Growing Experience Composition (16 in general)
The temperature of the moon
2024-06-29 04:40:00

Growing Experience Composition (1)

When I was young, I heard my grandmother say, "You can reap what you sow, and you can reap what you sow." I was very happy when I heard that. I can't get coins when I grow coins. I can do what I say.

I took tools to bury the coin, poured water, and left happily. Two days later, I went to see if the coin had grown, but it didn't grow at all. I was very disappointed, but I thought, "Maybe it's not enough nutrition to grow." I ran home excitedly and took out a bottle of milk and poured it on the place where I planted coins, because I think milk is the most nutritious. In this way, I want to pour a bottle of milk every day, and my coins will grow more and more prosperous. When I get rich, they will envy me.

I poured a bottle of milk every day. After five days, I went to see if my coins had sprouted. I didn't know yet, but it hurt my heart when I saw them. The coins were not long at all, and I wasted so many bottles of milk. I was very sad. When I got home, I asked my grandmother, "You said that you can get what you sow, and you can get what you sow. Why can't I get coins when I plant coins?" Grandma said, "Because melons and beans have life, and coins have no life, of course, they can't be planted!" "Oh! So it is."

Through this incident, I learned a truth: only the seeds with life can grow fruits, while things without life can not grow things.

Growing Experience Composition (2)

There is one thing that you will never forget when you grow up. Next, I will tell you a story about me.

One day, I was lying lazily on the sofa when my mother came to me and said, "Don't lie down, son. It's such a fine day today. Let's go, let's go and learn to ride bicycles." I said slowly, "No! I still want to watch TV!" My mother dragged me out of the room.

My mother and I pushed the car to the square. At first, my mother helped me hold the car. I got on the car in fear. My mother said, "Don't be afraid of me holding you in the back!" As soon as I stepped on the pedal, the car began to move forward, but I didn't walk a few steps. I fell down with my car. I sat on the ground in pain. My mother came up to me and said, "All right!" I said, "Nothing, just a bump." I immediately climbed onto the car, but this time I still didn't walk a few steps, and fell down heavily. I said to my mother, "Mom, let's stop practicing! I don't want to practice anymore." My mother said, "How can we do that? We must practice!" Then I practiced several times this morning.

This is an unforgettable thing in my growth, from which I learned to do everything well, not to give up halfway, and to persevere, no matter how tired and bitter!

Growing Experience Composition (3)

In my growing up years, many things have happened, but one thing makes me very unforgettable.

I remember that it was a sunny afternoon. Dad said he would take my brother and me to play. We put on new clothes and were ready to start. We were singing while riding in the car. How happy we were!

Soon, we came to Kowloon Park. We stepped into the gate, which was crowded and very busy!

When we came to the playground, we saw many people in the pirate ship screaming, which was very exciting. My brother and I quarreled with Dad to take us to play. Dad had to go to buy the ticket obediently. After buying the tickets, we took the Shanghai Stealing Boat with our hands on the handrail. The pirate ship started to roll slowly, and then quickly got up. We seem to fly to the sky and then be thrown out. My brother and I were very afraid, so we had to hold on to the handrail tightly, and we didn't dare to open our eyes. At the same time, we also screamed, and people nearby kept screaming. Finally, I stopped. As soon as I came down, I trembled all over, my hands were sweating all the time, and my brother was also scared and crying.

Although it has been a long time, it is deeply branded in my mind.

Growing Experience Composition (4)

Everyone will experience things when growing up, but there is one thing that I still can't forget.

I remember in the first grade, my mother let me go home by myself in order to exercise me. I was afraid that I could not go home.

On the way home, I thought: what if there is a big gray dog on the road. Thinking of this, my body shivered. Thinking about it, a "barking" sound came, and a dog really appeared. I ran away in a hurry and waited for the dog to catch up with me. I saw that it was a cute little greyhound, because it was beside the street lamp, so the shadow was very big. I encouraged myself in my heart: look, it's no big deal.

Walking again, eh? The grass is moving! My whole body trembled and my feet were numb. It seemed that my whole body was unconscious. I felt my hands were touching me behind me. I could not help but be frightened into a cold sweat. I mustered the courage to raise my hand and touch it. It was two leaves on the tree. It was a gust of wind that blew, which really frightened me.

At this time, I heard a sound of footsteps again. I ignored the others and ran quickly. But when I ran, I heard the sound of footsteps faster and faster. My heart was pounding. I ran home quickly to open the door, take out the key, close the door, and put the quilt over my head. I exposed a little quilt and saw a pair of eyes, which frightened me. I looked carefully, It was my mother's eyes. I remembered that today was my birthday. It was my mother's surprise.

