Compositions on thanksgiving mothers (popular 16)
Colorful Cloud Flying
2024-06-09 09:19:39
Argumentative paper

Composition on Thanksgiving Mother (1)

Parents' love for their children is the most selfless and greatest love in the world. The crow has the feeling of feeding back, the lamb has the meaning of kneeling milk, not to mention the people of the spirit of all things!

How can we forget the kindness of our parents! How can we not remember the care and love given by our parents! How can we not be deeply grateful and filial to our parents!

The ancients said "filial piety is the first". In ancient China, filial piety and fraternity were the foundation of human beings. In governing the country, we should "teach the people in accordance with their age and demonstrate the meaning of filial piety and fraternity." Filial piety is not only the basic requirement of being a person, but also the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. Our parents give us life and nurture our growth. Teach us knowledge, skills and principles of life. From the life pregnant in October to the bosom nurtured after birth. From toddlers to energetic young people. From kindergarten to primary school, every day, every day, and every year of our life, our parents have devoted infinite affection and care. I have made countless efforts!

We have all read the Wandering Son Yin by Meng Jiao, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. But can we really feel and experience the deep love of all children in the world from the bottom of our hearts?

Composition on Thanksgiving Mother (2)

Please allow me to solemnly call you - Mom! Gibran once said: "The sweetest word that can be uttered by human lips is' mother ', and the most beautiful call is' mother'." You have paid too much for me! You love me innumerable, more than all people in the world!

I remember when I was young, I was very ignorant and always wanted to trouble you. Whenever you prepare a good meal, I always pick and choose on the table, which makes the whole world restless. This is not good, and that is not good. You just smile at me apologetically, and then at the second meeting, you try to correct your shortcomings and do as I want.

Sometimes, when you just help me change into clean clothes, I always rub around and deliberately dirty it. But you never get angry, and silently put your washed clothes in front of my bed every day... Whenever I think of these things, I always feel ashamed and sorry for you.

Once, I was ill and couldn't go to school for several days. I can only lie in bed and pass the time. At this time, I smelled the fragrance of longans. Since I liked to eat longans since I was young, I couldn't wait to go to the kitchen to find longans to eat, but I searched the whole kitchen and couldn't find them. Suddenly, I saw a lot of cinnamon bark in the garbage can. At that time, I thought that you gave it to me... When you came home from work, I deliberately stared and stamped in front of you, but you didn't scold me or get angry with me. Instead, after dinner, a bowl of cooked cinnamon was brought to me from the pot. At this time, I fully understood that you got up so early today to buy longans for me ten kilometers away. Although you have been very weak since you gave birth to your sister, you were reluctant to eat and gave me the only little longan soup to drink, while I... My eyes were moist, and tears of shame came to my eyes.

Mom, how much effort did you spend to train me from an ignorant child to a healthy, disciplined and polite person today! Recall that in the past five years, every time the school held a parents' meeting, it was you who attended it and asked me about my school situation in detail. Every time when I had shortcomings or made mistakes, you never let go, always patiently enlightened, and strictly requested... For this reason, I am very grateful to you!

Mom, with the passage of time, I have grown taller and older, while you have grown older and many wrinkles have been added to your face. What a sacrifice you have made for me! Your love is like the endless stream, like the big tree in the sky, and I am the fish in the stream, the person enjoying the cool under the tree... Thank you, Mom! Thank you, my mother!

Composition on Thanksgiving Mother (3)

"Your new school bag will be brought to you, and your flower folding umbrella in the rain will be called..." Whenever I hear the song "Mother", I want to jump into my mother's warm embrace. I am an unfortunate child - when I was five years old, my father died of serious illness, and the family was heavily in debt; I am also a lucky child - the young mother did not leave us, tenaciously shouldered the debt in the family, and shouldered the burden of caring for the old grandmother and the young me.

When I was seven years old, it was time for me to go to primary school. In order to get a good education, my mother rented a house in the town. She herself found a kindergarten in the town to be a nurse teacher, which won me a place to go to school in the town. But because the debt of the family has not been paid off, and our expenses in the town are large, it is far from enough to rely only on the salary of mother as a nurse teacher, so mother learned the technology of making lamp products from her neighbor aunt. Later, she went to work during the day and worked as a light worker at night to supplement her family. Sometimes when I wake up at night, I see my mother still working hard in front of the production platform.

For several years, our family has been living in poverty. Time flies. I am in the fifth grade, and my body has entered the growth period, especially my big feet. The shoes bought in spring cannot be worn in autumn. That day, I told my mother that my shoes were too crowded and I needed to buy a new pair of shoes. The next day when I came home from school, I saw a pair of brand new walking shoes on my desk. I thought: these shoes must be very expensive! My mother usually buys me inferior brand shoes! I asked her questioningly: "How did you buy such good shoes for me today?" Mother smiled and said: "Today, this shoe store has an activity. This pair of shoes is a little more expensive than the brand shoes, and I think it's a good deal." Later, I learned from my grandmother that this was a lie from my mother. She was afraid that I would not want the shoes. Grandma also told me that my mother said that the child was old and could not dress as shabbily as before. But what about her? In recent years, she has bought only a few new clothes from roadside stalls.

