and she was very angry. This story made me understand a truth that a person should not be as vicious as the queen in the story, but be kind.