Excellent composition 350 words (20 collections)
2024-06-08 00:38:17

Excellent composition 350 words (1)

My hometown in Dongtai is famous for its scenery and delicious food. Let me come to you together.

Huanghai Forest Park is a national AAAA scenic spot. There, you can go boating and enjoy the beautiful scenery on the lake. The lake is surrounded by big trees, which are called "guards" in dense green cages. Listening attentively, the singing of birds covered the whole park, making people unwilling to move their feet. The scenery here is not only beautiful, but also can release fresh air. If you take a deep breath here, your mood will be better! This is why it is called "green oxygen bar".

My hometown not only has beautiful scenery, but also has amazing specialties, such as fish soup noodles, orange peel wine... But if you say it is the best, it is still "8424 exploding melons". Watermelon is dressed in green and black war robes, with a beer belly, like a fat general in the Three Kingdoms era. And the most interesting thing about it is that it doesn't need to cut with a knife at all. As long as it touches the ground and only listens to "Pa", it splits itself into two. Do you think it's funny? When you look inside the cracked melon body, you can see the red pulp and many "black heads" - seeds. These seeds are tightly wrapped by red pulp, which makes people cannot help biting. Ah, sweet juice ripples in my mouth! If you have a chance, come and have a try!

I love my hometown, especially its scenery and food!

Excellent composition 350 words (2)

It's snowing outside. It's really heavy. The whole sky was covered with grey. The ground is white, the trees are white, the roof is white, and the whole city is silver.

When I came to Yingze Park, I made a squeaking sound on the snow. The snow is still flying, just like pieces of torn cotton and scattered flowers, spreading pieces of white flowers to the world, wearing a new earth dress. My mother and I made a snowman. My mother squeezed a snowball and let me roll on the ground. I snowballed along the path. Soon, the snowball became bigger and bigger, and my gloves were wet, but I was not cold at all. Later, my mother and I rolled snowballs together, and the snowballs rolled very well. My mother asked me to find something to look for. She rolled a small snowball as the head of the snowman. But after looking for a long time, I couldn't find a suitable one. My mother pulled out two walnuts from her pocket like magic, and we used them as eyes. It's really interesting.

It snowed more and more heavily. It seemed that it didn't mean to stop. It was getting dark. My mother and I reluctantly left the snowman, hoping to see it again tomorrow.

Excellent composition 350 words (3)

Today is New Year's Eve, but I am not happy, because a winter has passed, but there is little snow. After finishing the New Year's Eve dinner, I went to the window and looked out... It didn't take long for it to snow outside! Snowflakes fell from the sky, and soon the ground, trees, and roof became white.

One snowflake after another gently drifted down with the wind, like the flowers shed by the Heavenly Maiden, like little paratroopers, like... I looked as if I was also a snowflake, playing and playing with various brothers and sisters in the sky. Uncle Feng took a breath and lifted us into the higher air. The pine trees rustled as if they were sneezing. We quickly covered them with quilts. We suddenly woke up from our reverie. I was shocked by the sight before me - trees and houses were all covered with a thick layer of snow, and thousands of miles of rivers and mountains became a world of powder and jade. The scenery in the snow is magnificent. The sky and the earth are the same color. Only a piece of silver can be seen. It seems that the whole world is decorated with silver. I love snow, I love snow scenery, I love winter more.

Winter is the growth ring of the soul. Winter, although very cold, but it has incomparable warmth and hope.

Excellent composition 350 words (4)

The sky is covered with dark clouds, and the north wind is howling. Judging from the formation of the weather, it is sure to snow.

Sure enough, in a short time, the sky floated down one after another as small as rice snowflakes, which were small and hard, just like small hail. Gradually. The "little hail" disappeared, and the heavy snow like goose feather fell down in succession, just like silver flowers and jade leaves falling from osmanthus trees in the sky. The snowflakes fell on the ground and soon became water. Gradually, there was more snow. In some places, there was snow, but no water. In some places, there was snow in the water, and water in the snow, as if sugar had been scattered in the water without melting. After a while, the snow became smaller and slowly fell from the sky, like little paratroopers jumping off the plane. The little paratroopers were light and weak. When they caught him, they felt as if they would move. The passer-by's face became a flower, and they all talked about "how well it snowed!" and "auspicious snow augurs a bumper year!" People said and laughed, and I was also happy.

Night came, the snow was falling quietly, and people were smiling and falling asleep!

Excellent composition 350 words (5)

As soon as I opened the door in the morning, a cold air squeezed into the room. Looking out, ah - it's snowing again!

