The most interesting composition (16 pieces)
See people's hearts in the fog
2024-06-09 00:37:08

The most interesting composition (1)

Have pity on me! I haven't eaten for days. Please give me one yuan to buy a steamed bun! Hearing his reputation, he saw an old man with shabby clothes and a big smile. How come this is too far from the beggar in my impression? I don't know why I threw him a coin.

Unexpectedly, the old man followed me all the time. I didn't care about him. But when I was in a remote alley, something strange happened. The old man rushed like crazy, carrying my clothes against the wall. I couldn't help shouting in horror, but the old man laughed. Girl, let me take you to have a try.

I was so frightened that I closed my eyes until my feet touched the ground, and I didn't wait for the pain I expected. When I opened my eyes, I saw all kinds of happy toys, including Muyi Shuanglong, merry go round, motorboats, helicopters, hot air balloons, and water parks.

"How are you? Girl! Are you happy? Welcome to the Joy Kingdom. You are my 2020th guest." Please have fun again! If you think of anything here, it will appear in front of you. The old man is not a beggar, but a king! Then the old man took my hand to experience a variety of Joy projects, and we laughed. But I slowly found out. The king is the only person in such a large kingdom.

The most interesting composition (2)

Once upon a time, there was a king whose name was Balabala. The country he managed was called Funny Country.

King Balabala likes walking with his hands. Every time he goes out, he wears a pair of thick gloves and walks on his head. Why is this? He thinks that this can make his arms strong and powerful, and also can promote his brain blood circulation, so that his brain will be clearer and more sensitive. interesting!

King Balabala has a special feature in eating. He doesn't use forks, spoons, chopsticks or knives. What kind of tableware does he eat with? He grabs food and vegetables with his hands like an Indian, and his hands are greasy and dirty after every meal. Moreover, an hour after he finished eating, he would have a bowl of sand. He felt that eating some sand could help him digest and absorb, and cooking with his hands could make his fingers more flexible. interesting!

The clothes of King Bala Bala are also very interesting. What's going on here? It turned out that his clothes were made of paper made of dead leaves, rags, waste fishing nets and rotten bark. Although his clothes were made of paper, they did not damage the trees. He will change a new dress every day, because his paper clothes cannot be washed, so he must change a new dress every day. interesting!

I've never seen such a funny king!

The funniest composition (3)

If you know the king of the fun loving country - the person who loves playing, then you know that he is a unique king who likes playing.

His Majesty loves to go to amusement parks. As soon as the break time comes, he will go to the amusement park. In the amusement park, he will play exciting roller coasters, scary haunted houses, bumper cars, slow Ferris wheel... and play all the facilities. However, he still takes great pains to like amusement parks.

His Majesty is very fond of traveling in space. On weekends, he will go to the science fiction room to see what is in space. In the science fiction room, he will go to Mars, Neptune, Jupiter, Mercury... to visit all the planets once. However, he is still so tireless.

His Majesty the King loves to play in the time tunnel. When he was bored, he would go back hundreds of years, thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, hundreds of millions of years ago... Once, the king went back thousands of years ago on the time machine. Suddenly, the guards around the king disappeared, leaving the king alone. His gorgeous new clothes were gone, leaving only a leaf to cover his whole body. The king still looked puzzled. He didn't know where it was. A dinosaur stepped over him and stood in front of the king. The king was so frightened that his face was pale and his legs were weak. He spread his legs and ran to the space plane. With a sound of "poof", the king fled thousands of years ago and returned to the present.

The king has been committed to managing the kingdom, and will never go out to play without time

The funniest composition (4)

Once upon a time, there was a short king. He was smart and kind. He seems very calm on the surface when facing all things, but he is very warm inside, so people love him very much. He won every battle in the war. He was also very tolerant and generous to the people and often helped them out. All the people were willing to follow him.

One day, a nearby country wanted to attack the country of the short king. The short king thought for a moment and ordered his attendants to dig the moat deeper and wider. But his followers did not understand his meaning, but they could not disobey the king's order. If the people knew that he disobeyed the order, they would cut off his head with a knife and a gun.

When the enemy attacked, all the soldiers of the enemy drowned in the deep and wide moat. It turned out that their general was a very stupid man. He would only order his soldiers to rush forward, but none of his soldiers succeeded in landing. The general had to flee back to his country in a gloomy way.

