Reading Fishing Composition (12 required)
Rain in early summer
2024-06-16 00:06:57

Reading Fishing Composition (1)

Dad loves fishing, and he is crazy about it.

Needless to say, the weather is sunny in spring, the scorching sun is hot in summer, the sweet smelling fish is fat in autumn, or the cold wind is biting in winter. Dad always catches the fish. It's also the busiest season for Dad - sorting out fishing gear tonight, going fishing tomorrow night, and all of them are very happy.

My mother and I can't stand it anymore. It is stipulated that my father must clean the house if he wants to go fishing. After listening to this, my father only smiled and said, "OK! OK!" I answered yes, but the ground is still dirty! My father went fishing again early in the morning, and when he came home the next afternoon, he argued: "Fishing is so good. Look, my father is so healthy now. You and my mother should also go with me...".

Needless to say, my father likes fishing so much that he must have good fishing skills. Yes, my grandfather and father-in-law have become his "disciples"! Take both of them with you whenever you go fishing. Now my mother can't say anything anymore. She has to pay attention to health and safety.

My father often goes fishing, which enriches my dining table and gives me a good taste. My family always has the same dish all the year round: fish. Sometimes when there are too many, they give some to others!

When I went to the dinner table, my father always said kindly, "Ballad, it's good for my health to drink more fish soup." This has become my song.

Ah! There is such an old man who likes fishing. This is both joy and sorrow!

Reading Fishing Composition (2)

In golden autumn, the scenery is pleasant. Last weekend, the sky was beautiful and the blue sky and white clouds were very clear. Grandpa picked me up on an electric bike to go fishing with him. I got on the bus happily, and my grandpa was in a good mood, humming a tune all the way to the destination.

When I arrived at the fish pond, I saw the clear water reflecting the blue sky and white clouds, which made me want to sing a happy song. As soon as I opened my mouth, my grandfather reminded me: "Don't forget that we are here to fish. Once you sing, the fish will scare away!"

We began to mix food, spread nest and adjust floats... All the preparations were soon completed, and fishing officially began.

The autumn wind is cool, and I can only see floating in the water gently swaying with the wind, and I can't take my eyes off floating. Suddenly, I floated weakly. I quickly lifted the fishing rod. It was empty and there was nothing. Grandpa said, "This is fish trying to eat, so wait patiently."

Reload the food and fish, wait patiently. Looking at it, the original green of the mountain is no longer so monotonous, which has added fiery red, golden yellow... a bow, wow! There are wild chrysanthemums around! The dancing butterflies have also come to join the popularity. Well, no, the story of Cat Fishing comes to my mind. I don't want to be a half hearted cat. My sight returned to the floating in the water. The float sank again like the last time. I held the fishing rod and ignored it, patiently and attentively waiting for the arrival of the "fighter". Suddenly, the float sank down forcefully. I quickly shook my wrist and raised the rod, feeling heavy. The rod tip bent like a bow. The fish was struggling on the water, and my heart was beating with the fish, afraid that the hooked fish would run away. Grandpa was happy for me when he saw that I finally caught a fish.

With the first successful experience, it is much easier to catch fish. Two, three... Grandpa and I returned with a full load. I had a fun day.

Reading Fishing Composition (3)

When I was a child, I saw people fishing in the park, but I never saw the fish bite. I was lucky today. I saw a fish taking the bait across the street. It was still a big fish!

It was in the afternoon. I went downstairs to the community to practice my bicycle, and enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the community while riding. After a while, I saw two people fishing in the opposite community, so I was very interested in stopping and watching quietly. "Big fish!" I vaguely heard one of the fishermen suddenly shouted excitedly. I was also very curious to see how the fish was caught, so I stared at the water. The fish was so angry that he just ran around under the water. The fishing rod in the fisherman's hand had already been bent into a semicircle and seemed to be about to be broken. The fishing line is thin and unstable. I'm afraid it will be broken by the fish. However, the fisherman seemed to be very experienced. He followed the fish, letting it swim far away, and then pulling it back. After about ten minutes, the fish seemed to have lost strength and was dragged to the water near the shore. Another man fished the fish onto the shore with a fishnet. Oh, the fish is really big. It's much bigger than it looks in the water. It's estimated that it weighs two or three kilograms. The fisherman was very happy. It's interesting. It's the first time I saw the whole scene of fish being caught.

