I am no longer lonely composition (19 compilations)
Until the four seasons are missed
2024-06-11 03:56:13

I am no longer lonely composition (1)

It was another cold winter. The blade like wind hit me head-on. The cold wind blew snow, and the whole world became white under the snow. However, I was not cold, nor was I conquered by the cold, because the warm light of friendship always comforted my heart, and that warmth would make my life no longer lonely. I remember that when I was a child, I was not good at communicating with others, so I had no friends. I always sat quietly in the corner and looked at the children who were immersed in friendship. Unconsciously, envy and inferiority blurred my realization. Day after day, I wander in loneliness and helplessness every day, and my heart is gradually infected with hoarfrost, which freezes my fragile and lonely heart. This kind of sorrow is inexhaustible and indefatigable, winding around me, filling my sad childhood with loneliness, wandering through and leaving footprints in life. I knew that when I first started friendship, a child about my age came to me breathlessly and said, "Don't sit still, how boring!"! How about playing football together? At that moment, my heart trembled because it was my first time to touch and feel friendship. The wind and snow buried my friendship, loneliness, like a thick blanket blocking my sight. It was friendship that ended my lasting loneliness. It was friendship that made me no longer lonely. Friendship confronts loneliness in my life, bringing me happiness and sweetness again and again. In spring, when friendship passes over my dry and barren land, it is the white and tender spring of life. On the summer night, friendship is more like fireflies flying and stars flying all over the sky, which makes my lonely life happy and brave. In the autumn of harvest, I will salvage a share of joy and smile, farewell to lonely cold. In the dead winter, friendship is a warm and bright light, guiding me to the other side of happiness. Because of friendship, I am no longer lonely, lonely, sad and cold will not come again, because the glory of friendship will vanish it, I am no longer lonely, because I found a fountain of happiness.

I am no longer lonely composition (2)

Loneliness, as the name implies, is a person who is alone for a lifetime. I believe that everyone has never experienced the taste of loneliness! Few people in the world can really bear the unbearable pain.

September 20xx was the first day I came to Dongfanghong Primary School. In the face of this completely unfamiliar environment, I could not help but feel helpless and at a loss

But helplessness and blankness are not my final destination. I came to a happy end. Soon after that, it was all the students of Class 176 who brought me happiness and laughter. I am no longer lonely. It is not like when school started, nobody paid attention to me. I even have two good brothers, Liu Yuhe and Ding Jiawei. It was they who helped me in my most difficult time. I still remember that a few days ago, I was bitten to the calf by a big fat wolf dog. Liu Yuhe and Ding Jiawei were right next to me. Seeing that I was bitten by a big wolf dog, they immediately ran over to check my wound, called Liu Yuhe's father and mother, and sent me to the hospital. I was still as if nothing had happened to me. Seeing that they cared about me so much, my eyes gradually turned red, A few sparkling tears burst into their eyes, and finally they couldn't control themselves and cried loudly.

They are the two of them. They are all the enthusiastic students of Class 176. They moved me with their sincere friendship, and let me truly integrate into this big group. We can learn together, live together, and be happy together!

It is they who make me no longer lonely, lift the sail of confidence, and I am no longer lonely!

I am no longer lonely composition (3)

"Wow, wow..." A cry broke the peace of the small room - I was born.

I am a little girl with a height of 25 cm and a weight of 3. 4 kg. Character: mild; Constellation: Cancer; Appearance: Ugly. Because of my ugly appearance, no one likes me. It is said that girls become beautiful at the age of 8. So in 8 years, no one likes to play with me. Except my parents, people all over the world hate me and discard me - I seem to see myself thrown into the garbage can! At night, I often lose sleep because of my ugly appearance. My parents left when I was eight months old, and they all went out to work. I am really a bit torn, feeling that no one likes me - I am so lonely!

I was left to my grandmother to support me. In those days, my grandmother made me hungry almost every day, and often locked me at home, as if to let me live and die, or let me enter the painful position - garbage can.

Maybe God is blessing me. At this time, my cousin came to my home. It is said that my cousin was very ugly when he was young, but he became handsome when he was eight or nine years old. My cousin understands me very much. He takes care of me. He gives me food whenever there is something delicious, and there is something good to drink without me. With my cousin's company, I gradually had a little fun.

However, no one thought that maybe God made me suffer a little more on purpose - my cousin suddenly fell ill! What's more, my aunt took my cousin away. My heart was broken when I saw my cousin leaving behind

Many days later, the son of a repairman from the other side of the village ran to my door and knocked on the door to ask me to come out to play. I whispered, "I can't open the door. Grandma locked me at home. Can you help me out?" Really, he went back to ask his father, took the iron pliers and opened the lock - I was saved!

