Letter of Guarantee Composition (3 compilations)
Orange scent
2024-06-14 01:41:55

Letter of Guarantee Composition (1)

Zhu Zhu, our reporter in Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province, firmly reported: "Great, great!" I cried with joy when my mother said that she would accompany me to school today to register. Because I will soon be a fifth grade pupil.

In the fifth grade, I should continue to keep the habit of going to bed early and getting up early and exercising. Get up at 6:30 every morning and do some morning exercises after washing to ensure a good spirit for the day; Go to bed at 9 o'clock at night, drink a cup of hot milk before going to bed to relax the nerves after a day of fatigue; After finishing my composition at the weekend, I will play badminton and run with my mother to meet the learning and challenges of the new week with abundant physical strength and spirit.

Of course, it is necessary to pay more attention to study - after all, there are still two years left before primary school. Before class, I will strengthen the preview and enrich my knowledge by consulting more materials; In class, listen carefully, write down what the teacher said carefully, and raise your hand in time if you don't understand; In my spare time, I plan to read extracurricular books by "chewing the bull and swallowing the whale" to deepen my impression - because the class time is limited, if I want to get more knowledge, I still need to rely on my usual reading and accumulation. Especially in writing, we should not only read and write more, consult teachers more, but also be good at recording. When we hear beautiful words, we should write them down in time, so that we can learn and use them flexibly.

In addition, I will pay more attention to etiquette and set a good example for my younger brothers and sisters. On the way to and from school, if I meet my classmates, I will take the initiative to greet them and remind them to obey the traffic rules and pay attention to safety; In case of heavy traffic, I will let my classmates go first.

Although I am not doing well enough now, I will work hard in these directions and hope to get encouragement from teachers and help from students.

This is the reading method advocated by Qin Mu, a contemporary writer - imitating the way cows and whales eat. Cattle chewing - Cattle will chew and chew the things they swallow during the day at night. It means that when we read, we should repeat it many times until we understand it thoroughly. Whale swallowing - the whale opens its mouth, fish and shrimp enter the mouth together with the sea water. Once the mouth is closed, the sea water leaks through the teeth, leaving only fish and shrimp. It means that people who "swallow" a lot of knowledge one day are difficult to enrich their knowledge, which shows that extensive reading is equally important.

Guarantee Composition (2)

Guarantee composition

In daily study, work or life, we often see the figure of composition. The composition must be focused on the theme, and make in-depth exposition around the unified theme. Do not talk about anything, the theme is loose or even no theme. Do you know how to write a good composition? The following is a guarantee composition collected by my editor for you. Welcome to read it. I hope you will like it.

Guarantee composition 1

This summer vacation was the hardest in my life. I was forced to sign a letter of guarantee for severe punishment because I failed the final exam. Ah! Don't mention it!

This final exam is very important, because the top 300 students in Jingyang District can enter No. 1 Middle School directly. So I face the exam squarely. However, due to my improper strategy and time arrangement during the exam, most of my additional questions were not done, so I only got 79.5 points in Chinese. I took the result book, my face wrinkled into Sichuan characters, and returned home with a feeling of anxiety. Mom and Dad were all there, and they couldn't wait to ask me about my score. I had to hand them the score book with a worried face, and then slipped into my room, afraid to see them.

But I could not hide from the first day of the lunar new year. When it was time for dinner, I had to bury my head, look down and go out of the room to eat. They both looked livid and kept silent. When I saw that they were like this, I was worried and went to dinner slowly. As soon as my father knocked on the table, he shouted: "Why did you do so badly in the exam! How are you going to learn in the future?" I dared not speak out for fear of being beaten. Dad roared: "Come and write a guarantee for me!" Dad took out a piece of paper and threw it on the table. "Write it for me!" Dad asked me to write seven rules while reading them. The punishment behind each rule made me tremble. Finally, my father asked me to draw a pledge before he let me go to dinner. At dinner, I thought about the letter of guarantee. Ah! I don't know what to eat!

This tough summer vacation will drive me forward under the guarantee. I also hope that I can implement these rules well and can't be punished!

Guarantee composition 2

Dear XX

I am a student in Class 3 of Senior High School. In order to regulate my daily behavior, steadily improve my academic performance, and consciously abide by the school and class discipline, I promise that:

1、 Dress neatly and simply. The hair is clean and tidy, not dyed, not made up, and not wearing jewelry. Boys don't have long hair and strange hair, and girls don't wear high-heeled shoes.

2、 Be polite. Students should unite and help each other. They should not fight, swear or swear. Respect the faculty and take the initiative to greet them when they meet.

3、 If you are sick or have an emergency, you should go through the formalities of asking for leave. You can leave the school only after the head teacher agrees to sign. If the dormitory students do not go to bed at school, they need to ask for leave from the dormitory administrator and the head teacher.

4、 Do not bring mobile phones into schools or play with mobile phones in class.

5、 Do not make loud noise during the break, do not make noise inside and outside the classroom or in the corridor, and chase each other. It is strictly prohibited to play in classrooms and corridors.

6、 Pay attention to hygiene, take care of the environment, do not spit everywhere, steadily throw fruit shell paper scraps, steadily paint and kick.

7、 It is strictly prohibited to communicate with the off campus staff. Those who collude with the off campus staff to cause trouble on campus will be dismissed. Those who violate criminal laws shall be transferred to judicial organs for handling.

8、 Have meals on time and in a civilized manner. Queue up consciously when buying vegetables and meals. No jumping in the queue and no cajoling.

9、 Do not go to Internet cafes, game halls and other business places; Have a good safety lesson and enhance your safety awareness.

10、 To be an honest and trustworthy student, do not cheat in exams.

