A Complete Collection of Sentences Relieved in Love Selected Sentences (Selected 120 Sentences)
Learn to forget
2023-05-27 13:43:55
Complete sentences

1. I never dare to say the future, because the future is really far away.

2. Break up, no one is right or wrong, love is not a person's thing.

3. How afraid I am to get used to your good, and then you leave like a joke.

4. Tears from the corners of the eyes, deep sadness in the eyes. We should be happier than anyone else.

5. Your loneliness makes me nostalgic. I looked back at you carelessly. Only lonely people will be lonely.

6. Like you, do not need reason; Don't like you, anything can be a reason.

7. I defeated everyone, but you pushed me off the cliff.

8. Even if you choose to leave, I have no right to stop, because my love is always just your charity.

9. I laughed heartily in the sun, hiding the emptiness in my heart.

10. Passing by, you and I don't belong to each other. We should cherish the present, because we don't care about treasure and goodbye, and our feelings and bitterness have turned into dust.

11. Love, it is not a hard work must be fruitful project.

12. You have left far away and I will walk away slowly.

13. The original blank memory is now full of your shadow.

14. Why do you need two people's consent to be together, but only one person can make a decision when you are apart.

15. God doesn't give you strength to fight.

16. Not that I'm demanding, but that you can't walk into my heart and warm me.

17. Every time I sit in a corner, I feel relieved. It is quiet that no one can disturb.

18. Suddenly I fell in love with looking at old photos, one by one, recalling our past little by little.

19. Listening to your favorite songs will make me cry.

20. The person who really loves you will never let you go, no matter how difficult it is.

21. I never like to let others see my tears. I would rather let others think I am happy and heartless.

22. Youth is always so sad. It cools the time and hurts the heart.

23. Lovelorn sentence: I love you, but you love her, bless you.

24. Sing the sadness in a low voice, and let the memory rot if you can't forget it.

25. A promise is just a lie. It's a beautiful deception, but someone is willing to give up everything for it.

26. Destiny decides our departure. The faint Sheng Xiao will play up the sadness.

27. I know you can't let me go. You didn't look back when you left.

28. I just didn't think that affectation was the reason for you to leave.

29. Learn from Tusky and squint at the world.

30. The cardamom of that year will be forever.