I went out to play with the son of the repairman. I wore a mask. I was afraid that people would see my ugly appearance. However, the repairman's son said, "I heard your cousin say for a long time that he asked me to take good care of you. My name is Lu Yanlin, and your name is Lu Shiyun, right? From now on, we are good friends. You can still call me Xiao Pang, because others call me that."

Since the appearance of the little fat man, I have become less ugly since I was 6 years old. People around me have gradually liked me. Many children have made friends with me. My heart has recovered to a normal one. Later, I learned that both my cousin and the little fat man were sent to my home by their parents, so that I wouldn't feel lonely.

I thank my parents!

I am no longer lonely composition (4)

On a summer night, a lonely heart leans under the cherry tree in front of the door, watching the last glimmer of light being swallowed up by the merciless dark night, and ripples rise in my heart??

Looking back on yesterday, there is always a warm feeling in my heart??

As usual, I dragged a heavy step and walked on my way home without rhythm. The wind is blowing, and my hair is covered in front of me like weeds. The sky is black, and the distant lightning is shining. Every flash of lightning can't break my loneliness. A light footsteps behind me. "Hey, can we go together?" she said with a smile. A cold war suddenly broke out in my heart. Time made me wonder how to smile. She walked with me in silence. The journey, the silence. Look up at the sky, still black?? Coming home soon, I walked into a familiar but strange home with my mind full of thoughts??

At night, leaning against the cherry tree in front of the door. The hair is still covered in front of my eyes like weeds. Yesterday's events are like a veil, covering the lonely heart. Maybe I'm used to going alone, right?? But yesterday's events could not calm me down. Shaking his head, he walked into the room, leaned in front of the window, and tasted a cup of tea. Look at the moon, still lonely, but there are always stars in the sky. Sighed. Looking down, I accidentally saw a sentence: "Open your heart to others, and you will have unexpected gains!" After a careful taste, I walked under the cherry tree, and a petal floated down on the palm. I smiled, as if I hadn't laughed for a long time!

"Let's go together!" I said to her with a smile, knowing that she was stunned and smiled!

It is still the same road, still as silent, silent journey seems to have a little more sweet. Look up at the sky, it seems sunny a lot! After all, I am no longer lonely, no longer??

I am no longer lonely composition (5)

Everyone will be lonely, and everyone will be unaccompanied. When you are alone, what will you think and do, just like the lyrics in a song say: "Who will you think of when you are alone, and do you want to find someone to accompany you..." Indeed, no one can accompany anyone forever. Since no one can accompany anyone forever, don't rely too much on others, learn to be self reliant, rely on yourself, and make yourself no longer lonely.

Since then, I am no longer lonely, because I have a group of good friends with me, although I know they will not accompany me forever, at least now I will not be lonely. My friends treat me very well, which makes me feel very pleased, happy and happy. I can feel it from some small things. Just like the last time, I needed a compass in math class, but I forgot to bring it. When I was in a hurry, Jiang Haoyang took the initiative to put the compass on my desk and said, "Here, I have another one." This short sentence made me feel very warm. Since then, I am no longer lonely, because I have my parents behind me silently encourage me, help me, support me, although one day they will leave me, but with them around me, it is my happiest, happiest, happiest time. Although sometimes they will scold me and sometimes beat me when they do something wrong, I know they want me to do better next time.

No one can accompany anyone forever, just like the leaves will leave the tree one day. No matter how "solid" they depend on, they will suddenly leave you one day. And we need to find happiness in loneliness, so that we are not alone.

Because of the nourishment of family and friendship, my life is full of sunshine. We laughed together, and we misunderstood each other; We will run all the way and shout out the depression in our hearts. It is they who melt the ice and snow in my heart with enthusiasm. No matter where I go in the future, I am no longer alone.

I am no longer lonely composition (6)

Three years to sharpen a sword, June to test the edge—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

The road is long, full of numerous' frustrations and twists, but also endless joy and happiness. Standing at this important watershed - the third day of junior high, I have endless feelings.

In the last few days of school, life was full and tense, my heart was excited and at a loss. When I saw a group of lovely students accompanying me, I felt that I was not alone.

The first time I stayed in school, I felt a little uncomfortable. For the first time, I could not meet my parents at any time. For the first time, I had a collective life. Fortunately, I was strong enough!