Today I scared myself, but it scared me.

Growing Experience Composition (5)

In my childhood, many unforgettable things happened to me. Some things moved me, some things educated me, and some things made me understand a lot of truth. The most difficult thing for me to forget happened on a day last autumn

In autumn, the weather is getting colder and the students are all wearing sweaters, and I am no exception. I saw my classmates wearing beautiful new sweaters, and I was no exception. But I saw my classmates wearing beautiful new sweaters and looking at my sweaters. They were small and ugly, so I asked my mother to buy me new sweaters. My mother said, "It's time to change." I was very happy. But my mother said she would knit one for me. I said, "Weaving is too slow. You can buy one for me!" The mother said, "The sweater you bought is not warm enough to knit. You don't need to buy it." I was angry and cried. The next day when I saw my mother, I began to work overtime at night to knit sweaters for me. After finishing my homework, I went to bed early. Two days later, when I got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, I saw the light in my mother's bedroom was very bright, I pushed the door and went in. When I saw that my mother was still knitting sweaters for me, I said, "Mom, go to bed quickly, Working overtime day and night, knitting a sweater for me, my nose was sore and tears came out. The next day, I saw a new sweater beside my pillow. It was very beautiful, more beautiful than the one I bought. I was deeply moved by my mother's love.

Maternal love is great and selfless. Every selfless care of my mother makes us unforgettable. I hope you will remember maternal love as the most unforgettable thing in your life.

Growing Experience Composition (6)

In my mind, there is one thing that still makes me unforgettable.

On that day, the teacher organized us to have a debate. The topic of debate is "the advantages and disadvantages of Internet access". Because I'm too timid to be a debater. I sat down on the stage and supported the debaters. Most of the students supported the argument, that is, "there are many benefits to surfing the Internet".

The debate began. The debaters on both sides collected a lot of information and wanted to persuade the other side to support their views through their own debate. At the beginning, they fought with each other, but later they were caught off guard and speechless because of the other's problems. Our classmates sitting below the stage are like ants on a hot pot. I simply took out paper to help Zhengfang write countermeasures. After a while, Zhengfang has also accumulated a number of tricks, and they are confident in dealing with the opposition. However, the opposing side did not show weakness, and the No. 1 young debater directly challenged our 2 good debaters. I'm really envious of their wonderful and intense debate. We are the first time to try this form, so both sides are not fully prepared, but we learned that the wisdom of the collective is infinite, and this learning method is more acceptable to us, making learning much easier. The teacher not only encouraged our activities, but also took photos of our activities, and finally took a group photo for us. In the photos, each of our classmates is laughing.

It has been a long time since the debate, but when I think of the scene that day, my heart is very excited and I have endless memories.

Growing Experience Composition (7)

A lot of unforgettable things will happen in one's life. The most unforgettable thing in my current 13 years of life must be that event.

That year, I had a problem with my teeth and had to wash them. In order not to worsen my condition, my mother forced me to go to the dental hospital. Since I was young, I had an inexplicable fear of those sharp things. From lying on the dental chair, I was afraid of getting cold sweats.

The aunt who washed my teeth was fat and spoke softly. As the saying goes, "fat people are kind", she should be able to be gentle! I comforted myself again and again, but the cold sweat in her palm told me that it didn't work. She put on gloves, picked up tools, and began to wash her teeth.

The bright light was very dazzling. I tried not to look at the sharp and delicate tools. I only heard the buzzing sound of those instruments. After a while, my mouth was numb. The dentist seemed to be able to read mind skills. She comforted me, "It doesn't hurt. It will be over if I persist for a while." At that time, I didn't understand the important meaning of the word "persistence", I only know that I have to endure the torture of tooth washing. He closed his eyes and lay there in fear. He opened his eyes and saw the light! I suddenly saw the reflective image in the doctor's glasses: the movements of her hands were flowing freely, perhaps she had already recited the tooth washing method backwards. It turned out that the sharp, spray puffs of water were just clinging to my teeth, and yes, I felt pain from the beginning of tooth washing, but the fear in my heart was acting strangely. When I looked at the oral lamp again, there was no discomfort, but it made me feel that my oral cavity was recovering. That light was hope.

After that "tooth washing battle", I gradually became brave. That's right. Only after experiencing something unforgettable, can one break through the confused fog in his heart and see the light of hope.

Growing Experience Composition (8)

People's life has gone through thousands of changes. Everyone is from a newborn baby to a child who learns to walk to learning a lot of knowledge. Middle school students who have rich interests, go step by step to the society, face some adults with difficulties, and then to middle-aged people who shoulder the responsibility of a family. Finally, they may go with the elderly facing death. Yes, In almost every stage of human life, there will be a different self.

