Tooth Replacement Composition (19 practical)
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2024-06-21 03:50:51
primary school

Tooth Replacement Composition (1)

Teeth replacement is something that every child must experience when growing up. When I first changed my teeth in kindergarten, I was about five or six years old. At that time, I didn't know why to change my teeth, but I made a joke!

That day we had lunch in the kindergarten. The main dish was ribs. When we were eating, we suddenly felt a hard thing in our mouth and bit it. Ouch! What is so hard, and there is still a fishy smell in my mouth. I spit it out and saw that it was not a bloody tooth. I was frightened and cried. It was a loose tooth a few days ago. Why did it fall off? Will it not grow again? When the teacher saw me crying, he came to comfort me with a smile and told me some questions and reasons about tooth replacement, but the smell of blood in my mouth made me very uneasy. I kept crying until my mother came to pick me up after school. I threw myself into my mother's arms and said, "Mom, my front teeth have fallen off, and I will have no front teeth." My mother looked at me crying so wrongly, While holding back a smile, I stroked my head and comforted me, saying, "Baby, tooth loss is a process that every child must go through in growing up. When a baby tooth is lost, a new permanent tooth will grow up. In addition, every time you change a tooth, you will prove that you have grown up." After listening to my mother's words, I was not so worried. After some days, a small white point appeared at the place of tooth loss Hard, I'm so happy. My teeth are growing again. I can rest assured at last.

How naive I was when I was young. No wonder my mother would laugh at me at that time. In retrospect, I feel ridiculous!

Tooth Replacement Composition (2)

Just now when I was watching TV, my mother pulled out my tooth because I didn't pay attention, so I changed my first tooth.

After lunch today, my mother asked me if my shaking tooth had fallen off? I said that it was not yet, but it was shaking badly. My mother came over and looked at it. Suddenly, she was surprised and said, "Wow, the new tooth behind you has grown! If this tooth is not pulled out immediately, the new tooth will grow crooked." I immediately cried, "What should I do? What should I do? Mom, what should I do?" So my mother asked me to shake the tooth down by myself, She said that when she was a child, her teeth were changed in this way. She also said that when she was a child, her teeth that fell from below would be thrown on the roof, and her teeth that fell from above would be thrown under the bed. I called my grandfather, who suggested that my mother take me to the hospital to have it unplugged. My mother said that she would have a look again. Maybe it would fall off by itself. After dinner, Grandpa called to ask me if my tooth had been pulled out? I said not yet. My grandfather told me that if my teeth fell out, I would call him immediately.

Now the tooth has finally been pulled out. Although it is a little painful and still bleeding, I am very happy because I changed my teeth! I grew up!

Tooth Replacement Composition (3)

In my memory, tooth extraction is the most painful moment

It was a rainy Saturday. I was wearing long sleeves to go out for breakfast with my parents. When having breakfast, I suddenly found one of my teeth was loose. I said anxiously: "Mom, my front tooth is loose!" Mom shook and said: "It's OK, at least ten days away!" I felt relieved with Mom's words, because I can't eat without teeth.

That night, my mother asked me to eat green apples. I said, "No, my teeth are loose, not to mention my loose teeth are decayed." "It's OK, I said there are still more than ten days!"

I took one bite and only printed a bit of tooth marks on it. I couldn't bite it at all. Then I took another bite and finally bit it down. Then I tried to eat the apple like this. When I took the last bite, I felt something was wrong and suddenly "creaked". Ah! Do you? I...... Did my tooth fall out? "Mom, did I lose my tooth?"

"No, I just quartered your tooth and lost a quarter."

Huh? "Squeak ---" hasn't it dropped yet? That is great! Brother Ya, you are so awesome

The second time was when I was gnawing a bone. That day, my mother bought bone meat to stew bone soup for me. When he chewed the bone, he gave another "creak ---" as a result, his mother said that the whole tooth had fallen off.

At that time, I cried. Goodbye, Brother Ya!

Tooth Replacement Composition (4)

In art class today, the teacher asked us to draw a table. I looked east and west. It took me a long time to draw. Let me have a look. Ah! My deskmate has almost finished drawing. When I'm nervous, I always scribble. The painting was handed in after a while. The teacher stuck the picture on the blackboard. When I saw it, some of my deskmates drew pigs, some drew big noses, and some drew witches... Our classmates in the classroom almost laughed their teeth off. This class is really interesting.