When everyone heard that the short king had won the battle, they should come to the short king from all sides. Because living in the country of the short king, they will often see the short king, and will not suffer from hunger and cold. Even the short king will give them some money to buy food and drink.

In addition to being smart and kind-hearted, the short king also liked sports very much. In those days, he won the first place in the international marathon race! Want to know his story? Let me tell you something! When the gun of the marathon race rang, the short king quickly swung his arms and ran away like a runaway wild horse. When he reached the end, his fans quickly gathered around and shouted, "Sign my name, sign my name!"

This is my fairy tale.

The funniest composition (5)

Think about it. If there was an ancient and clever king, what would he do for fun and fun?

I think he plays games with the children every day. Do you know how the king plays games with the children? For example, if the children want to touch the crown of the king, the king will put his body in a ladder shape, let the children climb up one by one from his back, let the children touch his crown, and then the children will slide down one by one like a slide. Ha! What a fun human slide! Although it is single, the children enjoy it.

The king dances for his subjects every weekend. How do you think the king dances? Twisting his fat buttocks and shaking his short hands, he was just like a clown. Sometimes he would ask the children to form a circle to dance with him. Ha, how fun! How happy!

Every night, the king took these bear children to his national home. Do you want to know how they got there? Every time they go to the door, they will wear very special clothes, such as dressing up as a devil or a funny big pig. The subjects are afraid and excited, because when children come to the door, the home is very hot, but when they go to the right, you can see that your house is like a witness scene that has just experienced a world war and was swept by a tornado. Ha, how fun! How exciting!

The old king always has a childlike heart. He often competes with the babies to crawl on the floor. He has fun watching his huge fat body struggling to crawl on the floor like a funny big fat worm! After crawling, he asked the guards to feed him, so that people around him could not laugh or cry. Ha, how fun! How interesting!

No one knows how many shocking things the interesting king will do... just like a thick dictionary, you can never finish writing.

The most interesting composition (6)

I woke up from my sweet dream and found myself in a strange and vast place. I wanted to know where this was, so I asked around. Finally, I knew that this was the kingdom of candy. The king here was very interesting, and I suggested that I go to see the palace! So I went to the palace with great expectation.

I came to the palace and looked at it carefully. The walls are made of sweet chocolate and decorated with several kitten candies. The street lamps beside the garden are shining with colorful firelight and sending out imaginary smells. The taste of imagination is sweet, beautiful and colorful! At this time, the king found me, led me into the palace, showed me around, and ate and played with me.

The king's eating posture is very interesting. Other kings took knives and forks in their hands when eating, cut and ate one piece at a time, and chewed and swallowed with dignity. The King of Candy never used knives and forks. Pick up the chicken leg directly with your hand and gobble it up. Soon, the chicken leg meat was eaten completely! When eating cream cake, his face is covered with cream, really like a white bearded grandfather! The ministers nearby were all dumbfounded!

The furniture of the candy kingdom is also made of candy. Little Monkey Candy makes a bed, Pear Candy makes a desk, Rainbow Candy makes a bookcase, Strawberry Candy makes a lamp. Anyone who sees the palace will "drool 3000 feet"!

The way the king walks is very interesting! When you go down the stairs, you can hop, run with great strides, walk slowly and wriggle like an earthworm when you go up the stairs

The king just plays and doesn't care. Sometimes I eat cotton candy with my children, and sometimes I go to play roller coaster with them!

The candy king is so interesting!

The most interesting composition (7)

Once upon a time, there was a king, and the country he ruled was called the "Sun Country".

