Special Composition for Senior High School Entrance Examination (3 required)
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2024-06-22 05:05:15
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Special Composition for Senior High School Entrance Examination (1)

In the daily study, work or life, everyone inevitably has to come into contact with the composition bar. Composition is the transition from internal speech to external speech, that is, from the compressed simple language that you can understand to the developed external language form that has a standardized grammatical structure and can be understood by others. How to write a thoughtful and literary composition? The following is the topic of composition guidance for the senior high school entrance examination carefully organized by the small editor. Welcome to share.

[Learning objectives]

1. Know yourself from multiple angles and show the richness of "I".

2. Grasp your own characteristics and strive to show yourself creatively.

3. Choose the appropriate expression and style according to the content.

4. Express your feelings sincerely, and try to express your unique feelings and true experiences of nature, society and life.

5. Make good use of association and imagination to enrich the content of expression.

6. Narrative writing should be specific in content, argumentative writing should be reasonable, and prose writing should be scattered in form and concentrated in spirit.

[Focus on examination points]

1. Demonstrate the "I"'s personality, such as: "I of _______" (20xx Guangdong Provincial High School Entrance Examination)

2. Demonstrate "my" interests, such as "My Another World" (20xx Tianjin Senior High School Entrance Examination)

3. Narrating the growth experience of "I", such as "Mom, I've Grown up" (20xx Beijing Shunyi County High School Entrance Examination)

4. Write freely about the emotional world of "I", such as My Joy (20xx Tianjin Senior High School Entrance Examination)

5. Express the spiritual pursuit of "I", such as "My Wish" (20xx Henan High School Entrance Examination)

6. Describe the conjectural imagination of "me", such as "My diary one day in 20 years" (20xx Guangzhou High School Entrance Examination)

7. Express my feelings and experiences, such as My Self study Experience (20xx Qingdao Senior High School Entrance Examination)

8. Express "I"'s understanding of myself, such as topic composition "I am important" (20xx Huangshi High School Entrance Examination)

[Knowledge accumulation]

1、 Ways to Know Yourself

1. Investigation method: know yourself by asking parents, teachers, classmates and neighbors about my past performance and evaluation of me.

2. Divergent memory method: from the perspective of family, school, society and other aspects, recall what "I" did in different periods and aspects to understand myself.

3. Self analysis method: dissect yourself by recording and analyzing your words and deeds in the form of diary.

4. Dialectical thinking: Look at your future development advantages with a changing perspective, and evaluate yourself with a dialectical attitude.

2、 Methods of portraying oneself

1. The method of drawing shape to convey spirit: reveal my spiritual world and personality characteristics through the description of "I"'s appearance, demeanor, figure, clothing, voice and even gestures.

2. Action expression method: through the action description of "I" to express the thought and character of "I".

3. Inner monologue: portray the image of "I" through "I"'s self talk, and show "I"'s character and inner world.

4. The method of entrusting people with things: describe the things related to "me" to set off the personality and ideological character of "me".

5. Side contrast method: show all aspects of "I" through others' observation, discussion and evaluation of "I".

6. Fixed point writing method: to express my spiritual style through a close-up description of a prominent "point" of "I".

3、 Accumulate the famous words of "I"

1. It is a victory of reason to persuade yourself; It is a sublimation of the soul that I have moved myself; It is a kind of maturity of life that you conquer yourself. Those who have persuaded, moved and conquered themselves have the power to conquer all setbacks, pains and misfortunes. (Jiang Jinyong)

2. It can be said that the process of life is a process of constantly understanding oneself. It is a process of constantly digging yourself. (Lu Xing'er)

3. Being able to admire others will never show your incompetence. Being able to admire others just shows your self-confidence. Being able to admire others is also a kind of happiness. (Li Jun)

4. A successful person does not necessarily require superior intelligence, but must have a special temperament. He hates himself and does not believe that he cannot succeed. This huge spiritual energy enables him to overcome all difficulties and finally succeed. (Liu Yong)

[Excellent thinking]

"Show yourself" is one of the important contents of junior high school writing training, and it is also an important aspect of the content of the composition examination for the senior high school entrance examination. To write this kind of composition well, we can start from the following aspects:

1. Selected materials. Selecting materials is the first step of composition. Only by selecting excellent materials can we successfully show ourselves. When selecting materials, you should first open your mind. We can recall every bit of life carefully and analyze every aspect of life carefully. For example, we can write our own nicknames and hobbies; You can write about your attitude to learning and your life style; You can write your own happiness and distress, as well as your own pursuit and secret; You can write about the growth experience of "me", and also analyze the advantages and disadvantages of "me"; You can write the "I" in your home or in your teacher's eyes; Can write the "I" in reality, can also write the "I" in the ideal...... With the material, we need to carefully screen. When screening, we should repeatedly compare the advantages and disadvantages of various materials, and select those materials that are detailed, fresh, moving, vivid and interesting, and can highlight the "I" personality characteristics. After careful consideration and comparison, we will find the best writing materials.

2. Innovative ideas. With good materials, the composition is only half successful. Writing should be eye-catching, but also innovative ideas. We can innovate ideas from "the angle of entry, the idea of writing, the method of writing" and other aspects. From the perspective, you can start from a single perspective, seize one of your main characteristics to show your image, or start from the overall perspective, draw your own self portrait; You can show your personality from a positive perspective, and you can also show your advantages from a lateral perspective; You can describe all aspects of yourself statically, or write about your development and changes dynamically... From the perspective of thinking, we can show the image of "I" in different occasions with separate cameras, or use "string beads" to string up the details of "I" life; They can "lay out in scattered places", list their own characteristics one by one, or display them vertically, telling stories of "I" in different periods; You can record my words and deeds in a diary; It can also express the essence of "I" in the form of confession books, archives, etc.... In terms of writing methods, we can use one word longitude and latitude to show "I"; You can also introduce me in two or three persons; You can use dreams to express "I"; You can also show "I" by others and other things; You can praise "me" by combining praise with criticism, or you can tease "me" by combining humor with humor... There are many different perspectives, ideas and writing methods. Only by selecting the best perspective, ideas and writing methods according to our own characteristics and strengths can we best present ourselves.

