Good words, sentences and paragraphs about life (57 selected sentences)
Aunt Bangbang
2023-03-18 13:56:25
Complete sentences

1. When you were born, you have boarded a train to death. The only meaningful thing is to treat the people with you kindly.

2. His mind is only full of himself. This kind of person is the most empty one.

3. Pursuing dreams is everyone's right, but it has nothing to do with proving true love. If you want to use time to prove love, how much time will be wasted.

4. I can't say whether it's easy to live in the world.

5. Being unable to get rid of is one of the sources of trouble in life, especially in love.

6. Calm down and deal with all gains and losses correctly. Most of the frustrations in life are due to the stubbornness and persistence of oneself.

7. The value of life lies in the use of life.

8. Practically implement your dream so as to bring its value into play. No matter how good the dream is, unless you really practice it, you will never get anything.

9. I want to turn life into a scientific dream, and then turn the dream into reality.

10. There is a long way to go in life. The value of life is fully reflected in the road of life. Its significance is not how many days you can live, but how you choose your life and who you have been in your life.

11. Living is actually like making sand sculptures on the beach. Some people have pinched a Taj Mahal, and you have only drawn a line. Do you feel ashamed? No, when the waves come, the beach will be flat again. This is how we live.

12. We live in the world not to ask for anything from life for ourselves, but to try to make others live a happier life.

13. Don't blame those who blame you for your shortcomings. We should thank God for giving you the most severe teacher.

14. I promise you that no matter how big the wind and rain, or how rough it is, I will hold hands and move forward together. But I didn't expect that you just walked out of the rough and ran away!

15. Living in the world, you can't be too tired. Home is where you stay. It's OK to look past it and stay comfortable. For some things, we might as well take it easy.

16. It turns out that nothing in the world is forever. A friendship will fade away after leaving. A love, separated and scattered. Cherish what you have now. Maybe next second, it will no longer belong to you.

17. It's hard to be water after all. In the end, no one can take the place of anyone.

18. There is only one death in life. What we want to live is meaningful, and what we die is valuable.

19. Reading is learning, reading nature, understanding society is more important learning.

20. Human life is limited, but service to the people is unlimited. I will devote my limited life to unlimited service to the people.

21. If you look forward to tomorrow, you must first step on reality; If you want to be brilliant, you must never stop.

22. In life, sometimes the best way to go is not necessarily the main road, but the small road; In reality, sometimes the most convenient way is not necessarily a straight way, but a detour.

23. What is our life? It is just an endless flight of winged facts or events.

24. The value of human lies in creating value and in its responsibility and contribution to society.

25. Love should be neither flustered nor irritable. A pair of people are born in heaven, just like an appointment.

26. You can start doing what you want to do at any time. I hope you don't restrict yourself with age and other things. Age is never the limit, unless you use it to embarrass yourself.

27. Human value has its season just like fruit.

28. The value of a person should be based on what he has contributed, not what he has achieved.

29. Strong hope is a stimulant greater than any joy in life.