This snow is not the "goose feather heavy snow" I imagined, nor the snow like sprinkled with crushed salt, but the snow like flour. The wind was not strong, but it also blew in the direction of falling snow.

The snow on the ground is not thick, but when you step on it, you don't leave a deep footprint with a sound of "creak", but "puff". It's like stepping into the mud. The snow is melting in the water.

Pedestrians on the street walk along the shops on both sides of the street one by one and pick up the road, just like they are afraid of stepping on landmines. On the motorway, as soon as the car passes by, a lot of snow and water will fly up, and cyclists will hide far away. From time to time, they will hear screams.

The trees on the street are also covered with snow, but I don't know when the snow will suddenly slide down and break on the ground. If you accidentally fall into the collar, the smell must be uncomfortable.

It's snowing, and I seem to see that from far away, spring is coming with laughter

Excellent composition 350 words (6)

For Jane, the school only sentenced her to no freedom, but the inmates were very warm. For Hao, the school is a prison, and the students are bullies who have been shut down. The students thought he was weak and bullied, and the senior always bullied the junior. Howe himself didn't know how many times he had been beaten and blackmailed, until Long came to help him, everything was better. Howe loved school, but he was also afraid of school. This is not a tragedy of modern society.

"Dragon, here you are!" Jane came out of the toilet and came straight to see the dragon. "Eh, how much hair gel have you put on this hairstyle?" Jane touched the dragon's hair to make a look of disgust.

"Well, Zizhen Mulong, if you show your love, please consider these single dogs next to us! Hurry to die on your Valentine's Day, and don't be too naughty at night." Jen's co-workers were laughing together. Here are many people who came out to work before they graduated from junior high school, or just graduated. You can think of them as a group of students who did not attend classes in school.

Long stood up and said, "You'll be dead when you get to bed." He pretended to be angry and patted Paihao on the shoulder. "Think for yourself." Then he took Zhen's hand and walked out of the factory gate to go to their festival.

Excellent composition 350 words (7)

I like snow, very white, I like wind, very cool.

The wind is blowing and the snowflakes are flying. I stand in the wind and snow, unable to extricate myself. The sky is no longer high, and snowflakes fall one by one, some like feathers, some like flowers, and some even like flocks It's pretty.

The wind is blowing freely. I want to go where I want to go. How I want to be like her, to fly freely. She stroked my cheek and I felt cool at once. She seems to be inviting me to fly with her.

The snow falls freely, like falling into the soil and then falling into the soil. If you want to get into your clothes and fall onto your hat, you will not care about it.

The body gradually becomes light, ah, I also become the wind! I exulted in the air, my body was so light, I landed on the bird's back gently, broke the shackles of learning, gave up depression and boredom, and flew and flew, I was thinking: "Where am I going to fly?" Now, I am only worried about this.

My body is gradually white, ah, I have become snow! I danced in the air and landed in her palm, becoming crystal clear and warm!

I like snow, want to become crystal snow; I like the wind and want to be free!

Excellent composition 350 words (8)

Winter has come, the earth has changed, and the campus has also changed.

A cold wind blew, and the gray sky sprinkled small snow particles, hitting the campus trees, roofs, rustling sound, like playing a light music. Suddenly, Xiaoxueli left without saying goodbye. Snow girl came, light as a bird, falling down from the air and kissing the earth after a long separation. Soon, the campus changed into a silver coat, which was very elegant and beautiful.

Look: the branches of the trees are hung with silver necklaces, the stems of the grass are strung with crystal pearls, and the flowers try their best to show their beauty, revealing red, yellow and green... At this time, the garden and flower beds have become crystal palaces. Some "rascals" went into the "Crystal Palace" and shouted, "Sell popsicles!"

The snow stopped, the sun came out, and it "bounced off" the snow. The campus is full of sound.

The campus of the first snow, you bring me endless happiness.

Excellent composition 350 words (9)

Early in the morning, I was still sleeping sweetly. Suddenly, my mother said, "Wow, it's snowing.". I usually had to stay in bed and jumped out of bed, dressed as fast as I could, rushed out of the room, ran to the balcony, looked up and saw that a thin layer of white was spread on the top of the car downstairs, like loose cotton wool. I couldn't help but feel excited any longer, and even put on my rain shoes and rushed downstairs without washing my face.