On the way up the stairs, I thought that the fish must taste very good, and my saliva couldn't stand it

Reading Fishing Composition (4)

One day in the summer vacation, I went fishing with my uncle.

When I came to the river, I saw the sparkling river like a beautiful girl, which seemed to be covered with rouge under the sunshine, and groups of fish swimming in the clear water. I can't wait to learn from my uncle to load the bait and throw the fishing line into the water, waiting for the fish to bite. However, after waiting for a long time, the buoy did not move. I was so worried that I looked like ants on a hot pot, and my forehead was covered with sweat the size of soybeans. At this time, I thought of Madame Curie's words: "One must have perseverance, or nothing will happen!". So I settled down and continued to wait. After a while, the hook sank. I held my breath and pulled the fishing rod hard. I finally caught a fish! I jumped three feet high with joy.

This fishing not only brings me happiness, but also makes me understand that no matter what you do, you must have perseverance, and only by sticking to the end can you succeed!

Reading Fishing Composition (5)

One day in the summer vacation, I went fishing with my uncle.

When I came to the river, I saw the sparkling river like a beautiful girl, which seemed to be covered with rouge under the sunshine, and groups of fish swimming in the clear water. I can't wait to learn from my uncle to load the bait and throw the fishing line into the water, waiting for the fish to bite. However, after waiting for a long time, the buoy did not move. I was so worried that I looked like ants on a hot pot, and my forehead was covered with sweat the size of soybeans. At this time, I thought of Madame Curie's words: "One must have perseverance, or nothing will happen!". So I settled down and continued to wait. After a while, the hook sank. I held my breath and pulled the fishing rod hard. I finally caught a fish! I jumped three feet high with joy.

This fishing not only brings me happiness, but also makes me understand that no matter what you do, you must have perseverance, and only by sticking to the end can you succeed!

Reading Fishing Composition (6)

One summer morning, Zhou Heyan went fishing with her kitten. They came to a winding river, took out fishing rods and sat down on the ground, and began to fish. At first, the kitten was absorbed in fishing. After a while, a small dragonfly flew over. It flew around happily. The cat put down the fishing rod and turned to catch the small dragonfly. After a while, a beautiful little butterfly came, and the kitten went to catch it. The mother cat said to the kitten, "Come here quickly, my mother has caught another big fish that is alive and kicking." The kitten said, "Mom, I can't care about it. I'm catching butterflies, and I'll catch them later." The mother cat said, "Kitty, do everything with one heart and one mind, instead of two minds and two minds." The kitten listened to her mother cat's words, He lowered his head in shame. The kitten thought: I'm here to fish today, not to catch dragonflies and butterflies. The kitten decided to go back to his original position and start fishing. Finally, the kitten finally caught a big fish.

After hearing this story, I think my parents will not cheat me. I also realized that in learning or doing something, we must concentrate on it, instead of being half hearted and half hearted. Only in this way can we learn a lot of knowledge.

Reading Fishing Composition (7)

Speaking of fishing, I think we all like it. Besides, this is the truth of fishing: as long as you have patience, you can catch fish, but if you have no patience, you can never catch a fish yourself.

One morning, my father said, "My son, today is such a fine day? Let's go fishing." I listened and answered, "OK! OK! Get everything ready, and start right away!" Just after that, my father and I went to take bait, fishing rod, fishing net... My father and I came to the fish pond in the village and started fishing rod. When we fished, I was more and more annoyed, and more and more annoyed, I put the fishing rod aside and went to see my father fishing. After a few hours, my father caught a dozen big fat fish. When I saw it, I hurried to my side and looked at the fishing rod! Not only did I fail to catch a fish, but I didn't have any bait. When I lost my confidence, my father came to me and said, "Children should not be distracted when catching fish. They should be patient."

The second time, I listened to my father's words and hurried to try for a while. Wow! Got it! Got it! At that time, I was very happy that although I only caught a fish as long as a small female finger, it became bigger and bigger and its thickness was different. Sometimes I often caught a fish as big as half a palm and two middle fingers.

The third time I fished there quietly, suddenly the fishing rod shook and kept circling, so I put all my strength into the bucket to have a closer look, Large yellow croaker with fat meat. "I was so happy that I didn't know how to describe it.