Now we are a sensible and ignorant young student. In the past ten years, we have changed from a baby to a forehead, and then to ourselves. In a short period of time, we have gradually tasted the taste of life. Now I still miss the past life, and I am bold in imagining the future life. I used to be carefree, without considering any problems. Even if there were problems, my parents would always help us solve them. But now I have changed a lot compared with the past, I will think about all kinds of problems in my heart. What if I fail in the exam? What if I fail in my ideal high school? If there are any problems, I will tell my parents to try my best to solve them. I don't want to think about anything. My parents know that they are afraid of their worries. Sometimes I will think about where we are going to work in the university from now on, whether my dream can be realized, and sometimes I will naively think about the way I am facing death and where I will go after death, Will you still think about what kind of life you are living after your dream? Whether we can see our own city or not, I hope that we can realize all our wishes. In this short time, we slowly taste the taste of life.

When I think of this, I can't help thinking of my lazy self and the fact that I am not a human being when I try hard. But in the end, I chose to try hard because everything has the principle of "bitter before sweet". Now's experience is the wealth in the future.

Growing Experience Composition (9)

Time, like a clear spring, slipped away between our fingers. A semester has passed again. In this semester, the past has been engraved in my memory forever. At this moment, the unforgettable fragments of the classroom reappear in front of me.

Our favorite English class is the group competition, which will continue this Friday. The class is divided into four groups, each group has 10 people. I am the fourth group. One point will be added to the group of the student who answers the correct question according to the competition rule. The competition began, and the students were eager to compete for the points for the group. The teacher opened the big screen. As soon as the question appeared, the students who knew the answer raised their hands. Some students could not wait to stand up and shouted, "Teacher, I, I, I." The first few questions were answered by our group students first. Look at the score, we are 3 points higher than the second place. I think our group will win! But while I was dreaming, the third group caught up.

When the game became extremely hot, our group's students were very nervous. Seeing that the cooked duck was about to fly, the last question appeared on the screen. Our group's Li Mengrui lived up to expectations and resolved the crisis. Our group narrowly won the third group by one point. Just when we thought we were about to cheer at the end of the game, the English teacher said, "Check your homework as part of the score of the game." I was worried that someone in our group had not finished their homework well.

After checking the homework, the result was that our group had one more person whose parents did not sign than the third group, so our group and the third group were tied. I thought it was good to keep the first place. Smiles rippled on our group's faces again, when the bell rang, the teacher announced the result of the competition, and the third group won. Our group's face turned from sunny to cloudy, and only one of our group's classmates shouted, "Teacher, it's not fair." The teacher smiled and said: "The secret of success is that you can only win when you take each assignment seriously as an exam when the real exam comes! Everyone lowered their heads thoughtfully.

I also remember that on a Friday morning, it was an art class. In this art class, I had to paint with gouache, but I forgot to bring the palette. I looked around in my bag hoping that the palette would miraculously appear, but I never found it. Ah! What should I do! Call your parents to deliver? Look at your watch. Class is coming soon. It must be too late. Ask a classmate to borrow one? Each student brought one. Who can I borrow it from? Just when I was worried, Su Yue came over and asked me, "What are you looking for?" I said, "I forgot to bring the palette, can you lend it to me?" Su Yue readily agreed, "OK, let's use it together!"

In the art class, we share a palette to carefully draw our own works, use the palette to carefully mix the colors we need, and carefully draw each stroke. "Alas! Why is the green paint gone?" Looking at the empty green paint tube, I was dumbfounded. Su Yue had not painted her big tree yet! It doesn't matter. I can paint the leaves red! "Thank you, Suyue" I looked at my friend with a smile. The fiery red leaves that appear gradually in the picture seem to tell me that only when you know how to care for others, you will get help from others, and you should also be such a child.

The teacher's teaching and classmates' help always appear in my mind and remain in my mind, making me unforgettable

Growing Experience Composition (10)

It was in the first grade. Near the end of school, the teacher assigned an assignment: copy it three times and write it from memory. I'm really confused. What is dictation? "Ding Lingling..." After school, my mother also waited at the door of the classroom for a long time. I hurriedly copied my homework, packed my schoolbag and went home with my mother.