3. Vivid description. The image of "I" is clear, and "I" leaves a deep impression on readers. In order to create a good image of yourself, we need a vivid description of "I". To describe vividly, first of all, we need to grasp our own characteristics. For example, the image of "I" can be portrayed by grasping the appearance, language, action, psychology, living habits and other characteristics of "I". Second, the focus of description should be determined according to the expression center of the article. For example, when writing My Hobbies, you should write in detail the actions of "me", and when writing My Wish, you should write in detail the psychology of "me". For vivid description, we should flexibly use various description methods to highlight the image of "I". For example, when writing My Autobiography, you can positively describe your words and deeds to show your personality characteristics, and you can improve your self-image by using other people's evaluation of "me" and other side descriptions; You can draw a simple outline of your ugliness and describe your "beautiful points" in detail

4. Personal expression. The expression of true feelings will shorten the distance between the author and the reader, and the expression of personality will attract the readers' eyes. When we show ourselves, we can choose appropriate ways of expression and language to express ourselves according to our personality and expertise. Those who are good at narration can tell their own interesting stories; Those who are good at description can describe their wonderful life clips; Those who are good at expressing their feelings can tell their wishes; Those who are good at imagination can show their talents in the imagination of their future; If you have a humorous personality, you can use funny language to tease yourself; If you have a simple and honest nature, you can introduce yourself sincerely and frankly... If you find a personalized expression, you can successfully portray yourself.

After doing the above, our "I" will be vivid and colorful.

[Interpretation of Knowledge and Energy]

[One of the famous questions in the middle school entrance examination]

Title: My Another World

Tip: In addition to the study of daily lessons, there are various worlds. Please show us your other worlds. Requirement: Write a narrative article with no less than 600 words. (Composition in the 20xx Tianjin Senior High School Entrance Examination)

[Famous teacher points the way]

The purpose of this question is to show "my" interests, life interests and pursuit of life through my other world. To write this composition well, first of all, we should clarify the relationship between "I"'s activities in another world and "I"'s growth, and write the meaning of engaging in this activity accordingly. For example, the activity of "I" in "another world" is paper-cut. When writing a composition, it is not only necessary to write why "I" love paper-cut and how "I" learn paper-cut, but also what "I" learned in paper-cut and what it means to the growth of "I". Secondly, to write this article well, we should not only record one activity, but also write about the "I" in this world for many times. We should highlight the "I"'s feelings for this world to deepen the center. Finally, to write this article well, we also need to describe carefully, express our feelings, write the activities of another world vividly, and create a beautiful atmosphere.

[Title 2 of the High School Entrance Examination]

Title: My Happiness and Troubles


1. Write narratives with appropriate lyric and argumentation

2. Pay attention to the use of transitional sentences or transitional paragraphs (20xx Shandong Provincial High School Entrance Examination)

[Famous teacher points the way]

This is a composition topic that requires to express "my" inner feelings. To write this composition well, we must first deal with the relationship between happiness and worry. When writing, we should not simply write about happiness or trouble, nor simply describe happiness and trouble equally. We must use a dialectical point of view to organically combine happiness and worry, and write my unique perception of happiness and worry. Secondly, we should arrange the order and cohesion of materials to make the structure of the article complete. Third, you can choose new forms and personalized language to express. For example, it can be described in diary style, recorded in CD format, and presented in script format

[Magician Enlightening]

You can use the method of "turning the big into the small, and turning the broad into the concrete" to write your happiness and trouble in a certain aspect. For example, write about my happiness and troubles in making friends. You can first write about the happiness of making friends and then write about the troubles in detail, highlighting that you should be cautious when making friends; You can also write about troubles first and then happiness in detail, highlighting the significance of making friends for my growth.

[Title 3 of the High School Entrance Examination]

Title: Me of __________


① Please complete the topic. For example: honest me, happy me, growing me, eager to understand me

② Apart from poetry, there is no limit to the style.

③ Not less than 500 words

④ The true name and school name shall not appear in the text, otherwise the score will be deducted. (20xx Guangdong Provincial High School Entrance Examination)

[Famous teacher points the way]

This is a semi propositional composition question that requires self introduction. To write this article well, first fill in the question according to the characteristics of self. The question should be concise and novel, so as to leave a deep impression on the readers. For example, the boastful "I" and the showy "I". Secondly, we should carefully design and portray our self-image. For example, several fragments can be used to show "my" personality; You can also choose a typical case to describe the characteristics of "I"; The defects of "I" can be analyzed through self dialogue; You can also use others' mouths to show the advantages of "me"; A clue can be used to show the grace of "I" in continuous narration; You can also show the image of "I" in the form of drama or TV play... Again, you should fully reflect your own personality characteristics in language expression, so that the "I" in the text is ready to come out.

[Title 4 of the High School Entrance Examination]

According to the following paragraph, write an article with a topic of "I am important".

