Junior High School Composition Paper (5 Collections)
Old people don't return
2024-06-26 07:34:04
Junior 1

Junior High School Composition Paper (1)

Unconsciously, I no longer need the bedding around my parents; No longer pay attention to their endless exhortations; No longer...... Because I have grown up. Growing up, we have realized that we have entered the door of youth.

Adolescence is the flower season of life!

In the flower season, we are naive - living in a beautiful world that our parents dress up for us!

In the flower season, we are pure and colorful - looking forward to the happy journey of the next holiday.

In the flower season, we are enthusiastic - dreaming that we can have much money to save those girls who are out of school.

In the flower season, we are full of infinite longing for the future - imagining that we are sitting on the top of the world's top 500 CEOs and smiling.

The life in the colorful world is full of ardent expectations - hoping that you can have the appearance of sinking fish and falling geese, the color of closing the moon and blushing flowers, the beauty of the country, the beauty of heaven, the beauty of the country, the beauty of the city

I admit, I have all these! And so strong! However, I clearly understand that

At this time, we are most likely to be lost and lose our sense of everything. One slip is eternal hatred! Youth is like a quagmire, sinking our enthusiasm, wishes, blessings, expectations, fantasies and our childish handwriting deeper and deeper - we cannot extricate ourselves!

If it is a quagmire worthy of aftertaste, full of words and sweet grass, I really hope I will never get out of it.

However, I dare not say that everything in the world can really be as beautiful as I wish.

I always tell myself that:

Self esteem is a sail that guides you from darkness to dawn. Confidence is a light, so far you have gone from dawn to light!

Friends, please remember: self-esteem is priceless, self-esteem wins the respect of others; Self confidence is the cornerstone of success. We all aspire to be a person with self-esteem and self-confidence. Let's take action to win self-esteem and gain confidence from success!

My youth, I decide - let self-esteem win you unlimited respect, let self-confidence win you extraordinary charm! Take every step of life well! The future is not a dream!

Junior High School Composition Paper (2)

I am a piece of paper, and I will be the best helper of the teacher, because after the teacher has finished teaching, I can use some questions to take an examination, so that we can know who can't, who can, so that we can help him strengthen, until the classmate meets, the teacher can also take an examination again, after everyone meets, the teacher can teach the next lesson.

I am a piece of paper. There are many words written on the paper, which express thousands of historical stories. Tender feelings and impassioned stories. Countless of me have become a book. In the book, I can lead people to wander in different fairy tales, novels and stories. No matter who I am, I can make him swim in different worlds, At the same time, I can also teach you knowledge and the truth of life in other places. These will certainly help you when you grow up, and can also make you a great success. When you grow up, you can not only make a fortune, but also become a millionaire.

I am a piece of paper. I am absolutely indispensable for merchants to promote their products. I make up a lot and dress up deliberately. Customers look at me and come to shop. The boss smiles and counts the money endlessly. In addition to advertising, I work as a part-time servant, putting big bags and small bags in my stomach until I can't support them.

Some people don't cherish me very much. When they don't use me, they throw me to the ground and let others trample on me at will. Someone went too far and took me to pick up the dog's rice field --- gold. Someone burned the fire to make me black and blue when taking a meat test. I was left to burn to ashes and was indifferent.

Alas! Who called me such a helpful paper?

Junior High School Composition Paper (3)

Once upon a time, there were many toys in an exquisite small room. One of them is a paper girl named Allie. Allie is not only beautiful, but also kind-hearted.

Once, Allie made a wish on the windowsill that she could become a person and serve the people. Before long, a beautiful fairy came to Ellie and said, "Girl, I promise to help you realize your wish." After saying that, the fairy read a spell and disappeared.

After Ellie became a person, she helped the villagers do a lot of work. Everyone thanked Ellie very much. There lives a peacock deep in the forest. The peacock is beautiful in appearance, but malicious in heart. It often does harm to others. One day, the peacock said to the magic mirror, "Who is the most beautiful person in the world?" The magic mirror replied, "Ali in the forest village. The peacock said to the magic mirror, "Who is the most beautiful in the world?"!

From then on, the villagers didn't want to help Allie. They thought Allie was a monster. Ellie is very sad. She cries every day and her eyes are swollen with tears.

One day, when Ellie was walking on the road, suddenly a little boy fell into the water. Ellie immediately ran to save the boy, but the boy said, "Help, Mom! There are monsters here!" Then she ran away. Ellie was very sad. But this scene was just seen by a king. The king liked Allie's kindness and decided to marry her and make her queen. On the wedding day, when she walked on the red carpet, Allie changed back to her original beautiful appearance. When the king saw it, his face was filled with a happy smile, and his heart felt like drinking a glass of nectar.

In this way, Allie and the king live happily together.

Junior High School Composition Paper (4)

Burning door god paper

In the old days, on the third day of the first lunar month, the pine and cypress branches and the door god's door notes hanging on the festival were burned together, to show that the year was over and that they were starting to make a living again. As the saying goes, "If you burn the door god paper, you will find your own physiology".

Millet's birthday

People think that three millets are born on the first day of the first month. On this day, they wish sacrifices and pray for the New Year, and they are forbidden to eat rice.

Xiaonian Dynasty

That is, the Tianqing Festival. In the first year of the reign of Emperor Zhenzong of the Song Dynasty, the first year of the reign of Emperor Dazhong Xiangfu of Emperor Zhenzong of the Song Dynasty, Emperor Zhenzong decreed that the third day of the first month of the first lunar month was the Tianqing Festival, and officials took five days off. Later, it was called the Xiaonian Dynasty. It did not sweep the floor, beg for fire, or draw water. It was the same as the annual dynasty.

Junior High School Composition Paper (5)

Pencil, eraser and paper are three good friends. They have never quarreled.

But one day, I began to quarrel with my three good friends for some reason.

The supercilious pencil said: "You see how slim I am, I can go to the beauty contest." "Hum" The paper said unconvinced: "Look at how white my skin is, who can compare with me?" The eraser then said: "I am changeable, sometimes I become a little white rabbit, sometimes I become a little cat, and sometimes I become a big wolf. Who can be more beautiful than me!"

They can't argue with each other. The pencil's lungs are about to explode. "I can write a lot of words, but I can also draw! Which one of you has my ability." The paper said: "Where would you write without me? Can you write on your face? How could you leave me when talking about my master's textbook and timetable?" The eraser also said unconvinced: "Without my master's homework, it would have been torn ten thousand times."

At that moment, the little master came back in a hurry and said: "Ah, today the teacher assigned too much homework, so we should hurry to write." The little master took up the pen and began to write homework. When the paper and rubber saw that the little master liked pencils, they were furious and ran to the corner respectively. The little master hurriedly said, "Where is the paper? Where is the paper?"? The paper ran out of the corner and started to ask the little master to write. Soon the little master wrote a wrong word and cried out in a hurry. The eraser heard the little master's cry and ran out of the corner in a hurry. If the little master got a treasure, he corrected the wrong word and finished his homework in a short time. The little master said to himself, "I can't live without your school supplies!" The three good friends listened and bowed their heads in shame.

From then on, they never quarreled again.