Never forget the original intention and forge ahead Composition (7 in general)
Warm and waiting, still beautiful
2024-06-04 08:45:36

Do not forget the original intention and forge ahead Composition (1)

After a school year of junior high school study, I found that not only did not progress in academic performance, but there is a growing trend of regression.

When I first entered junior high school, I was ambitious and full of confidence - I had excellent grades in primary school, and I was sure I would be able to become a bully in junior high school! However, the ideal is very full, the reality is very shameful, and the class ranking in the mid-term exam of the first semester is beyond 20! It is far from my expectation! Anyway, the next final exam must rush ahead, and I am secretly determined that things are hard to predict. Instead of making progress, the final exam is going backwards! Well, in the second semester, I must be able to get ahead. I shouted my goal to myself and my parents. Now, at the end of the school year, I have been slapped again and again, and my grades are like a naughty boy who has to fight with me.

I am at a loss and silent.

Mom and Dad panicked and worried.

However, no solution has been found.

Things always turn around.

After hearing Duan's lesson for the first time, I was enlightened. It turns out that there are so many factors supporting the score, such as state, intelligence, mentality, habits, methods, etc., and any problem in any aspect will have a huge impact on the performance. So, which aspect needs to be corrected immediately?

After checking the test paper, I found that many questions that should be able to do correctly always lose points by mistake. Simple calculation questions, familiar dictation questions, and even a commonly used word will make unforgivable mistakes. For this reason, I made a serious reflection and summarized the following reasons:

1. Careless examination of the topic. When reading questions, I always skim over them for speed. I think they are similar to the questions I have done before. I write immediately without considering the overall situation, but I lose important information in the questions, so that accidents often occur when I have not finished the questions and only done one of them. To a lesser extent, this problem is due to careless examination of the subject; In a big sense, it is blind arrogance. If we continue like this, we will be defeated here.

2. Careless in doing the questions. I was not careful when doing the questions. The same numbers often appear in the following line and the above line are different. I can copy the questions incorrectly! Simple calculation, silent poetry, omission of a word, spelling of a word, omission of a letter... All these are different. It's a pity to lose points.

3. The inspection was perfunctory. After finishing, I always deal with the inspection with a blind and confident attitude. There is no empty cup mentality, not starting from "zero". Therefore, the inspection is often a mere formality and misses the opportunity for correction. If it continues like this, it will miss the opportunity to realize its own ideal.

Based on the above understanding, I propose the following requirements for myself:

1. Keep using the "Carelessness Overcoming Software" every day to do 2-4 questions, each for 2 minutes, focus on it, and gradually improve your accuracy and speed.

2. Take each question seriously, and resolutely abandon the practice of thinking that when encountering similar questions, it is the same as having done them. Every word must be buckled. Read the meaning carefully before starting.

3. When working on a problem, concentrate on nothing, correct the previous thoughts of thinking about the east and the west, and cultivate your mind's concentration that only questions and problem-solving ideas are in your mind, and you will not be disturbed by anyone.

Do not forget the original intention and forge ahead Composition (2)

Some sudden external factors have changed its original process; In the unexpected pace, we got an uncertain result. How many feelings are so strong that they thought they would continue to evolve happily until the so-called end of time; But the result was unexpected. Because even if this relationship is too strong, too deep but can never settle down! The state floating on the edge will be difficult to see through, and it will always be hazy

But how can the so-called precipitation be achieved? To be honest, I don't know! I only know that feelings that are not completely settled will go their separate ways for various reasons. The passage of time, the change of distance and so on will make me feel cold

Maybe we have gone through too many such things! It seems that they have seen through the ridiculous eternity contained in it.

Once upon a time, I went from primary school to junior high school. At that time, I was young and ignorant, but more or less I also felt the feeling of waving goodbye! At that time, I didn't cry, but I felt a knot tied up in my heart, which was very uncomfortable. After all, when we arrived at junior high school, we would still be in the same school, but some of the best students were admitted to the outside university.

