Good things composition (6 recommended)
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2024-06-09 00:28:49

Good Things Composition (1)

There is a perfect girl in my heart: a black hair and a pure heart form a perfect girl, but it is just one thing that has destroyed our pure friendship. I remember when I was in the senior class of kindergarten, I had a good friend who was inseparable from me. No matter what the other side was worried about, we would always tell the other side low. I once gathered her to play, and suddenly found that she was looking at me with a sidelight. I walked over and she said, "Did you take the golden lock? Only you know I have it." The students all looked at me with the eyes of thieves. I was so nervous that my heart almost jumped to the top of my throat. I really wanted to shout out: "I am wronged." But I can't shout. I really hope God can send a little angel to help me. She said, "Well, I've made this friend for so long in vain." The next day, her eyes were red. I knew she was crying. Her father gave her the golden lock, but her father was killed by a merciless car accident. I also knew the importance of the golden lock to her, and I didn't take it at all. Wouldn't it hurt our friendship? My heart was cut by a knife, leaving an eternal scar on my heart. A thing between me and my good friends 300 words

Good Things Composition (2)

Some people say that it is easier to talk about good than to do good. I disagree. Goodness is a beautiful form of life, regardless of size, time and space, and even objects. We can do it at any time. Good is everywhere in our life, but we tend to ignore it. We should learn to do good in our life at all times. As the saying goes, "Good is rewarded with good", and good will be rewarded. But we do good not to deliberately seek reward, but to share the openness and happiness in life.

Don't stop doing good because it is too small. No matter how small it is, it is also a matter. There is a reason for its existence, just as a small drop of water can reflect the brightness of the sun. The little things around us can achieve one good deed after another, and these small good deeds can not only help others, but also make us happy. Although small things are ordinary, the kindness reflected in small things is great. Like microblogging on the Internet, just click the mouse and try your best to convey a love, which may help a person in need, so that we will feel happy. This is a kind of inner sublimation. This is as trivial as giving a rose, but the warmth it brings will slowly rise, diffuse and cover in the heart of the giver and recipient. In life, we should all do this.

There are too many unsatisfactory things in life, because people always like to take. If we only want to gain, we will lose a lot of happiness. No matter what we do, we should pay more fearlessly. We should believe that there will be rewards for our efforts, whether tangible or intangible. Just like the story of the ship owner and the painter, the painter unintentionally saved a precious life by a small act of kindness. In the end, he not only got the pleasure of helping others, but also received money unexpectedly. Both tangible and intangible rewards followed, which was not intentional.

There is also a familiar story about a blind man living in a building. Every night he would go downstairs for a walk in the garden. Strangely, whether he went upstairs or downstairs, although he could only grope along the wall, he had to press the light in the corridor. One day, a neighbor couldn't help asking curiously, "Why turn on the light when your eyes can't see?". The blind man replied, "Turning on the light will make it convenient for others to go upstairs and downstairs, and it will also make it convenient for me." The neighbor asked questioningly, "What convenience can turning on the light bring you?". The blind man replied, "When the lights are turned on, people who go upstairs and downstairs will see things, so they won't knock me down. It will be convenient for me." The neighbor suddenly realized. The little thing of turning on the light is convenient for others as well as yourself. Why not.

A good thing can show that a person's noble and pure heart, a small act of kindness, a simple effort, does not require us to pay much, but can bring a lot of good. Learn to do something for the society, for others, and for yourself. A good life is created in everyone's little bit, and will be extended in perseverance. As a gift of roses, there is a lingering fragrance in your hand. When the world is full of love, everyone of us will be happy to share.

Zhao Chaogang, Junior 3, Tsinghua University, Liquan County, Xianyang, Shaanxi

Good Things Composition (3)

After driving away the puppy, Yula rolled her eyes, put her head on her hands and thought about his good things.

"If the cat can't get down in the tree, I must take a ladder to save it.