When I was in the first grade, I saw other children changing their teeth. I was very envious. Mom said that changing teeth is growing up.

I waited and waited. One day, one of my teeth became loose. After a long, long, long time, when I was eating pears, my teeth fell out. I thought it was a pear stone at first. After a closer look, it turned out to be my precious tooth. My teeth are thin and white, like pearls, so cute. I cried happily, I have grown up!

Mother said that we should throw it on the roof, and it will grow up. But we are reluctant. Later we put it in a red box and treasured it.

It's really a wonderful thing to think that my new teeth will grow up little by little!

Tooth Replacement Composition (5)

Today, my parents will take me to "upgrade" my teeth and upgrade my yellow teeth army to iron teeth and steel teeth. I'm as happy as a caged bird. If I didn't take safety into consideration when I was on the motorcycle, I would dance disco.

Arrived at the destination - Zhonghuaqiang Dental Clinic. I put my head in first to explore the military situation. Alas, it was full of white coats, white masks, white gloves, and an expression that made the mentally vulnerable children collapse at the sight. I felt a chill in my heart and thought: This time, the sparrow fell into the chimney - it's dead.

I took three steps and two, moving slowly towards my destination (Dr. Zhong's position). Doctor Zhong took a cotton swab, inserted it into my mouth, and popped out a word: "Open your mouth!" I had to obediently listen to the order and open the "city gate". The cotton swab sent by Doctor Zhong bounced in my mouth and frolicked everywhere. For a long time, Doctor Zhong said to me: "Children, if you want to correct your teeth, you need to pull out four teeth, and then take dental mold..." My mind was in a mess, and I only heard the words above. I remembered the scene when I struggled to pull out my teeth here last year and kept making the sound of killing pigs.

I casually found a chair to sit down, and my heart was in turmoil. Everyone has a love of beauty. I want to use dental mold to correct my teeth. However, I felt chilly when asked to pull out four teeth that had been replaced. Fear, fear, I'm really afraid.

So I had to withdraw - go home, and plan to think clearly at home and then go to the gate of life and death - tooth extraction.

Tooth Replacement Composition (6)

Life is like a colorful picture. Everything adds different colors to this incomparable picture. When I lost my teeth for the first time in my life, I was destined to add "thick makeup and light makeup" to my paintings!

When I was a child, my teeth were still working hard when the old teeth of other students had been "rehabilitated". Finally, I was very excited when a small tooth appeared after my front tooth. Slowly, slowly, my little teeth began to grow wantonly. They were big enough to take charge of their own affairs. However, my old tooth is really stubborn to the extreme. Although he is tottering, he has no intention of retiring.

The new teeth are getting bigger and bigger, and they are old enough to experience the wind and rain. However, Lao Ya is still hanging high, as if he is showing his power! Not only that, but also added a lot of trouble to me. Whenever I eat, it not only does not help me to bite the food, but also makes me feel a little pain; When communicating with her classmates, she would stand up high, and I was embarrassed to speak for several times. So I decided to pull it out. Just do what I say. I used the simplest way to shake left and right, but my front teeth are still high and cocky. I tried my best to hear the sound of "tearing", and there began to be a trace of blood between my teeth. It is said that long pain is better than short pain. I tried hard again, and old tooth finally "retired with honor".

My first tooth was successfully replaced with my "great help"! I am happy to travel around and tell my friends about this joy!

Look! This is the unique color of my growth!

Tooth Replacement Composition (7)

I am very happy today.

In the afternoon, when I returned home from school, my mother and I had dinner together. After eating, my mother steamed a small sweet potato. I just took a bite, and I suddenly felt that one of my lower front teeth was very painful. My mother looked at my small teeth, then held me and said, "It's time to change my teeth!"

I'm very happy. I'm finally going to change my teeth!

But my lower incisors can't bite any more. I need to bite the teeth beside them to eat sweet potatoes. My mother said that I should be careful when eating these days. I ate a small piece of walnuts. I stuck out my tongue and transported the walnuts with my tongue, so that I wouldn't have to bite my front teeth.

