Sorry teacher composition (15 selected articles)
Don't gamble youth on tomorrow
2024-06-09 01:44:11
primary school

Sorry for the teacher's composition (1)

Teacher, I'm sorry. After Zhang Dandan's mid-term exam, my heart was very heavy. Teacher, I'm sorry. It is not because of poor performance, but because I did something wrong, an irretrievable thing. I want to say, "Sorry, teacher, please forgive me!" In front of Mr. Yin, we entered the tense English exam at more than 10 o'clock on Thursday morning. The invigilator turned out to be Mr. Wang, who taught us sports. Now the boys in our class are very proud. Usually, they blow their beard and stare at Mr. Wang in PE class, but Mr. Wang can't cure them, and he still laughs with these boys. In this exam, I think the students must have frosted eggplants. At the beginning of the exam, the whole classroom was extremely quiet. What I saw was the students struggling to write, and what I heard was only the "hiss" of the pen tip on the paper. After 20 minutes, many students finished their answers. Now they are restless. They are whispering in the classroom and don't know what to discuss. Mr. Wang loves the computer on the platform. Sometimes he talked too loudly, so he came down and walked around, and then studied computers. At this time, Wang Di, an activist, was busy cutting his erasers. He broke them into pieces. He didn't know what kind of ghost idea he was going to have. After a while, he and Zhou Xinyu started a rubber war. One by one, rubber meteor cannons were flying over the classroom. It was impossible to tell who threw them. Many students were attacked by the meteor gun innocently, and the rubber of this unexpected accident hit me right on the spot. No matter what happened, I took the crumbs from my deskmate and counterattacked them. In this way, I was also involved in the battle unconsciously. I didn't realize that I was in a big trouble until two classmates began to wrestle with each other for throwing rubber. After the exam, when I saw the gentle eyes of teacher Yin, the head teacher, I felt that two needles had deeply pierced my heart. Is this what a squadron leader should do? How could I do such a ridiculous thing? Would the teacher feel cold about it? Would she no longer trust me? If so, I... I dare not think about it anymore. I am really afraid of losing the trust of teachers and students. Teacher, I'm sorry. I really let you down. I didn't fulfill my duty as a squadron leader. I'm really sorry, but I still ask you to forgive me. I will do my best and never again.

Sorry for the teacher's composition (2)

Teacher, although you have taught me for 4 years, I still have a lot to say to you.

I remember that it was the morning when it was time for our class to raise the national flag. All the students on the platform looked at the stage with spirit, dressed in bright uniforms, and said loud words, while I was waiting for the arrival of the flag raising below. After the host had finished speaking, I put on the national anthem. I went on the stage and started to play. Unexpectedly, the national anthem stopped, ah! The power was cut off, and the following students talked about it. I was very angry. One moment, she put down her hands, another put them on her hands. One moment, Miss Liang asked the following students to sing together. I started to hold hands. One moment later, I stepped down, and all the students around me were laughing at me. I was so sad that I cried in a low voice. The students around me also said that I had beaten zombie hands, The teacher walked by and scolded those students. Then you left. I didn't cry anymore, thinking; Although I was despised by others, the teacher tolerated me, at least, I still have dignity. But I didn't find that the reputation of our class has decreased a lot. I secretly blame myself, but what's the use of this.

My dear teacher, finally, I want to say sincerely, teacher: I'm sorry!

Sorry for the teacher's composition (3)

Three foot platform, three inch tongue, three inch pen, three thousand peaches and plums.

Every day, the teacher comes early, but leaves late. This, the first ray of dawn knows, the stars know.

Since junior high school, I have been exposed to physics for the first time, and I think it is novel and interesting. I'm glad to meet you again - dark and strong skin, a pair of learned glasses, dark and deep eyes hidden behind the lenses, it seems to be able to see through everything.

Time flies, and we will face a tense high school entrance exam soon. However, the atmosphere in the classroom was as relaxed and joyful as ever. The students did not seem to be nervous about the upcoming high school entrance examination and departure. They were still giggling together.

"Bell --" With a sharp bell ringing, you always rush into the classroom with two small blackboards full of questions, afraid of wasting every minute. When asking questions, the air in the classroom seemed to be frozen at that moment, and only you were singing "monologue". We are very good - no speech, no speech, just staring blankly. "Why don't you answer? Look at how lively Class Two is!" Your face is red with anger. "If you continue like this, I really can't teach you!" Your voice is a bit choked, and your eyes are moist. Looking at your eyes, really, that deep disappointment hit my heart like a hammer. It is clearly our fault, but you are like a wrong child.

