200 words composition on love (18 collections)
Half a Little Love Song
2024-06-11 06:26:19
describe the scenery

A 200 word composition on love (1)

One day, Xiao Liang came back from school and found his mother lying on the bed with a pale face, looking very uncomfortable. Xiaoliang asked with concern, "Mom, why are you lying in bed? Are you sick? "Mom said," Don't worry, I'm just tired from work and want to have a rest.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, "Dong Dong Dong". Xiaoliang opened the door. It was Ding Ding who came to play football with him. Xiaoliang said, "Ding Ding, my mother is ill. I want to take care of my mother at home. Let's play football another day.

Xiaoliang carefully brought a glass of water to his mother to drink and peeled a banana for her. He pulled a chair to sit in front of the bed and told his mother stories to make her happy. Mother happily praised him as a sensible boy. Xiaoliang said, "Mom, I hope you will get better soon. Mom, I love you!

A 200 word composition on love (2)

I love golden autumn. Look - the sorghum in the field is holding a red torch. The sun and paddy told a joke, and paddy bent over with laughter.

I love the autumn harvest. Look at the yellow pears on the trees, like lanterns. The golden sun in the sky shines on the apple tree. The apple blushes and hides in the leaves. The clusters of grapes on the grape trellis are like crystal clear pearls. The children ran to and fro to help the adults pick fruit, and they didn't feel tired at all.

I love this autumn full of wonderful sounds. You listen to the autumn wind, singing a happy song of "sand, sand, sand" and blowing all the fallen leaves into the dustbin. You listen to the autumn rain, "Shua, Shua, Shua" to wash the ground, the ground becomes clean.

The autumn sky is so bright and clean, and the autumn scenery is so colorful. I love the autumn full of autumn harvest joy everywhere.

200 words composition on love (3)

If you want to ask me which season I like best, I will not hesitate to say that I like autumn.

Autumn is a harvest season, but also a beautiful season. Look if you don't believe me. In the orchard, the apple blushed, the pear tree bent over with a smile, the pomegranate opened its mouth, revealing its pink small teeth, and the persimmon swayed on the branches like a small lantern.

In autumn, when the sky is high and the clouds are light, the geese in flight spread their wings to the south, march towards victory and march forward bravely. Gusts of cool autumn wind gently brushed my cheek. The leaves are swaying and dancing with the wind, like colorful butterflies flying. When the autumn wind comes and the dew becomes frost, the leaves fall off and the flowers shrink. Only the chrysanthemums stand against the wind and the Aoshuang is in full bloom. The autumn water is clear and cold, rippling and flashing. In the golden autumn, the color of Eulaliopsis binata became golden.

I love autumn. I like the beauty of autumn and many delicious fruits.

200 words composition on love (4)

Autumn is a harvest season. There are red apples, yellow pears, pink strawberries, and many sweet fruits!

Autumn is a beautiful season. The yellow ginkgo leaves are like small fans, which fan away the summer heat, and the red maple trees look like a fire burning in the distance. Golden fields, fields like golden ocean. There are also lovely chrysanthemums, colorful, snow-white, golden, pink, and many beautiful flowers.

Autumn is a cool season. The autumn wind blows slowly, and the sun is no longer as hot as a stove, but shines on the earth with a cool light.

In autumn, it was a gift telegram sent by Miss Dong. The little squirrel received the telegram and quickly went to the tree to look for pineapples as food. The telegram told the children to put on winter sweaters as soon as possible. The telegram brought the happiness of harvest to the farmer uncle

I love autumn!

200 words composition on love (5)

Dear mother, I love you! I remember once when the school organized a physical examination, the doctor told the head teacher the results of the examination, and the head teacher told the parents the situation, saying, "Wang Zipeng may have a heart problem, so it's better to go to the hospital to have a check again." My mother went upstairs immediately to get my medical record card. On the way upstairs, my mother felt dizzy, and held the railing to keep her from falling, My father told me these words afterwards. At the gate of the hospital, I asked my mother if I really had a heart problem? My mother didn't say anything. I saw my mother's tears coming down.