In junior high school, we got along for three years and established a friendship that we thought was indestructible, but we still could not escape the devil of graduation... the day of graduation. We sang class songs, took pictures and hugged each other! In the end, both of them cried and said that they would never forget each other! Promise to keep in touch forever even if you leave! And talk about the future dream of Tianfang Ditan.

But when I came to junior high school, came to a strange environment, and saw that strangers in the past have now become an indelible light in life, I found that the position of the old man in my heart seems to be gradually replaced or faded! The lack of time for half a year seems to have changed the development of the story. The original strong feelings gradually continue in the form of curve movement! Because of many forces, no one mentioned it. I only remember that there was a group of people, but I can't remember what happened! I plan to bury the past and cherish the present, but now there is another branch of arts and science. The hateful life wants me to maintain the bridge of affection for the past six months. I dare not promise that I can do it! Because at this moment, the flowers on the other side have been blooming for many seasons, and the fallen leaves have swept across many times. My heart has gradually become tired! What we can do is just let nature take its course and never forget our original intention!

We can't stop the development of the story. What we can do is to control our heart.

Do not forget the original intention and forge ahead Composition (3)

Time flies, and the two months have passed quietly. Once again, the monthly exam passed. Some were elated, some were sad, some were lucky, some felt sorry

In order to cheer up the students in the Grade Division again, get up the spirit to meet the new learning life, never forget the original intention, and forge ahead, we held the first commendation meeting in the first division of senior high school. Looking at the students who won their own awards due to their efforts, not only they were excited, but also other students were excited. Even though I got an award, I'm still reluctant. Why can't I get more awards? Why is there no me among the top scholars in the single subject? mathematics? Maths is not good, she is quick and serious, I can't pass the exam; English? English is not good, she has a good foundation, and her vocabulary is much more than mine; It's too difficult for me to score in Chinese... I feel a little more frustrated and unwilling when I can be as good as them?

I have to say that this commendation meeting saw the students show their own style, and the admiration in their hearts came into being. The songs and dance to show themselves were all full of vitality. If only I could learn some talents when I was young.

At the end of the conference, the teacher delivered a speech, in which one sentence deeply touched me and impressed me deeply - "Students without ambition are not good students, children, you are still young, it is the time of youth, in this case, you should dare to think and do!"

Yes, the commendation meeting is not only for the students who won the prize, but also to encourage us to forge ahead and not forget our original intention. We should dare to think and do. Maybe next time you will be the champion in one discipline; We should live in the present, "realize the past without remonstrance, and know the future can be traced." If the foundation is not good, we can make up for it, and talent can not be learned. As long as we don't give up, nothing is impossible.

Never forget the original intention and forge ahead Composition (4)

On September 30th, our class visited the Martyrs Cemetery. We walked into the Martyrs' Cemetery with music in a neat line, and I was immediately shocked by what was shown in front of me. There are green pine trees and a dazzling bunch of red in the cemetery. The whole cemetery feels solemn and beautiful. When we arrived there, our expressions became serious.

When entering the martyrs' cemetery, the first thing I saw was a five-star red flag flying in the air. Facing it stood a tall stone tablet, with eight gold characters engraved on the front, "The revolutionary heroes are immortal". Everyone who saw it felt very shocked! The Martyrs Cemetery, which was built in 1954, buried 1525 martyrs who died for liberation. All the martyrs sacrificed for the motherland. They are our model and our goal. When we grow up, we should be like them in the spirit of sacrifice and service for the motherland! We must have our own ideals, and only when we set them can we contribute to our motherland.

My ideal is to be a primary school teacher. When I am a teacher, I can play with the students and talk with them. I can teach them knowledge, reason, knowledge and educate classmates, so that the whole world can become a cultural world. Of course, I can also get many benefits when I am a teacher. For example, I can learn the simple quality and make people respect. When I am a teacher, Although the occupation is humble, it is equally great. People in ancient times said that when the silkworms died, the wax torches became ashes and tears began to dry; Teachers are the most brilliant profession under the sun, engineers of human souls, which is also a way to serve the motherland. We set a good goal is the goal of serving the motherland!