I think the king is very funny. Once in the middle of the night, the king suddenly shouted, "Ah!" All the maids came in time. The maids saw that it was the king who wetted the bed. The maids quickly found a pair of expensive pants for the king. These pants are worth 300 million yuan, and only the rich can afford them! You have to change not only clothes, but also bed sheets. This mattress will cost billions to buy. The maids struggled for a long time before falling asleep. Another time, in winter, ministers took the king to the best skating rink. Suddenly, the king fell down and didn't knock or touch, but the king was crying all the time underground. The maids took the king to the best doctor here to see him. The doctor said, "Fortunately, there is nothing serious. It's just a scratch. It should be no serious problem." The king was still a careless man. Once, there was a war between the Sun Country and the Moon Country. Because the king was careless and misread the map, the king led his soldiers to the Moon Country, and the Moon Country went to the Sun Country, where civilians suffered. If it had not been for the help of the neighboring Spark Country, I was afraid that the Sun Country would have perished. Because there were only a few thousand soldiers left in the city at that time, which could beat the Moon Country with hundreds of millions of soldiers. It's all caused by carelessness! The soldiers of the moon country were beaten by the soldiers of the spark country, so they had to sign a treaty.

After that, the Sun Country was very grateful to the Spark Country, so the Sun Country was very good to the Spark Country.

Another thing happened. Either I had a stomachache or I was hungry. Fortunately, I didn't serve him, or I would die of fatigue.

The most interesting composition (8)

A long time ago, there was a kingdom. The king of this kingdom was different from other kings. Other kings wanted to make their own kingdom more powerful, but this king didn't want so much. He just wanted to make his own kingdom more interesting.

One day, the king was having dinner, and the chefs served the king dishes one by one, including steak, chicken, eggs, roast sheep, roast pig... At this time, the king suddenly thought, if my people change the house to look like a variety of food, wouldn't my country be more interesting? So he said to his ministers, "You have given orders to my people to change their houses into delicious ones. Those who dare not obey orders will be severely punished." The ministers replied, "Yes." So they asked the soldiers to post notices. During this month, people were busy building houses from dawn to dark, and children cried at home. They had no time to manage. A month later, the king went out to check in person. In the present kingdom, the shopping mall is Hamburg. Some houses on the street are like ham, some are like bread, and some are like roast chicken. It looks very appetizing. The king nodded with satisfaction.

Another day, the king was watching animals in the zoo. There were many animals in the zoo, including elephants, rabbits, tigers, lions, orangutans, monkeys, frogs, fish, deer, snakes, sheep, bears, cats... The king thought: If I let my people wear clothes made of animal fur, and then wear headgear, it would be more fun! So he passed on his order. It is summer now. People are wearing thick fur. Many people are suffering from heatstroke. The king's people are full of complaints. A month later, the king went out to check again. He saw a man wearing clothes made of animal fur and a headdress, looking like a goblin standing and walking. The king laughed and hurt his stomach.

Later, the people finally got angry and overthrew the king. The ancients said: "Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize it.

The most interesting composition (9)

Once upon a time, there was a king who could play best. The country he was in charge of was called the country of play. There were many interesting things in it. Let's have a look!

This king is the best player. No one else can play with him, so he becomes the king. He built a skating castle. People who want to enter must wear skates to skate in. Anyone who doesn't skate in will be fined one day for not playing.

The children here love school very much and lose their temper when they don't go to school. Come and have a look. Their school is an amusement park, with roller coasters, spaceships, ferris wheels, merry go round, inflatable castles, pirate ships... Look at the curriculum. Monday: morning: inflatable castles, merry go round, pirate ships. Afternoon: Ferris wheel, roller coaster... every day is so interesting. The children are at school all the time except when they sleep and eat. That's why I say children love school.

The most unique thing is that there are no adults here. There is no voice of parents urging them to do homework. Without this, they can't do it. Children don't have to worry about being scolded by their parents. Every day, their faces are full of happy smiles.

But sadly, after the rite of passage, they will become adults and must leave the kingdom and no longer live here. Unless the children are not long, they will be left to bear and reproduce the next generation, and can stay for a longer time. So everyone hopes that they can just catch up with that time when they grow up.

If it were me, I really want to live in that country forever. What about you?

The Most Funny Composition (10)

Today, it's time for me to challenge Brother Haohao, a badminton expert in our yard. I have been preparing for this day for a long time!