My mother bought my happy growth with her tenacity and hard work. Sheep have kneeling kindness and crows have feeding righteousness. Now, I can only repay her with my excellent academic performance. In the future, I will be a person who respects my mother, contributes to the society, and makes my mother proud.

Composition on Thanksgiving Mother (4)

As the saying goes, a drop of water will repay the spring. Our parents gave us life and raised us. How can we repay this kindness?

My mother is an ordinary housewife. My mother paints very well, which is really a marvelous pen. I think she must have had a good wish to be a painter when she was young... But since my brother and I were born, my mother gave up all hobbies to take care of us. In her spare time, my mother will also take time to draw some landscapes and other paintings. She often holds her brother and looks out. Mother is like a bird locked in a cage. How she wants to fly freely! Look at other people's mothers going shopping and amusement parks in groups... Look at my mother again, I have an indescribable taste in my heart.

Last winter, my mother went to the shop to buy new cloth and cotton. Upon returning home, my mother excitedly shook out the cloth to show me that it was a simple and elegant cloth, with fragrant flowers blooming on the dark blue background, which was particularly conspicuous in this cold winter. I squinted at my mother and said discontentedly, "What a time it is! People are wearing imported down jackets. How old-fashioned you are to make me this cotton padded jacket with blue background and mixed flowers!" My mother hesitated for a moment, and her eyes showed a disappointment, but it soon disappeared, She smiled and said to me, "Down jacket is not cold proof. Although cotton padded clothes are old-fashioned, they are warm and comfortable to wear." When my mother saw that I ignored them, she stood awkwardly for a long time and went back to the house.

It was late at night, and my brother and father and I fell asleep. When I woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, I accidentally saw the light in my mother's bedroom and the sound of "Chi Chi" from time to time. I was curious to pick up the door and squint from the crack of the door. It turned out that mother was sewing the cotton padded jacket by the dim light of the desk lamp, and her rough hands were sewing it carefully, needle by needle. My tears could not help bursting into my eyes, and I suddenly remembered the lines in Meng Jiao's Ode to a Traveler:

The thread in the mother's hand, the coat of the wandering son's body. Before leaving, I am afraid of returning late. Who said that the heart of grass inch, reported three Chunhui. "Ah", my mother's hand shook, and she accidentally pricked it with a needle. I could not help but quickly walked into the bedroom and asked anxiously, "Mom, what's up.

My mother was surprised when she saw me suddenly burst in, and then stroked my head and said kindly, "Never mind, child. You have to rest quickly, and you have to go to school tomorrow."

I pulled the padded jacket away and said, "Mom, you sleep too!"

"No, if you make the cotton padded clothes today, you will not be afraid of cold tomorrow." Mother insisted.

The winter night is very cold. I feel bad sleeping in the warm quilt. The next day, I woke up to see a new cotton padded jacket on the bed, and looked at my mother's haggard face. I was very sad. Wearing the new cotton padded clothes my mother sewed for me and walking in the cold street, I feel that this winter is as warm as spring.

My mother is such a person who cares about every bit of my life. "Who can say that every inch of grass is willing to win the Three Chunhui". I must try my best to make my mother proud of me.

Composition on Thanksgiving Mother (5)

Mother gave me a bowl full of red dates which I like to eat.

"Mom, you can eat too!" I felt a little distressed when I saw my mother's face was haggard. "Hmm!" Mother answered softly.

After reading a book for a while, my mother came in, "Have some cherry tomatoes." She carried the tomatoes to my desk and pulled out the leaves of the tomatoes one by one with her slender fingers.

I glanced at my mother and found a white hair growing on the left side of her head. When did my mother's white hair appear! My nose was sore, and I held back and said, "Mom, I'll pull out this white hair for you. Don't move." My hand shook a little.

He pulled it out quickly. My mother went out quietly again. I ate sour tomatoes, and my heart was also sour.

In the evening, when I said that my stomach hurt, my mother pressed it with her warm hands and went out to buy medicine for me in the rain

mom! Come back soon! I'm worried! I said it countless times in my heart.

Outside the window, raindrops are beating on the window and dropping on my heart.

mom! When you come back, I must say "I love you!"

"Dong Dong Dong" - the door is ringing. The stone in my heart fell to the ground. My mother crept in, tucked in the quilt for me, and went out. I closed my eyes tightly and pretended to be asleep. But at the corner of the eye, there are uncontrollable tears falling down

Composition on Thanksgiving Mother (6)

May is very warm because of the arrival of Mother's Day.

The afternoon sun shines on me through the window, warm and fluffy, like my mother's hand, gentle and soft.

The website is filled with flowers, yearning like a sea, and grateful tears.