Today, in the Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery, my classmates and I had a vivid and profound patriotic education lesson, and we understood that who gave their precious lives to our free and happy life today? The independence of the country and the happiness of the people gave their precious lives in exchange for our happiness today. We Young Pioneers must study hard and become useful to the motherland when we grow up.

Never forget the original intention and forge ahead Composition (5)

I lost the exam and quarreled with my father.

It was winter vacation. My father and I went back to our hometown as usual. After making a bus for several hours to save money, we didn't want to take a motorcycle, so we walked four miles home with the package on our shoulders. I bowed my head on the way home, and my father followed me with the package on his shoulders. After a long time, I suddenly felt that I had lost my father's breath.

I couldn't help looking back at my father. I found my father was sitting on a stone with a package on his shoulder and gasping for breath. He was too ordinary. It seemed that the scenery beside him was integrated with him. If the package was not well packed, there was always a piece of cloth hitting my father's face. My father forced his head to one side, and blue veins burst out on his forehead. Sweat left along the ravines of the skin. His clothes were soaked. He stood up hard and continued to walk in the sun, Father's face glowed with oil. That wisp of mischievous hair was still black at the end, but white at the root. At that moment, it became eternal and fixed in my heart forever. I don't know when, time carved vicissitudes on my father's face, and time stained his hair with wind and frost. I turned around, tears streaming down my face.

The memory of hours emerged. In the daytime, I like to watch the bustle. My father took me to the square. There were many people in the square, and I was short. So my father held me on his shoulder. I wonder if he could see the bustle ahead clearly. When he saw me laughing, his smile was brighter than mine. At night, I often woke up in a dream and cried. My mother had to take care of my younger brother. My father was entrusted with the responsibility of taking care of me. He always picked me up gently at the first time and hummed me to sleep.

Not only my package, but also the responsibility of the family are on the shoulders of the father. With a low level of education, he had to earn money with his hardworking hands. No matter how hard he worked, he only silently undertook all this. This burden is too heavy, and has been inherited from the previous generation of father to father. Sometimes, he would chat with me, saying that it was not because he was not good at learning, but because his family could not afford it and needed him to support it. Therefore, he often taught me to study hard and change my destiny. Even if my father was short of money, he would let you finish reading. At that time, I was young and frivolous, but I didn't know that my father had changed me imperceptibly for many years, and now I am fully aware of it. Being a responsible person has been passed on from generation to generation. I regret having quarreled with my father, and my father is heartbroken by my own failure.

I dried my tears, turned to run to my father, and moved the package onto my shoulder. My father looked up with a surprise, and then smiled at me innocently, as if he had given the world to you. That night, my father told me in front of the whole family that I had grown up. At that time, he secretly decided to read good books. The burden of the future would be very heavy, and he could not forget the four mile journey with his father. There is a long way to go. I will search up and down. I have a long way to go in the future. My father always steps on the ground with his left foot more forcefully than his right foot, so he looks a bit dodgy. In the setting sun, the setting sun pulled my father's figure long and long, and my father and I were in harmony with each other in the setting sun.

Some things are far away and near at hand. For me, there is a kind of inheritance that has always accompanied me, which is a kind of responsibility and responsibility.

Never forget, original intention.

Never forget the original intention and forge ahead Composition (6)

For writing, I think we should grasp our original intention, stick to the calm heart lake, and not follow the crowd.

The reason why literature is called literature is that it is a science, not for making money.

Literature is about connotation. A good work must have its own unique opinions and thoughts. Only such a work is worthy of repeated taste and review. The truth is that you can't get tired of reading, while the fantasy online novel is like a piece of fat. The first few mouthfuls are fresh, which feels good. But if you eat too much, you will see greasy and feel boring. Although there are many readers and high income in the novels of the Tang Family, how many people will constantly read and savor them? Some of these fantasy novels are just wonderful plots, but what is behind the plots? In other words, it has no back. It is long and has no connotation. Eventually, it will only be kept in the bookcase by people, sometimes glancing at it and admiring their perseverance to read the whole book.