The third day of junior high is a fateful year and an important turning point in my life. At this moment, whether I should work hard or be content with the status quo, and whether I will have a promising future or not, this is not unknown, because this is the moment of change.

Paying will always pay off. I believe that the result of hard work may not be the best, but it will be better. But where is the source of power?

I will never forget what my parents told me: study hard, you should surpass your former self and explore your potential! Because of this sentence, I find that I am not alone!

In the third day of the junior year, all the students are working hard, and I will not be left behind. Because of your company, we will go through this special year together. I believe you are full of energy at this time!

insist! insist! insist! With your company, I am not alone. The wind goes to flower and fade, and the wind comes to flower. The past days are just sleeping. I believe that a better tomorrow and a better future will beckon us not far away. In the year of the third day of junior high, when the key turning point is to struggle hard, if you don't fight at this time, when will it be better? Students let us fight together, In this way, each of us will feel that we are not alone.

I am no longer lonely composition (7)

When I recalled my friendship and happiness in the development zone, I moved to the Zidong Garden, where I lost my previous happiness... The first day, I was below, and there was no one to play with. I felt lonely inside. When I got home, my mother said to me, "You must make more friends and associate with others." But I have never had the courage to stay at home every day. My heart is very empty. So I got up my courage and said to the people I saw, "Let's make friends." But this was the first time I was rejected. My heart was hit by an unprecedented blow, which made me more afraid. How can we see the rainbow without experiencing the wind and rain? After my mother's encouragement once, I became very confident, but I remembered my last experience again. I cried. It was really hard not to have friends and friendship! At this time, a man came to pat me on the shoulder and said to me, "Why are you crying? Let's make friends." I laughed through tears, and I learned his name was Chen Yang. Since then, I have a friend.

He introduced many people to me. Since then, we have become good friends. I was really happy that night! The next day, I accidentally hurt my leg. Unable to go down, I was very unhappy. At this time, several of my friends came to see me, and I felt very warm in my heart! Since then, I am no longer lonely! On the first day of junior high school, Zhang Xincheng and I were good friends. When we recalled the lonely time before, we still felt a little uncomfortable. But now, I have many friends.

To make friends, you should have the courage to actively communicate with others, so that you can find good friends. For example, I am an example. I will never be lonely once I have friends!

I am no longer lonely composition (8)

I am an unsociable child, and my personality is a little lonely. I always stayed away from children of the same age to play on my own. I also gave a loud slap to a little girl in order not to be reconciled with her. In my mother's words, I was like a lone wolf at that time, totally lacking the temperament of a three-year-old child.

I didn't want to contact with others, and I was gradually not accepted by other children - but only her. That childish appearance that has been completely blurred by time, that milky cry, that little bit that accompanies me, that unforgettable name, that once took me out of loneliness.

Xiaoxiao - the girl who always calls me by my nickname, always haunts me. No matter how I bully her, she is a stickler.

In summer, when the sun was lazily shining on the earth, Xiaoxiao dragged me to catch tadpoles, but she herself, because of her mother's rules, stared at me with eager eyes. I waved to her and said, "Don't you want to come down? The water is not deep, so your mother can't see it." But she was so obedient that she refused. I looked at her discontentedly, walked from the center of the pond to the bank step by step, and poured all the water in the bucket full of tadpoles on her on the bank, with several small tadpoles jumping at her feet! I was so proud that I said, "Hum, let you not come down!" Then I clapped my hands and climbed onto the bank. At the moment when she turned and ran home crying, I regretted what I had done. She would think I was really a bad child like other children and would not stick to me anymore. Oh, when did you begin to dislike a lonely person? I stood there lonely for a long time.

But the next day, she was still like a rooster, knocking at my door and telling me excitedly that she could play in the water!

Alas, throughout the summer, Xiao Xiaodu pulled me to play around, and I gradually had many friends with her, so I was no longer lonely. We laughed and rode the "four wheeled bicycle", pulled our parents to the train track, played around the house in a decent way, and studied the kites that could not be flown all the time... There seemed to be more and more bright things around us, and I was completely out of loneliness at the end of summer and the beginning of autumn.

Since then, I am no longer lonely.

I am no longer lonely composition (9)

The deep winter weather is cold and dark, just like my mood at the moment.

I don't know when a flurry of snow floated in the sky and fell on the ground, rustling, as if something was broken in my heart.

The results of the final exam almost suffocated me. I am angry, I have no choice! I tried hard, but with a gentle wave of God's giant hand, my efforts were switched into contemptuous eyes and mockery, and were maximized, occupying the whole heart screen.

Tomorrow is my birthday. Every year, this has become a fixed number. The difference is that my exam results were born earlier this year! I suddenly feel that there is no spring, summer and autumn in my life, only this cold winter

Step out of the house and into the field.

The snow here seems to be smaller than at home, and the sky is slightly brighter than my mother's eyes. I picked up a dead branch and danced like the wind, sweeping the flying snow in the air. Snowflakes are not afraid, they still spin, dance like butterflies, and finally fall on the ground. The ground is already a thin layer, white and soft, so that I can't bear to go further, for fear of destroying the white world.

In the crease of the sleeve, a white angel floated down. Is it snow? Gently poked, but did not respond; Again, it is not a common hexagon. It's a goose feather! A small "alternative".

In the wind, it was lifted again and again, put down again and again, silently, without regrets. "Gravity is equal to 9.8 N/kg", and those trivial things flash into my mind. Yes, because of gravity, it falls on the ground; Because it is different, it is lonely and is blown by the wind again. But it seems very happy. It is not humiliated by the wind or lonely without companions. It still falls to the ground persistently to find its own destination.

I can catch it, but I don't.

I chased it to see what the end of this non life life would be. It doesn't know that someone is paying attention to it. It still floats happily, falls silently, dances and smiles silently

Finally, it stayed in a clump of withered grass. Is this its final destination?

I squatted down, picked it up gently, and held it in my hand, as if holding a priceless treasure. "Come with me," I said to it gently. "Who let us know each other in this storm? It's also a friend in need."

I know that this year, this is probably the only birthday gift I received. It is light and almost weightless; But it is also very important to remind me that in life, there are gains and losses. We should face difficulties bravely and be optimistic to succeed.

A piece of goose feather, my birthday gift - no, it's the gift of life! It flutters in my heart. Since then, I am no longer alone, with its company, I am no longer afraid of the wind and rain ahead.

I am no longer lonely composition (10)

A person's journey is lonely. When the sunshine of your love shines on me, I want to say: I am no longer lonely.

When I was a child, I was introverted. Later, I heard from my grandmother that I always carried my schoolbag when I went to kindergarten. I didn't look back to say goodbye or say hello to the teacher. Instead, I walked along the wall alone. When I was in primary school, my mother began to worry that I could not get along with others and make friends in the new class. To be honest, I really don't know how to start an interesting and not embarrassing communication with a person. Until that sunny girl opened my chatterbox, and I was no longer lonely.

It was a cold winter day. The sun was far away from the sky, but I could not feel the warmth at all. The cold wind was blowing, and the stubborn dead leaves on the top of the trees could no longer bear it. The strong wind blew down, and cars were passing by, and the squeaking sound was very comfortable. My parents are busy with work, so I have to walk home alone. Go along the spur of the road, look at the dead trees beside the road, and walk on the fallen leaves. A huge tree came into my sight. It really is an ancient tree. Two or three people should be able to surround it. The mottled bark looks like the hand print of an old man, rough and vicissitudes. The roots of the old tree are deep into the soil, fully absorbing nutrients from the underground. Next summer must be a good place to enjoy the cool, I think. The branches of the old tree looked very hard, stretching into the sky, and I looked very small standing by. In these trees, it is very conspicuous and has a feeling of standing out from the crowd. It should be as lonely as I am.

Since then, every day after school, I will stay by its side for a minute or two, until that day, I found it pulled out green shoots, I smiled, you are no longer alone, and where are my friends? A string of silvery laughter rang in my ears, and then I felt that someone had patted my shoulder. I turned around and it was her! The girl from the same school that lives downstairs and I said, "Let's go! Let's go home together!" She said and winked at me. I was very happy. I talked a lot along the way, from family members to teachers to classmates to dreams. She is an interesting person.

I looked back and saw the old tree at a glance. There were thousands of stars in the night. Finally, one was with me. Since then, I am no longer alone. Thanks to the old tree, thanks to the sunshine of her.

I am no longer lonely composition (11)

I see you: some people hold their faces in their hands and smile for some reason; Some hung their heads, gently turning the books in their hands; Some seem to be similar to me, curious, timid and nervous.

I turned my head and looked out of the window. The withered and yellow branches swayed gently with the gusts of cool wind. The drooping leaves on the trunk break free from the shackles of the branches and rise and fall in the endless sky

You were transferred to our class in the third grade. It is said that you have lived in Xinjiang before. My curiosity was aroused again, and I looked at you carefully: the skin was neither white nor dark, short, and when I laughed, a pair of small eyes narrowed into a seam. I am attracted by you. We have become the best friends. Your conversation is so humorous; Your behavior is so warm. At that time, your tolerance and understanding of me really lit up my heart.

When I am angry, my eyes are wide open, and my nostrils spout a stream of coarse gas. I often throw things to vent my anger, and I can't move to vent my anger on you. You just patted me on the shoulder silently every time. Wait until my restless heart calms down, then come to talk with me about things that make me angry.

Without the lively class, the bright red comments on the composition book, and the familiar face. I buried myself in a dark abyss, my temper became worse and worse, and I often felt very lonely. It's like being pushed into a trap, and your despair is filled with your heart.

The new Chinese teacher, surnamed Tang, is very young and almost no older than us. She is very interesting in teaching, but I have no interest in it. I just oppose her everywhere; The teacher talked again and again, but I just ignored it and didn't appreciate it.

After class, I immersed myself in my own world and completely reached the level of selflessness. You gently touched my elbow. I turned my head and saw your watery eyes, frowning, and the sun shining on your rosy face. Your eyes are on the platform again. I looked up and saw the teacher's stern eyes.

They are always hostile to each other and even fight fiercely. I stared at you with hostile eyes, and you angrily turned your head and pretended not to care.

Finally, one afternoon, I yelled out the two cold words: "Break up!" "Break up!" You are unwilling to be outdone.

But not a day has passed. When school was over, the setting sun had already hidden behind the mountain, and was stingily taking back the last ray of light. When I was holding my homework, I fell down and scattered my homework.

You walked over, hesitated for a moment, and squatted down to help me pick up my exercise book. After finishing sorting, you raise your red face and say hesitantly, "Are we still friends?"

I am no longer lonely composition (12)

Every person encounters difficulties and frustrations on the road to completing his own life. In the face of this kind of people, we have to summon the courage to face everything, but the result is not satisfactory. In all of this, everyone will also get a lot of warmth, promoting and encouraging everyone. It was a warm day. I am still in primary and secondary school, and my popularity is not very good, but I have a true friend: Huier. We stick together like cotton candy all day long, and we are very close.

On that day, the college held a travel competition, and our class was honored to be selected. So the journey began. When we arrived at the station, we were divided into four groups. We went to the deepest part of the mountain together with the teacher. We chose a good place to set up an outdoor tent and cover pots. The girls went to pick some wild goods to go home. Huier and I prepared to collect some fungi in advance and set out together. When I was picking, I accidentally picked it into the deepest place. When I came back in advance, I found I was lost. Waiting for me to turn around, Huier was also missing. Seeing that the sky is getting dark, I can't become a bee without a goal, but stay where I am and wait for my expectation. The students must forget about it. They don't pay much attention to me in general. I will stay here at night, and then I will feel helpless about beasts.

However, in the loss, I saw the expected glory, which is getting closer and closer to me, my God! My friends and teachers came to my rescue. I shouted loudly: I'm here. They heard me, arrived and took me out. Seeing the sweat on the students' heads, their eyes were quietly wet. I said happily: I thought everyone forgot me! Why? It's just that you seldom play with us and talk with us. The distance between each other is also long. When everyone wants to talk with you every time, you and Huier have a good time, and the words come back. In fact, everyone pays close attention to you. You were sick and asked for a week's leave. Everyone came to visit you and bought you a bear, Li Li said. Since then, I have been no longer lonely. I have made a lot of basin friends and become bolder. I am happy every day, like a naughty elf. But I know in my heart that there are also many difficulties in the road ahead. I want to summon up courage to challenge them. Just because of you, me and everyone

I am no longer lonely composition (13)

I am not lonely, because I have many friends.

At school, I am not alone, because I have classmates with me. In class, Tongchi and I listened carefully and raised our hands to speak actively, so that we could make progress and grow together in friendly competition. After class, my classmates and I laughed, played and played together. The interesting programs appeared before my eyes, and the cheerful laughter echoed in my ears.

I remember one time, my chin was broken by the table, and many students came to care about me. From then on, I felt that I was no longer the lonely ugly duckling. I had friends, and I was no longer lonely.

At home, I am not lonely because I have a cousin with me. Sometimes my sister comes to my house to play. We do homework together, play chess together, draw together, read together, play hide and seek at home together, go downstairs to play badminton together, watch TV together We are very happy!

But what should we do when nobody is here? ha-ha! There is also a cute animal partner --- parrot with me. Among them, one female's coat color is sky blue with deep blue patterns, and she is afraid of cold. This year's heavy snow disaster made her hide in the "small house" all winter. The other male's is yellow with green and black patterns. She likes to sing loudly, and leads all the wild birds in the community to our house. I feed them every morning during winter vacation, They don't eat very much in winter. Birds like to bask in the sun. However, I hope they can lay more eggs and hatch birds. My sister will be very happy because she wants to have a bird very much.

No matter at school or at home, I have my good friends to share happiness with me. I am not alone.

I am no longer lonely composition (14)

Red September, red dream, red future, give a hazy dream.

Standing on the hillside of the mountains and taking the sky as the background alone, I am very lonely. But my dream, my future is not lonely. The aurora of the sky and the stars gliding across the sky are my inner monologue. I want to let my dream and future move in the sky, and I don't regret it.

In order not to be lonely in the future, I grasp today; In order not to be lonely in the future, I keep time; I will not regret for not being lonely in the future; In order not to be lonely in the future, I can only say it is worth it. I can only say that, for the sake of my red and hazy dream, it cannot feel lonely or stagger on the dark mountain road.

I used to imagine my dream and future as a silent and rich person standing on the horizon of time and space, interpreting the four seasons of life with a lonely figure between hard work and laziness. Sometimes I also like to think of it as a tree. The future is the root, and dreams are green leaves. From germination to full growth of green leaves, I have to irrigate it with sweat, although it may wither. I also think of it as a gear. The future is the wheel, and the dream is the tooth. If you want it to rotate, you must let yourself turn first, so that your confidence and courage can fly between heaven and earth. Don't be afraid of being covered by the dark night. Because gold will shine wherever it is placed.

In the continuation of life day after day, time carves dreams in my future. It told me that people came to this world not to live, but to live, for the hope hidden in their hearts. On the wasteland at night, it is a walking tree. Stars ignite dreams, and the tree is full of leaping flames. I heard the sound of the passage of time, and read my soul longing to fly and stay.

Efforts are engraved in the gears of time and sweat is poured into the green shade of growth. I firmly believe that my tomorrow will never be lonely.

I am no longer lonely composition (15)

I'm not alone anymore

"Happy birthday to you... Happy birthday to you..."

"Pup", "Pup", "Pup"... In the sound of my good friend's song, I held my breath and blew out the candles on the birthday cake. "Eat the cake! Eat the cake!" My mother helped me cut the cake into small pieces and sent them to each of my good friends. "Thank you, Aunt", "Thank you, Aunt"... Oh! My buddy's mouth is so sweet. He ate the cake and didn't forget to say "thank you"! I have to learn something.

Do you know that today is my 9th birthday. My good friends all come to my home to celebrate my birthday. I'm so happy!

"Thank you, Mom! Thank you, Dad! This birthday, I am so happy." I am learning and selling now, but looking up, I saw that the eyes of my father and mother were moist. Ah, they must remember my birthday last year.

One year ago today, when I came home from school in the evening, I finished my homework very early. Mother asked me to wash my hands and eat quickly. When I came to the table, there were plenty of food on the table. They were all my favorite foods, including roast duck, pig intestines, corn chop soup... Of course, there was a big birthday cake. First, the old rule is that mother sings birthday songs. I suddenly remembered that I had just learned this song and said to my mother, "This time, I want to sing it myself!" My mother said happily, "That's better, baby!" My father also said, "My father will take a picture of you, our little singer!" So I opened my throat and sang: "Happy birthday to you... I wish you -- ah, wrong singing, it should be a wish -- happy birthday to me..." I changed the lyrics and continued to sing. At that time, I clearly saw a glimmer of loss in the eyes of my parents. They still sang birthday songs with me:

"Happy birthday to you (me), happy birthday to you (me)..."

In the past, my parents wouldn't let me play with other children outside, for fear that I might fail. It is said that only children can reach out their clothes and open their mouths after meals, but how can they know my loneliness! After that day, my parents changed. They often encourage me to study and play with my peers in my spare time. I can't say how happy I am. Now, my parents also let me invite my good friends to celebrate my birthday!

"Happy birthday to you... Happy birthday to you..."

The song of my good friend sounded again. It drifted away with the cool evening wind. It seemed to tell my heart: "I'm not lonely now. I have many good friends and many brothers and sisters."

I am no longer lonely composition (16)

Since September 1, 2010, I have entered the door of junior high school. I am no longer called a young and ignorant primary school, but a famous junior high school student. But when I first entered Class 7 (10), I felt unprecedented loneliness.

When Mr. Rui, the head teacher, arranged the seats, I felt this way. It was like walking into a silent quagmire and never coming out. When I look up, I see strange faces and sad eyes. After class, I can only talk with my classmates in primary school. But school life is too monotonous, because there is only one reason: too few friends.