You must remember this sentence: Fishing should be patient, not boring, but also single-minded, not half hearted.

The white strawberry flower has withered, and the red strawberry has come out. The yellow sunflower is withered and bears many melon seeds. The purple eggplant flower has withered, and the delicious eggplant has grown.

Reading Fishing Composition (8)

Look at the picture and say: Kitten fishing Zhou Heyan, Class 15, Primary 1, Wenhua Road, Zhengzhou City, went fishing with her kitten one morning in summer. They came to a winding river, took out fishing rods and sat down on the ground, and began to fish. At first, the kitten was absorbed in fishing. After a while, a small dragonfly flew over. It flew around happily. The cat put down the fishing rod and turned to catch the small dragonfly. After a while, a beautiful little butterfly came, and the kitten went to catch it. The mother cat said to the kitten, "Come here quickly, my mother has caught another big fish that is alive and kicking." The kitten said, "Mom, I can't care about it. I'm catching butterflies, and I'll catch them later." The mother cat said, "Kitty, do everything with one heart and one mind, instead of two minds and two minds." The kitten listened to her mother cat's words, He lowered his head in shame. The kitten thought: I'm here to fish today, not to catch dragonflies and butterflies. The kitten decided to go back to his original position and start fishing. Finally, the kitten finally caught a big fish. After hearing this story, I think my parents will not cheat me. I also realized that in learning or doing something, we must concentrate on it, instead of being half hearted and half hearted. Only in this way can we learn a lot of knowledge.

Reading Fishing Composition (9)

On Sunday, my mother and I went to the lakeside park to play

·When we arrived at the lakeside park, we walked straight ahead and saw an old man fishing by the lake. The old man first put the bait on the hook, then threw the hook into the water, sat on the bank and waited for the fish to hook. After a while, the fish floated. One, two, three times, the old man suddenly lifted the fishing rod and a fish came up.

·As we walked on, we saw a beautiful lotus pond, with beautiful colors.

·My mother and I watched as we walked. We didn't go home until we were tired.

Reading Fishing Composition (10)

[Picture composition: a new way for kittens to fish]

On a sunny day, Mimi the cat went fishing happily with a fishing rod in one hand and a bucket in the other.

When Mimi came to the river, she saw that the river was very muddy, and the garbage was floating on the river, emitting a bitter odor. Mimi quickly covered her nose with her hand and thought: What's the matter? After a while, a small fish stuck out its head, still breathing heavily from time to time. Then, one, two... Mimi asked softly: "What's wrong with you, fish?" A little fish sighed: "People don't care for the river. They throw garbage here every day, and treat the river as a dump. After a long time, the river begins to smell, and people don't come here. Poor us, one of my sisters is smelly and dead At this point, the little fish couldn't help crying. Mimi felt that the little fish was really pitiful, but she felt her stomach and was cooing. Mimi could not resist her appetite. Sitting on a big stone, she thought hard, and suddenly came up with a good idea: use water as bait. Hey, this method is really good. Mimi hurried home, brought a basin of water and placed it near the river. Smiling, she said, "Fish, fish, come quickly, I have a basin of water, come quickly." The fish were very happy when they heard the news. They gathered all their partners to enjoy it and jumped into the basin one by one. Mimi was very happy when she saw it, and her beard also turned up, Grab two or three pieces and send them to your mouth, but they will be finished soon. Mimi went home with a big belly and hummed along the way. She was so happy!

Strangely, the next day, Mimi was not feeling well. Panda doctor checked Mimi and said she had eaten too many poisonous fish.

Is it the sorrow of cats? Is it the sorrow of fish? Or human sorrow?

[Picture composition: a new way for kittens to fish]

The kitten lives by a big river, where there are many fish.

But when people poured garbage into the river, a large number of fish died, and the fish that survived were also choked by the sewage. The kitten did not dare to take a bath inside, so he had to go to the well to get water for bathing and drinking.

At this time, the kitten's stomach was already growling with hunger. Because he lived on an island and had no food, he grew up eating fish. Now, the fish are almost dead, and the kitten is worried. He looked at the tub and thought of another way. He filled the basin with well water and walked to the river. The fish are breathing hard in the river. Because there is no oxygen at the bottom, the fish swim to the surface. The kitten is sleeping behind the basin! The fish suddenly saw the clear water and jumped in the kitten's bowl. The other fish jumped into the basin one after another.