Bi Shumin, a famous writer, once said in an article that Chinese people have always ignored their own importance. However, for parents, I am the only one; For close friends, my friendship is their treasure; In life and work, I am an indispensable master... So, I am very important! We should have the courage to declare loudly: I am very important! (20xx Hubei Huangshi High School Entrance Examination)

[Famous teacher points the way]

This is a topic composition that requires the elaboration of self value. To write this composition well, you should first be good at finding materials that reflect your own strengths and values. For example, we can find materials from the relationship between "I" and my parents, the position of "I" among friends and partners, and the role of "I" in the class. Secondly, we should carefully design and highlight the center. For example, "I am important" can be explained by writing the role of "I" in a specific matter, or by writing all kinds of uncomfortable reactions from family, school and other aspects when "I" is absent, or from the perspective of discovering the significance of my own value to success. Thirdly, we should pay attention to the appropriateness of language. We should not only write our own strengths, but also not boast, which is boring. We should skillfully highlight "I am important".

Special Composition for Senior High School Entrance Examination (2)

[Interpretation of Knowledge and Ability] [Title 1 of the Senior High School Entrance Examination]

Go online, embrace nature, focus on hot topics, research topics, participate in competitions, serve the society, treat others kindly, learn to do housework... Life is full of classes. These colorful classes can broaden our horizons and increase our talents; Can exercise physique, temper will; It can purify the mind and develop intelligence

Please write an article on the topic "This is also a class".

Requirements: ① unlimited style; ② The number of words shall not be less than 500; ③ The real names of places, schools and people cannot appear in the text.

[Famous teacher pointing the way] This is a standard proposition composition. Look at the words "enter", "embrace" and "concern", and know that it should focus on writing "things". Pay attention to the word "also" in the title, which tells us that it is better to select materials outside the "classroom".

Can describe a failure experience. For example, "I" once thought that only the classroom on campus was the real classroom, and only after experiencing a setback and failure did I realize that the outside world was also a classroom. It can also describe a successful experience. Although "I" usually did not realize the particularity of the object "I" paid attention to, suddenly one day I found that I had been enlightened and learned a lot from it. It can also objectively describe a state. For example, I have learned a lot from nature, books, the Internet or the communication with classmates, realized my own shortcomings, carefully summarized my mental journey, and expressed "my" understanding of "classroom".

[Middle School Entrance Examination Title 2] Title: In the wind and rain________

Requirements: ① Complete the topic and then write a composition; ② Not less than 600 words; ③ Style is unlimited; ④ The real names of people, places and schools should not appear in the text.

[The famous teacher points the way] This is a typical semi proposition composition of filling in the blank. "In the wind and rain" limits the general environment where the story takes place, and also implies the theme that the composition should show: if you want to succeed, you must first go through the baptism of wind and rain, and there is no smooth road in the world.

The setting of the "wind and rain" environment can be more like the following situations besides the natural environment: you want to step into the palace of literature, but after several struggles, you can't achieve your goal; You care for your friend selflessly, but he (she) leaves you in the end; You hope to get a smiling face from your teacher, but the teacher can never walk into your life... The ups and downs of these lives require us to face life with a smile, face failure and sadness, and lift the sails of life with confidence and self-reliance.

After setting such an emotional tone, we should try our best to get rid of some relatively concentrated topics in the choice of supplementary topics and composition content. For example, ordinary students may consider "finding friendship" in the wind and rain, and you may wish to conceive of "losing friends" in the wind and rain to make the content more innovative. If the wind and rain in nature and the "wind and rain" in life can be organically integrated, the effect will be better.

[Senior high school entrance exam title 3] A Chinese student visited an orchard in Japan and was surprised to see several fruits left on each fruit tree after harvest. The farmer answered the student's question that these fruits were left for the birds.

Please write an article with the title of "Stay". The number of words should not be less than 600, and the number of lines of poetry should not be less than 20. The style is unlimited.

[The famous teacher points out the way] When we look at this composition topic, we may be unable to help but hear the familiar song: "Please take my song back to your home, please leave your smile..." We might as well start from this song to examine the topic and select materials. "Stay" is a verb. We can start from the perspective of environmental protection and animal protection: if we leave more green space in life, maybe our home will have a beautiful spring scenery; If we leave a little more care for animals, maybe we will gain a warmth. Our thinking continues to expand to the society: we treat people with integrity, perhaps leaving behind a good reputation and happiness; Who is selfish and narrow-minded, perhaps left more spit and sorrow

From the above ideas, we can extract such a theme: life needs love, needs to pay, and needs to be fair. It is not difficult to choose appropriate materials to write stories and make fairy tales around this theme.

[Senior High School Entrance Examination Title 4] As the saying goes, "rely on the mountain to eat the mountain, rely on the water to eat the water", but the results are often unreliable, "sit on the mountain to eat the sky" and "look at the sea to sigh" always happen; In our real life, the achievement of great events or small things depends on perseverance, hard work, hard work, unity and cooperation, and

Please write an article on the topic of "relying", which can include your experience, experience, feelings, views and beliefs.

Note: The purpose, style and topic are self determined, but the real names of people, schools and places are not allowed. The number of words shall not be less than 600.

[The famous teacher points out the way] This is a typical topic composition, but since it is about "experience, experience", etc., of course, it is better to write a composition that is practical and logical. We might as well use the addition method to narrow and clarify the scope of material selection for the topic of "relying on".

With a positive intention, we can write about a successful cooperation between students, teachers and students, or help from students, teachers and parents, so that "I" can feel that the true feelings of the world can be relied on. You can also write about a hard and successful journey of "I", and finally succeed by faith and will. On the contrary, we might as well choose a heavy lesson caused by relying on dependence instead of self-improvement and self-reliance, so that "I" can realize that only relying on myself and strength can we stand in this society.

The writable materials and scope of this topic are very broad, and we should pay more attention to the sense of innovation, and win by "novelty" and "novelty".

