Talk about the sad personality of tired
Drunken Beauty Knee
2023-05-17 02:01:38
Complete sentences

1. The Double Ninth Festival is coming again. What can I give you: a bar for fear that you will get drunk; Send money, for fear of guilt; Send flowers, afraid they will break; Give it to me. I'm afraid I'm tired. It's best to send blessings after thinking about it. It's not drunk or tired, and it's also very affordable.

2. Think of yourself as someone else. Life is doomed to go through many joys, sorrows and joys in the world. Only when you regard yourself as someone else, you will not be crazy in the face of happiness and sorrow in the face of hardship. Life in the world will also involve fame and wealth, and only if you regard yourself as someone else, will you not be tired of fame, moved by profits, trapped by officials, and annoyed by feelings.

3. Are you tired of playing? Are you tired of playing? Are you tired of giving birth to you? Are you alive

4. Are you tired of playing? Is it hot to wear masks? Is it troublesome to play tricks? Is it easy to give birth to you

5. Dear. Don't lose me any more. I'm afraid I'll be tired and never find my way home again.

6. Memories are happy, memories are painful.

7. There is no real fool in the world, only those who are willing to be fools.

8. Tired, close your eyes and think about our memories; Heart tired, close your eyes, forget our memories.

9. Maybe the sparks that can't accompany you to the horizon will wither, but I really want to go to the end side by side with you.

10. With your cooperation, there is no barrier on the career path. If you are tired, please rest. If you are wrong, don't blame yourself. Pain is the ladder of happiness. If you look back when you are tired, my missing is only a turning distance. I wish you happiness, beauty and more success.

11. If you are tired, you will have a cigarette to accompany you. If you are tired, who will accompany you!

12. Are you sad? Are you tired? Are you dead? Do you want me to tell you that I experienced these things when I liked you

13. When people are tired, they have a rest; Calm down when you are tired. When I grow up and mature, I can see through many things.

14. I live so tired. But you are so calm.

15. This is my attitude towards life. You don't need to understand it. You can appreciate it.

16. Can you say goodbye to me by your name? I don't want to love you anymore. I was wrong as long as I loved you. My heart is tired and I can't love anymore

17. People sleep when they are tired, and giggle when they are tired.

18. Be careful when you are tired, and want to put everything down at once!

19. I thought I was used to such a difficult love in a different place. However, after more than two years, when encountering difficulties, the weak and helpless people who hide under the strong shell will all come out and eat my scarred heart.

20. Take the initiative for a long time, everyone will be tired. It's not that they don't love anymore, but they are tired

21. What do you want me to continue with this feeling? My heart is tired and tired. Some words hidden in my heart will never be said again.