Brother Haohao came, and he despised me. The two sides started a war. Brother Hao's contempt for the enemy made him make mistakes. I seized the opportunity and came to several "top kills". The score soon reached 6:0. I was ahead of him and couldn't help feeling proud. However, Brother Haohao also quickly got into a state of mind, seized my short stature and inability to catch light balls, and launched a fierce attack on me. At this time, it was my turn to make frequent mistakes, and the score suddenly turned to 7:9. I fell behind, but I was willing to show weakness, and served another ball... Both sides came and went, and the score reached 19:22. Seeing that I was going to lose, Brother Haohao was obviously proud again, Deliberately serve a light ball. It's not easy to win! It was too late to say that it was fast at that time. I took a deep breath and returned it with a side shot. However, Brother Hao obviously didn't expect me to catch it. He thought he was going to win. He didn't care about my flying ball, and finally the ball hit the ground on his court. yeah! I got another point! But after all, Brother Haohao is not a vegetarian. Another side shot winner. I quickly parried. Brother Haohao deliberately "teased" me. He sent me to the left and right. I was like a robot. He "commanded" me to run all over the court. Finally, the ball landed

Brother Hao saw that I was obviously unable to parry, so he advised me to give up altogether. I was ambivalent in my heart: "Give up, the tide has gone, don't bother!" "No, I can't lose easily, insist, insist!" The two voices intertwined in my ears, I hesitated, but finally chose to insist. The two sides continued to "fight".

I caught hold of brother Hao Hao, who liked to make light buckles. He stood in the front, but the rear was relatively weak. After a strong smash, brother Hao hurriedly retreated and fell on the ground, only to catch the ball reluctantly. With a slight flick, the ball flew over the net and touched the ground... Then, I adopted a strategy to punish him in his own way. He also ran all over the court, and the score was 25:24, When it came to my match point, I was totally absorbed and stared at Brother Haohao. I took a deep breath, jumped up, and pretended to smash. Brother Haohao learned the lesson from last time, and quickly stepped back. Unexpectedly, I made a feint shot. With a gentle flick, Brother Haohao saw that there was a fraud, but it was too late. The ball landed in his front court! I won. I successfully defeated the "overlord"

The Most Funny Composition (11)

Life lies in sports, and health lies in sports. Only sports can put the best state into study and life.

Recently, on a whim, I always ask my mother to play badminton with me. Today is no exception! After dinner, I went home to the supermarket. I can't wait to pick up the racket and badminton and pull my mother to run to the open ground cheerfully. When we reached a street light, our mother and daughter began to fight. Maybe because the light is too dark, I can't handle it. I always couldn't catch my mother's serve, so I was so angry that I stamped my feet. It seems that my mother is not discouraged, but has been encouraging me. Time flies! But I still can't get back to my state. My mother hurriedly changed the venue. The effect is really good! When my mother jumped the ball high and waved the racket forcefully, just listening to the "whoosh", I was not a fuel saving lamp, and I immediately waved the racket, and the ball was accurately hit back! ha-ha! We couldn't give in to each other. We were all sweating and out of breath. Although I lost this game, I didn't lose heart. I thought: failure is the mother of success. Come on!

"Persistence is victory, persistence is victory..." At the beginning of the second game, my mother served first, and I grabbed the racket and posed for the battle. I think: I want a tooth for a tooth. When my mother picked up the ball and waved the racket, I also picked up the racket to a door buckle. Ah! Mom is too tough! What surprised me was that she came to "catch the moon in water". I had to outwit. I found my mother was always aggressive. I picked up my racket and hit a low ball deliberately and gently. My mother saw that I played a low ball and quickly stepped forward to catch the ball, but she did not cross the line. ha-ha! I beat my mother! My mother was stunned, and suddenly she was dumbfounded. I held the racket and danced to celebrate the victory. I said proudly to my mother: "How about losing!" My mother made a face at me.

If green leaves cling to trees, if sunlight misses the lake, I love doing sports. Sports not only bring me happiness, but also bring me health. I sincerely hope that students can often exercise, looking for happiness, looking for health! Through the recent whim, I have learned a lot about being a man: setbacks are inevitable in real life, but as long as you don't bow to difficulties, never give up, and persevere, success will wave to you one day!

The Most Funny Composition (12)

It is a remote country, which can only be reached by crossing mountains, cities, and steep straits.

Here are kings that every child thinks strange, and monarchs that every adult thinks absurd. He is so funny and funny. He is the king of Funny Country.

The sun of Funny Country rises in the west and the river flows upward. At night, the sun plays in the dark; In the morning, there are only dim moonlight and shining stars in the sky. All the time is in disorder, and the whole kingdom seems to be in disorder.