"If my brother's football falls into the grass, I will help him pick it up!" Yula thought again, and his brother suddenly came in and asked, "No Yula, did you see my football? I can't find it." Yula turned her head and said casually, "I don't know, go away, don't disturb my good things!" After hearing this, my brother frowned and went to look elsewhere.

Yola blinked, "If Dad......" Just when Dad came, "Dad, Dad. What good things are going to happen?" Dad smiled. First of all, you need to find opportunities to realize the good things before, and then there will be more good things. Yola said vaguely, I must have a chance now.

Then Yula goes to find her sister. Yula said to her seriously, "You are going to fall into the river, and I can save you!" My sister was not happy to hear that, "I don't want to, who is going to fall into the river!" Yula was angry, I am doing my good thing, what do you know! Then he saw the dog again.

It was lying on the edge of the well to rest leisurely. Yola was very excited to grab its two legs and was ready to throw into the well. The dog was frightened, writhing and barking. Yola smiled: "Coward, I will get you out!" Suddenly, she flopped, and Yola's hand shook. The dog accidentally fell down and plopped, Yola opened her eyes wide and dared not look down, because he knew the depth of the water. Little Yola turned her eyes, closed her mouth, and swallowed again: "You were so stupid that you fell down. It's none of my business. I just... can't catch you. I have the ability to come up!" He ran away hurriedly, Wang, Wang, Wu——

Yola found the cat and grabbed its tail. This time, there were several sharp and harsh meows. Yola frowned: Don't move, I just hold your tail, you are pulling. You go to the tree, and I'll help you get it down again. "Who would have thought that the cat was frightened and ran away at once. She made several marks on little Eula's arm. Eula suddenly released her hand and walked away angrily. The cat also hurried to the roof.

When Yola met her brother, she said to him, "I will help you pick up the football!" Then Yola ran to the grass again and turned it over. His brother wondered, "Is my ball in the grass? But I have never been there..."

After a long time, Yola didn't find the football, and he was also tired. He was lying on the lawn in the warm sun, which was really comfortable. Then Yola saw the wet dog lying down here, and wanted to play with it. Unexpectedly, the dog saw Yola coming and walked away slowly. "Well, let's go to play with my sister, she should play with me..." Yola thought again.

Good Things Composition (4)

Remember a good thing

In life, I have experienced many things, but not many benefits. But last Sunday, my father taught me how to ride a bike, but it made me feel the joy of life, and understand that everything should be done with perseverance and the spirit of overcoming difficulties

In the past, as long as I saw others go to school by bike, I would envy them to death. I always wanted to ride to school like them one day. [organized by]

That afternoon, when I finished my homework, I asked my father to teach me how to ride a bike. My father readily agreed.

I pushed my bike, and my father came to a piece of land not far from home. My father got on his bike and rode around the open space for several times. He also showed off his superb cycling skills to me with great joy from time to time. When he rode in front of me, I could no longer stand the loneliness, and was eager to try: "It's easy to ride a bike, I must be able to ride!" Dad smiled and said: "Don't look at people and eat tofu! Many things are easier said than done." I confidently said: "Don't look down upon people! I'll ride for you!" Then I took the bike, followed my father's example, and grasped the head of the bike with both hands, Keep your eyes on the front, step on your left foot and keep your right foot on the ground. Strange to say, the bike was so obedient in my father's hands, but it turned into a "stubborn donkey" in my hands, and I just didn't listen. I had just pedaled a few times, and even people fell to the ground with the car, and my right hand was also skinned. At this time, my father ran over hurriedly. He felt and looked there for fear that I might break it. Seeing that I just scraped my hand, he smiled and said, "What's the matter? Bicycles are not easy to learn, right?" In fact, I am also stubborn. Although I was afraid of falling, I didn't admit defeat. I brushed off the dust and got up to continue riding. But I didn't kick a few times, so I fell down again. This time I fell so hard that I broke my knee. I kicked my bike angrily and cried, "It's so hard to learn to ride. I won't learn anymore!"