Tooth Replacement Composition (8)

Once when I was brushing my teeth in the morning, I remembered the scene when I lost my teeth when I was seven years old. That day, my teeth moved slightly. I thought it was a bone between my teeth. I licked it from time to time, hoping it would come out. I went to look in the mirror. What I didn't expect was that it was not a bone, but a baby tooth that was already moving. At this time, I was nervous and afraid. Nervously, I lost my tooth. When I went to school, my classmates called me "the leaky". I was afraid that if my tooth fell out, it would bleed a lot

One day, I went to school as usual. Unfortunately, my teeth shook when I crossed the road, which was much stronger than yesterday. When I came home from school, I was doing my homework, but my teeth were like "abacus beads", licking and moving. I really want to say to my teeth: "My teeth, please, I'm upset by you. You'd better leave me quickly!" But my teeth are always "swinging" in my mouth. My mother said to me, "Let me help you pull it out. It doesn't hurt at all." I covered my mouth and shouted, "No!"

On the third day, that annoying tooth and I finally "separated". But I feel no pain at all. What's more, I'm lucky that my mouth doesn't leak.

In this way, a small tooth has brought me such interesting things that I will never forget. I hope that tooth will grow up soon!

Tooth Replacement Composition (9)

"Mom, I have another tooth moving. I dare not eat meat recently, or I will be knocked off by meat bones again like last time." I pointed to my loose teeth and said to my mother.

"Don't worry. Mom will take you to the dental hospital later." Mom comforted me.

The father heard this and immediately added, "Son, don't go to the hospital. You will lose your teeth when they are ripe."

"Dad, what is the ripeness?" I asked my father curiously.

"It means that if the melon is ripe, the stem, which connects the branches and fruits, will naturally fall off." Dad pointed to the watermelon stem beside the table and explained to me.

But my teeth are not fruits. How can they be ripe? My father must have fooled me.

My father looked at me in disbelief and patiently explained to me: "Because only one tooth can grow in one position, now your baby tooth is moving, which means that there is a new tooth growing out of the root of the tooth. You can use your tongue to push it out every day, and when the new tooth grows long enough, your baby tooth will naturally fall off. Don't believe it, wait and see."

As time goes by, I feel my teeth tilt outward more and more. That day, I had just finished eating, and my tongue was gently pressed. Eh, there was a big gap. I ran to the mirror. The loose teeth disappeared and no blood came out. It was amazing.

It suddenly dawned on me that this was what Dad said.

Tooth Replacement Composition (10)

Students, you must have changed your teeth! Do you remember the first time you lost your teeth? I can remember clearly.

I remember that it was summer, and my grandfather bought me my favorite lollipop. Seeing the tempting appearance of the lollipop, I bit it hard. My God? A small tooth hurts! Then my mother came up and said, "Silly girl, this is because you have a tooth that is going to fall out, so it hurts!"

Since then, I have looked at myself in the mirror every day! I hope it will fall soon. But four weeks later, my little tooth is still in my mouth, and the little new tooth below has popped out his head eagerly. My mother decided to take me to the hospital for tooth extraction. Ah! No! I was frightened into tears. But the next day, I still came to the hospital with my former mother trembling. The doctor's aunt looked at my teeth and said with a smile, "Don't be afraid, children, it will soon be all right." I lay down on the chair scared. The doctor smeared yellow liquid medicine on my teeth, and then took a pair of pliers to clamp my loose teeth. I was about to beg for mercy. The doctor's aunt suddenly lifted it, and my teeth were pulled out. At this time, I found that my eyes had tears. But I really don't feel pain. The doctor's aunt's level is too high.

Then, my new teeth grew up in a big way. This was my first time to change my teeth. It was very interesting. I'm looking forward to having my new teeth replaced quickly, so that I can have a mouthful of white teeth.

Tooth Replacement Composition (11)

Worried composition of tooth changing

In study, work and even life, everyone will inevitably come into contact with composition. Composition is a genre composed of words, which expresses a theme through thinking and language organization. How to write a thoughtful and literary composition? The following is Xiaobian Dun's worrisome composition on tooth replacement. Welcome to learn from it and refer to it. I hope it can help you.

When I was in the first grade, my classmates began to change their teeth one after another, but I never heard from them. When I was in the second grade, my mother began to lose her breath. Every night when I was brushing my teeth, she would break my mouth to see if my teeth were loose. But I didn't care. I always said, "My teeth won't fall off." Because I thought, "It's painful and hard to change my teeth. I wish I had to change them!"