When I got home, I first copied it three times, and then it was time to write from memory. I asked my mother, who had just come by, "Mom, what does it mean to write from memory?" My mother casually replied, "To write from memory is not to look at it." Then my mother went to wash clothes. I seemed to understand something, and I thought to myself: Do not look at the writing, do not look at the writing is to close your eyes to write, that must be the writing is crooked, the teacher's assignment is so strange! I closed my eyes and began to write, but my heart was still afraid: would the writing be askew? I also opened my eyes from time to time to see, and then I simply opened my eyes to write. After a while, I wrote it and my mother's clothes were washed. When my mother saw me playing, she asked me, "Have you written it from memory, "What! To write from memory is not to look at writing, but to write with your eyes closed!" "Ah? That's right!"

I can't help laughing when I think about it now.

Growing Experience Composition (11)

One evening in early summer, my parents and I stood by the Songhua River, facing the wind, looking at the river, waiting for the speedboat. Originally, we would go back to the hotel to have a rest after taking the cruise ship. My father proposed to take the speedboat temporarily, and I readily agreed at that time.

But it didn't take me long to regret that I had a blue gut. I saw speedboats speeding along the Songhua River in the dark. One moment, they disappeared behind the big yachts, and another time, they got out of the wind and waves. The high-powered engine installed at the stern of the ship made a soul stirring roar and splashed huge white waves.

Although it is not the first time for me to take a speedboat, it is now at night and the wind and waves are very heavy, so I will fall into the Songhua River if I am careless. I was very afraid and held my mother's hand tightly. My father saw my timidity and encouraged me: "Don't be afraid when you are old, go and have a try." I also encouraged myself and didn't let myself be afraid. So I walked to the place where the speedboat was parked.

As soon as I stepped on it, the car sized speedboat shook violently from side to side. I began to be afraid again, and immediately sat down in the nearest empty seat. Who would have thought that when the ship started, I found myself sitting in the middle and rear of the big turbulence. In desperation, I held the handrail tightly, closed my eyes, and lowered my head to avoid the wind and waves. "Don't open your eyes, it's too scary!" said a voice. "Open your eyes and overcome your fear! You have grown up!" said another voice. Wind chuckled, as if talking about my timidity. At this time, a powerful force made me open my eyes and raise my head. Wow! How exciting! The speedboats shuttle and leap in the waves. A gust of wind began to cheer, as if I was happy that I could overcome my fear! I laughed, I overcame my fear! When the speedboat reached the shore, I even wanted to sit again.

On the way back, my parents and I kept talking about the excitement and fun of taking a speedboat, completely forgetting the fear of wind and waves.

Through this experience, I learned that I should not flinch from any difficulties in my daily study and life, but find ways to overcome them. Only if you try bravely, will you know the bitter and sweet!

Growing Experience Composition (12)

I remember that one of the most unforgettable things ever happened to me on my 6th birthday.

That day, I wore a beautiful flower skirt to KFC for my birthday. When I opened the box of the cake, a colorful cream cake appeared in front of me. Later, I made a wish and blew the candles

While I was busy, I suddenly found a set of exquisite tool knives. I was so curious that I hurriedly picked up this set of stainless steel tool knives and couldn't wait to open them. Inadvertently, the sharp tool knife made a deep cut on the middle finger of my right hand. The pain made me cry loudly. My mother hurriedly pressed my wound with a piece of paper and went straight to the Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University.

When I arrived at the Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University, the doctor said, "The cut is too deep, and I may have to sew a needle, but I can't handle it here, so I have to go to the Children's Hospital." After the doctor helped me stop the bleeding, we hurried to the Children's Hospital again. At the Children's Hospital, the doctor said, "At least three stitches. "When I heard it, my heart was full of fear and fear.

The nurse coated me with anesthetic, but I was still afraid. I lay in bed, because I didn't dare to look, so my mother helped me cover my eyes. When the doctor stitched me, my fingers did not hurt, but my heart was very afraid.

Finally, after sewing the needle, I regretted very much. I thought: I can't worry in the future. As the saying goes, "You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry."

What used to be a happy day turned into a sad day, which I will never forget.

Fourth grade: Yan Xinyue

Growing Experience Composition (13)

The most important thing in growing up experience

Today, I am honored to represent the school to Donghaiwan Experimental Primary School to participate in the electronic puzzle competition in Fengze District. When we arrived at the match area, we went to the lounge to have a rest.

