52 simple sentences for blessing friends on the Dragon Boat Festival
Drink wine to your heart
2023-05-22 16:34:59
SMS Collection

1. The wine of the Dragon Boat Festival is fragrant, the wormwood leaf of the Dragon Boat Festival is long, and the memory of the Dragon Boat Festival is in the chest. Wish you a healthy Dragon Boat Festival.

2. Even Zongzi is cute, but you are more cute than Zongzi. I will taste you with all my love until my teeth are gone!

3. The gentle breeze sends the festival greetings to you far away. May you spend all this beautiful time and enjoy the Dragon Boat Festival.

4. Hang the fragrant "wormwood" and wish you a safe Dragon Boat Festival. Wish you a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!

5. It is fragrant and clear. In the past, there were strings of rice dumplings. It was the Dragon Boat Festival; Zizi and colored, five color silk knot, Zong is to bless you: Dragon Boat Festival is healthy!

6. The gentle breeze sends the festival greetings to you far away. I wish you all the best and wish you a healthy Dragon Boat Festival.

7. Quietly, you stared at me without saying a word. I quickly returned the rice dumplings I owed you today, plus a cute little sachet. Don't cry, good, good!

8. Laugh and don't worry. Go ahead quickly and happily; Laugh twice, throw away troubles, and sing a tune happily; Laugh three times to eat dumplings, fragrant sweet tongue around; Wish Dragon Boat Festival a good health!

9. On the fifth of May, it's Dragon Boat Festival, Zongzi Fragrance, Dragon Boat Dance. Fragrant, dancing and blessing. I wish you a beautiful and colorful life; Harvest your career and reap a bumper harvest! Dragon Boat Festival is healthy!

10. Five color new silk wrapped dumplings, green poplar with rain gradually heavy, brown leaves wrapped in friendship, friendship and love dumplings are feelings; Put wormwood leaf incense beside the door, and you will be safe and healthy forever. Wish Dragon Boat Festival a good health!

11. Dragon Boat Festival dumplings sweet and sweet, SMS blessing to send heart; Dragon Boat Festival dumplings are sticky and sticky, and there is no end to happy life; Dragon Boat Festival dumplings full and full, wish you a wonderful life every day. I wish the Dragon Boat Festival a good health!

12. I made a few jin of zongzi, sent someone to pick mugwort leaves in the mountains, bought a bottle of realgar wine on the street, and with some care from the bottom of my heart, I gave it to you as a gift. Wish the whole family a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!

13. Dragon Boat Festival dumplings fragrance, the whole country happy. Dragon boat racing, dancing and Chinese culture singing. When looking for jokes for cultural propaganda, everyone refers to the guest website. Wish everyone a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!

14. When the Dragon Boat Festival comes, I will give you a back garden. The garden is planted with a wisdom tree, flowing with a spring of sorrow, blooming with free flowers, and building a lucky bridge. I wish you good luck and good mood, and the Dragon Boat Festival is healthy.

15. If a flower represents a blessing, I will send you the whole spring! If a white cloud represents a piece of luck, I will send you the whole sky! May I give you my best wishes for the Dragon Boat Festival!

16. The green zongzi leaves are wrapped with good luck, and the festival is also called Duanyang; You can swim in a dragon boat on the clear river, and a touch of yellow rice wine can relieve your worries; Good wishes to friends, filled with sincere feelings. Wish: Dragon Boat Festival is healthy and everything is auspicious!

17. The flowers are delicate and the wine is mellow. If the wine is not drunk, everyone will be drunk; Water is clear, honey is thick, honey is not sweet, everyone is sweet; Festival music, zongzi fragrance, zongzi is not charming and self obsessed. 2. The Dragon Boat Festival is not a happy festival. Everyone is happy!

18. I always want to give you the best and most sincere wishes, not only in every festival, but also in every day. May happiness and health accompany you and your family forever! Wish Dragon Boat Festival a good health!

19. Dragon Boat Festival, Zongzi blessing big release. I wish you: the body is as strong as dumplings, love is as sticky as glutinous rice, work is as easy as leaves, and life is as rich as dumplings! Dragon Boat Festival is healthy!