I was born and raised in Shenzhen, where it never snows. All the information about snow was learned from books, TV or my mother today. As soon as I ran into the snow, I felt the cold wind blowing on my face like a knife, but I was still too excited to control myself and played like a raging fire. Sometimes I run in the snow, sometimes I jump. I reach out and touch it. It's hard and icy. Make a snowman and fight back. I will do all the things I always want to do today. Snowflakes fall from time to time, like fluff, like blown dandelion, very light. But after playing for a long time, I felt like being locked in an ice cellar. My limbs were sore with cold and my nose was running down. I felt that I might catch cold if I played again, so I went home to have a fire.

This is the first day of my winter vacation and the first time I saw snow.

Excellent composition 350 words (10)

Today, the weather is cold and windy. The temperature is low and the snow is heavy!

Today, I saw the snow for the first time. In the morning, when I got up, I saw a vast expanse of white outside. It turned out that it was snowing. It was beautiful. It fell from the sky so quickly that I could hardly see clearly. The speed was like a flash in the pan. However, when it snowed, I looked like a little angel, as if from heaven, to add beauty to my friends, It covered the earth with a thick white mist and gave the plants cotton padded clothes. It turned out that the snow scene was so beautiful. It melted from the sky down to the ground. My friends and I made snowmen. However, we did not do well that time. The sky was so white when it snowed. It seemed that the sky did not match the earth, the earth, the sky, This heavy snow gave our friends happiness. The earth, the sky, this heavy snow sent off autumn, the earth, the sky, this heavy snow sent the arrival of winter! My friends, winter is coming. Are you ready?

Today, I saw the snow, how beautiful the scenery is. Winter, which beautiful angel, let me hold you, let's welcome the winter happily!

Excellent composition 350 words (11)

When I woke up in the morning, my father said to me: "It's snowing outside!" I sat up excitedly and opened the window. "Wow! A snow-white world." I couldn't wait to put on my clothes, pants and shoes. Open the door and rush out of the bedroom. Grab some snow on the balcony and hold it with your hands. Ah! It's so cold. I pinch the snow into a small snowball.

On the way to school, the snow kept falling like silver butterflies dancing in the air. I opened the window with my hand first, and then put my hand out of the window, ah! Snowflakes like elves are falling from the sky. Oh, it was the little angel who poured the cotton out of the quilt in the heaven! My father asked me to observe carefully. I looked carefully. The snow was like smoke, and the snow was like jade... The earth was white. The cars on the roadside are like big white bread, and the branches are covered with snowballs. I can't help thinking of a poem my mother taught me: suddenly, like a night of spring breeze, thousands of pear trees bloom.

The most interesting thing is that the teacher took us to the Senior Park to play. On the road, the cold wind stabbed our faces. We were not afraid of cold, but fought against it. When we got there, the teacher told us to disperse, and then we started playing snowball fights and making snowmen. Today is so happy. I like snowy days.

Excellent composition 350 words (12)

In the sky, dark clouds pressed down one by one. There was not even a breeze in the forest. The leaves no longer dance up and down, and the frogs no longer croak. They always look up at the sky, as if to say, "Dark clouds, dark clouds, let's have a heavy rain"!

One drop, two drops, three drops, then more and more light rain fell down. oh It's raining! The little frog hopped into the rain, stretched his hind legs from time to time, or drank a few drops of rain with his mouth open. He was very happy.

The frog over there is bathing happily, while the spider over here is busy hiding. It doesn't want to get wet.

At this time, the rain increased. The frog is happier, too. The raindrops, like broken pearls, fell on the earth.

Suddenly, there was a loud "boom". The little frog was so frightened that he hurried back to his hole and stopped raining. Spiders quickly hid themselves more hidden.

After a while, the rain was much lighter.

Finally, the rain stopped. The spider weaves a new web, and its old web is full of raindrops, just like a string of expensive women's jewelry. The puddles on the ground are different in size. A fawn jumped in and admired its beauty in the water pool. When it left, it took a sip of water from the pool. The rabbit came running and jumped up in the big puddle, splashing water one after another.

This is the forest thunderstorm, which brings vitality, wetness and happiness to the forest!

Excellent composition 350 words (13)

Today is another hot day. Only a few faint white clouds floated in the clear sky.

At noon, people could not stand the heat, sweating and panting, so they had to go to the shade to enjoy the cool. The flowers and trees in the garden are listless under the scorching sun. Only cicadas kept shouting on the branches, as if they were shouting, "Hot! Hot!"

In the afternoon, God suddenly changed his face. In a moment, a strong wind was blowing and dark clouds were rolling, rushing from the horizon like ten thousand horses galloping. Then lightning flashed and thundered, and lightning flashed like fire snakes flying in the sky; A deafening thunder made the glass on the window "snap"

Make a sound. After a while, the heavy rain poured down like a splash. The big raindrops of beans fell on the house and the ground, splashing crystal water. Rainwater flows down from the eaves, like rushing streams.

I stood in front of the window, looking at people. Through the rain curtain, I saw the flowers and trees in the garden, all straightened their trunks and erect their leaves. They were greedily drinking the rain. Several children ran and danced happily in the rain, shirtless. They kept shouting, "Good rain! Good rain!"

After a while, the rain stopped, and a bright and colorful rainbow appeared in the blue sky, just like a huge colored bridge across the sky. A breeze blows, bringing a strong fragrance, which makes people feel comfortable. The sun grandfather reflected his figure on the calm water surface and enjoyed his red face.

The scenery after the rain is so fresh and beautiful, which is really a great wonder of nature.

Excellent composition 350 words (14)

On Saturday, I went fishing in the river with some children. When it comes to catching fish, I am an old general, one can catch two. As soon as I glanced around, I found a grouper in a crack of stone. So I walked over quietly and reached out my little hand to the fish. I stared at the fish, and when I was about to approach it, my hands suddenly pounced on it. The grouper was captured obediently. "Big fish"! A child exclaimed. I saw a big fish. No matter how fast it swam, I still caught it. Now it is difficult to fly. I opened a stone and another fish came out quickly. I was about to catch the fish when a friend beat me first and caught it away. Later, we caught a lot of fish.

However, something unexpected happened. Just when we were happy, it suddenly began to rain heavily. We had to go home. When I got home, I became drowned, but I was still very happy. Because I have gained a lot.

Excellent composition 350 words (15)

Spring is coming! The campus has many flowers and leaves in early spring. Today, we are looking for the breath of early spring.

We arrived at the small square. The spring rain wiped the bright red floor of the square with fragrance.

There is a cluster of blue sky bamboos in the east of the small square. The blue sky bamboo should be high in the sky. It should be punished by the blue sky to stand guard, but it is so short. In fact, I went in again and again, and came out again and again, thinking it was just a small leaved boxwood. It was a very unusual "blue sky bamboo"!

It's really extraordinary. The color inside and outside the leaves are different. Maybe it is a beautiful woman with thick eyebrows, and it also needs to change the color of clothes and body.

Even the inconspicuous blue sky bamboo is extraordinary, so others should also be able to show their skills.

It seems that the red leaf plum is also good, with clumps of new buds on it, bending the branches. Surrounded by leaves and buds, the little flower bud looks like the empress dowager sitting in the car. Some buds have already opened their skirts, turning on the branches; Some just opened two or three flowers and asked the bird, "Spring is coming?" The bird replied, "Come!" It just came out.

Magnolia grandiflora cannot be ignored. In the chilly 'wind, it firmly opens the wind and is even more beautiful than the precious flowers in the world. When a gust of wind blew, I also got a message from Guangyuhua: Look, how beautiful spring is! At the same time, it also sent a burst of fragrance of Magnolia grandiflora.

There are camellias, which are also very beautiful. The flowers and leaves are so beautiful. Camellia also brought something, a stink and a bright smile face. Then, Mother Feng hit it.

In the campus in spring, everything has solidified the laughter of early spring. Look, the birds are standing on the branches to welcome the arrival of spring!

Excellent composition 350 words (16)

Spring is a gentle and lovely little sister. When the spring breeze came, the little sister rushed around among the flowers and took photos with the bright flowers. The green grass was touched by her tender hands, and the grass felt that she was joking again. After a while, my sister ran to the fields to play, adding a touch of brilliance to the earth. How dazzling.

Spring is a knowledgeable teacher. Come to the "classroom" on time every day. Spring rain is her teaching stick, and spring wind is her blackboard eraser. She taught birds to fly freely, and also taught birds to sing graceful songs. Huang Ying and Du Juan were the most proud students of Teacher Chun; She taught the willow to dance, making the willow's long braids dance more brightly; Teach the earth how to nourish all things in the world.

Spring is also a pure and kind doctor. Spring wind is her medicine, spring rain is her disinfectant, and nature is her rich hospital. She helps the grass green to shine; Take care of the beautiful flowers. Her care made the trees sprout, and her comfort made the white clouds happier.

Spring is a loving mother. She cares for grass and nurtures trees, and is recognized as a good mother.

I love spring, because spring has different rhythm, spring has different gentleness, I love spring!

Excellent composition 350 words (17)

Hold a cup of tea in the winter sun, put a good book on the clean desk, and experience the beauty of the book with your heart. I am a complete nerd. Books can be said to be my life. I'm jealous of Zhuge Kongming, and I can predict things like a god. I envy Li Bai's words: "Go out with a big laugh. We are not Penghao people.". I admire Paul Kochagin's perseverance. I still remember Guan Yunchang's talking and laughing about scraping bones to cure poisons; Remember Wu Song Jingyanggang's invincible fight against tigers; I still remember Daiyu's beauty and weakness; I still remember Sunwalker's heroism when he caused havoc in the Heavenly Palace

I walked in the castle piled with books to feel the taste of books. Talk to Zhuge Kongming, indulge in alcohol with Li Bai, play with Ma Xiaotiao, and watch the fatuous vicissitudes of Chinese people with Lu Xun.

Li Bai told me: "I am born to be useful, and the thousands of gold will come back when they are scattered." Kongming told me: "It is not indifferent to ambition, and it is not quiet to reach a far future." Lu Xun told me: "I look at a thousand men with cold eyebrows and bow my head to be willing to be a willing ox." In the castle full of scholarly charm, I understand many things I once did not understand.

In this cold winter, books warm hands and hearts. Gulliver's Travels let me see the once "noble" humanity in Europe; "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" let me see Zhuge Liang's infinite wisdom; The Smiling Cat Diary has made me see many parents' wrong education to their children... I want to swim in the sea of books all the time. I really want to see all the books in the world, enrich my heart and soul.

Excellent composition 350 words (18)

Running is a common part of daily exercise, and now more and more people are paying attention to healthy life, and are gradually starting to run!

Every day when I went to school, I used to see many old men and women running in the square, but at a very slow speed. Some people were dancing, that is, some dances were accompanied by pop music, and they looked very powerful! Now when I arrived at the school, I began to live on campus. All day long, I was faced with students. No one danced this. More people started to run. At night, more and more people started to run on the playground!

I used to stick to it for several days, but finally I didn't have the perseverance. Although every time it was about 1000 meters, it was not a lot for me. It was one point three or four minutes faster, but it was not easy to stick to it every night before going to bed. Moreover, I haven't run like this for a long time. When I was in high school, my home was far away from the school. When I was in class, I just squeezed the time. Sometimes I had to run for a while, otherwise I might be late. So I worked hard to exercise in the past three years, and there was no serious illness throughout the year!

I don't like running more and more now. At this time, I will be out of breath when running. This is because I need to be fast every time. Generally speaking, I will run when I am pressed for time. I remember that the last time was when I was in the school physical fitness test.

I know that exercise is good for one's health. I know that running for a while every night is not harmful, but I just can't do it!

Excellent composition 350 words (19)

In ancient China, there is a city. This city is Shaoguan.

In Shaoguan, there are many specialties. The most popular one is loquat.

The loquat is yellow, and its oval fruit is mouth watering.

Peel off the loquat skin, revealing the tender yellow flesh. Bite the loquat flesh into your mouth, and the attractive yellow juice seeps out, making you "turn around in three steps, and your mouth dribbles." Isn't that right?

Someone also wrote a poem: "Ripe loquats hang on the branches. When I look up, I see loquat trees. My mouth drops 3000 feet, and I see no fruit on the trees."

It means that the ripe loquats are all hung on the branches. When I looked up and saw the loquat tree, my mouth watered a lot. When I reacted, there was no fruit left. How interesting!

Once, a man walked into a shop and asked for a plate of fresh loquats. Before the loquats came up, his saliva wetted half the table. Can you see how delicious loquats are? If you have the chance to go to Shaoguan, you will definitely eat the specialty of Shaoguan - loquat!

Excellent composition 350 words (20)

People say that "one leaf knows the autumn". As soon as the beginning of autumn comes, the leaves fall one after another. How can you tell that autumn is coming!

In the morning, a few withered and yellow old leaves on the unknown branches beside the road at the gate danced in the air with a burst of autumn wind, and then rolled gently on the ground. Grandma said, "The weather has turned cold, and the beginning of autumn should be here." Grandma hurriedly looked at the calendar and said, "Today is the beginning of autumn."

The grass and flowers on the roadside are no longer as delicate as spring, nor as soft as summer. The sharp end of the grass becomes yellow, and the wind blows like a golden ribbon. Far away in the field is still a vibrant, but also a harvest scene: cotton fruits are full, like white cotton candy; The sorghum is ripe, showing red cheeks, as if praised by others; The golden rice was heavy, and they all bent over with laughter; Pears and apples hang high on the branches to welcome people to pick them with different smiling faces! What a harvest scene! It's spectacular from afar!

Although the beginning of autumn is cool, it is a harvest festival season. I love it!