Heaven sent Composition (5 required)
My future depends on me
2024-07-01 01:35:33
high school
Argumentative paper

Gift Composition (1)

One sunny morning, we went to the Children's Palace for class as usual. When my mother picked up the car, we found a fluffy ball rolled to our feet. A closer look showed that there was a little black dog on its tawny fur, which exuded a tender smell. Its eyes are black and bright, like two black gemstones shining blue light; Its legs are as short as my middle finger. Its yellowish brown front paws and white and yellow back paws are like wearing a pair of socks. Its tail is like a piece of exploded dog tail grass, and it keeps swinging; The open mouth revealed two rows of millet sized teeth, constantly rubbing against us. That's lovely! I really want to play with him for a while, but class time is coming, so we have to start. However, the dog seemed to see that we were going, and would not leave if he stuck to us and chased us, so we had to leave reluctantly.

On the way to the Children's Palace, I always remember the dog. What is he doing now? Has he gone home? In class, my mind wandered for a while, thinking about the puppy. Time is really slow. Class is finally over and we can go home. Maybe the dog is still waiting for us.

When we got home, we told Grandma about the puppy we saw in the morning and wanted to go there again to see if it was still there. Grandma didn't agree at first. After my sister and I tried to grind our brains out, Grandma agreed to go with us.

Along the way, we didn't miss any corner: under the car, by the river, in the grass... When we walked to our own garage downstairs, we suddenly heard a cheerful cry, and then a puppy ran out of the grass. It was it, it was it. My sister and I jumped up happily. We reached out to touch it. It didn't hide or escape, Licking our hands with its pink little tongue, it seemed to say, how did you come back? I've been waiting for you for a long time. So cute! It has stayed where it is. Does it have no owner? Or abandoned? It seemed that he was hungry and kept screaming. We decided to take him back to his grandmother's house first, feed him, and then send him back.

We walked in front of him, and he walked behind us on short legs, as if afraid that we would throw him away. When we got home, we took some dog food and fed it to him. After a while, he wolfed down

Kill half a bowl of dog food, and then go to the corner of the cupboard and lie down. It may be tired, thinking

After sleeping, it seems that I will settle down here.

Looking at it sleeping, it's so cute. Is it afraid that we are too lonely in summer.

A gift from God!

Gift Composition (2)

Adversity - fortune given to us by God 800 words

This week, accompanied by teachers and parents, we students from Class 1014 came to Changsha Special Education School for a fellowship activity. A few hours of exchange activities have benefited us a lot! Also let me understand: suffering is also the wealth that God gave us!

We belong to the post-90s generation. When we suffer setbacks in our study and life, we often complain about the setbacks in our life and the unfairness of God. But this special school activity has changed us a lot!

When we walked into the special school students' classes and found that they had to overcome many difficulties in class, we could not help but be moved by them! Those blind students cannot study as easily as normal students. They need to touch their hands to read, but their reading speed is not slower than that of normal students!

When we walked into the dormitory of blind students and saw their neat quilts and clean housekeeping, we were deeply shocked! They can't see, but they do everything so well, which makes us feel ashamed 1

When we saw their wonderful and serious art programs, we were even more surprised and couldn't help applauding them again and again! They don't have bright eyes, but when God closes their door, he also opens another door for them, giving them a super musical talent and beautiful voice, showing their charm and style!

In the face of difficulties in life, the special school students did not fear or shrink back. They overcame the difficulties in life and study again and again with the spirit of courage and perseverance, and moved forward step by step! The tribulation has not become a stumbling block for them, but has constantly given them impetus to constantly surpass themselves and forge ahead!

Through this exchange activity, we were not only moved by the words, deeds and spirit of the special school students, but also realized how happy we are! Maybe we will inevitably encounter setbacks in our life and suffer from failure. But compared with them, what is this hardship? The reason why God creates setbacks in our life is also to hope to temper our will, so that we can become more strong and brave, more mature and calm! In order to let us experience the joy of overcoming hardships will be more beautiful and sweeter than the happiness of a smooth life! In order to let us learn to cherish, love me all!

Students, please don't complain about the hardships in our life, cherish it, because it is the precious wealth bestowed by God and the inexhaustible driving force for our progress!

Gift Composition (3)

This week, accompanied by teachers and parents, we students from Class 1014 came to Changsha Special Education School for a fellowship activity. A few hours of exchange activities have benefited us a lot! Also let me understand: suffering is also the wealth that God gave us!

We belong to the post-90s generation. When we suffer setbacks in our study and life, we often complain about the setbacks in our life and the unfairness of God. But this special school activity has changed us a lot!