The exam results came out, which was really horrible. You seem to be more haggard. Your eyelids are swollen like two walnuts with two dark circles under your eyes. Maybe our achievements keep you awake. But it is clearly our fault, we should reflect, but you are the first to reflect on yourself and blame yourself for not teaching well enough.

You always meticulously educate us and cultivate us, like hardworking gardeners who give us the warmth of spring, but we still fail to live up to your expectations... I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, we shouldn't do this! You shelter us from the wind and rain, let us see the sunny sun, how can we forget your deep feelings? How can you live up to your expectations?

Your eyes are silent language, full of expectations for us; It is the burning flame that gives us great heat; It will be printed in our hearts for a long time

Ten years of trees, ten years of wind, ten years of rain, one hundred thousand pillars!

Sorry for the teacher's composition (4)

We have been together for three years. Although there is no iron friendship between teachers and students, I still have a lot of attachment when I mention you.

This is your third year as our class teacher. This year is a year of sweat, a year of installment, and a year of tearful farewell

In my memory, when I fell down, when I was sad, when I was decadent, the head teacher was the first month I lost my job. He would sit down and chat with me, and I would give him all my unhappiness. Somehow, I didn't hide anything from my teachers. Sometimes teachers know more than their parents. This is a summary of three years. He he, to be honest, I am a loner. Every time I am isolated by others, my teacher will take me away from me, and he will lead me back to the right track. If I am a two-and-a-half page bus, the head teacher will be a bright light in the night. Guide me back to the original life track.

Every time there is a competition in the school, you will try your best to do your best. Every time the class wins the honor, I will really find that there is a smile on your mouth. When we have made many progress, I will also find that your eyes will be slightly wet. I know that you regard us as a part of you, but we are often heartless, When we make mistakes and get criticized, you will certainly press down your anger and talk with us carefully. When you find that we fight and have internal disputes, I know you are distressed. You hope that our class can be like our own sisters, but we let you down. Sometimes, I will see your frown, but I can't resolve your worries. What's hateful is that I know your kindness to us. I am. Why do I still speak ill of you in front of others? It seems that I don't care about anything. Then, I fight in the style of brotherhood,.

I know that our class doesn't check, and I also want to have the idea of making the whole class active. I also want to speak when the atmosphere is stiff in class, but every time I want to move, I don't have the courage to raise my hand.

This is the third book of reflection I have written. I don't know what my future will be like, but here I say thank you for your church for three years. Here I say sorry for our rebellion for three years. It doesn't matter to say sorry for every time you scold. Teacher, we will always remember you.

Sorry for the teacher's composition (5)

High school is undoubtedly the most beautiful period of a person's life. With teachers urging learning and partners learning together, every day is very fulfilling. But my senior year really changed my life.

Some stories clearly know the past, but still remember, because it is too unforgettable? Whenever I mention my past again, I still feel heartbroken. But I decided to write him down. In senior high school, I changed from an ordinary class to a key class that year. The reason why I changed was because of my arrogance. Nobody looked down on me when I was in the top five. At that time, I was like an angry cow. I ran around, broke my head, but still tried to show off. Because a friend was in a key class, I turned to her. Later, I heard more and more rumors. Later, I lost my friends, and then I dropped out of school. Before the shift, Ben Ren talked to me and told me not to shift, but I could not listen to it at that time, which led to a tragedy.

I would like to apologize to Mr. Fu for not listening to you and hurting myself.

In this year, there were people who hated themselves and people who hated themselves. This year, many unexpected things happened and unprecedented things that decided their own destiny.

Maybe it's time to let go after such a long time, but my heart has scars, and there are scars when I let go. The wind can't blow away the hatred formed by the hatred, and the rain can't blow away. I just wish it would stay there quietly, forever reminding me not to forget my wrong path.