Like Pushkin, Chen Zhongshi and others, the thin inside baked by them is much more chewy. A thin book is full of rich connotations. A short sentence can let thinking readers write hundreds of thousands of words of understanding, which is much more profound? This kind of literature is woven from the essence of the author's life. This kind of literature is not large in number, but it is enough to change many public views on life and lead those trapped in darkness to light. Readers are proud of the many thoughts they have triggered, which are meaningful. Just like Lu Xun, every sentence in his article has content. The whole article has no gorgeous words. It is simple, but can easily enter the deep heart of readers.

Great literary works can hardly be written in today's impetuous society. In this fast-paced era, people only know to follow the pace of people walking in front of them, not to think about which road is faster and safer. The original calm heart is completely consumed in this bustling city. People like to eat fast food, and they also like to watch this stereotyped "fast food article" on the Internet. Without their own opinions, what's the difference between human beings and animals, and machines?

Therefore, I agree with "sticking to the calm heart lake" and oppose "adapting to the trend, not forgetting your original intention to come to this society, resisting the temptation of various interests in society, being the best yourself, purifying the land of literature and the world.

Never forget the original intention, and stick to the calm heart lake.

Never forget the original intention and forge ahead Composition (7)

I am a little girl who loves reading and writing. Under the guidance of President Zhu, I learned a lot of writing methods and skills. Over time, my writing level has been constantly improved

"Once you leave Zitai and Lianshuo Desert, you will leave Qingzhong to dusk", which is Zhaojun's original intention; Kongming's original intention is to "die before he finishes his apprenticeship, and make the hero's tears fill his mind"; "Phoenix is not without a phoenix, and mountains and waters are immeasurable" is Xiang Ru's original intention to Wen Jun.

Thousands of years of original intention, thousands of years of unforgettable.

The immortal flowers in Langyuan are weeping at the place where the clouds are curling, and the flawless jade is sighing in the world of mortals. "Xianlu of the previous life, use my tears to pay him back." It is her original intention that she will never forget, and her unforgettable love for him. The romance between the moon in the water and the flowers in the mirror is dim in the sound of the suona playing in the Grand View Garden. Since then, heaven and man have been separated forever. Only the original intention of love never wavered.

It's hard to ask for a previous engagement in this life. A dream of red mansions, a glimpse of the real world, also unreal, that original heart, do not forget. The alliance between wood and stone is doomed to have no end. Tears have been done, only spare time to worry about! She never forgot his original intention. That song of love is the witness of the original intention.

The original intention of the previous life is not forgotten for thousands of years.

"In the soil below the Mawei slope, there is no place where the jade face can die." The face that made Liugong Fendai colorless has become smoke and disappeared in the waves of history. The king's unforgettable love and original intention are engraved in the historical stele, in the willow leaves with hibiscus like eyebrows, and on the double winged birds. The king's original intention has created thousands of years of epic stories. That dance of neon clothes and feather clothes must also repeat her beauty on some fairy mountain on the sea. The green silk of the disciples in the Pear Garden has turned into white hair, and the prison guards in the Pepper Room have grown old one after another, but they never forget their original intention.

Yuhuan takes a bath and Xuanzong gazes. Neon clothes and feather dance, the original intention is still. Do not forget, that saw your eye, your look back, your voice and smile. Never forget your original intention. At the moment when you look back and smile, you will never forget your original intention.

The original intention of this life is not forgotten for thousands of years.

Red crisp hands, fragrant jade elbows, and willows on the palace walls of spring all over the city. The east wind is evil and the love is thin... He and she never forget at first. He wrote a masterpiece for her. He, Lu You, she, Tang Wan. In those years, his mother's life was hard to violate, and Tang Wan was dismissed. His original intention was not shaken. His original intention to her has never changed. I wonder if you remember his masterpiece? At the moment when Shen Yuan wrote a poem, his original intention was transferred to the world. Never forget your original intention.

How many people indulge in wandering time, forget their original intention, and do nothing in their life? God's lips burst out a cold smile, and how many people do not forget their original intention?

Wolf Hao of life, full of blood and tears. I wrote four words: never forget the original intention.