After a while, the game is about to start. My heart is like an ant on a hot pot. Once I enter the game, I feel restless. How can I win the first place? After Huai's preparation, it seems that there is a little rabbit jumping in my heart, so nervous! At the beginning of the game, I just listened to the coach's order. I was so nervous that I stood up and fought. My whole body was sweating. Where is the second conductor? Eh! Where is the No. 43 100UF capacitor? I "rummaged" and finally found it. It's so cool! As time went by, I was very anxious. Don't be the last. I must not be the last. I saw that several students had already completed the assembly. I was still in a hurry to install the components on the big floor. I only had the last component left. It seemed that there was still some hope. I was quick and quick to install the components immediately and shouted "OK", The teacher came to me to count the scores and scores, and fought for a total of five rounds, but in the third round I was just one step away from finishing. I was desperate, and maybe I could not get the ranking. I'm so sad!

I comforted myself. Anyway, there was still an opportunity. The most important thing was to participate.

Growing Experience Composition (14)

When I was seven years old, I participated in the province's "Xinghai Cup" Children's Piano Competition, which was unforgettable to me.

In the early morning, I took the initiative to get up without an alarm clock. I washed my face first, then put on white stockings, a dress with gold powder, and a pair of polished black shoes and went out.

We came to the place of the match. "Wow! Many people!" I can't help sighing. When my father stood in line to get the number, the aunt who issued the number told my father: "There are more than 50 people here today. You should be number 45, the fourth round. Let's find a place to have a rest first." My father wanted me to sit down honestly, but I was very curious about everything around me and refused to sit down. Dad had no choice but to let me wander around in the corridor. I saw many children walking around, and it seemed that they were curious about everything around them.

Time passed quickly. At the fourth round, I went on the court in a panic, and my heart was so nervous that I was about to jump out. When it was my turn to perform, I suddenly felt that the music scores that I had memorized were gone from my mind. But I tried hard to remember, trying to calm myself down and return to my usual practice state. Slowly, my nervous mood calmed down, and the music played was both beautiful and beautiful.

After the end, my uneasy heart was able to recover its peace. I still miss the scene of the competition: it is quiet all around, everyone looks at the contestants, and the contestants play a beautiful song with their dexterous hands

When the time came to present the award, I thought, "I will definitely not get a good result this time." But something unexpected happened: I won the excellent award! I saw my father applauding for me. Through this incident, I understand the truth that "as long as you don't give up, you will succeed".

Growing Experience Composition (15)

I remember in the first grade, my mother let me go home by myself in order to exercise me. I was afraid that I could not go home.

On the way home, I thought: what if there is a big gray dog on the road. Thinking of this, my body shivered. Thinking about it, a "barking" sound came, and a dog really appeared. I ran away in a hurry and waited for the dog to catch up with me. I saw that it was a cute little greyhound, because it was beside the street lamp, so the shadow was very big. I encouraged myself in my heart: look, it's no big deal.

Walking again, eh? The grass is moving! My whole body trembled and my feet were numb. It seemed that my whole body was unconscious. I felt my hands were touching me behind me. I could not help but be frightened into a cold sweat. I mustered the courage to raise my hand and touch it. It was two leaves on the tree. It was a gust of wind that blew, which really frightened me.

At this time, I heard a sound of footsteps again. I ignored the others and ran quickly. But when I ran, I heard the sound of footsteps faster and faster. My heart was pounding. I ran home quickly to open the door, take out the key, close the door, and put the quilt over my head. I exposed a little quilt and saw a pair of eyes, which frightened me. I looked carefully, It was my mother's eyes. I remembered that today was my birthday. It was my mother's surprise.

Today I scared myself, but it scared me.

Growing Experience Composition (16)

That day, I wore a beautiful flower skirt to KFC for my birthday. When I opened the box of the cake, a colorful cream cake appeared in front of me. Later, I made a wish and blew the candles

While I was busy, I suddenly found a set of exquisite tool knives. I was so curious that I hurriedly picked up this set of stainless steel tool knives and couldn't wait to open them. Inadvertently, the sharp tool knife made a deep cut on the middle finger of my right hand. The pain made me cry loudly. My mother hurriedly pressed my wound with a piece of paper and went straight to the Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University.

When I arrived at the Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University, the doctor said: "The cut is too deep, and it may need to be stitched, but I can't handle it here. I have to go to the Children's Hospital to write 400 words" The most unforgettable thing in my growth experience. "After the doctor helped me stop the bleeding, we hurried to the Children's Hospital again. At the Children's Hospital, the doctor said, "At least three stitches. "When I heard it, my heart was full of fear and fear.

The nurse coated me with anesthetic, but I was still afraid. I lay in bed, because I didn't dare to look, so my mother helped me cover my eyes. When the doctor stitched me, my fingers did not hurt, but my heart was very afraid.

Finally, after sewing the needle, I regretted very much. I thought: I can't worry in the future. As the saying goes, "You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry."

What used to be a happy day turned into a sad day, which I will never forget.