After entering the examination room, the doctor said it was normal. After leaving the supervision room, the mother finally took a big breath and said, "Baby, our greatest hope is that you can grow up safely and love you." I also hugged my mother happily and said loudly, "Mom, I love you too!"

200 words composition on love (6)

When I was a child, I liked painting very much. Every time I painted, I was very happy.

When we were in a small class, the teacher would give us colored pens, and I would draw on paper. I like drawing butterflies best. I can paint them pink and blue. The teacher said I painted them well and beautifully.

A few days ago, the school teacher asked us to draw octopuses. I painted a big octopus with watercolor. I painted its eyes with black crayons, its mouth with red crayons, and its eight feet with various colored crayons. When I finished drawing octopuses, the teacher thought that my paintings were excellent, so he showed them to everyone. Other people's paintings also took turns to show us. But I think my paintings are the most special.

I like drawing very much. I always want to win the first place. When I have time, I will often practice and become a little painter.

200 words of composition on love (7)

When Xiaohe came home from school, he saw his mother lying on the bed with a pale face. Xiaohe asked his mother, "What's the matter with you, Mom?" Her mother said, "It's OK. Mom is just a little tired from busy work." Xiaohe said, "Mom, I'll get you a glass of water.".

On the way to pour water, Xiao He heard the doorbell ring and hurried to watch the door. Xiaohe opened the door and looked, ah! It's Xiao Gang. What's wrong with Xiao Gang? Xiaogang said, "It was agreed to play football today. Why don't you go?" Xiaohe said, "My mother is ill and I want to stay to take care of my mother, so I can't go with you." Xiaogang said, "Let's go next time."

Xiaohe handed the water to his mother. Mother said, "Thank you, my dear son." Xiaohe said, "You're welcome, Mom.". Xiaohe said, "I'll get you a banana."

Xiaohe took the banana to his mother. When his mother was eating, Xiaohe told her about school. Xiaohe also said to his mother, "Mom, do you still remember what festival tomorrow is? What did Mom say? It's Women's Day! Happy Mother's Day.

200 words composition on love (8)

In my mind, my father is very cute, kind and considerate. My father loves me very much. Dad's hair is dark and bright, his eyes are small, but he is very intelligent, and his thick lips look honest.

Once, when I was eating fish in kindergarten, I suddenly got a fish bone stuck in my throat. When I got home, my father was very worried about the situation and decided to take me to a professional hospital (Women's and Children's Hospital). My father's heart was pounding. When he saw the thorn coming out of my mouth, his heart calmed down and he was relieved.

I remember another day, heavy snow fell one after another, and the northwest wind was blowing. When I waited for the bus after school at noon, I shivered with cold. Suddenly, a voice came from the side: "Sheng -- Nan --!" I saw my father looking for me next to me. I immediately ran to him. My father took off a big leather coat and put it on for me. He asked me, "Is it still cold?" Then I knew how much my father cared about me!

I want to thank my father for his love!

200 words composition on love (9)

There are four people in my family: father, mother, me and brother.

My mother is a housewife who takes my brother and me at home. My father earns money to support our family. My father and mother have paid too much for this family. They have worked hard.

I am seven years old this year. I am lively and lovely. Every day I go to school and go home by bus. I never let my parents worry. It's just that they don't study hard and like to wander in class, which always gives parents and teachers a headache.

My brother is very naughty. He always likes to steal things from me and complain to his mother. My mother always criticizes me. I can't help it. Who calls me sister.

When we sit together watching TV, we always like to grab the remote control. Because we all want to watch our favorite channel. My brother likes watching cartoons, my father likes watching ball games, and my mother likes watching life movies with tears streaming down her face. I also like watching it with my mother. Look! "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" is playing lively, and my brother has hidden the remote control in his arms, and my father is going to rob him!

Although our home is very simple, but our home is full of laughter, I love my home!

200 words composition on love (10)

Everyone has their own mother. Mother will give you love, and so will I. Today, I realized the taste of maternal love.

Mother's love is sometimes sweet, sweet as honey in the heart, and mother's love is sometimes sour. Grandma's love turns sour when she is sick. My mother's love is sometimes bitter. When I make a mistake, my mother's reproachful eyes make me dare not face it. Mother's love is also hot, that hot eyes, so I dare not make mistakes. Mother's love is always salty, and the hard sweat reveals a little salty taste.