20. The leaves of zongzi are fragrant on May 5, and the Dragon Boat Festival is full of passion. It gives you blessings, health and happiness, happiness and warmth. It's more cordial to invite friends and gather friends, and it's more comfortable to enjoy the boat and eat zongzi. I hope everything goes well with you and everything goes well with you.

21. When it comes to the smell of brown, the reed leaves are full of emotion, and you have a good mood every day. A few red dates and a few hearts will make you happy and happy. Good luck is like every grain of rice. It's all yours to wrap together! Wish Dragon Boat Festival a good health!

22. The Dragon Boat Festival has arrived, and we offer dumplings. Ingredients: five Ankang dates, a handful of care rice, three money friendship water, tied with humor, delivered by mobile phone. Shelf life: before the fifth day of May. Retention method: Please press the storage key.

23. On the Dragon Boat Festival, we will give you a healthy "Zongzi" to help you strip off your worries about work and the tedium on your face. All right, you can eat the lucky rice and enjoy the Dragon Boat Festival!

24. A good life is like a dragon boat race, which requires hard work, and a healthy mood is like dumplings, which requires hot steaming and baking. The Dragon Boat Festival is just around the corner. I wish good friends good health and happiness every day!

25. Money doesn't have to be a lot, but enough is enough; Friends don't have to keep in touch, just hide in your heart; Dragon Boat Festival doesn't have to eat dumplings, just have fun. So you must be happy on Dragon Boat Festival!

26. A quiet message brings you my best wishes, a deep feeling, a friendship, a good luck, a warmth, a watchful, a caring, and a healthy life. Dragon Boat Festival is healthy.

27. Break a piece of rope from the middle, then break another piece on both sides, and then break another piece on the last side. How many pieces of rope have been broken? Yes, five festivals are broken. Ha ha, I wish Dragon Boat Festival a healthy life!

28. The Dragon Boat Festival is coming. I want to give you a coat: the pocket is called warmth, the collar is called care, the sleeve is called thoughtfulness, and the button is called missing; Let this coat closely accompany you through every minute, and wish you a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!

29. In the dumplings of the Dragon Boat Festival, there are: a healthy mung bean, a happy peanut, a beautiful red bean, a healthy condiment, wrapped into a happy dumplings for you, and I wish you a healthy Dragon Boat Festival in advance!

30. Do you know what I think? Miss you. Do you know why I miss you? Because I like it. Do you know why you like you? Because of your taste. Do you know what you smell? The taste of rice dumplings. Ha ha, Dragon Boat Festival is healthy!

31. Raise the red flag and fly out of the deep willow grove. Drum strike spring thunder, straight break smoke wave far back. The sound of joy shook the earth and scared away thousands of people. In the west of Jinbi Building, you will be the first to win the championship. Wish Dragon Boat Festival a good health! Dragon Boat Festival is healthy!

32. Workers are beautiful. When you devote yourself to the society with diligence, reward yourself and eat more dumplings. If there is an afterlife, every year today I will hold you in my arms and sincerely wish you: Dragon Boat Festival is healthy!

33. There is a kind of friendship that is still simple after things change; There is a kind of trust that is still missed after many years; There is a kind of greeting that is pure and light but most sincere; There is a kind of friendship that doesn't need to mention it, but understands it. I wish you a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!

34. Fate, let me meet you; Happy, let me know you; Concern reminds me of you; Friendship, let us together; Blessing, let me think of you first. Wish you all the best, Dragon Boat Festival!

35. The three meals are always on the way out. I have told you to go out, collect, stew, take out and take out, but have you eaten meat dumplings? Right there, I will take you as my best friend? I wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

36. There are always windy mornings, warm afternoons, brilliant dusk, meteor nights, and someone praying that all the good things in the world belong to you! I wish leaders a healthy Dragon Boat Festival and everything they want to achieve!