Sorry for the teacher's composition (6)

I remember that it was at noon one day a year ago. I went straight to the No. 23 bus station after school as usual. It seems very ordinary, nothing special. I got on the bus. It was crowded and the bus started to move. When I was almost at the station, it was not just someone who slapped me on the forehead. I was very angry. I instinctively shouted to a woman: "Why did you hit me. In the afternoon, the first class was Chinese. Just after class, the woman I scolded found our class at noon and asked about it. At noon, a classmate who witnessed my quarrel with the woman pointed at me and said that it was him, but the Chinese teacher said: "His home is not there, it's not him!" The first class escaped in this way. I think I can rest assured now.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the second math class began, the woman came again. I thought: This is not the way to go on. It's my mistake. I should admit my mistake bravely. So I stood up and said, "It's me." The woman took me outside the classroom. I think this is over, and I have to accept a trial. Unexpectedly, the woman not only didn't scold me and hit me, but also kindly told me a lot of truth about life, which made me suddenly understand and remember. At last, she said, "The reason why I didn't beat and scold you is because I am a teacher. I want to find you. I have an obligation to teach you how to be a man. Today's event may be unforgettable for you and me." Hearing this, I couldn't help but burst into tears and said to the teacher, "Sorry, teacher!" She said, "Since you realize that you are wrong, I will forgive you." I felt relieved, and a heavy stone was finally thrown out of my heart.

I took a deep breath and exhaled. I felt extremely comfortable. I felt the sky was so blue and the white clouds were so white. I felt a feeling of gratitude that I had never felt before. What happened that day and what the teacher said to her are unforgettable. Here, I sincerely say to the person who is always saying, "Teacher, I'm sorry!"

Sorry for the teacher's composition (7)

In the twinkling of an eye, Teacher's Day has come quietly.

I saw other students send gifts to the teacher, which were filled with words of thanks. My heart ached faintly. Looking at the teacher's happy smile on the platform, my mind drifted back to the autumn several years ago.

When I was in the sixth grade, there was an unwritten rule in my class. Anyone who entrusts homework must rewrite it.

One day, the teacher angrily ran to the class and shouted to us: "Your class is becoming more and more disrespectful. This time, nine students failed to hand in their homework. Those people stood up by themselves."

As soon as the teacher finished speaking, several students stood up slowly. "One, two... eight, what about another?" After a while, the teacher saw that no one stood out, took out a note from his pocket, looked around, and finally his eyes fell on me, showing an incredible look at the same time. "Zhou Chao. Didn't you hand in your homework?"

I stood up and said, "Teacher, I must have handed it in." Probably because I usually perform better, the teacher asked me to go back and look for it again. When I got home, I felt very uneasy, afraid that I would find the homework. However, fate just played a joke on me. I found the exercise book under my desk. Suddenly my heart fell to the bottom. What should I do? Go to pay it, but I clearly said that I had already paid it. That means I'm lying; But if you don't hand it in, go and tell the teacher that you haven't found it. It's still a lie.

Finally, in order to keep my trust in the teacher's eyes, I told the teacher that I couldn't find it. The teacher didn't blame me, but gave me his exercise book. After receiving the teacher's exercise book, my heart was heavy. Seeing the teacher's happy smile, I felt as if I had done something wrong and my whole face was red. I never told the teacher about it.

My thoughts returned to the platform. Seeing the teacher's happy smile, I couldn't help thinking of the teacher.

Teacher, how are you these years? I really want to apologize to you personally. I hope you will forgive the student who cheated you. Today is Teacher's Day, I wish you a happy Teacher's Day!

Sorry for the teacher's composition (8)

Time passed quickly. A week passed in a flash. Monday also hurried away. It was Tuesday again. I'm really "excited" because I can go home in three days.

"All students can go home after cleaning up." The loudspeaker clearly and forcefully broadcast the 'inspiring' news. ha-ha! Excellent! All my homework has been done and there is only one diary left. After dinner, I was the first to rush into the classroom, and my classmates also entered the class one after another. Chen Fuyu, come to the Three Kingdoms for hegemony? Are you playing? "Anyway, the teacher is not here, so it's OK to play. No way! What's the meaning of playing chess? It's better to look at the writing assignments and preview the text! What do you know, this is called" enjoyment ". What a boring thing to do. It's boring to remember this and that. After a fierce" war of words ", evil finally triumphs over justice. I" enjoy it " We played chess with them. Suddenly, the enemies held their ground and buried their heads to do their homework. Then there was silence in the class, and only the sound of "rustling" writing could be heard. What the hell is going on? I am puzzled. A turn of the head, suddenly, a thin figure with a face, came into my eyes, and then look carefully, ah! It's Miss Bu! He is looking at the whole class seriously! The trust that showed on his face had disappeared. Hi!

I wish I could find a hole in the ground. The teacher trusts us, but we do. Hi! I was shrouded in fear and shame for a long time. I hope you can forgive me after reading your homework. teacher. I'm sorry!

Sorry for the composition (9)

I have done a shameful thing, that is, there are small moves in class, which indirectly means that I do not respect my teacher, which makes me unforgettable all my life.

On a Wednesday morning in 201x, I got up early, came to school and began to read. At the beginning of Chinese class, about 20 minutes later, my body itched like a worm, which made me extremely uncomfortable. I couldn't help scratching the itch on my body, but was found by the teacher. The teacher said to me in front of my classmates, "Wang Bo, come to my office after class".

After class, I followed the teacher to her office and walked behind her. I thought: I will suffer. When I came to the teacher's office, Mr. He said gently, "Wang Bo, why are you scratching around in class. I am sorry to hear that: because my little actions have affected the teachers and students, it is disrespect for the teacher's work, and it is wrong to affect the students. In the future, we should pay attention to our words and deeds, listen carefully in class, and do not do small actions.

Mr. He, sincerely say to you, "I'm sorry, I will listen to you carefully in the future, and change the problem of small movements in class." At the same time, thank Mr. He for his care and teaching. Through this incident, I realized your love and help for me. Although it is criticism, it is also good for me.

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Sorry for the composition (10)

This afternoon, all our sixth graders had a monthly exam. When I got the first Chinese test paper, I looked at it carefully and began to answer the question immediately. When I think of what the teacher said, I must read the questions carefully. I have finished the questions I can do, and I have racked my brains to think of the questions I can't do. The Chinese test paper is really difficult! All blame me for not listening carefully in class. There is no regret medicine in the world. We have to play it by ear.

Second, mathematics is relatively simple. Most of the questions are consolidation questions. However, we should also answer the questions carefully.

The third one is to take an English test. The teacher has spoken English several times.

Through this exam, I realized my own mistakes. I didn't listen carefully in class and did small movements. Some minor problems, although I didn't do well in this exam, I will correct my learning attitude in the later study.

Sorry teacher, I didn't do well in this exam.

Sorry for the composition (11)

Sorry, teacher, 400 words in composition (1)

Sorry composition 400 words Sorry sky, you used to be blue, white clouds like snow and red sun, like a sky blue dress, when night fell, this "dress" was inlaid with many golden stars, dreamy, but now it is invisible, now you are not beautiful, it is not your fault, it is our fault, We brought haze, it covered you, sorry! I'm sorry for Yamahara. You are so blue and boundless. You helped us to cover the dust, bring us fresh air, and make the ecology balanced. In you, I saw lush forests and lovely animals. You gave them a place to live and let them breed. But now, the animals are gone, and only a small part of the lush forest is left. You are very painful, and you have been suffering. If we had not cut down indiscriminately, you would not be like this, sorry! I'm sorry for the river. It turned out that you were clear, and there were many fish swimming freely in it. The waves beat against the stone wall, making a clear sound. I know that it was you cheering. How happy you are. But now you are no longer clear, and you have become colorful. They said you smelled, but it was their fault. Some people said that the river is the mother, But we hurt our mother. It's all our fault. I apologize again. Sorry! How many mistakes have we made? Nature, please tell me, do we still have a chance to make up? Is there any chance for you to change back to your original appearance? Human beings, it is you who make your living environment worse and worse. Don't you reflect?

Sorry, teacher, 400 words in composition (2)

Teacher, I'm sorry A letter to Mr. Liu Dear Mr. Liu, Teacher's Day is a festival for all teachers, but it has become a happy day for others. Our "Self reproach Day"! On that day, our class continued to write, read and chat. It seems that I have forgotten this Teachers' Day that should be prepared. We didn't realize it until the other class cheered. But we were empty handed and at a loss. We were so anxious that we jumped up and down. I thought you would say that our class is not as good as other classes, and everyone knows how to prepare, but our class is empty handed. I'm even ready for criticism. But you just change, receive, and batch operations as always. Although you didn't mention anything, I know you also hope to get the blessing of students! But no one came to bless. Maybe I was afraid of being empty handed until school ended. After you left the classroom silently, I felt guilty and hated myself for not saying "Happy Teacher's Day" quietly! Even if you assign too much homework, even if you are too strict with us, you are still our respected teacher, and Teacher's Day still belongs to you! Here I want to say to you what I haven't said before. Today I will add: Happy Teacher's Day, teacher! I hope the next student will say these words to you in front of you! Wish: everything goes as you wish and everything comes as you wish! Your student: Zhao Xin Second day of September 3, 2013: Zhao Xin

Sorry, teacher, 400 words in composition (3)

Teacher, I'm sorry Teacher, I'm sorry that after Zhang Dandan's mid-term exam, my heart was very heavy. It is not because of poor performance, but because I did something wrong, an irretrievable thing. I would like to say in front of Mr. Yin: "Sorry, teacher, please forgive me for entering the tense English exam at more than 10 o'clock on Thursday morning. The invigilator is Mr. Wang, who teaches us sports. Now the boys in our class are very proud. Usually, they blow their beard and stare at Mr. Wang in PE class, but Mr. Wang can't cure them, and he still laughs with these boys. In this exam, I think the students must have frosted eggplants. At the beginning of the exam, the whole classroom was extremely quiet. What I saw was the students struggling to write, and what I heard was only the "hiss" of the pen tip on the paper. After 20 minutes, many students finished their answers. Now they are restless. They are whispering in the classroom and don't know what to discuss. Mr. Wang loves the computer on the platform. Sometimes he talked too loudly, so he came down and walked around, and then studied computers. At this time, Wang Di, an activist, was busy cutting his erasers. He broke them into pieces. He didn't know what kind of ghost idea he was going to have. After a while, he and Zhou Xinyu started a rubber fight. One by one, rubber meteor cannons flew over the classroom, and it was impossible to tell who threw them. Many students were attacked by the meteor gun innocently, and the rubber of this unexpected accident hit me right on the spot. No matter what happened, I took the crumbs from my deskmate and counterattacked them. In this way, I was also involved in the battle unconsciously. I didn't realize that I was in a big trouble until two classmates began to wrestle with each other for throwing rubber. After the exam, when I saw the gentle eyes of teacher Yin, the head teacher, I felt that two needles had deeply pierced my heart. Is this what a squadron leader should do? How could I do such a ridiculous thing? Would the teacher feel cold about it? Would she no longer trust me? If so, I... I dare not think about it anymore. I am really afraid of losing the trust of teachers and students. Teacher, I'm sorry. I really let you down. I didn't fulfill my duty as a squadron leader. I'm really sorry, but I still ask you to forgive me. I will do my best and never again.  

Sorry, teacher, 400 words in composition (4)

Sorry, teacher

After the mid-term exam, my heart was very heavy. Sorry, teacher. It is not because of poor performance, but because I did something wrong, an irretrievable thing. I want to say, "Sorry, teacher, please forgive me!" In front of Mr. Yin, we entered the tense English exam at more than 10 o'clock on Thursday morning. The invigilator turned out to be Mr. Wang, who taught us sports. Now the boys in our class are very proud. Usually, they blow their beard and stare at Mr. Wang in PE class, but Mr. Wang can't cure them, and he still laughs with these boys. In this exam, I think the students must have frosted eggplants.

At the beginning of the exam, the whole classroom was extremely quiet. What I saw was the students struggling to write, and what I heard was only the "hiss" of the pen tip on the paper. After 20 minutes, many students finished their answers. Now they are restless. They are whispering in the classroom and don't know what to discuss. Mr. Wang loves the computer on the platform. Sometimes he talked too loudly, so he came down and walked around, and then studied computers.

At this time, Wang Di, an activist, was busy cutting his erasers. He broke them into pieces. He didn't know what kind of ghost idea he was going to have. After a while, he and Zhou Xinyu started a rubber fight. One by one, rubber meteor cannons flew over the classroom, and it was impossible to tell who threw them. Many students were attacked by the meteor gun innocently, and the rubber of this unexpected accident hit me right on the spot. No matter what happens, I took the rubber crumbs from my deskmate and counterattacked them

In this way, I was also involved in the battle unconsciously. I didn't realize that I was in a big trouble until two classmates began to wrestle with each other for throwing rubber.

After the exam, when I saw the gentle eyes of teacher Yin, the head teacher, I felt that two needles had deeply pierced my heart. Is this what a squadron leader should do? How could I do such a ridiculous thing? Would the teacher feel cold about it? Would she no longer trust me? If so, I... I dare not think about it anymore. I am really afraid of losing the trust of teachers and students.

Teacher, I'm sorry. I really let you down. I didn't fulfill my duty as a squadron leader. I'm really sorry, but I still ask you to forgive me. I will do my best and never again.

Sorry, teacher, 400 words in composition (5)

Sorry, teacher, let me change the solemn "you" into "you". Teacher, I want to take off one of your white hair and let it no longer belong to you. Teacher, you really tried your best for us these days. You tried your best to let us learn well, but we were ungrateful and made you angry. Sorry, teacher! Just a short 45 minutes, in the eyes of students is so long, every second for us is suffering. Because there is a busy figure working all day for us in the classroom; Lack of a "relative" who worries about us; Teacher, do you know that in the class when you were away, I was very anxious and always expected that something bad would happen. Sure enough, you cried. Do you know that the reason why I cried at that time was not that the moral teacher blamed me for not coming to you. But you, you have paid so much for us, we not only do not know how grateful, but also have been complaining about this and that. But I didn't expect: we have such a good head teacher. What's wrong with us? Teacher, forgive our ignorance and don't keep those things in mind. I also believe you won't haggle over every ounce. A thousand words of regret cannot express our regret.

Sorry, teacher, 400 words in composition (6)

Sorry, sir

Whenever I think of that, I fall into boundless guilt and regret.

I remember that on a snowy night, I went out to dinner with my parents and came back very late. But I still haven't written a diary. I turned over the composition book for a while, looked up at the distance for a while, and looked at the time. In short, I could not squeeze out the diary. My mother began to worry. She asked, "Can you finish your diary? Can you copy it if you can't finish it?" I said in a very low voice, "Can you finish it?" My mother calmed down for a while, and when I didn't start writing, she angrily shouted, "Do you want to write? Copy it. Come on!" My father held my mother and asked me, "Can you really finish it?" My mother shouted angrily, "Tell me, can she finish it? Copy it!" Finally, I copied it.

The next day, the teacher asked me to recite the diary of that day. I read it silently in my heart. Don't pick me, don't pick me. But the teacher looked around and chose me. I was so frightened that I walked onto the platform and read it out with trembling voice.

The teacher used to give me a good evaluation of my reading, but today he said, "Well written, not very good reading." I felt a little joy in my heart, "Ha, the teacher didn't recognize it." But the joy was interrupted by a voice.

"Teacher, that article was copied." Suddenly, the classroom burst into flames. "Is it really copied?".

My face was burning and instinctively lowered my head. I should argue for me, but I didn't say anything. The teacher told me to go back to my seat. The surprised eyes of my classmates surrounded me, and I buried my head lower.

Later, the teacher didn't say anything, but I read the doubt and blame from her severe eyes.

Sorry, teacher.

Sorry, teacher, 400 words in composition (7)

Sorry, teacher I was originally a simple girl, but after playing with my friends in the third grade, it became worse and worse. I used to be a very good girl, but I became an ignorant girl in my eyes. I remember my teacher was very gentle in the second grade. Whenever I have difficulties in learning, she will extend her helpful hand to help me solve problems. At that time, the teacher liked me very much and often said to me, "I am a very simple girl". However, in the second semester of second grade, because the teacher asked for a semester's leave, other teachers taught us. Since then, I have gradually changed. I have done all kinds of tricks, such as wandering in class, not writing carefully, and my study has plummeted... When the teacher came back, she was very sad when she knew that I was not that simple girl before, and she kept on, Again and again persuade me to change my bad habits and return to my former pure self. But I really can't change it! The teacher often feels annoyed because of my poor academic performance. But I don't know that the teacher is good for me and often fights with the teacher. I remember one time when I was asked by my teacher to sweep the floor because I had nothing to do because of the general cleaning. At that time, I was very angry. When the teacher knew about it, he called me to the office to give me a lecture and said angrily, "During the semester I asked for leave, did the teacher really feel distressed because of your changes? Although I am not your head teacher, I am your teacher and have the right to control you. Then when the teacher asked me to go back to clean up, he looked at me sadly. I really wanted to tell the teacher that I didn't mean to. I really wanted to apologize to the teacher. Sorry, teacher, I was wrong. I remember that in the fourth grade, I quarreled with my classmates. At that time, we both quarreled after class all the time. It's hard for the other party to finish. When the monitor knew that, he always advised us to make up, but no one was willing to apologize first. Later, we made up! When we were in the fifth grade, we were still good friends like friends and sisters, but sometimes the teacher was still very unhappy. Because we are always not careful in her classes, and like to talk, the teacher is very angry. Teacher, I really want to apologize to you. Please forgive me, OK? I'm really sorry. I will take classes seriously in the future. Forgive me, teacher.