Mother's love has various tastes, which have different meanings. This is the taste of maternal love.

200 words composition on love (11)

In the middle of the night, everything was quiet. I was awakened by bursts of pain in my dream. The pain was like a poisonous snake bite. Cold sweat constantly seeped from my forehead. The screams in my heart woke my parents. My pale face led to my mother's crying. My shrunken body left my father at a loss. "Hurry to the hospital!" Father's roar broke the silence of the night.

The night was like paint and ink, and the fingers could not be seen when reaching out. The wind, like a lion and a tiger, roared at the top of its voice. The rain, like an arrow and a knife, poured down from the air, and lay on his father's solid arm. It seemed that he heard the rhythm of panic. The gasping sound accompanied by the rapid footsteps spread to the dark night in the sky, and the cry of heart wrenching and the flash of light with a flashlight intertwined in front of my eyes

200 words composition on love (12)

I have a precious treasure that no one can take away, that is, maternal love.

Once, I had a fight with a classmate at school, and I put a bag on his head. The classmate cried at once. The cry was loud. When other students saw it, they immediately ran to the teacher's office and told the teacher. The teacher angrily said, "Why did you hit this classmate?" I said unconvinced, "He hit me first." The teacher saw this situation, He called me and the classmate's mother. When the classmate's mother saw a bag growing on her son's head, she immediately quarreled with me.

My mother knew it was my fault and could only swallow it. When I think of it, my heart is very sad.

200 words of composition on love (13)

When I was in primary school, the first thing I did when I came home was to do my homework, and the parents checked and signed it. That's why Dad stayed up late.

Once, when I woke up, my father was still doing homework for me. When my father saw me, he asked, "Why? Can't sleep? Put on your clothes to see me give you homework." It turned out that there were so many mistakes. Dad told me one by one why I made mistakes and how to do it! My father looked at me and said earnestly: "Do your homework carefully, form a good habit of being strict with yourself, understand that doing homework is to check whether your knowledge is accurate and solid, and it is useless to deal with it. There are still many things to be serious in the future." I nodded gently and went back to the room to sleep, with the light still on behind me.

At this time, I felt the taste of love in the soft light. That night, I slept soundly.

200 words composition on love (14)

Love my father

My father is the sky, my mother is the earth, and I am a white cloud between the sky and the earth. I have a father who is responsible for me. I love my father.

My father is dark, a little fat and tall. My father works as a salesman, and he is often away from home on business, but he cares about me very much. Once, when my father was at home and criticized me severely, he found the reason with me. With his explanation and encouragement, I soon understood all the questions. And I did another question, and my father smiled with satisfaction after checking. He is also very concerned about me in life. Sometimes he comes back from other places to bring me gifts to stimulate my study.

This is my father who loves me and is responsible for me. I also love my father.

My parents love me very much

Last time I quarreled with my mother, I realized how much my parents loved me!

When my mother Douzui and I were together, my mother suddenly said; I was not born, but my father hoped that you must have a child, because my father hoped to be a boy, but when I was born, there was a nursing room that said I was beautiful. My mother wanted to give me to others at that time. My mother and father talked about it, and my mother said that my father would not give me to others! So Mom and Dad raised me slowly. Mom and Dad said when they quarreled with me; Why didn't you give me to others! Just say that every time you quarrel!!

So your parents love you most!

Don't treat your parents as the freedom they don't give you! Don't trust anyone, just trust Mom and Dad, I'm leaving, bye! You know? ok!

Love my father

My father loves me very much, but he is very strict in my study. Sometimes he beats me and scolds me to let me study hard.

Once, I couldn't do a math problem. When I asked my father, I still didn't understand him. My father asked me severely, "Han Qingyuan, did you listen carefully in class?" I said, "Listen! But some of them forgot." My father couldn't help punching me hard. I took my exercise book and ran back to my own bedroom, locked the door, and cried loudly. After a while, I realized that my father was angry that I had ignored the teacher's words and didn't remember them well. I ran out of the living room to apologize to my father. Dad said: "It doesn't matter, as long as you don't take the teacher's words as a deaf ear!"