[Senior High School Entrance Examination Title 5] In life, there are various contacts between people, such as between teachers and students, classmates, friends, relatives... Please write an article within the scope of "communication", which can write about your experience, experience, feelings, perceptions, etc.

Note: (1) The title is self prepared, (2) The style is self selected, (3) No less than 500 words, (4) The real name and school name are not allowed, otherwise the score will be deducted.

[The famous teacher points out the way] This topic only limits the scope of writing, but also belongs to the category of topic composition. The topic has suggested that you can write about experiences and experiences, so students who are good at narrating might as well narrate their own stories of joys and sorrows in the process of communication with people, and express their true feelings in communication. We live in an information age. Classes, schools, families, and even the Internet have no need and space to communicate with others everywhere. We recall the past, search for the deepest things and the most true feelings in our memory, and describe the clear sky of interpersonal relations in a positive tone. Attention shall be paid to moving people with emotion, expressing emotion in narration and highlighting theme in emotion.

Combining the following points will make your composition more beautiful: ① profound and meaningful ideas, ② novel and unique materials, ③ ingenious and unique ideas, ④ vivid details, ⑤ poetic and picturesque environment, ⑥ rich and colorful rhetoric, ⑦ innovative personality.

Special Composition for Senior High School Entrance Examination (3)

[Hot Topics]

In the process of our growth, there are memories and aspirations; There are worries and happiness; There are losses and gains.

Please write a composition on the topic of "growth".

Requirements: ① Self prepared topics; ② Except poetry, the style is unlimited; ③ The real names of people, places and schools cannot appear in the text; ④ The number of words shall not be less than 600.

The first step is to examine the subject

1. Grasp the key words. This is a topic composition. The topic of "growth" is familiar. Students can express their memories, yearnings, worries, happiness, losses, gains, etc. in their growth. The key is to show a distinctive meaning in ordinary topics, which requires being good at finding the highlights. For example, it is also about maternal love. It is only about her own high fever. If she keeps company and takes care of herself day and night, it is better for her to have a high fever. In fact, the mother who accompanies her bed is also suffering from a high fever, but she has to endure her own physical discomfort. Working hard for me can better reflect her maternal love. The scope of the topic should be good at starting from a small point, so that the topic can be fully controlled. It can be written as a reminiscent narrative to reproduce the real experience in the process of growth; It can also be written into prose to show the growing feelings.

2. Focus on the topic requirements. "Self prepared topic" means that "growth" cannot be the topic, but the theme needs to focus on the topic of "growth".

"With the exception of poetry, there is no limit to the style" means that the examinee should choose a good idea point. The style of writing should be like what style, and should meet the requirements of what style. There should be no "four unlike" style, and poetry should not be written.

"The real names of people, places and schools cannot appear in the text" means that the real names of people, places and schools related to the examinees appear in the text, which cannot be rated as a class of text.

"The number of words is not less than 600 words" must be 600 or more words, that is, an article with less than 600 words cannot be rated as a first-class article.

Step 2: Material selection

Step 3 Outline

[Comments by famous teachers] There are two highlights in this article: first, the entry point of writing is unique. The author uses the mathematical problem solving process and the way of review to present the growing scene, which is full of life atmosphere. The selection angle is novel and original, giving a refreshing feeling. Secondly, in terms of structure, the author uses the situational literary style, through the form of lens combination, to clarify the theme in silence, and has really received the expression effect of "structural innovation attracts the eyes of the marking teacher".

Section 2 Delicate and eye-catching topic

As we all know, topic composition and material composition require self prepared topics; The semi proposition composition needs to be supplemented. Even if the proposition composition is written, it is also necessary to do careful writing and virtual topic drafting to determine the content and scope of writing. "The first glance of bright eyes", the title is "the first beautiful scenery" for the marking teacher. For example, one year in Dehong's volume, the topic of "growth" was examined, and there were a lot of stereotyped titles such as "fun stories of growth", "perception of growth", but there were also good questions such as "growth does not believe in tears", "growth, it is not easy to say and read through". Compared with each other, the pros and cons were self-evident. A beautiful title can make your composition shine and win the favor of the marking teacher. Then, let's talk about the topic drafting skills of the composition based on the semi topic composition and material composition of the Yunnan Common Test!

Semi topic composition: ('13 Dehong) (1) Beautiful________

Requirements: ① complete the questions; ② Except poetry, the style is unlimited; ③ The real names of people, places and schools cannot appear in the text; ④ The number of words shall not be less than 600.

The metonymy method refers to that the name of a person or something is not directly mentioned, but is replaced by the name closely related to it. This figure of speech is also called "changing the name". Among them, the thing used to replace is called borrowing, and the thing replaced is called noumenon.

[Classic Title] Beautiful "Peach Blossom Garden"

[Reviewer's comments] The "Peach Blossom Garden" in the title is used to describe the ideal world, so as to express the unique world view and attract attention.

The title of the article is directly set with questions, which can attract readers, inspire readers to think, and enable readers to better understand the central idea of the article. Highlighting certain content makes the article turbulent and changeable. Questions should be used appropriately, that is, they should be used where necessary and when necessary, they should be targeted and enlightening.

[Classic title] What is beauty?

[Reviewer's comments] The author uses rhetorical devices to ask questions about "beauty" and inspire people to think deeply. Turn reality into fiction and be ingenious.

In a certain language environment, the polysemy and homophony conditions of words are used to intentionally make sentences have dual meanings, and the words here and there are intended to arouse readers' thinking.