In addition, we should ensure that we can regulate our own behavior in accordance with the Code for Middle School Students and the Code of Daily Conduct for Middle School Students.

To this




Guarantee composition 3

Dear XX

1、 According to my current academic performance, it is difficult for me to enter the ideal university after graduating from senior three, which will not only affect my employment, but also reduce my quality of life in the future. In order to avoid this phenomenon, the whole family investigated, visited and analyzed my learning status during the Spring Festival, and the result was unanimous: I lacked learning awareness and effort.

2、 This semester, I will make full use of the methods such as making friends with teachers, communicating with classmates, improving classroom efficiency, and seizing every minute of time to make every effort to improve my learning awareness. Based on the current 40 students in the class, I will try every way to ensure that I can advance five places in each monthly exam and enter the class of 20 students after graduating from senior one.

3、 Cao Yan said: Only if you want to learn well, you can get good grades. Passive learning will not have much effect. I will use the balanced concept of time to demand myself and squeeze out all the time to deal with my weak subjects. I don't think about food, clothing and play any more. I should concentrate on my study. Try to persist, persist and persist again. No endurance, no success!

4、 If I cannot achieve the above goals, I will voluntarily accept the following two penalties:

1. Based on the monthly allowance of 100 yuan, complete the goal and receive the full amount; Not reaching the goal; One person who exceeds the target will get 20 yuan more. When there is no pocket money, it is not allowed to squeeze the living expenses, and it is not allowed to borrow money from others, otherwise, it will be severely punished.

2. Every time I failed to reach my goal in the monthly exam, I volunteered to accept that every time I missed one place, I would be severely hit by the board. I don't blame my parents, because they love me very much, and they do it for my sake.

5、 From today on, I want to cheer up and promise to start a new journey in my life with a positive attitude and a new look!

To this




Guarantee Composition 4

Sitting at my desk, the pen in my hand stopped unconsciously, and the morning light danced on my notebook like countless elves. That day, we grew up in such an environment

Due to the lack of discipline in music class, the whole class was written a guarantee by Chen Shuangqian, the discipline committee member.

The next day, Chen Shuang started to check the warranty, and several students didn't write it! What's more, some students were still speaking as if nothing had happened, which made Chen Shuang feel angry: "All back to their seats, no talking!"

However, few people were listening, and Chen Shuang still talked on his own. After several times of shouting, Chen Shuang refused to listen. She glared at us angrily. The class cadres below also helped to manage discipline. Finally, they calmed down and began to talk about the topic. Chen Shuang spoke calmly about the letter of guarantee and discipline, but some of the speakers below didn't think so, and then spoke again, Other students were also driven.

The morning light shines on Chen Shuang's face through the window, and I see something in her eyes blinking - tears!

"No talking!" I couldn't help roaring.

The students were shocked. They looked at me and sat down quickly. They accidentally saw Chen Shuang's eyes. Tears were flashing, and the classroom became very quiet. A needle could be heard falling on the ground, suffocating

"Take out the guarantee you wrote, and tear it up like I did." She gave us a demonstration, and I was shocked. Unexpectedly, the students did not protest. They stood up obediently and tore up the guarantee they wrote. The classroom was full of paper tearing sounds.

Tearing off this guarantee means that we don't want this to happen again, Chen Shuang told us.

A gust of wind blew from the window and brushed our faces, as if it made us relaxed. At the moment of tearing down this guarantee, I know that we have grown up, we have all grown up

Guarantee composition 5

Respected father, mother, sister and brother;

I was wrong, I was wrong, I was really wrong. Dad, I was wrong. Mom, I was wrong. Brother, sister is wrong. Li Yang, the girl is wrong. Motherland, I am wrong. I know that I am guilty, and heaven will not accept me. I never dare to lose anything again. I swear, I promise. If I lose something again, I will chop my fingers.

Damn it, can I blame it? I want to lose something! I don't like the money? I'm also very sad when something is lost. I'm very sad. Why are you angry with me, why are you angry with me, why are you angry with me, why are you angry with me, why are you so serious about asking me to write a guarantee, why are you so vicious and insidious that you have to make it public? Even if I have made such a mistake, it's not worth punishing me so much to embarrass me, is it? As for? I don't want to be such an excellent person. Be careful of the night road. One day I will bump into a ghost and frighten you to death. Hum. Let me write a thousand words, fart, a little big thing, how can I talk so much. I will turn against the sky. What's wrong? I'm not afraid of you. No matter how good your temper is, you should not go too far and deceive others too much. Sobbing, I was wrong. Please forgive me.

Then I really didn't mean it! I don't want to, can I change my mistakes? Why don't you trust me? I really will change. I said that I would change. Have a little faith in me, I am a good boy!

Guarantee Composition (3)

Today, the teacher remembered to practice calligraphy. I just wrote page 20. The teacher asked me to write 30 pages (one page every day). Now I am out of order, because if I practice these ten pages of calligraphy at night, I am afraid I will have to wait until eleven o'clock! As a last resort, I wanted Li Zhen to write for me. Li Zhen introduced me that you can take it to Li Jialin to help you practice. My calligraphy practice book was also with him, so I went to ask Li Jialin to help me practice. Unexpectedly, the monitor found it. Later, you know it, and I will not say it again.

I am very ashamed of this. I was foolish to think that you would no longer check the calligraphy practice book. In the past, I thought it was meaningless to practice calligraphy, so I simply abandoned it. In addition, I am also nervous about learning now, so I have no time to practice. There is always too much homework to write. Every day I forget to practice calligraphy because of too much homework, Even if I remember, I will not practice. Now I regret that if I can spare ten minutes, I will finish one page of words. However, you can rest assured that I will practice on time every day!

Teacher, I hope you can forgive me for my mistakes, and I promise to practice calligraphy by myself!