There is one thing that has changed my point of view. Friends, more than one, are friends everywhere. On XX, XX, XXX, I wrote less political homework. As you know, the head teacher must ask me to talk about the consequences. Teacher Rui said that I had a bad attitude at the beginning of school and would study hard in the future. He also talked about my cousin Han Tianhua, whose academic performance has always been the first. He said that I would learn more from my cousin in the future... My tears poured out of my eyes. After returning to the classroom and lying on the table crying for a while, many students came to me and asked me: "What's wrong with you! My eyes sparkled with happiness, thinking.

After this incident, I always smiled at every student in my class, and the students also smiled at me. Sometimes they would take the initiative to chat with me, so that I would never be lonely again.

Do you want to hear interesting stories about our class? OK, Let me tell you something that happened recently:

One day when we read English early, we were reviewing the Chinese text of the night before yesterday, "Shout". There were many folk shouts in the text. Zhang Xiang always read the allegro made by beggars in the text: The old lady (that) is so kind, she can't eat the East Room for a cake (then) In the west room, there was no cake to enjoy the bowl of rice, which made the whole class laugh. Kang Tingting, the leader of the team, was so angry that Zhang Xiang read his allegro to the whole class tomorrow morning. The next morning, he really read it out, and it was very humorous. He remembered a passage like this: "Just listen to the old class roar, and the whole class will follow her. The monitor can't sing allegro, and 30 million people will die if he sings. Who is the busiest in the class? Xu Qihang, the secretary of the Youth League branch, is the strongest in the fight area, and he is also a member of our sports committee. Ren Jiawang, the study committee member, likes to shout when he has something to do. Although he speaks a little motherly, he is actually very strong in heart... "After reading, the students laughed.

How about, as a member of such a class, school life is not lonely at all, because there are so many friends around, I am no longer lonely.

I am no longer lonely composition (17)

Friends go together all their lives. Those days no longer exist. In a word, in a lifetime, in a lifetime of love, in a glass of wine, friends have never been lonely. A friend will understand that there are still injuries and pains, still have to go, and there is me.

················- Title

"Goodbye, brother!" This is the last sentence I said to my classmates in my primary school career. But I didn't expect that this sentence might become "farewell forever". Because since I graduated from primary school, I can no longer contact you, lost the news.

Now, when I think back to the good times we had, I am always touched. Whenever I think about you every bit, my mood is always difficult to calm, always feel that there is something left to say. Whenever I have a whim, the melody of the song "Friends" haunts my ears, making me happy!

It is hard to imagine that over the past six years, we have been together through ups and downs, and we have experienced numerous failures and achieved numerous successes. We cherish this hard won friendship with each other, and we care for it with our heart, watering it with sweat and action. It is you that make me no longer lonely!

I wonder if you still remember that six years ago, we entered the gate of primary school. Faced with a strange you, I was so shy that I even stared at my textbook without answering you. It is you who infected me with your enthusiasm and consideration. I soon integrated into the collective. Since then, I am not alone. We are inseparable from each other every day. We have never quarreled once. We are brothers and sisters and thrive together under the blue sky.

Do you still remember the PE exam in Grade 6? At that time, there was still a week before the exam. My physical education has always been counted down. In addition, I have spent more time reviewing recently, and I haven't exercised regularly, so my weight may have increased, which is undoubtedly worse. When I am worried about this every day, you, as one of the members of the school track and field team, suddenly saw my 'mind' and resolutely said to me: "Come to me on the playground after school!"

After school, I arrived as promised. You took me to a corner of the playground and said to me with a smile, "Let's start training now!" The smile on your face shows that you are full of hope for me. I looked at him with expectant and surprised eyes, then nodded and agreed. You started to teach me basic skills. You kept yelling at me: "Lift your feet, stay high, speed up the frequency, stick to it..." In my eyes, you changed into a "devil coach". I don't want to disappoint your expectations, so I will work hard to train according to your requirements. Every day after school, we come to the playground for training. Every time, your deafening roar and my sweating on the runway become the most beautiful scenery in the campus.

With our joint efforts, my sports achievements have improved significantly, and our friendship has become deeper. During the exam, I stood on the runway confidently. When the starting gun rang, I ran to the end like an arrow leaving the string at a speed that could not cover my ears. As a result, our efforts were not in vain. I ran fifth in the class. The power of friendship is interpreted at this moment.

After school, we lay on the track where we had worked together, humming songs and remembering our little memories together until sunset

Although we have gone our separate ways for our dreams, I want to say one thing to you anyway:

For so many years, thank you, let me no longer lonely!