I nodded and smiled happily. In order to repay my father who loves me, I will remember what the teacher said deeply in my mind and strive for good results!

Love my father

My father is 35 years old and 1. 74, a little fat. Under the thick black eyebrows are a pair of intense eyes, a high bridge of the nose, a modest mouth. Dad is very energetic every day.

I tell you quietly, in fact, my father works very hard every day. Dad is very tired when he goes to work and gets off work every day, and he still comes home very late. He left in a hurry before we got up in the morning. We seldom meet Dad, and Dad is also very hard!

Once, when I couldn't do a math problem, I asked my mother, who said she was cooking. I went to ask my father again. My father read it carefully and explained it to me again, but I still couldn't do it. I thought my father would hit me. Who knows, my father not only didn't hit me, but also patiently explained it to me until I understood it.

This is my father, a busy father, I love my father!

Love my father

My father is the best father in the world.

He is so quiet that he can't talk to me ten words a day, which means what to eat at noon? Stop watching TV, have a rest when you are tired, wait and so on.

He always treats me as a child, a very small child. For example, when crossing the road, you should hold my hand; Get up in the middle of the night to cover my quilt; Ask my father for the key to go home. He always tells me the one who wants to try to open the door, and tells me which direction to turn, etc.

My father cooks very well, but my mother is a little better. When I leave my shift at home, my stomach will suffer.

My father has a bad temper. He gets angry whenever he acts. I may inherit him! When I do something wrong, especially dangerous things, he always says and accuses me severely. In fact, he treats me well in a bad way, but he cares about me.

I put my love in silence, but I can feel it.

200 words of composition on love (15)

My mother is like a great fairy, who brings me light, but deprives me of troubles and pains to "enjoy" herself; My mother is like a rainbow fairy who loves people. She has brought me success and sunshine, but has blocked failure and wind and rain to bear; My mother is also like a selfless nanny, taking away my affairs and my burdens and letting herself carry them... In a word, my mother is like a goddess of luck, giving me happiness, success and ease, but holding sadness, failure and burdens in her own hands. Ah, my mother is also like a gust of wind, blowing away bad luck and bringing good luck.

I love my mother, but my mother loves me more.

On a snowy day, the ground was frozen three feet. People walked on it with fierce battles. If they were not careful, they would fall down. It was at noon when school was over. I remember that I was only in the first grade. Our class walked out of the school gate against the piercing northwest wind. The ground was very slippery, like smearing oil. I was afraid of slipping and walked carefully. Suddenly, I heard someone calling me. When I looked closely, my mother was right in front of me on the left. I felt like I had found a ray of light in the dark, happy as a bird, and jumped to my mother in front of me, "Mom! Mom!" I cried excitedly. Mother smiled happily, and a smile appeared on her anxious face. I asked curiously, "Mom, why are you here, My mother and I helped us back home, and I knew that my mother was afraid that I would slip when I went home alone, not that I would fall. For me, my mother had been eroded by the northwest wind for 20 minutes, but I was so naive.

Now, the past is open to see, and there are different views. My mother's affection for me is growing day by day, and her love for me has been speechless.

Maternal love is like a warm snow.

200 words composition on love (16)

I remember once, when I was eating fish at noon, I accidentally ate a fish bone. I wanted to eat something more to take it down, but my throat was like a needle stuck there, and I couldn't even swallow the saliva. My mother found something wrong with me and asked, "What's the matter?" I answered, "I accidentally ate a fish bone." My mother was extremely anxious and took me to the hospital without saying a word. On the way to the hospital, I found that my throat was no longer sore, and I could swallow it. I whispered, "Mom, my throat is no longer sore!" After listening to my words, my mother stopped the car in a hurry. Out of breath, she said, "Try again to see if you can swallow it." I tried again and said, "It's really OK." But she was still worried, and went to the pharmacy to buy a box of natural vitamin C tablets for me to eat. She said, "Vitamin C can soften bone spurs." When she bought Vitamin C tablets and walked back, her mother slowed down and said to me earnestly, "Be careful when eating fish. Look! How dangerous it is to eat fish bones“

Through this time, I learned to be careful when eating fish, and be careful when eating fish bones. At the same time, I am proud of having such a mother.