As the sun sets in the west, the water is sparkling. The kitten yawned, stretched, saw the fish in the basin, and smiled happily. He took the tub home, put one third of the fish into the water tank, and ate two thirds of the fish, as he did the next and third days. On the fourth day, he ate a quarter of the fish. In this way, one day a year later, the kitten was surprised by the change of the river. It turned out that the river was cleaned when the kitten was not paying attention. The kitten smiled and put the fish in the tank back into the clean river

Since then, the kitten no longer needs "new fishing methods", because the river is clean!

[Picture composition: a new way for kittens to fish]

With the development of science, as human beings do not care for the environment, the river water has been polluted, and a large number of fish in the river have died. The number of fish fleeing in groups is getting smaller and smaller.

One day, the kitten was hungry, so she went to the river to fish, but she didn't catch a fish after fishing for a long time. Suddenly, the kitten came up with a good idea. He brought a plastic bucket home and put it by the river, which was full of clean water. He hid in the grass and went to sleep. When many small fish saw clean water on the bank, they rushed to jump into the bucket, and immediately beautiful water bloomed in the plastic bucket. As soon as the kitten woke up, he stretched out and walked towards the river. The kitten jumped three feet high when she saw that the bucket by the river was full of fish.

We only have one earth, we must love it.

Reading Fishing Composition (11)

Fishing is a very relaxing and enjoyable thing for Dad. He may get nothing for a day, but he always enjoys the process of fishing.

Once, my father took a hand pole and put another sea pole in his hand. It seems that he must be ready to catch carp again. Ten minutes, twenty minutes and a half hours have passed, and I am tired of watching, but there is no impatient expression on Dad's face. He is still concentrating on fishing! Ding, ding, the small bell on the sea pole rang. Dad quickly brought up the sea pole to see if it was really a carp. Dad was so happy that he couldn't keep his mouth shut. I'm excited, too. Unconsciously, it began to rain in the sky, and my father seemed unaware.

After a while, it was raining heavily, and Dad still had no intention of leaving. The rain wet my father's hair and his clothes. I was a little disappointed when I fished until 5:00 p.m., but my father said, "Isn't it fun to fish in the rain?" My father was still happy.

[Chapter II]

Yesterday, I went fishing with my father. That was exciting.

First, I found a good place. After I prepared the fishing gear and started work, I said to start. Immediately, two fishing rods flew into the water. I watched without moving. I was afraid that the fish would eat away the earthworms. But the lake was quiet and silent. But my father had caught a fish. I was angry for three feet. Regardless, I poured many meters into the water. When the fish swam over, I immediately smiled, I was caught by my father again. I was angry, but I couldn't get angry. I could only be as happy as if I had caught a fish. In this way, my father didn't catch a fish. I was also very happy. I fished for a lot of time. My father said to fish elsewhere, and I immediately agreed.

Today, I saw a master fishing!

[Chapter 3]

On May Day, my father took me fishing in the countryside. It was drizzling outside, and it was cool. The ripples on the water surface rippled like lovely smiling faces. Dad said this weather is the best for fishing.

Dad put the earthworms he caught on the hook as bait. I took the fishing rod and threw the hook into the pond. After a while, the fish floated up and down, and I held my breath nervously for fear of scaring it away, but for a while it stopped moving. I pulled it up and saw that half of the earthworm was eaten, but the fish was not hooked. "Don't lose heart! You must be patient when fishing." Dad put the bait on me again and put it into the pond. I waited quietly, staring at the fish float. Soon, the fish float moved up and down again, surrounded by bubbles it vomited. I quickly mentioned it, wow, a big fish! "Hitting! Hitting!" I shouted cheerfully, catching it eagerly and putting it carefully into the bucket.

I'm really looking forward to the next hooking!

Chapter Four

Today, my father said he would take us to the river to fish. I was very happy when I heard that.

