What is the significance of the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge in 2022
The gentleness behind
2023-08-10 18:00:42

Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge Opens a New Era of Development in Three Regions

Following the closure of the main bridge on June 29, the installation of the last expansion joint of the main bridge project of the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge has been completed a few days ago. On the morning of the 27th, the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge Authority will hold a ceremony to officially announce the completion of the main bridge project, which marks the completion of the main bridge project.

The 27th is destined to be recorded in the eternal history. On September 27, 20XX, a great idea that has been pregnant for more than 30 years was finally fully integrated after nearly 7 years of hard work by builders day and night. The Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge, a super project praised by the British Guardian as one of the "seven wonders of the modern world", now lies across the Lingdingyang Ocean with a beautiful appearance, like a giant dragon on the water, connecting Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macao. With the completion of the bridge deck pavement, the West Bank of the Pearl River and Hong Kong The passenger and cargo transport corridor between Macao is mainly water transport and overland bypass, so as to further improve the comprehensive transport system and expressway network of the country and Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, which is of great strategic significance to the coordinated development of Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macao.

It can be said that this is a grand project across the century. From the initial proposal of the scheme to the present, it has been presented to people in a real face. During this period, people in the three regions have expressed their ardent expectations, and the difficulties and hardships in the construction process are more predictable. For example, the total length of the bridge is 55 kilometers, covering engineering construction in many different fields such as roads, bridges, tunnels and artificial islands. It is a super collection of multidisciplinary, multi professional and multi-level technologies. Many key technologies and construction methods have no experience to follow in the world. At the same time, the bridge has the longest immersed tube subsea tunnel in the world, and is the longest and most difficult cross sea bridge in China's construction history. The largest scale also represents this super project, which has brought unprecedented challenges from planning and design to manufacturing and construction, from quality control to project management. For example, the wind proof, anti-corrosion and shockproof technology of the bridge, the manufacturing and installation of the world's largest steel box girder and bridge tower, the production and floating installation of the world's longest undersea tunnel, the installation of offshore piers and abutments, and the rapid island formation of two major artificial islands have set many world records.

Now the bridge has been successfully completed. The credit belongs to the farsighted decision-makers and diligent builders, while the convenience benefits the people in three places. First, it has shortened the travel distance of the three places. One bridge flying frame will reduce the traffic between Zhuhai and Hong Kong and Macao from the past three or four hours by land and more than one hour by water to only 20 to 30 minutes by car, and realize the land connection between Zhuhai, Macao and Hong Kong for the first time, which will greatly shorten the distance between Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macao. At the same time, the west end of the bridge is connected to the Beijing Hong Kong Macao Expressway, connected to the national expressway network, and the east side of Hong Kong is connected to the road network of Hong Kong through Lantau Highway. This connection has brought the traffic distance between the three places closer.

Second, it has shortened the economic exchange distance between the three places. After the opening of the project, it will create a new situation for the transportation links between Hong Kong, Macao and the mainland, and bring new opportunities for the long-term economic development, tourism, finance, trade, commerce, logistics and other major industries of the three cities. Now, with the construction of the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge, the Hong Kong Airport has begun to build a third runway, and the airport's North Business District is also under planning. In Zhuhai, in recent years, focusing on how to make the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge a bridgehead for Zhuhai to easily connect with Hong Kong and Macao, the city is also deeply thinking about how to optimize the policy, environment and supporting facilities, and drive the construction of high-tech zones and the development of high-tech industries by undertaking the spillover and transfer of high-tech industries from the two places.

Third, it has brought the hearts of the three places closer. Although Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macao are not far apart, due to the implementation of "one country, two systems", people in the three places have felt a little estranged from each other for a long time. Today, the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge jointly built by the three cities has brought us a big surprise. It has not only shortened the distance between different places, but also brought closer the spiritual distance between the mainland people and the people of Hong Kong and Macao. It should be said that this is a new coordinate that belongs to the three places, and it will also become the seal of the common heart and the knot of love of the three people.

In this sense, the comprehensive completion of the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge may be a phased end for builders today, but it is a closer start for the development of the three regions. We hope that the successful completion of the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge will usher in a new era of development in the three regions. We are eagerly looking forward to this vision becoming a reality in the near future.