37. The Dragon Boat Festival is coming, and every household has hung up the statue of Zhong Kui, hung up wormwood leaf and calamus, competed in dragon boats, ate zongzi, drank realgar wine, traveled to all kinds of diseases, wore sachets, and prepared animals. It's really fun to have fun. Wish you a happy holiday!

38. Red bean red, zongzi heavy, red bean lovesickness hope to meet, zongzi greetings friendship heavy; Wine party friends, blessing to send a long time, a cup of wine to send best friends, a blessing to look forward to forever. Dragon Boat Festival, a message to wish you a happy holiday, happy mood.

39. Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. I will give you only sweet dumplings: with fragrant blessings as leaves, generous tolerance as rice, gentle advice as stuffing, and friendship as threads, I hope you can taste the beauty of friendship and wish you a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!

40. In fact, the sea is not wide. From one shore to the other, in fact, the dream is very shallow. Everything is natural. In fact, the sky is very blue, and the clouds are always going to disappear. In fact, tears are also sweet. I wish you all the best. My idea is simple, as long as you are healthy! Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

41. Rice and steamed stuffed buns fight in groups. Rice fights with many people. When people see something wrapped, they will fight. No one is immune from bean paste dumplings and steamed dumplings. Zongzi was forced to do nothing, so he tore his clothes and shouted: "Look clearly, I am undercover!"! Dragon Boat Festival is healthy!

42. You can forget, you can abandon, I know I can't occupy your heart, but in my heart you are my most memorable! Seeing others gently peel off your clothes, my heart is broken. I love you, zongzi!

43. Hello, the Dragon Boat Festival is coming. In order to thank you for your support, I want to send you a plump, white, attractive, and fragrant one. Don't think so. I'm talking about dumplings! Wish you happiness and peace!

44. The Dragon Boat Festival is coming, I will send you only sweet dumplings: with fragrant blessings as leaves, generous tolerance as rice, gentle advice as stuffing, and the silk thread of friendship as winding, I hope you can taste the beauty of life and the feelings of May 5!

45. The wormwood leaves are fragrant, and the time is close to Duanyang; When you look down and think of your friends, you are on the water side; Do not dare to forget your thoughts, and send greetings to your heart; At that time, you will be blessed with sachets for eternal well-being; Taste the rice dumplings, which are full of auspicious flavor. Wish the Dragon Boat Festival full of gold and jade!

46. Although busy, true friendship will never be forgotten; Although separated, good friendship will never be left out; Although it is just a short message, I hope to bring you the familiar warmth. The Dragon Boat Festival is coming. Sincerely wish: Dragon Boat Festival is healthy!

47. Take advantage of the wind of happiness from all directions, break the wave of good fortune from all over the world, and make a string of dragon dumplings, which will bring happiness to the four seasons and wrap up the hope of health for a year. The Dragon Boat Festival is coming. I wish you happiness, happiness, satisfaction and peace in zong!

48. When the Dragon Boat Festival arrives, try Zong Busy, and taste jujube Zong, and wish you a sweet life; Taste the meat dumplings and wish your family a lot of happiness; Taste a bean dumpling and wish love more interesting. Dragon Boat Festival wishes life as rich as dumplings.

49. No matter how high the sky is, how deep the sea is, how hard the steel is, how strong the wind is, how long the feet are, how wide the river is, how strong the wine is, how cold the ice is, and how hot the fire is... I just want to tell you that it's none of your business! Dragon Boat Festival is healthy!

50. Duanyang here, Duanyang there, Duanyang everywhere; Duanyang last year, and now Duanyang, Duanyang every year; Duanyang work, rest, everything Duanyang. I wish you a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!

51. A fragrant "mung bean", a happy "peanut", a beautiful "red bean" and a healthy "seasoning" are wrapped into a "happy dumplings" for you. Congratulations in advance on the Dragon Boat Festival!

52. The Dragon Boat Festival is coming. I ordered a take away gift package for you in advance. There are "Zong" happy, "Zong" happy, "Zong" healthy, "Zong" good luck, "Zong" happy, "Zong" healthy, please accept it and celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival!