Writing in pencil (8 in total)
2024-06-17 01:34:10

Writing in pencil (1)

The beautiful autumn is coming. Teacher Fox takes ducks, rabbits, squirrels, hamsters... and many lovely animals to the wild for an outing.

When they arrived at the place, the rabbit said, "It's really beautiful here." Teacher Fox also thought that the place was very beautiful and the river was very clean, so she asked the students to take out a pencil and a piece of elephant skin and draw a beautiful picture. The little squirrel was the first to finish painting, and it was also very beautiful. Soon, there were many 'small animals' around the little squirrel. Among them, the little hamster was surprised and said, "Wow! Little squirrel, what a beautiful picture you have drawn!" "Thank you". At that time, the duckling was standing next to the little squirrel and felt very guilty. After a while, he thought that the little squirrel was not good at drawing, but his pencil was good, so he borrowed a pencil from the little squirrel.

The next day, the duckling found that his handwriting was not as good as that of the squirrel, so he lay on the table and cried. When the teacher learned about this, he told the duckling, "It's not whether your pencil is good, but whether you are patient." The duckling lowered his head in shame.

After this, Little Duck will never borrow anything from others, and his handwriting is becoming more and more beautiful. Even the teacher praises him!

Writing in pencil (2)

In a dense and quiet forest, there is a small wooden house. On the wooden house, there is a sign that says: Sketch Class.

One Sunday morning, all the students in the sketch class came, except the little panda. When the bell rang, the panda rushed into the classroom and sat down quickly. The teacher said, "Today we are going to paint in the wild, and you should line up in a neat line." The little panda soon arrived at the painting place and found the position for painting by himself.

When he began to draw, the little panda looked in his schoolbag and found that he had forgotten to carry colored lead. "What should I do?" The little panda came up with a solution. He asked the kitten in front, "Can you lend me some colored lead?" The kitten said, "Of course. We are good friends!" The little panda said, "Thank you!"

It first asked the kitten to borrow a blue colored lead to draw a pond, then borrowed a red colored lead to draw a sun, and finally borrowed a green colored lead to draw a lawn. The panda was very happy after the painting, because it was not criticized by the teacher.

After finishing the painting, he returned the colored lead to the kitten, and then said again: "Kitty, thank you for borrowing my colored lead!" The kitten said: "You are welcome, and you must not be careless again, or you will suffer a loss." After hearing this, the panda said shyly, "OK, I will not be careless again."

Since then, the relationship between kittens and pandas has become better than before.

Writing in pencil (3)

The beautiful autumn is coming. Teacher Fox takes ducks, rabbits, squirrels, hamsters... and many lovely animals to the wild for an outing.

When they arrived at the place, the rabbit said, "It's really beautiful here." Teacher Fox also thought that the place was very beautiful and the river was very clean, so she asked the students to take out a pencil and a piece of elephant skin and draw a beautiful picture. The little squirrel was the first one to finish painting, and it was also very beautiful. Soon, there were many small animals around the little squirrel. Among them, the little hamster was surprised and said, "Wow! Little squirrel, what a beautiful picture you have drawn!" "Thank you". At that time, the duckling was standing next to the little squirrel and felt very guilty. After a while, he thought that the little squirrel was not good at drawing, but his pencil was good, so he borrowed a pencil from the little squirrel.

The next day, the duckling found that his handwriting was not as good as that of the squirrel, so he lay on the table and cried. When the teacher learned about this, he told the duckling, "It's not whether your pencil is good, but whether you are patient." The duckling lowered his head in shame.

After this, Little Duck will never borrow anything from others, and his handwriting is becoming more and more beautiful. Even the teacher praises him!

Writing in pencil (4)

Writing Borrowing (1)

Borrow pen

"Ding dong ding dong" The class bell rang, and the teacher came into the classroom with a pile of test papers. "It's time for an exam!" Everyone turned over their schoolbags and pencil boxes. "Too bad, I didn't bring a pencil case!" I cried bitterly in my heart, "It's really 'rainy at night in a broken house'!" The test papers began to be handed out, and the students began to write one by one. I was the only one sitting foolishly.