When we walked into the class of special school students and found that they had to overcome many difficulties in class, we couldn't help being moved by them! Those blind students cannot study as easily as normal students. They need to touch their hands to read, but their reading speed is not slower than that of normal students!

When we walked into the dormitory of blind students and saw their neat quilts and clean housekeeping, we were deeply shocked! They can't see, but they do everything so well, which makes us feel ashamed 1

When we saw their wonderful and serious art programs, we were even more surprised and couldn't help applauding them again and again! They don't have bright eyes, but when God closes their door, he also opens another door for them, giving them a super musical talent and beautiful voice, showing their charm and style!

In the face of the difficulties in life, the special school students did not fear or shrink back. They overcame the difficulties in life and study again and again with the spirit of courage and perseverance, and moved forward step by step! The tribulation has not become a stumbling block for them, but has constantly given them impetus to constantly surpass themselves and forge ahead!

Through this exchange activity, we were not only moved by the words, deeds and spirit of the special school students, but also realized how happy we are! Maybe we will inevitably encounter setbacks in our life and suffer from failure. But compared with them, what is this hardship? The reason why God creates setbacks in our life is also to hope to temper our will, so that we can become more strong and brave, more mature and calm! In order to let us experience the joy of overcoming hardships will be more beautiful and sweeter than the joy of plain living! In order to let us learn to cherish, love me all!

Students, please don't complain about the hardships in our life, cherish it, because it is the precious wealth bestowed by God and the inexhaustible driving force for our progress!

Gift Composition (4)

This week, accompanied by teachers and parents, we students from Class 1014 came to Changsha Special Education School for a fellowship activity. A few hours of exchange activities have benefited us a lot! Also let me understand: suffering is also the wealth that God gave us!

We belong to the post-90s generation. When we suffer setbacks in our study and life, we often complain about the setbacks in our life and the unfairness of God. But this special school activity has changed us a lot!

When we walked into the class of special school students and found that they had to overcome many difficulties in class, we couldn't help being moved by them! Those blind students cannot study as easily as normal students. They need to touch their hands to read, but their reading speed is not slower than that of normal students!

When we walked into the dormitory of blind students and saw their neat quilts and clean housekeeping, we were deeply shocked! They can't see, but they do everything so well, which makes us feel ashamed 1

When we saw their wonderful and serious art programs, we were even more surprised and couldn't help applauding them again and again! They don't have bright eyes, but when God closes their door, he also opens another door for them, giving them a super musical talent and beautiful voice, showing their charm and style!

In the face of difficulties in life, the special school students did not fear or shrink back. They overcame the difficulties in life and study again and again with the spirit of courage and perseverance, and moved forward step by step! The tribulation has not become a stumbling block for them, but has constantly given them impetus to constantly surpass themselves and forge ahead!

Through this exchange activity, we were not only moved by the words, deeds and spirit of the special school students, but also realized how happy we are! Maybe we will inevitably encounter setbacks in our life and suffer from failure. But compared with them, what is this hardship? The reason why God creates setbacks in our life is also to hope to temper our will, so that we can become more strong and brave, more mature and calm! In order to let us experience the joy of overcoming hardships will be more beautiful and sweeter than the joy of plain living! In order to let us learn to cherish, love me all!

Students, please don't complain about the hardships in our life, cherish it, because it is the precious wealth bestowed by God and the inexhaustible driving force for our progress!

Gift Composition (5)

On Tuesday, when I went to school, it began to snow. When we got to the classroom, it snowed heavily. In the morning reading class, none of the students cared about reading. They all ran outside the classroom to enjoy the snow. "It's rare. It rarely snows in Wuxi. At that time, I was totally addicted to the world of snow. The heavy snow is falling in succession, and white snowflakes are dancing beautifully, leaving beautiful figures in the air, and then falling on the ground lightly. They are like the white cherry blossoms in March, floating down one by one, giving people a dreamy feeling. The snowflakes, like cute elves, flapped their small and exquisite wings and landed on the earth. It can be said that snow makes people dream. Although our classroom is on the third floor, many students try to catch the snow with their hands. "I got it! I got it!" Suddenly, a classmate screamed. I also received a snowflake and carefully observed it. There were small lines on the snowflake. But before I could see it clearly, it melted in my hand and disappeared without a trace. The snow was still falling, and soon the ground was covered with a thin white blanket, and a small layer of snow also accumulated on the eaves. The students who came late also had little snow on their heads. How I wish the snow would never stop! The snowflakes are flying all over the sky. They are dancing wildly in the cold wind. How spectacular! This snow is a gift from heaven and a messenger of winter.