[Classic Title] Beautiful "Storm"

[Reviewer's comments] The word "storm" in the title uses the polysemy of the word to give it a new meaning. It refers to all kinds of difficulties and setbacks we encounter in life. The title implies that if we look at setbacks and difficulties in life correctly, life will be beautiful. It can be seen that the charm of the use of this rhetorical topic is to give the appearance of words here a new meaning.

The negative problem drawing method is to use the opposite side of the given word to draw the attention of the marking teacher in the contrast.

[Classic title] Beautiful deformity

[Reviewer's comments] When many examinees fill in questions with words such as "action and soul", the author is ingenious in filling in the "incomplete" which is different from "beauty", highlighting the characteristics of "incomplete" in comparison, setting suspense and attracting attention.

The hot word topic method is to use the popular hot words to create a topic, and write some words that people are interested in or discussing into the topic of the article to attract the attention of the marking teacher.

[Classic title] Beautiful watch

[Reviewer's comments] The little writer used the popular word "beauty burst" to draw up the topic, and added "burst" to describe "beauty". It has the information of the times, and also attracts the curiosity of the marking teacher. What is the content of "beauty burst".

Arithmetic method is to apply some formulas, formulas, symbols, etc. of relevant disciplines to the topic according to the meaning of the text when writing the topic, so that the title of the article has a new meaning and meaning.

[Classic title] Beauty=self-confidence and hard work

[Reviewer's comments] This question uses the equal sign and the plus sign, indicating that "confidence" and "effort" are combined, indicating the relationship between confidence, effort and beauty. With this as the topic, the teacher of marking told that confidence and effort are the components of beauty.

Surprise topic drafting method is to show the idea of the article in the title of the article when writing a topic for the article, so as to tell the marking teacher the idea or ingenuity of the article.

[Classic title] Is it beautiful or not

[Reviewer's comments] The questions in this article seem contradictory, but in fact they are not. The ingenuity of examinees in drafting such questions lies in their deep intention. The "beautiful" and "not beautiful" in the questions indicate the relationship between the two in writing this article.

Material composition: ('15 Kunming)

Question 2: Read the following three materials, choose an angle from which to conceive the idea, draw up a topic, and write an article. It can describe experiences, express feelings and make comments. (The theme of the article must be extracted from the materials provided, and it is not allowed to rewrite, expand or continue the materials)

[Material 1] When commenting on the popular variety show "Run! Brothers", someone said that life is like this. We should work together to run forward.

[Material 2] Yang Lan said that although we can't become Liu Xiang even if we try hard, we cannot but enjoy running. Someone may hinder your success, but no one can prevent your growth. You can not succeed in this life, but you must grow up.

[Material 3] It's a pity to give up running in the time and space suitable for running.

Three pieces of materials lead us to think that on the way of running, unity and cooperation are very important; Running is another kind of growth. Success and failure are both marks of growth; Run in the best time and don't waste it

Writing requirements: (1) Please draw up a topic according to the requirements, and then write.

(2) The purpose is self determined, and the style is self selected (except poetry).

(3) Tell the truth, express the true feelings, and avoid plagiarism.

(4) Please do not use the real place name, school name or person name in the article.

(5) The writing shall be neat and not less than 600 characters.

The method of imitating and using questions is to use the existing fixed language form to package and polish the topic, which is original in fact and unique in appearance. This kind of essay not only gives people a kind of familiarity of "deja vu", but also gives people a new sense of novelty of "turning corruption into magic", producing a charm of solemn, humorous and full of fun.

[Classic title] No "running", no success

[Reviewer's comments] This question uses the saying "no rules, no radius", changes the "rules" to "running", slightly changes the language, the language is witty, points out the theme of the article, and enhances the interest of reading.

In the composition of the senior high school entrance examination, the quotation of poems, lyrics, famous sentences, maxims, and common sayings can make the title of the article elegant, rich in literary flavor, and win the appreciation of the marking teacher.

[Classic title] Challenge! How?

[Reviewer's comments] This question skillfully uses the lines in Li Qingzhao's "Like a Dream". "Competing for ferry" describes the situation of students competing for ferry - competition and struggle, while "How to ferry" proposes how to run effectively and achieve success. The second word "struggle" is replaced by "how", which highlights the main idea of the full text.

Analogy is a rhetorical method that simulates A thing as B thing. Including writing things as people (personification); There are several forms of writing people as objects (imitating objects) and writing things as objects (imitating objects). When drafting a title, you can "humanize" things or "materialize" people. The use of analogy exercises is lively and vivid, full of flexibility and beauty.

[Reviewer's comments] The author of this article uses the figure of speech of imitating things to write about "difficulties" as "obstacles", and compares progress to stagnation of steps, which can be abstracted into perceptible words, which is in line with the meaning of the text, and makes the marking teacher feel pity spontaneously.

The contrast technique is to compare the opposite meanings or things, or two aspects of things together, so that the reader can distinguish between good and bad, right and wrong. The method of drawing up questions by contrast refers to arranging the two sides with obvious differences, contradictions and opposites together for comparison. Using this technique to draw up questions is conducive to the marking teacher to see the contradictions of things written in the article, highlight the essential characteristics of things, and strengthen the artistic effect and appeal of the article.

[Classic title] Give up! insist!

[Reviewer's comments] The title of this article is "Give up! Persist!", which highlights his emotional tendency in the comparison. What he advocates and what he opposes is clear at a glance. "Give up" and "insist" form a contrast. Write a contrast between the scenery of the two places in the article, so as to reveal the views that the examinees want to express. Such a contrast makes the title full of philosophy and memorable.

The characteristic of rhetorical question is "asking without doubt". When writing a topic, the title form of the interrogative sentence is used to express the definite meaning, to strengthen the tone and enhance the expression effect. The end of the sentence is usually marked with a question mark, and some can also be marked with an exclamation mark.