Sorry, teacher, 400 words in composition (8)

I'm sorry I have the same opinion about every teacher. I care for top students and ignore the equal or poor students. Until today, my attitude towards teachers has changed. When we finished our homework, we needed to judge. Several students could not do several questions. That was the key point of the teacher's talk long ago. Let's remember that those students could not do it under the teacher's instruction. This made the teacher angry, but the teacher held back his anger. Finally, three poor students corrected more than dozens of times! The teacher finally lost his temper with us, but to my surprise, the teacher said why we didn't listen to the class and study hard, which moved me. I felt that I had a good teacher when I was experiencing

Sorry, Teacher Composition (12)

You opened the door of knowledge for me; It is your encouragement that I will never forget.

Mr. Song Xuanqi, my math teacher, your dark hair is mixed with sparse white hair. Your serious face is kind. Your meticulous care has made me grow up in happiness.

You are like a thin piece of chalk, giving in obscurity without seeking return. Every word, symbol and formula you write are drops of sweet dew, watering my heart and nurturing my growth.

Once, I made two mistakes in my class assignment. You called me to the platform and severely criticized me. After the criticism, you calmed down your "anger" and patiently explained. At that time, I was very angry: didn't I miss two questions? Is it worth criticizing? As I was vaguely angry and dared not vent my anger, I turned my head in the opposite direction to you and did not listen to your Chunchun teachings. At that time, I thought angrily: I won't listen to your explanation. What can you do with me? Unconsciously, after what you said, I almost grabbed the book and left. In class, I did not respect you: I took out a piece of paper, kneaded it into a ball with my hand, and threw it at you, but I never dared to hit you, but what I did was very unfriendly, which made me feel ashamed up to now

As Teacher's Day approaches, I solemnly apologize to you: "Teacher, I'm sorry."

One more thing, I still understand your hard work. That time, you asked us to review our textbooks after math class, but we played "Three Kingdoms Killing". At this time, your sharp eyes swept over us, scolded them, but hit me. At that time, I was very angry. Now, I understand that you are trying to educate me and want me to become the pillar of the country.

Mr. Song, wherever I go in the future, I will never forget your care and teaching for me.

Sorry for the teacher's composition (13)

Miss Yang:

I'm really sorry. We have irritated you countless times and made you sad again and again. We do not know that you shed tears for everyone. I wonder if they will converge into a stream? We don't know how many hairs have gone gray. I wonder if they will be connected into a fishing line? We don't know how painful you are. I think the pain must surpass the dust of the world? We don't know how much your efforts have been spent on us, so that we can grow better!

Maybe, maybe you had the idea of giving up this class. Maybe, maybe you felt cold hearted about this class. Maybe, maybe you wanted to let go of everything and let us go

However, you persevered. You ignore your own face, the ridicule of other teachers, no fear of more suffering, no fear of fierce wind and rain... You still have glimmers of hope for us, and you still have glimmers of laughter for the world. We really feel extremely guilty, we deeply understand your pain, and we absolutely live up to your expectations. In the near future, you will see the dawn of 6 (3) victorious unity. Class 3 will not give you more pain and trouble. We hope you will have a sweet smile on your face, and we hope that your dazzling white hair will no longer appear on your silky hair.

Miss Yang, please forgive everyone's ignorance. We really regret our mistakes. We don't want to see you so haggard anymore!

···········Your students: 6 (3) All "children's shoes"

···············     2012.11.2

Grade 6: Wu Xuanxuan

Sorry for the teacher's composition (14)

····Excuse me, teacher. Kong Lin, Dongba Primary School 5 (2)

·These days, under the guidance of my teacher, I wrote several compositions, published them on the Internet, and printed and hung them on the class's excellent composition selection, which made me very happy. This was the first time I experienced the happiness of success in my composition.

·As a result, I am thinking about writing compositions every day, and I also like composition lessons more.

·The next reading class is coming. I have to get ready for the class, because I have to write my feelings after reading every time I finish the reading class.

·At last, the teacher asked the students to talk about their favorite articles in Unit 2 of Extracurricular Supplementary Reading, and tell them what they like and why. Kong Qi first replied hurriedly, saying that he liked Sweet Corn, and then he gave the reasons for his liking. Then other students added, and the teacher was asking some questions... But I was already attracted by the "fragrant corn" in the article, and was thinking about how to write another good article to be praised by the teacher! At this time, my deskmate pushed me, and I didn't think he would disturb my reading. "Kong Lin, let's talk about this problem." I was stunned. Looking at the teacher's trusted eyes and the small hands around me, I didn't care about three or seven or twenty one, so I opened my mouth and said a few words casually. Before I finished, there was laughter in the classroom. I knew I was behind and could not find my way. The teacher asked me to sit down and didn't blame me, but I felt extremely guilty. The teacher has been so concerned about me, but I let him down... Will the teacher still like me?