After my seventh birthday, one day I found one of the following front teeth was loose, and told my parents that they found a small tooth growing in it after inspection, so my father solemnly announced: "Our little rabbit is starting to change teeth!" He also said: "When changing teeth, we should strengthen nutrition and supplement more calcium." The next day, my mother bought me calcium tablets, Take one capsule a day and keep going.

Many days later, the loose tooth still hasn't fallen off. Every time when you eat, you should eat carefully and brush your teeth gently. Because it hurts terribly when you meet that annoying guy. Finally, my mother couldn't wait and decided to take me to the hospital to have my teeth extracted. On the way, I was afraid and thought: How painful is tooth extraction? Will it bleed? What if the doctor pulled the wrong one? When I arrived at the hospital, the doctor checked and said, "The old teeth grow new ones without losing them, which is a sign of overnutrition." The doctor asked me to lie down on the chair, and he took a large pair of pliers. I quickly closed my eyes, feeling my heart beating. The cold pliers reached into my mouth, and with a "click", the doctor said, "It's all done." I opened my eyes, Seeing my poor tooth lying on the plate, I thought to myself, "This is the first one. There are so many teeth to change next. How can I live? Alas!"

Tooth Replacement Composition (12)

Everyone's childhood is like a fairy tale happened one after another. In this fairy tale, he is the main character. In this fairy tale kingdom, various interesting things often happen. Teeth replacement is something that every child must experience. My tooth fell off unconsciously, and it didn't hurt at all.

It was a summer weekend, my mother and my aunt were guests. After dinner, I found my favorite cantaloupe on my aunt's table. I looked straight at the cantaloupe, and my mouth was watering. When my mother saw this situation, she told me, "Son, one of your teeth is very loose, and you can't eat such hard fruit."

Mother's words, how can I stop this "greedy cat"! I have no resistance to food. I asked about the attractive fragrance of Hami melon and its bright red flesh. My eyes were almost falling off. I couldn't help it. I grabbed one and began to chew it. Gnawing and gnawing, I found that the teeth seemed to be leaking, chilly. I touched a row of my teeth with my hand and found that one had disappeared. I was flustered and wondered whether I would swallow it. Thinking of this, I burst into tears. When my mother and aunt heard my crying, they hurried to me and asked me: "What's wrong?" I said: "My teeth seem to have been swallowed by me." Mother and aunt listened to me and began to search the room carpet style. Finally, my mother comforted me and said, "It's OK. In a few days, the teeth will come out of my stomach." I nodded doubtfully and continued to eat the cantaloupe in my hand.

Suddenly, I saw that my tooth was on the cantaloupe. I cried excitedly: "I found my teeth!" Then I looked at the cantaloupe and the lost teeth in my hands and couldn't help laughing loudly.

This is my childhood fun, what about yours?

Tooth Replacement Composition (13)

I am nine years old and have already had eight teeth changed. Speaking of their stories, there are smiles and tears.

My first tooth fell out like this: it had been loose for weeks. It kept "swinging" in my mouth, and my mother planned to take me to the hospital to pull it out. I was so scared that I took out a rubber band and tied it to my teeth when my mother didn't notice. I played it gently for several times, only to hear the sound of "dangling", and my teeth fell out. I was secretly pleased: "Now I don't need to go to the hospital." So my first baby tooth was honorably "laid off".

The second deciduous tooth I replaced is not simple. It has been dancing "swing dance" in my mouth for nearly a month! Every time I eat, it swings freely in my mouth, which makes me cry out in pain. This time, my mother decided to take me to the hospital to have my teeth pulled out.

At the hospital, my legs trembled. But the doctor said, "This tooth doesn't need to be pulled out, just go home and let the child eat an apple!"

Back home, my mother immediately peeled a big red apple for me. However, I almost ate the whole apple, and my teeth were still "strong and unyielding". I walked to the mirror and turned my teeth around with my hands. Hey! It even "laid off" obediently!

My third tooth was pulled out by my mother when I was not careful. Think about my feelings! Ah! My expression was shocked and helpless at first, and then I began to wail. It was really painful.

Later, my other five baby teeth were pulled out under the "sugar coated bullet" attack of my mother. Hehe, isn't my record of changing teeth a ups and downs?

I really hope that once my teeth grow out, they will be permanent teeth, not baby teeth.