Every day, when the sun rises in the west and sets in the east, a smiling face appears in the sky. The funniest king gets up. He walked out of the bedroom with slippers 100 times larger than his feet, a nightgown 10 times smaller than his body, and a strange clown hat.

The funniest king began to wash. The toothpaste he used was actually the liquid of snails; The toothbrush is an old comb, the towel used for washing the face is actually a fluff smaller than the mosquito, and the water in the faucet is hot cocoa.

The washed king is even more ridiculous. He wanted to change his clothes. He was wearing a hat as high as a pillar and a green suit decorated with a small cricket, but his feet were dragging rough straw sandals. The ministers were all dressed up carefully. The beige coat was sewn with a little princess pattern, the pink skirt was embroidered with lace, and they were also wearing pure white silk stockings. It was really like walking into a dream world like a princess.

Things on the streets of Funny Country are also very strange. A men's clothing store with the sign of "Handsome Like Me" sells all kinds of girls' long skirts and short skirts. There are many black and white stockings that block the sun like curtains. There are also a pair of bright and blind high-heeled shoes all over the shop. The women's clothing store of "Jiangnan Clothes" is full of a pair of leather shoes, and the hangers are full of black T-shirts. There are too many cowhide trousers, just like cowboy swordsmen, standing on the whole wall.

Toys are sold in the vegetable market, bread is sold in the toy store, fresh meat is sold in the bakery, quilts are sold in the meat store, clothes are sold in the quilt store, and electrical appliances are sold in the clothing store

"Absurd, ridiculous, really ridiculous!" The king of Funny Country dreams absurdly every day.

The Most Funny Composition (13)

Once upon a time, there was a king who was very childlike and loved to spend time with children and listen to their stories about the countryside.

One day, a child in a village said that his village was too poor to buy even a toy. So the king gave an order that the farmer was not allowed to farm but could only plant the king's magic seeds. Such seeds can neither blossom nor produce fruit, but can grow toys. As long as you give the toys to the officials who collect them, you can get twice the food and money. When everyone heard this, they planted toy trees one after another.

A few days later, the king learned from the children that their parents had gone to plant trees and there was no one to accompany them. So the king invited all the children from all over the country to come to the palace, where they could stay overnight. The children came to the palace one after another. Now the palace has become a story hall. The children told stories and jokes one by one, and the palace heard bursts of laughter.

In this way, people live and work in peace and contentment. Since then, there has been the first name - the Kingdom of Fairy Tales.

The most interesting composition (14)

Once upon a time, there was a king who did not do the official business of governing the country all day, but went out to play with a large group of ministers.

That day, he took his minister to hunt. When they came to a hornet's nest, the minister advised the king, "Your Majesty, let's go quickly! The hornet will sting people." The king said, "The hornet dares to sting me? I'm the king, and it dares not sting anyone." As soon as the hornet flew out, it stung the king and a group of ministers until their faces were red and swollen.

Another time, the king took his ministers to fish. Suddenly, a big fish swam past. The king jumped down quickly, and the fish ran away, but he became drowned.

When summer came, the leaves of the forest grew very thick. The king went to play in the forest. At this time, a bird flew over his head, and he shot a big stone at his head with a slingshot. The bird flew away, and the stone hit his head, and suddenly a big big bag rose on his head.

He deserves to be the most interesting king!

The Most Funny Composition (15)

In the ordinary study, work and life, we always have to contact the composition. With the help of composition, we can vent our feelings and adjust our mood. How to write a good composition? The following is the most interesting composition of the king's imagination compiled by Xiao Bian. Welcome to read it. I hope you can enjoy it.

There was a king who was very funny. He always pretended to be a civilian and ran out to play.

One day, the king saw someone else selling a best seller and thought, "Good! I can write it too!" The king spent three days and three nights writing a book entitled "Aliens Are Coming"

Once upon a time, there were two aliens who came to the earth through crossing. One alien said, "I want to destroy this earth and turn it into my 'home'." Another alien said, "No, we can't destroy the earth." But that alien refused to listen and went directly to destroy the earth.