What a selfless motherly love! Sometimes we often make her angry. So we must repay her with love.

200 words of composition on love (17)

I love my mother

mom? You are my most respected good mother? Whenever I see you cooking or washing clothes. I was so moved that your hands were already cracked. Do you know your daughter loves you very much? When you say; If my daughter has anything to wash, I will say no, but there is. When you wash your clothes, I always say in my heart; Mom is sorry. I shouldn't let you wash so many clothes. Your daughter worries you a lot, but I don't want you to worry.

Whenever I am sick; You will take care of me with all your power. Buy me lots of things to eat.

I love my mother, forever mother, love you.

I love my mother

Each of us has a kind mother, including me

I remember one time when I was sweating heavily before going to bed, my mother's hand touched my head, and she said, "You have a fever, child." I was very worried. When I saw my mother like that, my heart was very sad, because I usually did not listen to my mother's words and did not wear more clothes, so I had a fever

When I took the exam, my mother encouraged me so much. I still ignored my mother and suffered a lot for her. I'm here to thank you. If it's not because of me, you don't have to say that it's hard. In the future, I will be diligent and hard. I will repay your mother for these two things in the future

The world is not only me, but also you must cherish the people in front of you, that is, kind mother!!!

I love my mother

My mother is the best mother in the world. I love my mother.

I remember that when I was young, it was the thing that impressed me most. At noon, I played in the room. I knocked on the edge of the bookcase with a plop. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain and red blood flow all over the ground. My mother came to see the blood on my ears when she heard the sound. She quickly carried me to the hospital. At that time, my mother only wore pajamas and pajamas, wearing slippers on her feet, and quickly ran to the hospital. Mother's light orange was dyed red. The doctor in the hospital stopped my blood, then gave me an anesthetic injection, took the needle and sewed it three times, and was arranged in the ward by the doctor

When I woke up, I immediately nestled in my mother's arms, and the warm current of happiness rippled in my heart. I could not help singing, "There is only a mother in the world, and a child with a mother is like a treasure!"

Mom, I said loudly to you: "Mom, I love you!"

I love my mother

I love my mother. She has big watery eyes, a high nose, and long black hair.

My mother's hobby is traveling. I have accompanied my mother to many places, among which one thing that happened when I went to Black Tiger Spring had a new understanding of my mother.

On arriving at Black Tiger Spring, I saw three tiger heads running water, and many people were collecting water again. There are also places where children play, which are very lively. I also saw foreigners coming to play. My mother said, "It turns out that there was a cruel battle here, and many PLA uncles showed their lives for this. This is the great battle in Jinan." I felt a lot when I heard this, and my mother knew so much!

I should learn from my mother, read more books, study more and make contributions to the motherland.

This is my good mother. I love my mother.

I love my mother

Whenever I wake up from a sweet sleep, my mother is always working hard. At that time, I was very young and didn't know that my mother was tired for me.

Now, whenever I wake up, my mother is still beside me, caring for her girl with her big hand. By the dim light, I saw my mother, who once had black hair, but now she is getting pale (old).

Mother, my mother, when you turn those white hands into wrinkles, my heart hurts.

Mom, you gently stroked me. It was a pair of hands full of thorns. You kissed my forehead again and protected me with your wordless love. Mother, my good mother, wherever I go, you will always be my good mother. I can't forget your care and love for me - my mother in my heart.

200 words composition on love (18)

Green grass grows on the grassland, just like a green carpet. In the fields, the spring seedlings are green and the rape is golden. Spring is like a great dyer, dyeing the earth into various colors.

The unfrozen brook makes a tinkling sound, the fish in the brook are spitting bubbles, the ducks are bathing heartily, the willows on the bank are sprouting, and it is combing its long hair. Spring came to our school. The children took off their thick cotton padded jackets and put on their thin spring clothes. They rushed out of the classroom, ran on the playground and played games. There was a lot of laughter everywhere.

How beautiful spring is! I love spring.

In the 200 word model essay on spring, spring is compared to a dyer, and vividly describes the scene of the arrival of spring and the myriad colors of the earth.