My deskmate stabbed me ": Hey, you are silly. Why don't you write?" "Can you write without a pen?" I said angrily

He glanced at him, "Do you have a pen?" "Sorry, I only brought a water pen." Then he showed me the pen box, which contains only a pencil, an eraser and a correction tape! "Nothing, I promise I can lend you a pen." He looked confident. The teacher had something to do and went out. He turned around and asked the two people behind him: "Brother, do you have a pen? I borrowed one from her." "Look, this pen is out of ink, and that pen is out of water. There are two left, one I want to use, and the other I borrowed from my deskmate." They shook their heads and shrugged.

When I saw it, I had to go out in person: "Yang Yaxi, lend me a pen!" She took out a pen: "Here you are!" I tried

When I write on the volume, I can't write it out. Yang Yaxi also waved to me: "Then I don't have a pen." I was more anxious, just like ants on a hot pot. "Ask someone to borrow it again!" My deskmate patted me. When the teacher came in, my deskmate rushed up and shouted, "Teacher, my deskmate didn't bring a pen!" "Ah? Why didn't you say earlier? Who lent Chen Minggui a pen?" The teacher stood on the platform and asked loudly. "I! I'll lend it to her!" someone shouted at once. "Let me borrow it. I have a pen bag with me." Li Xinjie shook the pen bag at me, and the sound of "clattering" came from it.

I took over Li Xinjie's pen and began to write quickly.

It's true that there are true feelings everywhere in the world!

Writing Borrowing (2)

Borrowing a pen There must be others who help you in life, or you help others. I have been helped by others. Once, I ate breakfast and went to school as usual. But when I came to the classroom and opened my schoolbag, I found my pencil box missing. So I rummaged around, almost searching the whole bag, but the pencil box seemed to be playing hide and seek with me. The more anxious I was, the less I could find it. At this moment, I was worried and thought to myself: after this, I left my pencil box at home. What should I do in class? Will you be scolded by the teacher? These two questions make me upset. I don't know what to do? This is me like an ant on a hot pot - anxious. Ringing the bell - after class, the teacher slowly walked into the classroom, read us several compositions first, and then let us write a composition about something or something. This time, I was so worried that I said to the teacher, "Teacher, I need to go to the toilet.". The teacher nodded and said: OK. But remember to use the toilet after class next time. About five minutes later, I thought: I'd better tell the teacher. It's no way to drag it on like this. I came to the classroom with a feeling of anxiety and sat down. I thought: "I'll tell him when the teacher comes." When my deskmate found my dilemma, he patted my hand, He said to me, "Excuse me. Fortunately, the teacher didn't find out. Later, you forgot to bring something to tell me that we are deskmates!" Friendship does not have to be spectacular. It can be something around us, but a small place. Today, I realized the beauty of friendship, which makes people feel warm. Grade 6: Ding Xuke

Writing Borrowing (3)

Borrowing a pen Every Saturday afternoon, I have to go to a training class, and this time of course is no exception. But because of the rush of time, I left home after finishing my schoolbag. When I arrived at school, the moment I opened my schoolbag, I was silly: I had forgotten my pencil box. With only three minutes to go before class, I was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan. I wanted to borrow a pen from the boy at the same desk, but we are all from different schools. After all, we are not familiar with each other. How embarrassed I am! I had to force myself to ask the girl behind me: "Yu Min, can you lend me a pen?" When Yu Min heard that I was coming to borrow something from her, he immediately stopped smiling, pretended to be very embarrassed, and refused me with all kinds of reasons: "No, there are only a few of my pens, and they are not easy to use, so I can't lend them to you.", I feel ashamed. My face is hot. In desperation, I had to ask Zhao Xin for help. Because I was refused the first time, this time I was very worried about how embarrassed I would be if Zhao Xin didn't lend it! I felt uneasy and said, "Help, Zhao Xin." "Need me to help you?" Zhao Xin looked up, and I saw her sincerity and generosity in her bright eyes. I'm no longer worried, and my face is not as red as it was at first. "Can you lend me a pen?" "No problem, I have many pens anyway. You can choose the one you like!" She handed me the pen bag without hesitation. "Really?" I looked incredulous. You know, most of her pens are beautiful. She nodded affirmatively, "Yes, really." I casually took a pen, quickly returned it to her, and said, "Thank you very much, Zhao Xin." "You're welcome. Who does the classmate not help?" Looking at her smiling face, I felt grateful. Zhao Xin loves her classmates so much that she helps any of them without seeking return. Her spirit helps me move forward.  

Writing Borrowing (4)

The duckling borrows a pen The duckling borrows a pen for writing lessons. The duckling's handwriting is very bad. He looks at the chicken's handwriting beside him. Wow! How beautiful it is! It looks neat and neat. Then it looks at its own characters. Woo, it's very bad. It's crooked. It's like a good oak sleeping. Suddenly, the duckling sees a light. (Author: What is it?) It's the chicken's new pen shining in the sun! It thought that the words written by chicken should be caused by this pen! So he went to borrow a pen from the chicken: "Chicken, can I borrow your pen?" "Don't you have a pen? Why do you want to borrow a pen from me?" The chicken asked strangely "My pen is hard to write!" So the chicken lent it his pen. "The duckling lent the chicken to the pen to write, but he still couldn't write well. The teacher knew later and went to him and said," The duckling is not a good looking thing to show good skills, but a good looking thing is only for dressing up. " After listening, the duckling made up his mind to practice the characters well

Writing Borrowing (5)

"Duck Borrows a Pen" During the writing class, the duck's handwriting was very ugly, and he looked at the chicken's handwriting. The duckling is very envious! The duckling thought, "Why does the chicken write so well, but I can't?" Suddenly, he saw a light. It turned out that it was the chicken's new pen shining in the sun. "Ah, I see!" cried the duckling happily, "It's the new pen of the chicken that writes well." The duckling gently said to the chicken, "Please lend me your pen to write, will you?" "Don't you have a pen?" The chicken asked me strangely. "My pen is not good, and my handwriting is not good," said the duckling. The chicken lent him his pen. The duckling took the chicken's pen and wrote. Strange, why can't I write it well? The teacher came and learned about it. The teacher said to the duckling, "If you can write well, you should rely on your own efforts." Only then did the duckling really understand the reason why you can't write well, and decided to practice calligraphy as well as the chicken. Teachers often say that words are like faces. If you write in a mess, you can see how a person looks! Students, so we should write well!

Composition Borrowing (6)

A primary school student in Hainan was slapped by his teacher when he borrowed a pen from his classmate in class

On the afternoon of November 12 last year, Xiao Hui, a student of Class 1, Grade 15 Primary School in Haikou, accidentally broke his pencil when he was in writing class. He turned to borrow a pen from his classmate at the back desk and was slapped by Mr. Wu, who was maintaining discipline in the classroom at that time. According to Xiaohui's mother, after Xiaohui came home that day, his left face was black and purple, swollen to the height. Yesterday, Xiaohui's father, Huang Caisheng, reported to reporters that he had repeatedly reported the matter to the school and the Meilan District Education Bureau, but there was still no result. Haikou No. 15 Primary School responded that it had ordered the teacher concerned to review and circulated a notice of criticism to the teacher at the faculty meeting. The teachers and the school have communicated and negotiated with the parents for many times, but because the parents' claim for compensation is unreasonable, the two sides have not reached an agreement. It is reported that Meilan District Education Bureau will further coordinate and handle this matter. Parent: The child's face was swollen to a height. At the beginning, he didn't believe that the 7-year-old Xiaohui, who was hit by the teacher, was studying in Class 1, Grade 15 Primary School, Haikou. On the afternoon of November 12 last year, in a writing class, he accidentally broke his pencil and turned to borrow a pen from a classmate at the back table. At that time, Mr. Wu, who was responsible for maintaining discipline in the classroom, slapped him in the face. Xiaohui told reporters that he was sitting in the first row of the third group of the classroom, and the teacher was just near him. He slapped him when he thought he was speaking in class, but he did not cry. Luo Bo, Xiaohui's mother, said that when Xiaohui returned home that day, his left face was swollen to black and purple, and he cried out pain when he touched it. At the beginning, Xiaohui didn't dare to say who did it. After several times of questioning, he said it was the teacher. "I didn't believe him at the beginning. Where can a teacher beat his students like this now? It is estimated that he collided with his classmates in the fight," Luo Bo said. But when Huang Caisheng, Xiaohui's father, asked the teacher the next day, Mr. Wu admitted that he had beaten Xiaohui. "He told me that he was in a bad mood, and I said that if you were in a bad mood, you could beat my child to vent your anger?" Huang Caisheng said that after the accident, the couple sent Xiaohui to the hospital for EEG, eardrum and other examinations, and no abnormalities were found at present, but Xiaohui's psychology was shadowed. Not only did he become introverted, but he began to fear going to school. They hoped to transfer Xiaohui to another school. Later, they reported to the school and Meilan District Education Bureau. They consulted with Mr. Wu, the school and Meilan District Education Bureau for many times, and put forward two requirements in one negotiation: the school and the Education Bureau should transfer Xiaohui and claim 20000 yuan for spiritual loss. "After discussing with the family, we think the most important thing is to transfer the children to another school, and the specific amount of compensation can be further negotiated." Luo Bo told reporters yesterday. School: The teacher concerned has been criticized, and the parents' claim for compensation is unreasonable. Yesterday afternoon, the reporter contacted the headmaster of Haikou 15 Xiaozhong. He introduced that Mr. Wu, who beat people, not only taught math in grade one, but also English in other grades and other minor subjects. After asking Mr. Wu, Mr. Wu said the reason was that Xiaohui had repeatedly violated classroom discipline. "On the third day of the incident, the school has ordered him to review his misconduct and circulate a notice of criticism at the faculty meeting." President Zhong said that they have communicated with parents for many times, and the teacher said he was willing to compensate students for medical expenses, but the parents claimed 20000 yuan, which is unreasonable; In addition, parents also requested to transfer their children, which is not within the scope of the school's ability and needs the coordination of the Education Bureau. At present, the relevant situation has been reported to the Meilan District Education Bureau. Education Bureau: The healthy growth of children is the most important thing, and we will continue to coordinate and deal with it. It is reported that Huang Caisheng has reported the situation to 12345 before. The Meilan District Education Bureau replied on January 27 that the Education Bureau has instructed the 15th Primary School to criticize and educate the teachers involved, and the Education Bureau has also sent staff to coordinate the two sides to deal with this matter, but the two sides are unable to coordinate at present. Yesterday, Director Liang of Meilan District Education Bureau told reporters that the healthy growth of children is the priority, and Meilan District Education Bureau will coordinate Xiaohui's transfer. In terms of compensation, Meilan District Education Bureau will make further efforts to coordinate the two parties to continue their negotiations.

Composition Borrowing (7)

Borrow pen

Li Kainan, Class 41

In daily life, there are many things that love each other, among which I have one very impressive thing.

The outside of the teaching building is sunny and sunny. The breeze is blowing on your face, making you feel comfortable. Spring girl is so sunburnt that her eyes are narrowed. The grass stood up proudly, emerging a needle like cerebellum, which was shining with green light under the moisture of the sun. The fragrance of osmanthus trees can be smelled ten miles around.

At noon on Tuesday, the students sat quietly in the classroom doing their homework. Suddenly, the pen tag in my pen ran out of water, and my anxious head was about to explode. Wang Xinyue next to me knew that and was worried about me. Then she borrowed a water pen from her desk mate, but her desk mate did not have more water pens. So I asked my desk mate to borrow water pens, but the results were not satisfactory. I soon became depressed. Wang Xinyue said to me, "It doesn't matter. If we continue to work hard, we will definitely borrow a pen." My confidence soon recovered. We continued to borrow a pen from our classmates, which was confirmed by Wang Xinyue's words. I borrowed a pen and was very happy. I said to Wang Xinyue: "Thank you. If it weren't for your words of comfort, I wouldn't have regained my confidence, let alone borrowed a pen. It was your words that encouraged me, thank you!" Wang Xinyue said to me with a smile: "Don't thank me, I just said what I should say." So we wrote our own homework.

As long as everyone gives a little love, the world will be more beautiful!

Me and the book

Han Siyu, Grade 5

I was very quiet. I was bored with toys when I was young, so I focused on the colorful books, and reading became my greatest pleasure.

I read a wide range of books. There are fairy tales, novels, compositions, etc. As long as the book is healthy and easy to read, I will read it hungrily. I read very fast, gulping down dates, which is full of the flavor of "not seeking to understand". Because I love reading, my father is happy and worried, happy that I can learn a lot from books, and worried that my eyes will be short-sighted. So my father limited the time for me to read books. But it's not so easy. If I don't read a few books every day, I won't be able to eat and sleep.

After dinner that day, I carefully went to the bookcase to get some books, but my father saw my trick and he ordered me

Writing in pencil (5)

In a dense and quiet forest, there is a small wooden house. On the wooden house, there is a sign that says: Sketch Class.

One Sunday morning, all the students in the sketch class came, except the little panda. When the bell rang, the panda rushed into the classroom and sat down quickly. The teacher said, "Today we are going to paint in the wild, and you should line up in a neat line." The little panda soon arrived at the painting place and found the position for painting by himself.

When he began to draw, the little panda looked in his schoolbag and found that he had forgotten to carry colored lead. "What should I do?" The little panda came up with a solution. He asked the kitten in front, "Can you lend me some colored lead?" The kitten said, "Of course. We are good friends!" The little panda said, "Thank you!"

It first asked the kitten to borrow a blue colored lead to draw a pond, then borrowed a red colored lead to draw a sun, and finally borrowed a green colored lead to draw a lawn. The panda was very happy after the painting, because it was not criticized by the teacher.

After finishing the painting, he returned the colored lead to the kitten, and then said again: "Kitty, thank you for borrowing my colored lead!" The kitten said: "You are welcome, and you must not be careless again, or you will suffer a loss." After hearing this, the panda said shyly, "OK, I will not be careless again."

Since then, the relationship between kittens and pandas has become better than before.

Instructor Zhang Caiyun

Writing in pencil (6)

The beautiful autumn is coming. Teacher Fox takes ducks, rabbits, squirrels, hamsters... and many lovely animals to the wild for an outing.

When they arrived at the place, the little rabbit said, "It's really beautiful here." Teacher Fox also thought that the place was very beautiful and the river was very clean, so she asked the students to take out a pencil and a piece of elephant skin and draw a beautiful picture. The little squirrel was the first to finish painting, and it was also very beautiful. Soon, there were many small animals around the little squirrel. Among them, the little hamster was surprised and said, "Wow! Little squirrel, what a beautiful picture you have drawn!" "Thank you". At that time, the duckling was standing next to the little squirrel and felt very guilty. After a while, he thought that the little squirrel was not good at drawing, but his pencil was good, so he borrowed a pencil from the little squirrel.

The next day, the duckling found that his handwriting was not as good as that of the squirrel, so he lay on the table and cried. When the teacher learned about this, he told the duckling, "It's not whether your pencil is good, but whether you are patient." The duckling lowered his head in shame.

After this, Little Duck will never borrow anything from others, and his handwriting is becoming more and more beautiful. Even the teacher praises him!

Writing in pencil (7)

Monkey borrows pencil

One day, in an art class, the teacher asked the students to draw hills, houses and trees. When Monkey was drawing leaves, he found his green pencil missing.

The little monkey looked at the little panda. It had painted the leaves, green and lovely! Then he said to the little panda, "Brother Panda, can you lend me your green pencil?" The little panda said, "OK!" And he lent the green pencil to the little monkey. The little monkey took the green pencil and scrawled it. In a few minutes, the little monkey's leaves were painted. Look, how green its leaves are! The little monkey returned the green pencil to the little panda after using it, and said to the little panda, "Thank you for lending me the green pencil." The little panda said, "You are welcome, we are friends." Then the bell rang after class, and the little monkey and the little panda went home together.

When the panda came home, he told his mother about it. Her mother said, "You are really a good boy who helps his classmates."

Happy Composition Pingqiao Primary School Class 2 (9) Ye Liwei

Writing in pencil (8)

Monkey borrows colored pen

In today's art class, the teacher asked us to draw landscapes, first houses and mountains, then trees and grass.

After drawing the mountains and houses, the little monkey was about to draw the trees when he found that he had forgotten his green pen. He looked at the little panda next to him. He had already drawn the trees and grass. The little monkey said to the panda, "Brother Panda, can you lend me your green pen?" The panda said, "Of course, you can take it." The little monkey took the pen and began to draw, When he finished drawing, he returned the pen to the panda and said, "Thank you, Brother Panda." The panda said, "You are welcome. Students should help each other."

After school, the little monkey and the little panda went home together. When the panda came home, he told his mother about it. His mother praised the panda as a good child who helps others.

Happy Composition Qi Chao, Class 2 (9), Pingqiao Branch No.1 Primary School