[Classic title] Haven't you found the charm of persistence yet?

[Reviewer's comments] This article uses rhetorical sentences, and this rhetoric is used in the essay, which makes people see the views and appeals. It not only strengthened the tone and the expression effect of the article, but also won the praise of the marking teacher.

Calling out a title is a method of making a title by directly calling people or things in the text. That is, to directly call and talk to people or things that are not in front of you. Generally, it can be divided into two forms: calling people and calling things.

[Classic title] Hello, growth!

[Reviewer's comments] "Hello, growth!" A call and a greeting highlight the author's gratitude for "growth". This kind of essay is powerful, enlightening and lyrical.

★ Thinking expansion

Make exercises according to the following topics or materials.

(1) Please write an article on the topic of "cheer up".

Reference example:

Topic 1: Walk across the corner

Topic 2: Sunshine through dark clouds is more gorgeous

Topic 3: Thank you for your reminding

Topic 4: I don't believe in tears

Topic 5: Crossing the Barrier

Topic 6: I finally defeated myself

(2) Read the following materials and write a composition as required.

Before going up the mountain to pick chestnuts, the father weaves a basket of chestnuts with soft dragon whisker vines attached to the tree body, and the son insists on weaving a basket with masculine thorns growing straight towards the sun. When picking chestnuts, the basket is usually thrown down from the high chestnut tree. Within a few days, the son's thorns basket is deformed and scattered, while the father's dragon beard basket is intact. The father said to his puzzled son, "Sometimes, flexibility has more advantages than rigidity. For example, when these two baskets, which look solid and solid, are repeatedly hit by rocks and collapse and break, the extremely flexible dragon whisker rattan basket can stretch and bend freely and indomitably."

Requirements: choose your own point of view, set your own idea, draw up your own topic, and write a narrative of more than 600 words.

Reference example:

Topic 1: Showing weakness is sometimes wisdom

Topic 2: There is a power called "softness of heart"

Topic 3: I love willows

Topic 4: Pain, it's not easy to say I love you

Topic 5: Pressure is frequent and growth is leisurely

Topic 6: Just like your gentleness

Section III Highlights

The beginning and the end are two important parts of the article structure, which also play a vital role in the quality and grading of the whole article. The writing methods at the beginning and the end of the article are various and charming, which are presented below.

The article begins with a deep first impression. In particular, the composition in the examination room, with a beautiful beginning, can be favored by the marking teacher, thus obtaining high scores. Now, let's start with the beginning. What kind of beginning is exquisite and beautiful? Generally speaking, there are some skills:

At the beginning of parallelism, from the expression point of view, it can be used to express feelings or discuss; From the perspective of function, the first is to create momentum and enhance the sense of language, the second is to trigger thinking, and the third is to master the following.

★ Classic example (at the beginning of "Walking in the Flower Season", the composition for the middle school entrance examination of the '15 Yunnan volume)

Do you know why there is a touch of thick green on the cliff? Do you know why there is a rainbow bridge in the sky? Do you know why there is a hint of spring on the snowfield? At our age, we should know that

★ Thinking expansion

Please use the opening technique of "Paralleling to create momentum" to write a beginning for the article entitled "Farewell is a kind of wisdom".

Reference example: fish bid farewell to the pond, do you think it will die? No, it is pursuing its own river! The bird said goodbye to the bamboo cage. Do you think it will starve to death? No, it is pursuing its own mountain forest! Stone bid farewell to the mountain, do you think it will be lonely? No, it is pursuing its own world

The quotation of character language and the beginning of examples can create a certain situation, so as to generate events quickly, and make the article concise and capable, and the situation is real. The quotation of language can be the words of celebrities or ordinary people, including direct quotation and indirect quotation.

★ Classic example ('12 The beginning of Qujing Xishuangbanna's composition for senior high school entrance examination "Growing up without Worry")

Hugo, a French writer, once said: "The broadest thing in the world is the sea, the sky is broader than the sea, and the mind of people is broader than the sky." It can contain all things on earth, be kind to others, and turn hostility into friendship. I know it's not easy to be tolerant. But that time, I did it. I felt that I was really great and that I had grown up again!

★ Thinking expansion

Please use the opening technique of "skillfully quote and reproduce the situation" to write a beginning for the article topic "unforgettable memory".

Reference example: Marquez wrote in "One Hundred Years of Solitude": "Memory is a road without a return journey, and all the previous spring can not be restored." But we have memories but do not have to go back to the past. In my eyes, memory is more often a cup of tea, with a sip of realistic ingredients, bitter and sweet will be mixed together. The molecules in the mouth kept moving, and gradually, this indescribable flavor filled the whole mouth.

There are various ways to create a suspense beginning, which can be the presentation of the ending of the story, so that readers can think about its development order, that is, flashback; It can present a certain state, allowing readers to think about the process of its formation; It can also be to ask questions without giving answers for the time being, so that readers can think about the reasons. In a word, creating suspense is to provide space for thinking and arouse readers' interest in reading.

★ Classic example ('13 The beginning of the composition "Sing for You" in the middle school entrance exam of Dali and other eight prefectures)

Kites fly freely in the air, play with clouds, and whisper with birds. It flies so high. Who is holding it tightly and never abandons the long thin line behind it? For him to control the right direction of flight?

★ Thinking expansion

Please use the opening technique of "creating suspense and triggering thinking" to write a beginning for the article entitled "Where is beauty?".

Reference example: In spring, flowers have not yet sprouted buds, hibernating animals have not yet begun to wake up, and the branches are only slightly green. As a poem says: the light smoke seeps into the willow. If you don't pay attention, you really think that what is circling in the tree top is just a wisp of misty smoke.