Junior two: Liu Yuepeng

I am no longer lonely composition (18)

I have always been alone. Stay alone in my own world and enjoy the sky that belongs to me. I am just like a shell, hiding my softest heart under the hard and cold appearance.

From childhood to adulthood, I have been going home alone, reading alone, eating alone, and alone... Why don't I want to have a big fight and play with my friends? Just afraid of not being accepted and laughed at.

I remember that it was my first day in junior high. As usual, I went to the newspaper alone and chose the last row of seats near the corner. I thought: Yes! Sitting here will be the same as before. Nobody will notice me. Ah, this is the junior high school life. I should still be alone!

In August and summer, the warm wind blows the big trees on both sides of the street, and the sun shines on the earth through the leaves. How beautiful! At the moment, there is only the scenery outside the window in my eyes and heart, and I can't listen to anything anymore... "Classmate, classmate." I don't know how long I have looked outside the window, but only heard a gentle voice interrupt my wandering thoughts. "Ah, are you calling me? Excuse me, what's the matter?" She froze for a moment, then smiled brightly: "Hey hey, it's nothing. Just to ask you, can I sit next to you? You look like you are also an unknown person in the class like me! Just in time, let's make a friend and be a partner in the future! Oh, yes! Call me Qianqian! What's your name... "I don't know what the girl said later, but I just repeated a sentence in my mind: someone talks to me and wants to make friends with me... When I think of this, I will be filled with a strange emotion.

Imperceptibly, her smile was like an invisible force, opening my shell little by little. After that, I became more cheerful and made friends in my class. Sitting in the classroom of Class 8, I felt relaxed and warm all around, just like the warm sun shining in winter, gradually melting the glacier in my heart.

I still remember the concerned eyes and greetings of my classmates when I fell down carelessly; I still remember that when I had some questions, my classmates patiently explained them to me; I still remember the encouragement and help from my classmates when I fell behind in my PE class! These things are like the wind blowing by the bed that year, warm and comfortable.

Never experienced the bitterness of loneliness, how can you feel the sweetness of friendship. Since then, I am no longer a person, I have friends, I am no longer alone!

I am no longer lonely composition (19)

Let the flowers bloom and fall in front of the court, and watch the clouds roll in the sky.

This is a sentence that I appreciate very much. It vividly expresses a kind of calm and free mood. But every time I chew and ponder over it, I always feel that there is a kind of taste, which is called loneliness.

Yes, I'm so lonely. In fact, the real loneliness is not living on a desert island, with only the sound of waves hitting the rocks in my ears, but in the downtown crowd who don't know who to open their hearts to... Perhaps the excellent achievements did not add glory and joy to me, but rather blocked me from happiness like an insurmountable gap. Why? I don't envy the eyes, I just hope to play and laugh with my classmates equally and freely... I am like a bird with gold tied to its wings in Tagore's pen, I can't fly high; I often accompany Sister Lin "with empty eyes and empty tears", and whisper "I know who will be buried when I die", just because I am lonely.

However, that ordinary rainy day will change everything.

"Boom!" The class suddenly burst into flames, because the weather suddenly changed, and the wind was blowing in the blue sky, and the rain poured down. Some timid girls cover their ears and lips tightly; Some "Zhuge Liang" with umbrellas were overjoyed by their ingenuity. And I was bored to think whether an umbrella could grow on the ground to escort me home. Hehe, the bell for school came as scheduled. I stared at the rain curtain outside the window and sighed heavily. I was going to walk in the rain, eh? Why didn't it rain? When I looked up, I saw a red umbrella. When I turned around, I saw a red smiling face. She said, "Let's go together! Go home in this way. Tut tut, are you going to donate to the hospital? Ha ha!" So we looked at each other and smiled, and the two hearts quickly approached. That umbrella not only sheltered me from the wind and rain, but also broke the lonely cage for me - from then on, I am no longer lonely, because she is my best friend.

Because of the nourishment of friendship, my life is full of sunshine. We laughed together, and we misunderstood each other; We will run all the way and shout out our depression; We also used to lie in the same bed and talk to each other about the private words of two girls... Three years passed in a flash, just like water, and she melted the ice and snow in my heart with enthusiasm. We are about to leave, but I am no longer lonely. The good time that belongs to us is like a pair of warm hands, holding happiness to the highest point of the soul and never falling.

Loneliness has turned into a wisp of smoke from my window, and my blessing, when can it bloom in your heart like a gardenia on the branch.