·In order to make up for my mistakes, I quickly came back to myself and followed everyone to think about the questions raised by the teacher, holding my hands high.

·Alas! Class was over, but I was still unhappy. I really wanted to say to the teacher, "Teacher, I'm sorry! Please forgive me, OK?"

Sorry for the teacher's composition (15)

Sorry, teacher!

Many students have arranged their homework for the self-study class this afternoon. But the English teacher came, and some students were secretly surprised. But what I didn't expect was that so many students were noisy and shouting: "It's time for self-study, it's time for self-study..." The teacher was confused, and he kindly came to teach them knowledge, but how could they be so sensible? I am angry and heartbroken. I know it's hard for anyone.

When the teacher slapped the table, he spoke in a frightening tone. Only when he was very angry, he would not hurt the serious tone in which we criticized us: Do you think I want to teach you? I don't know. Is it comfortable to sit in the office It's still so messy and incomprehensible. The teacher is really angry: go to self-study and write your other homework! You can teach yourself! I won't give you any more lessons! Come on, let's learn by ourselves!

... Surprisingly quiet, I wonder if it is their understanding of their mistakes or their complacency after satisfaction? How many people asked the teacher to teach? No, not one. The teacher took a chair, sat in front and looked at us. Is understanding; Sadness; Or

A student went to ask the teacher a question. When he left, the teacher said, "Oh, slow down..." The voice was so low, and there was some trembling. Is it quietly shedding tears in your heart? My heart is sour, should we also be considerate of the teacher?

After class, the teacher didn't even say a word, slammed the door and left. "The teacher is angry!" "The homework is over!" "It's better to have an English class!" I was angry. Why didn't anyone apologize? I'm the monitor. I have to go. The sisters called me, the other monitor. First, I went to the Chinese teacher's office. I knew she would help me. After knowing what was wrong with us, we went to the English teacher's office. At the door of the teacher's office, I actually giggled, ridiculous? wry smile? Or guilt? I went in and couldn't laugh anymore. See the teacher's appearance: the hand is filled with a cup of boiling water, for their own "heating". Sour, guilty. "Teacher, I'm sorry, we shouldn't make a scene (although I didn't make fun of it). In fact, the students just want to do their homework, which means nothing else." The usual smiling face changed into pretending not to care. It hurts. It's all our class. Why can't you understand? "Oh, it's OK. The last self-study class was good, hehe. It's OK, go and play!" Even if the teacher criticizes us, it's OK, as long as it's not

Sorry, teacher! Sorry, forgive us. I'm sorry!

Sorry, teacher!

Boys and girls, do you remember the first time you were criticized by your teacher? I remember it clearly.

It was in a math class in the second volume of the fourth grade. The math teacher wants to check our homework. I was almost found. I confidently took out my exercise book. However, I turned around and looked, "Oh, I didn't do it. Why didn't I do it? I'm a member of the squadron, and I didn't do my homework. Now I must be criticized by the teacher. What can I do now?" "Julie Hong, where's your homework book? Show it to the teacher." My hands trembled, and I had no choice but to take it out to the teacher. The teacher turned over and asked me: "Where did you do your homework? Did you not do it?" I immediately said: "No, teacher, I did it, but the paper is missing, maybe it is missing. Really, the teacher asks you to believe me!" The teacher looked at me with a suspicious eye, and then went to check the homework of the students behind. After class, the teacher called me to the side of the platform and asked, "Julie, tell the truth to the teacher, have you done it?" I still said, "Yes!" The teacher's face became serious, and continued: "As a member of the squadron, you took the lead in lying, so don't be a liar next semester." I stopped talking.

On the way out of school, I didn't say a word. When I got home, my mother saw me ask me without saying anything: "Is there anything wrong?" I was afraid that my mother would scold me when she knew it, so she said: "Nothing!"

The next day, I handed my homework to the teacher. The teacher just looked at me and didn't say anything. Since then, I have never done less homework, and I have to check everything I do well.

So far, the teacher doesn't know the truth of this matter. I know that I shouldn't have. Here, I want to say to the teacher: "Teacher, I'm sorry!"