To get straight to the point, it means speaking or writing directly. The technique of "getting to the point" in writing refers to the description of events directly into the topic at the beginning, the explanation of the theme, the clarification of emotions, etc. Its biggest characteristics are simplicity, simplicity and naturalness.

★ Classic example ('13 The beginning of Yuxi High School Entrance Examination composition Taste ________, and the minor author's supplementary title is Tasting Life)

Life is like a prism, reflecting seven colors of sunshine. It has gorgeous sunset, endless sea, thorny mountains and cloudy sky. We need to savor the beauty of such a colorful life.

★ Thinking expansion

Please use the opening technique of "straight to the point, simple and bright" to write a beginning for the article entitled "Accompany me to grow up".

Reference example: In the days of spring and autumn, there is always a ray of warmth like sunshine around you. No matter where you go or where you go, it will always accompany you and grow together. That is a kind of kinship, from our dear parents.

It refers to a way of thinking that in order to affirm someone or something, one tries to belittle or deny it with a distorted or mocking attitude. We should pay attention to suppressing less and promoting more, and promoting can suppress. Create a contrast and set off, and create a kind of undulating curve beauty in the plot and emotion.

★ Classic example ('15 The beginning of the composition of Yunnan High School Entrance Examination "Chinese Class")

"One is afraid of classical Chinese, the second is afraid of writing, and the third is afraid of Zhou Shuren." This is a slang that was circulated in the middle school campus. Many students deeply believe that they are afraid of Chinese classes, especially Mr. Lu Xun's articles, which are obscure and difficult to understand. On the contrary, I like Chinese classes, especially those about Lu Xun's works. I am a loyal "fan" of my husband.

★ Thinking expansion

Please use the opening technique of "desire first, restrain first, the waves rise and fall" to write a beginning for the article title "I believe in perseverance".

Reference example: The falling leaves are flying, dancing the last fragrance, but I believe that the falling leaves will still have no regrets when they land silent... The notes are beating, and can't stop venting a little sadness, but I believe that when the song ends, the song will still be beautiful... Choose a reason worthy of trust to pursue the best dream in your heart!

The description of shape and scenery refers to the description of the shape of characters, including appearance, behavior, natural environment and scenes of people's activities. The beginning of the shape drawing can attract people to enter a specific environment and experience a vivid scene.

★ Classic example ('15 The beginning of Qu Jing's composition "Open the window, let the spring breeze stay forever")

"Ringing bell......" With the light off bell ringing, such a night has come again. The world inside and outside the window is dark and cold

Without lights, the earth became a slave of the night. The sky is no longer blue, the grass is no longer green, and the flowers are no longer colorful... Even the warm spring breeze has become a delusion, and become far away. The night became so quiet, accompanied by the passionate playing of crickets, even Yue'er fell asleep, and the village was dead silent.

★ Thinking expansion

Please use the beginning technique of "drawing shape and scenery, vivid and vivid" to write a beginning for the article title "I want to say something".

Reference example: Do you know something? As long as there is a dream in the heart, the dream will fly in the heart. The orchid sprouts bathe in the brook, and the mountains turn round, and my heart turns like the mountain road; The branches are uneven, the mountain spring is reflected, and my feeling is more dim than the fog.

If you want to succeed in a composition, you should not underestimate the power of the end. In the process of marking the examination paper, I found that if there is only one thing left to do, it will be tantamount to failure and imminent success. It is a pity that I missed the composition with full marks and high marks. Based on this situation, the teacher's advice to the examinees is that they must write succinctly, clearly and neatly at the end of the exam, and give people room to chew and savor at the same time.

At the end of the article, point out the title (or topic) with one to several sentences. There are two ways to point questions: one is to point out the complete title; The other is to integrate the meaning of the title into a paragraph, but retain the keywords of the title. It is not necessary to point out the question at the beginning of an examination composition, but it is better to point out the question at the end. If an article begins with a point and ends with a point, it can form a structure that echoes back and forth, giving readers a sense of beauty that the beginning and the end are rounded. It is the most convenient and effective way to end a composition in the examination room. There is also a trick to use this method. If an article begins with a topic, do not repeat the opening sentence completely or simply end the title when the topic is discussed at the end of the article. Instead, change the text, enrich the content and sublimate the thought, so as to give readers a fresh and profound feeling.

★ Classic example ('15 Qujing's composition for the senior high school entrance examination "Open the window and let the spring breeze stay forever")

I used to feel inferior, frustrated and discouraged because I thought I was an "ugly duckling", not only in appearance, but also in temper. However, when I open the window of my heart, what life gives back to me, the "ugly duckling", is the warmth and touch of spring breeze!


Thanks to life, the "ugly duckling" will also become a "white swan". Because life is fair, as long as you don't shut yourself up in self abasement, open yourself up, bravely accept the gifts of life, boldly pay, there will be gains, and you will feel the warmth of spring breeze all the time around.

★ Thinking expansion

Please use the ending technique of "echoing from beginning to end, complete structure" to write an end to the article title "If One Day".

If one day, I can become the God of War Sun Wukong in Huaguo Mountain Water Curtain Cave with both wisdom and courage and strong skills, I will ride on the clouds and use all my strength to travel around the earth with the "Jindou Cloud" that can leap 18000 miles and save the lives of the people.


If one day, I can really become the Monkey King, I must fly all over the earth, and use the tricks of Monkey King to change the living environment of human beings, save human misery, and create a better future for mankind!

The ending paragraph often plays a role in summarizing the above, echoing the beginning, and keeping close to the topic in the structure of the article, thus making the structure of the article more rigorous. In addition, it also points out the theme and sublimates the theme of the article.