Tooth Replacement Composition (14)

These days, my lovely front tooth is going to say "goodbye" to me. It's staggering and really bothers me.

At breakfast, my father said, "Qiqi, drink some milk." I said, "I'm afraid of losing my teeth."

At lunch time, my father said, "Qiqi, try some chicken." I said, "I'm afraid of losing my teeth."

At dinner, my father said, "Qiqi, have some noodles." I said, "I'm afraid of losing my teeth."

Ah! Changing teeth is really troublesome.

Tooth Replacement Composition (15)

"Ah! It really hurts." I have been talking about sleeping since yesterday afternoon. Because my tooth was touched by something during the day yesterday, so only half of the root of my tooth is still in the meat. The upper and lower teeth hurt when touched. I didn't sleep well last night.

This morning, I got up and went to the bathroom to look at my teeth in the mirror? If you don't pull it out, today's tooth will be immersed in pain all day. If you pull it out, how painful should it be? Alas, a long pain is better than a short one. Pull it out! I waited for a long time before I finally made up my mind to pull it out. I prepared two glasses of water first and gargle later. One two three pull! "Ah!" I screamed. The tooth fell out, bleeding a lot, and it hurts. I quickly picked up water to rinse my mouth. Oh, my god, I have finished my eyes with two glasses of water, but there is still a little blood left. I can only take another glass of water quickly. After gargling, my mother asked me to throw my teeth onto the wardrobe. I asked my mother: "Why should I throw it on the top of the wardrobe?" My mother told me: "If the upper tooth is dropped, it will be thrown below, and if the lower tooth is dropped, it will be thrown above. This is a custom." I finally understood.

I really hope my teeth can come out quickly, otherwise eating hard things will become a problem.

Tooth Replacement Composition (16)

"Ah! It hurts! Sobbing~Sobbing~" One of my baby teeth has been laid off, and there is still some blood in the root. I think it may not want to retire. This tooth was held by my father with tweezers, and apparently became my father's trophy again. Here's the thing. Most of us have reached the age of tooth replacement, and I am no exception. But I've seen doctors pull out teeth, and adults can't stand it. Of course, children feel terrible. So when one of my teeth began to loose, I began to worry. At the beginning, I didn't show any emotion, just imagined that it would disappear by itself. Two weeks have passed, and it has become unstable inside, especially when I eat. At dinner that day, I carefully hid the tooth that was going to fall for a long time, and finally my father found it. After dinner, my father told me to lie in bed and look at it, and said to pull it for me. I struggled desperately, but still could not escape from my father's palm. Finally, my father did what he wanted to do. So there was the screams at the beginning of the article... So far, I have lost six teeth and grown four new teeth. Now think about the process of their layoffs. Each of them has a short story. The third tooth fell out by coincidence, because I was afraid of pain and would not let my father pull out my tooth. Then one night my father and I watched TV, and the remote control war began. After more than twenty rounds, I jumped on my father with a hungry tiger. My father turned sideways, and my whole face hit his shoulder. At that time, I covered my face and groaned, feeling the pain of my mouth...... My father was frightened and immediately became nervous. He opened my hands and looked at me for a long time, and kept asking, "What's wrong? What's wrong?" Maybe I saw my father was even more nervous than I was, Maybe it didn't hurt at that time, but it always happened. But when I won the remote control war and sat on the bed watching cartoons, I accidentally touched a small thing, took it in the palm of my hand and looked carefully, hahaha... Did you think of it? That is my "tooth" who has not been laid off for a long time. Do you have any interesting stories about changing teeth! Come on, let's laugh off the rest of the big teeth! Yu Bowen, Class 2, Nanjing Longjiang Primary School

Tooth Replacement Composition (17)

In our daily study, work or life, we always have to contact or use composition. With the help of composition, we can improve our language organization ability. So, how to write a composition? The following is a collection of 600 words of denture replacement composition for you, for reference only, hoping to help you.

Everyone will change their teeth, and of course I am no exception. Although I have changed several teeth now, I still remember the scene of the first tooth change.

At that time, I had no idea that people would change their teeth. I remember that my first tooth began to loose, and I felt uneasy. I touched it with my hand. It was like a weak baby, and could not stand straight. I pushed it gently with my tongue, and it was like a small tumbler shaking. I was so worried that I thought to myself, "My God! How could I lose my tooth? What should I do? Should I tell my mother?" But I was afraid that my mother would worry about me when she knew. Therefore, I never told my mother about loose teeth.