My father squatted beside me, checked my injury, and ran home to get purple potion to smear on me. Then he stroked my head and said, "Tingting, bicycle is what you want to learn. How can you give up? It's not easy to learn a bike, and you can fall. But if you quit, you will never learn it. It's the same with everything."

After listening to my father's words, I lowered my head in embarrassment.

"Come on, Dad will teach you!" Dad pulled me up from the ground and helped me hold the bike behind while telling me the essentials of cycling.

The sun is going to set, and I have learned almost. Although I fell several times later, I never cried once. Finally, I was able to fly solo. Although I am not very stable and can only ride up and down, I learned to ride a bicycle after all.

The setting sun dyed the vacant land red. In the setting sun, I am just like a swallow spreading its wings and flying. It's really very happy.

I think I will always remember the experience of learning to drive, and always remember my father's words: to do everything, we must have the spirit of overcoming difficulties, to forge ahead, and to be a person with perseverance and perseverance.

Good Things Composition (5)

Remember a good thing

One day in the summer vacation, I was doing my homework when I heard the sound of water boiling in the kitchen. I was about to turn off the fire, but my mother, who was knitting a sweater, stopped me from "What are you going to do?", "I'm going to turn off the fire!", "The water is not yet on, don't turn it off," and "What is the noise?" I asked in doubt. Mom said, "You can boil a pot of water later and see what's going on, OK?"

When I finished my homework, I went to the kitchen to pick up a pot of cold water and put it on the fire. Then I began to observe carefully. Gradually, I found that there were small bubbles coming up from the bottom and wall of the kettle. Slowly, the small bubbles merged into large bubbles, and then burst, and I heard the sound of boiling water. The higher the water temperature, the bigger the bubbles and the louder the sound. In the end, there are fewer bubbles and no sound, oh! The water is boiling.

Through this incident, it made me understand a truth: any thing, as long as you carefully observe, will find its mystery.

Good Things Composition (6)

Remember a good thing

"Fifty cents is a newspaper!" I shouted, and the newspaper in my hand was "slapped" by the wind, and the leaves were "rustling". Passers by stopped to look at the newspaper in my hand. Without saying a word, I shook my head with a smile and walked away. Gradually, my voice began to dry, became very rough, and my voice became hoarse, and my legs became sore, I really want to find a chair to sit down. I'm so tired! Hair blowing on the face, itchy. I stared at the passers-by coming and going. Suddenly, my legs became more sore, and I could not stand straight. I held the newspaper in both hands, bent down, picked up the mineral water beside me, and drank, wow! How sweet! My voice is not so dry and hoarse. The sky is getting dark. The people who set up stalls on the roadside are all standing up one by one. I am so tired that I can't help squatting down.

"Children, I want to buy a city express!" I heard this, and was delighted. I got up and stood up. I saw an aunt in a black down jacket standing in front of me, and I said excitedly, "There are... there are... there are... the city express of this day." I quickly took one, gave it to the aunt, and hurriedly put it in her hands, afraid that she would not want it later, The aunt smiled, took the newspaper and asked me: "How much is this newspaper, little friend?" "Fifty cents, just fifty cents!" I was excited. "By the way, children, why do you want to sell newspapers?" My aunt asked me while taking out the money. I took the money first, took a deep breath, and said: "Our school asked us to sell three newspapers each, saying that we should experience the hard work of making money and save money." She nodded gently and left. I was so happy that I finally sold a newspaper. My legs were not so sore and my voice was not so hoarse. At this time, I shouted again.

Finally, I sold all three newspapers. When I got home, it was already 8 o'clock. I held 1 yuan and 50 cents and thought, "Newspaper selling is really good. It taught me how hard it is to make money. I must save money and stop spending money indiscriminately in the future..."