Significance of Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge Construction

Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge has become the longest cross sea bridge in the world. As a cross sea bridge project with the longest mileage, the largest investment and the greatest construction difficulty in China's construction history, the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge has attracted extensive attention at home and abroad. The Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge will connect the world's most dynamic economic zone. The completion of the fast track will have far-reaching significance for the economic and social integration of Hong Kong, Macao and Zhuhai. The 29 km long bridge in this plan is estimated to cost US $2 billion. After completion, it will become the fourth longest bridge in the world after the Pontchartrain Lake Bridge, Ningbo Hangzhou Bay Bridge and Jiaozhou Bay Bridge. After completion and opening to traffic, the driving time from Hong Kong to Zhuhai will be reduced from more than 3 hours to more than half an hour.

The Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge project spans Lingdingyang, connecting Hong Kong to the east and Zhuhai and Macao to the west. It is the first large-scale cross sea transportation project jointly constructed by Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao under the framework of "one country, two systems", and also the longest cross sea bridge project in the world. The "Century Project" Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge was started in Zhuhai on December 15, 20XX. After the completion of the project, it will only take half an hour to drive from Hong Kong to Zhuhai. Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao will be closely connected.

Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge

The Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge is a huge bridge connecting Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macao. It has important strategic significance in promoting the further economic development of Hong Kong, Macao and the west bank of the Pearl River Delta. The construction of the main body of the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge was commenced on December 15, 20XX, and the first phase was completed from 20XX to 20XX. The investment of the bridge exceeded 100 billion yuan, which took about six years to complete. In 20XX, a Hong Kong elderly woman applied for judicial review on the EIA report of the Hong Kong section of the bridge, and the construction of the bridge was delayed. In December 20XX, the Hong Kong section of the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge, which was delayed for nearly one year, was launched. Donald Tsang said he would recover the one-year delay. On April 21, 20XX, the first subsea tunnel standard pipe joint was successfully completed by the prefabrication plant located in Niutou Island, Guishan. On May 6, 20XX, the first immersed tunnel was installed under the sea, and on July 30, 20XX, the first 180 meter pipe joint was installed under the sea, marking the full opening of the installation of deep sea tunnels. On July 23, 20XX, the installation of the E11 immersed tube of the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge successfully completed the 1845m subsea tunnel, marking that the total length of the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge tunnel has reached 1845m.

Route planning

Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge (English:.

The Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge is part of the G94 Pearl River Delta Ring Expressway, with a design speed of 100-120 kilometers per hour. The project route starts from the artificial island of Hong Kong port near Hong Kong International Airport, connects Zhuhai/Macao port artificial island and Zhuhai connection line to the west, and ends at Hongwan, Zhuhai, with a total length of 55 kilometers.

Crossing the Lingdingyang sea area at the mouth of the Pearl River, it is a large cross sea channel connecting Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macao in the form of a highway bridge. The starting point of the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge is Lantau, Hong Kong. It passes through Tai Macao, crosses the Pearl River Estuary, and finally divides into Y-shaped shapes, connecting Zhuhai at one end and Macao at the other. The whole bridge will be built according to the standard of six lane expressway, and the designed driving speed is 100 kilometers per hour. It is revealed that the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge will pass through the Gongbei built area through a tunnel in the direction of Zhuhai. It will first connect with the planned Beijing Hong Kong Macao Expressway, Guangzhou Zhuhai West Line, and then connect with the existing Beijing Zhuhai Expressway, Western Coastal Expressway, Jiangzhu Expressway, Airport Expressway under planning and construction, Gaolan Port Expressway and a series of trunk roads in Zhuhai through the extension line, It runs through the west bank of the Pearl River and even the Pan Pearl River Delta.

Use measures

The total length of the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge to be built is km, of which the main project "Bridge and Tunnel in the Sea" is km. The main works of Haizhong Bridge and Tunnel and Zhuhai Link will be constructed according to the standard of six lane expressway, with a design speed of 100 kilometers per hour. The cost of the whole bridge is more than 72 billion yuan, which is jointly funded by the central government and the governments of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. It is planned to charge fees for 50 years.

For the toll that most people care about, according to the toll forecast in the project feasibility study report, there are two plans in which the private car charge is 150 yuan. Recently, the Secretary for Transport and Housing of Hong Kong, Cheng Ruhua, said that according to the latest financing arrangements, the three governments have reached a consensus to reduce the bridge toll as much as possible. For example, it is estimated that a private car will cost 100 yuan per trip, and a truck will cost 200 yuan, or even less. Relevant departments emphasized that the completion and opening of the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge was still several years away, and the final charging standard was determined and announced three months before the opening of the bridge.

Generally, the service life of mainland bridges is 50 to 60 years, while the main works of Hangzhou Bay Bridge are raised to 100 years. According to Hong Kong standards, the design service life of Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge is 120 years, that is, it can fully meet the use function within 120 years, so it can be used with confidence, and there is no unplanned overhaul.