Comments of Haier CEO
Red wine knocked over the earthly cabinet
2023-11-26 16:27:48
Senior High School Entrance Examination
impressions of after reading

With regard to Haier, many familiar cases or management experiences have been heard or read before. The most touching thing is to see the remarks made by Mr. Zhang Ruimin, CEO of the Group, on the completion of Haier Industrial Park
After watching the film "CEO" adapted from the development history of Haier Group, I feel like everyone. I can't be calm for a long time
The moving scenes in the film, such as Ling Min taking the lead in smashing the refrigerator, Deputy Factory Director Yang running for a loan, foreigners saying that Chinese enterprises are 50 years away from them, are all impressive.
As the first enterprise in China to become one of the top 500 companies in the world, Haier's development is not fast, not successful, but also bumpy. However, after watching the film, I personally felt that what led Haier to run quickly was the innovative consciousness and the concept of continuous transcendence and breakthrough of Haier's core team leaders.
In modern society, the competition between people and between enterprises has put forward higher requirements for every social person. "Thinking determines the way out" has become a famous philosophical saying that every business operator can regard as the oracle.
Indeed, it is the wise and visionary strategic thinking of Haier President Ling Min in the film that has achieved the miracles of Haier's continuous growth and repeated peak climbing.
So far, I think it also explains why some employees cannot understand why the company pays the price to emphasize employee training? Why does the company not strive to create limited conditions for each employee to broaden their horizons, improve their awareness and break through themselves? Being responsible for the growth of enterprise employees is not only the responsibility and obligation of enterprise operators, but also a manifestation of generosity, and also a kind of wisdom?
The enterprise thinks for its employees, and the employees contribute to the enterprise; Enterprises add glory to society, and society serves enterprises; Isn't this the co prosperity and co prosperity of the sea and spray?
During the growth of Nawen, how many partners have grown with us! Therefore, we should also say that Nawen is also a sea, a young sea that gathers streams from all directions. The sea is growing to become a vast ocean, and every drop of water is growing to become a beautiful spray.
"Sincerity forever" is the essence of Haier's service! However, if there is no deficit heart to create famous brands and win glory for the country, no patriotism heart to serve the country with industries, no gratitude heart to thank the society for serving the public, and no hard work heart to strive for excellence, how can we be sincere forever? It is precisely because of the broad mind of Haier people that Haier has such a high reputation.
When Ling Min holds up a hammer and smashes 76 refrigerators with quality problems in the film, it is believed that many audiences are deeply shocked. Such self denial requires too much courage, but it also requires extraordinary wisdom to firmly lay the foundation for the future.
In our work, when we pointed out that the product quality of a small number of partners was an obstacle to the development of the brand because of their lack of quality awareness, how many people bravely stood up and assumed their own responsibilities? To indulge the present is to abandon the future!
For thousands of years, the sea has never dried up because of the drought and no rain. Because the sea has a broad mind and constantly contains hundreds of rivers!
We will not give up because of team members' temporary mistakes. We have enough patience and confidence to review the past and look forward to the future. Because we are still young. However, in any case, youth cannot be the capital that we repeatedly reduce our demands on ourselves. A hundred boats race against the current. If you don't advance, you will fall back! Time waits for me. When I have to fight, this is the attitude we should have when facing competition!
"Dancing with wolves, if you don't become a wolf, you will be eaten by wolves!" Ling Min's crisis awareness is the motivation for Haier to constantly put forward high standards and requirements for itself.
The so-called crisis is both a danger and an opportunity!
Facing the crisis squarely, fearing the crisis, and judging the situation in the crisis, the crisis will be an opportunity for us to leap forward. On the contrary, if you avoid the crisis, become trapped by the crisis, or even become confused, you will inevitably be defeated by your competitors in the pursuit of the crisis. For this reason, the company's philosophy of survival is: "Walk on thin ice and think more about the crisis of the enterprise!" The crisis is not terrible. What is terrible is that there is no courage to face the crisis and no wisdom to break away from the crisis!
The road to success will never be smooth. The young Nawen group has been ready to deal with the crisis because of our courage, because of our solidarity, and because we always grow in learning and learn in growing!
In the film, too many pictures are worth thinking about
Here, I will not list them all!
However, Narvin is the sea, and Narvin is willing to lead every drop of water and every spray in the sea to stir up a more magnificent wave!
I have many regrets.
I regret that I didn't spend more time to communicate with so many of our partners (especially our brothers and sisters in the production line), and I know too little about you. Here, I want to say sorry! I tell myself that my heart is always open to everyone, ready to listen to your ups and downs, and share your joys and sorrows! I would like to use my deepest wish to wish that we will always be happy on the road of common growth with Navin!
At the same time, there are also some partners, especially our management and administrative personnel, who regard it as a mechanical task when you write your impressions. I compare your "work" with the heartfelt voice of our partners in the production department. To be honest, I am a little ashamed of you! Most of you, your partners, have received much more education than them, but don't you feel a little embarrassed?
However, after all, Nawen is a sea, at least, a small sea. Let us gather this small sea of infinite youth and yearning, to our hearts' content, to our dreams, to our hearts' content, and to our hearts' content
Na Wen is the sea, and Na Wen salutes the stream that came for it.
Nawen is the sea. Nawen salutes the dream of waving for us.
Nawen is the sea, which is preparing to roll up the most magnificent landscape