At noon, we had a full meal, changed our clothes, prepared the fishing poles and buckets, and set out. When we got to the river, my father and I took the fishing rod and began to fish. After a while, my father's fishing rod moved, and my father pulled the rod hard, and a fat and big fish caught. My father and I were very happy. We put the fish in the bucket and started fishing again. After a while, my fishing rod also moved, so I tried to pull up the rod. I also caught a big fish. I was very happy. My father praised me and said, "That's great." Then he said to me, "You should be careful, attentive, and quiet when fishing." My father said, "You should be as careful and attentive as fishing when reading." I nodded. Today is my most unforgettable day.

Reading Fishing Composition (12)

Reading Fishing Composition 1

In the summer morning, Xiao Ming brings a fishing rod. Bucket, jump to the river to fish.

The riverside scenery is picturesque, the forest in the distance is lush, and the nearby river is clear. The ripples are sparkling, like a blue ribbon falling on the earth. The graceful willow on the bank looks like a girl's long and thin hair. There is a cicada singing on the willow. There are green water plants in the river and colorful wild flowers on the bank.

In the small river, the fish will swim to the bank and the bottom. It's really naughty.

At the beginning of fishing, Xiao Ming first put bait on the fishing rod, then threw it into the river, and waited patiently for the fish to bite. At this time, the sun was rising higher and higher, and Xiao Ming was sweating heavily, but he did not care, patiently waiting for the fish to "throw themselves into the net."

At this time, the fishing rod suddenly moved. Xiao Ming quickly pulled the fishing rod onto the bank. "Wow, what a big fish!" The fish seemed to say, "Let me go down." Xiao Ming said, "You can't jump out."

With this experience, Xiao Ming became more patient and fished the fish one by one. Finally, Xiao Ming returned with a full load.

Reading Fishing Composition 2

In the morning, it was sunny and the air was fresh. The flowers smiled at us, the grass nodded to us, the mother tree waved to us, and the birds said hello to us.

A child wearing a big straw hat, a white coarse cloth vest, blue pants, carrying a fishing rod and a fish basket, came to the river bank and sat down among the grass moss. The river water is very clear, like a big mirror. There are many fish, too many to count. He swims happily in the water. The child seriously catches fish. He keeps his eyes on the river. The fish are caught one by one by the child. The child's face shows a happy smile. This is a visitor coming from afar: "How can I get to the village ahead?" The child did not answer, but held the fishing rod in one hand, and shook his hand at the guest with the other hand, as if to say, "Keep your voice down, don't scare away my fish." Then the child pointed the way, and the guest waved his hand to thank him.

Each of us should be like this child, working with one heart and one mind, and should be polite to others' interruptions.

Reading Fishing Composition 3

One day in the summer vacation, I went fishing with my uncle.

When I came to the river, I saw the sparkling river like a beautiful girl, which seemed to be covered with rouge under the sunshine, and groups of fish swimming in the clear water. I can't wait to learn from my uncle to load the bait and throw the fishing line into the water, waiting for the fish to bite. However, after waiting for a long time, the buoy did not move. I was so worried that I looked like ants on a hot pot, and my forehead was covered with sweat the size of soybeans. At this time, I thought of Madame Curie's words: "One must have perseverance, or nothing will happen!". So I settled down and continued to wait. After a while, the hook sank. I held my breath and pulled the fishing rod hard. I finally caught a fish! I jumped three feet high with joy.

This fishing not only brings me happiness, but also makes me understand that no matter what you do, you must have perseverance, and only by sticking to the end can you succeed!

Reading Fishing Composition 4

This afternoon, my parents finally took me and my sister to the fishing center to fish under my hard work!

When we arrived at the fishing center, my sister and I jumped down like rabbits, spread our legs and ran to the pond, picked up the fishing rod, loaded the bait, and threw it into the water to catch fish. Ah! What a beautiful scenery in spring! The emerald spring water; The graceful weeping willow; The colorful butterflies waved to me. I could not help but put down my fishing rod and ran to the bridge to catch butterflies happily. Soon, my father caught fish, and my mother also caught fish. Those two lively crucian carp, shining 90 degrees of gold in the sun, made my face red. I was ashamed to pick up the fishing rod and fish with all my heart... With my unremitting efforts, I finally caught a huge fish, which turned the water in the pond like an oil pan and refused to come up. My father and I took great efforts to get it ashore

This fishing has taught me that we can't do things with half hearted, and we need to concentrate to get something.