In this way, I carried on a few days with various anxieties. My tooth was loose like a leaf in autumn, as if the wind could blow it off with a gentle blow. I decided to tell my mother the secret of "teeth" after dinner. In order to relax, I took the taco and prepared to tell my mother while eating. But before I could say anything, my tooth bit the corn roll. "Ah!" I cried in my heart. My mother seemed to hear the voice in my heart and asked, "What's wrong?" I didn't speak. I looked down and saw that the taco in my hand was red, It's like dipping in ketchup. I thought, "It's over!" I simply ate the taco with a whimper. At this time, my little tooth fell on the table. I was dumbfounded when I saw it, but my mother smiled and said, "My baby has grown up and changed teeth, hehe..." I looked at my mother very embarrassed and told her all my worries in the past few days. My mother touched my head with concern and said, "Why didn't you tell me earlier? Are you worried about this matter these days? Tooth replacement is something everyone has to experience. Don't be afraid."

This thing told me that when we don't understand something, we can't guess and think about it. We should tell our parents. If I had told my mother earlier, I wouldn't have worried so long.

Tooth Replacement Composition (18)

One day, the tiger tooth on the left loosened, and I suddenly felt uncomfortable. As a result, I often put my tongue against my teeth and licked them gently. I felt that the roots of my teeth were itchy and painful. After a few weeks, the next few internal teeth began to loosen, and it was not convenient to eat. In order to get rid of this pain as soon as possible, I have been shaking my teeth with my hands to make it fall off earlier. But the harder I shake, the stronger my teeth seem to be. I often roll on the bed in pain, and that small tooth, like being stuck by "502 glue", can't be taken off no matter how many ways I have tried.

A few days later, only a little bit of my teeth still stuck to the gums, and I felt a twinge of joy. But if you gently break it and shake it, it will not fall off, as if it is in the final struggle. It makes me more uncomfortable to be in a state of being able to lose and not lose. I thought: This annoying tooth, pull it out. But pulling it out will hurt and bleed. I hesitated again. After several ideological struggles, "Long pain is better than short pain", I finally made up my mind to pull it out! After taking dozens of deep breaths, I carefully grasped the loose teeth with my hands and pulled them out with force. However, my hands are red and my teeth haven't fallen off yet. It turned out that because I was too nervous, my mouth closed and bit my hand. I can't laugh or cry!

Until yesterday morning when I ate steamed bread, I didn't know what was wrong. My teeth suddenly loosened, and I used my tongue to touch them, and they fell off! I was very happy. Holding the lost tooth, I said to it, "You were proud a few days ago. Now try again!"

Although the process of changing teeth was painful, I was relieved to think that another straight tooth would grow in the near future.

Tooth Replacement Composition (19)

I gently pressed my tongue, and the front teeth were tilted to one side, revealing a small white spot on the gums. After a closer look, it turned out that the new permanent teeth had exposed their heads!

It suddenly occurred to me that my mother said that if new teeth grow out, but the old teeth haven't fallen out, the new teeth will be crooked. I don't want my front teeth to grow crooked.

I ran to my mother three steps at a time, and said anxiously: "Mom, you see that new teeth have grown out, but the old teeth have not lost, will they grow crooked?" My mother looked carefully for a long time, and said: "Your baby tooth really should be pulled out, or we should go to the hospital!" "I don't want to go. There are many people in the hospital and I have to queue up. What should I do if I meet a doctor who looks fierce?" "By the way, mom, you said that the ancient people used a string to tie their teeth out, and then pulled the string hard, and the teeth fell off. Let's try this method today!"

Mother thought for a long time, and finally reluctantly agreed. I found a piece of sewing thread from the sewing box, looked into the mirror, carefully tied it on the teeth for three circles, and then handed the other end of the string to my mother. I closed my eyes and waited for my mother to "torture" me. All of a sudden, I felt my nose itch, and I sneezed a big way. I opened my eyes and said to my mother: "Mom, I'm ready, let's start again!" My mother smiled and said to me: "Baby, look what this is!" My mother had a white tooth in her palm.

It turns out that my mother pulled out her tooth unconsciously when I sneezed. My mother is really a miracle doctor!