★ Classic example (strange teacher by Lu Ke)

"Miss Gu is really strange!" This is my evaluation of Miss Gu One day, the teacher accidentally left a notebook in the classroom. I opened it with curiosity and looked at it. Ho! It is covered with exercises. Some of them draw "*", which is exactly the problem in our homework. I was shocked, and I also understood that: Ms. Gu spent a lot of effort in preparing lessons. In order to learn the rules and reduce our schoolwork burden, she paid a lot of effort. I seem to know Miss Gu again, who lives with us day and night, and feel that she is very amiable and lovely.

★ Thinking expansion

Please use the ending technique of "ending Zhang Xianzhi and making the finishing point" to write an end to the article title "The Road to Growth".

Growth is sour, full of young ignorance and youthful rebellion. But we should learn to recognize and correct our mistakes, and cherish our family. The description of the environment sets off the characters' nervous and attentive psychology.

A good article needs to be full of words and infinite meanings, philosophical and enlightening. It is like appreciating a beautiful piece of music. Although the music is finished, it has a lingering sound and leaves an endless lasting appeal. At the end of the article, if you can ask questions skillfully and appropriately in the form of questions (rhetorical questions or rhetorical questions), you can achieve the above effect. This questioning ending often has the function of inspiration, infection, emphasis and affirmation.

★ Classic example ('14 Jiangxi high school entrance exam composition "lost")

The fish dropped the sweetness of the bait and avoided their own tragedy. Similarly, people can better grasp their own direction of life only by leaving behind the temptation of fame, wealth, status and so on. Let's leave the temptation a firm figure like Zhuang Zhou, and walk towards our own road of success. Isn't that what we should stick to?

★ Thinking expansion

Please use the ending technique of "skillfully asking questions and making people think deeply" to write an end to the article entitled "I have an agreement with myself tomorrow".

I have an agreement with myself tomorrow: during the holiday, I will spend more time with my grandmother and talk to her; When you are free, call your grandmother more and say hello more; After school, buy delicious soft food and leave a piece for Grandma. At that time, my grandmother would touch my head with her hand, and her hand could finally have a rest for a while, so the wrinkles on her hand would become lighter and lighter.

I have an agreement with myself tomorrow. I'd better be ready from now on. Dad, Mom, Grandma, do you feel it?

Ending with famous words, epigrams, poems, proverbs, etc. is a major feature of the topic. These classic words are life's concentration, incisive views, concise and comprehensive. They come from life and are higher than life. When placed at the end of the article, they can often express the true meaning or feelings of life, play the role of summarizing the full text, sublimating the theme, and produce the effect of "saying everything, meaning endless". There are two ways to quote famous sentences: one is to quote completely without changing a word, and the famous sentence is completely different from what the examinee said; The second is indirect quotation, which can be slightly modified to incorporate famous sentences into the examinee's language.

★ Classic example ('15 Long Dong's composition "I want to laugh bravely")

The Spanish writer Cervantes said: "A brave man carves his own path of destiny, and everyone is a pioneer of his own destiny." Only by constantly refining myself, constantly inspiring myself, and bravely laughing at all difficulties, can I get closer to my dream.

★ Thinking expansion

Please use the ending technique of "famous aphorism, sublimate the theme" to write an end to the article entitled "Insert the wings of youth".

"Whose youth is not lost". On this brilliant road of youth, we will encounter all kinds of unimaginable difficulties and obstacles, which will make us afraid, shrink, confused, and do not know whether to advance or retreat. In fact, youth has a pair of invisible wings, but we need to find them and fly bravely with them. The short period of youth does not allow us to shrink or slacken at all. As long as we believe in ourselves, bravely defeat ourselves and fly towards our dreams, we can make youth without regret. Let's put wings on our youth and fly heartily!

Good composition is often inseparable from "moving with emotion". At the end of the article, the lyric way is used to infect the readers, which is a way to strengthen the theme and enhance the expression effect. The lyric style is characterized by strong feelings, artistic conception and lasting appeal, which is often expressed as the sublimation of the theme and the climax of feelings. Three points should be paid attention to when using the lyric style: first, the feelings should be abundant, and there should be true feelings, not false feelings, but the feelings expressed in the full text should be naturally revealed at the end; Second, the feelings expressed should be closely coordinated with the content of the text, with the same tone, which is neither excessive, turning the lyric into bragging, nor sidetracked, leading the lyric astray; Third, the lyric should be appropriate. The "style" of the genre is different due to different genres.

★ Classic example ('15 Qujing's composition for the senior high school entrance examination "Open the window and let the spring breeze stay forever")

Tears came down at once... In the misty eyes, the conversation between my parents at the window sounded in my ears again. Those warm words like spring breeze warmed my heart in the cold winter and made my home in my heart.

★ Thinking expansion

Please use the ending technique of "lyrical rendering, lingering sound" to write an end to the article title "Growing Road Built by Family".

At the age of 13, when other people's children are often praised by their parents, you are more likely to point out my faults and shortcomings. It seems that you are a gourmet with difficult taste and always find fault with food defects. That day, I held a 95 point math paper in front of you. I hope you can praise me this time. But after you read it, you just nodded slightly, and then began to point out the wrong questions and remind me of the problems I should pay attention to. You seem to see my mind, put down the test paper and calmly said: "Dissatisfaction is a driving force for progress, and you should strive to improve yourself."


Little by little, it condenses into an ocean of love; Every word and deed represents the rhythm of growth. The ocean is turbulent with deep fatherly love; This rhythm interprets the deepest kinship. Dad, on the way of growing up, it is the cornerstone you paved for me.