Someone bought it and read it. It said in the book that he first destroyed the bridge. Many vehicles passed by here and fell into the river. Another car almost fell down. However, other vehicles hit the car and they fell into the river together.

It destroyed the school again, and many students ran away, but two students and a teacher were trapped. The teacher sent them to the exit in order to protect the students. When the teacher was going out, suddenly a stone fell down, and the teacher was injured by the stone.

It went to destroy the city. It went to destroy the company first. There were many high-tech robots in the company, Hercules robot. It was powerful. A stone fell down, and Hercules robot went straight forward to pick it up. However, another stone fell down, and Hercules robot was smashed flat. The speed robot is fast. One stone fell, and the speed robot quickly dodged. Two stones also fell. The speed robot dodged one stone, and the other stone smashed it flat. Many staff escaped.

It also went to destroy the hotel. There was a lot of food in the hotel, and the aliens drooled when they saw it. However, it only smelt a few times, and then went to destroy it. Many people threw a lot of food to hit it, but it ate the food thrown by human beings, and a few stones fell on it, trapping human beings. Other human beings pulled them out together, and ran away. There was also a man who threw a kitchen knife Mixers, bread makers, plates... all these things are thrown at aliens, who beat them back. The bread maker shoots bread at the human, and the person who hurts escapes.

He went to destroy another building, which was very tall! The alien thought, "There must be a lot of treasure inside." He threw the roof away. There were many people inside, and there were many weapons. Those weapons were aimed at the aliens, and the aliens were angry. He called the spaceship to destroy all the weapons. However, the spaceship suddenly ran out of power and fell down. The position where the spaceship fell was exactly its companion, It ran to it quickly, but the stone fell down and hit it, making it unable to move. Other humans came to help. They moved the stone away, and the aliens immediately ran to it. It lifted the spaceship, but the spaceship was too heavy, and the humans came to help, and they successfully moved the spaceship away. The alien who wanted to do damage said: "Sorry, it's all my fault that I always wanted to do damage!" Another alien said: "In the future, we'd better not do this. People saved us."

Finally, they both protect the earth together and make the earth like a beautiful paradise.

The Most Funny Composition (16)

In our daily study, work and life, we have written compositions. We must be familiar with all kinds of compositions. With the help of compositions, we can vent our feelings and adjust our mood. So how do you write a general composition? The following is the most interesting 500 words of the King's Imagination Composition for Grade 3, which is compiled by Xiao Bian. Welcome to read and collect.

No matter how big a person is, no matter how old his heart is, he can't hide one thing, that is, play. Play, although everyone can play, but the most can play, or the king of a kingdom - Edu.

Now it's time for the children to attend class. King Edu came to inspect the school. Seeing the children working hard on their homework, her heart was filled with sympathy. She ordered all the teachers to collect their homework, take the children to the playground to play, and teach the children what they need to learn by playing! At this order, the children rushed to King Edu like a flood and kept shouting, "Long live King Edu, long live King Edu..."

When the children went back to the dormitory to sleep, they were always idle and couldn't sleep. They got on the bed at 9 o'clock, but before 11 o'clock, King Edu accompanied the sleepless children to play hide and seek, weave flower baskets, and catch chickens with eagles. After playing all night, he couldn't get up when he went to school the next day. King Edu ordered, "Today is off in lieu, ah... I'm sleepy." Then he fell asleep.

The children are playing with the small train they have made for a week, but it has wheels. But after only two minutes of playing, the train was scrapped. When the children saw that the little train they had worked so hard was destroyed, they were very sad and cried one by one. King Edu felt very sad when she saw this scene, so she made a new one with her magic and gave it to the children. "Give me a ride, kids!!" King Edu giggled.

One day, the shabby dwarf kingdom became a new and advanced kingdom. Why... Because Edu King is so good at playing!! She plays every day when she sleeps, when she eats, and even when she goes to the toilet. I can't help but admire her!

Comment: The little writer gave the king an interesting name - Edu King, which greatly aroused the interest of readers. The whole story is complete in structure and clear in context. The plot is in line with children's psychology, childlike innocence and childlike fun. The little author completely integrates himself into the fun, integrates the fun of the king with the fun of the children, and clearly sees such a funny and childlike naughty king, which makes the readers addicted to childlike fun.