At this moment, I listen to the love song "White Moonlight" by the prince Zhang Xinzhe. The melody is beautiful, soothing, and the whole person is floating, just like the scene when my mother coaxed me to sleep at a childhood night when the moonlight was like water. My thoughts go far with the melodies

"Mother" is such a beautiful word, such a sacred word, such a heavy word. A woman's transformation into a mother is entrusted with a mission. From October to adulthood, until the mother closes her eyes, mother is no longer a simple name, but a responsibility, a mission, a career that will never lose its job. keep loyal and devoted to the last.

Mother is the first call when she comes home, the lifesaving herb when she is stuck in the mire, the good medicine after she is injured, and the harbor when the wind and rain come.

Maternal love is great, sacred, broad, profound, can be drawn at any time, and does not require return.

Mother has supported many broken homes with her weak shoulders, saved many hopeless souls with her deep eyes, and cultivated many disabled children's bright future with her strong heart

Mother is root and mother is thread. No matter where we float, we can't get out of mother's sight and palm.

As Mother's Day approaches, may all mothers in the world be healthy, beautiful, happy and happy forever!

Composition on Thanksgiving Mother (7)

Mom, you not only care about me in life, but also teach me how to be a man, teach me to challenge difficulties and not bow in front of difficulties, so I want to thank you - Mom, thank you for your education. Thank you for spreading laughter and laughter in my childhood, thinking for me all the time, and for everything you have done for me, so that I can grow up healthily and happily.

In the twinkling of an eye, I am ten years old. In the past ten years, you have paid a lot for me. Thank you for your meticulous care and care.

I remember when I was five years old, my physical condition was very poor. I often caught cold and had a fever, and most of them were in the middle of the night. Whenever I have a fever, you get up in a hurry without putting on a piece of clothes. Get me some medicine and let me take it. Then sit beside me and wipe my forehead with a cotton ball dipped in alcohol. The palm and other places should be wiped every two minutes, and the temperature should be checked every 15 minutes. In this way, until my fever has subsided a little, you can lie down and sleep in peace, and then the day is almost light. The next morning you carried me to the hospital. Looking at your tired face and red eyes, I feel very sad.

Mom, you have paid so much for me, but you have no complaints. Mom, I promise you that I will be obedient in the future. I will use wisdom. diligence. Be brave to repay your mother and become a pillar of the country in the future. I know that this is the best reward for you. Thank you for your love and dedication to me.

Mom, I love you!

Composition on Thanksgiving Mother (8)

Each of us cannot grow up without the love and care of our parents. Without them, there would be no life for us. If you are always grateful, you will feel very happy!

One day, my mother, who had just returned home, leaned back on the sofa, looked up and closed her eyes. I walked up quietly and saw my mother's face was ugly and tired. This day's work must make her exhausted. Looking at such a mother, my heart is very sad. The scenes in ordinary days emerge in front of me one by one: when I am thirsty, my mother pours water for me; When I was hungry, my mother served delicious dishes as if by magic. When I couldn't sleep, my mother came to my bed and told me stories. In her sweet voice, I was quiet and fell asleep deeply

Thinking about it, I went into the kitchen, carefully poured warm water, and then walked gently to my mother, saying in a low voice: "Mom, are you tired? Drink some water!" My mother opened her eyes, took the cup and drank, tuttut mouth, sweet! I walked behind my mother again, reached out my small hand, gently clenched my fist, and beat my back for her. "How? Heavy?" I asked. Mother smiled, closed her eyes and said, "Very good! Good boy!" Mother suddenly turned around and held me in her arms: "Baby, you are grown up and sensible, I am so happy!"

Gratitude needs no words but actions; Thanksgiving, in fact, is all around us. Only vigorously carry forward this virtue, our life will be better!

Composition on Thanksgiving Mother (9)

There is only a mother in the world. A child with a mother is like a treasure. Whenever I hear this song, I think of the scene where my mother loves me. My mother loves me with her eyes. When I am sick, her eyes are anxious; When I fell asleep, my mother's eyes were kind; When I was studying, my mother's eyes were proud. My mother loved me with her hands. When I fell, my mother helped me up with her hands and patted my body; When I carry a heavy schoolbag, my mother will carry it without hesitation; When I was in trouble and relaxed, my mother patted me on the shoulder, which made me feel that there was a strength. My mother's meticulous care for me was always in my mind. On this special day of Mother's Day, I wanted to give my carefully prepared gift to my mother to express my daughter's love for her mother.

Before the arrival of Mother's Day, I planned the gifts for my mother in advance. I think I should express my love for my mother with practical actions. Mother's Day happened to be a Sunday. I got up early in the morning and walked around the kitchen. Mother asked me what you were doing. I deliberately didn't tell her first. I just said that my mother wanted to eat a leek box today, but this time I want to make it myself. You can guide me. My mother said yes, my daughter is more and more obedient now. In this way, my mother guided me. I memorized and worked hard at the same time. Although some skills were not very skilled at the beginning, with my mother's hands-on demonstration, I learned quickly and soon finished. When the delicious leek box came out, I sent the first one to my mother and solemnly said: Mom, today is Mother's Day, and this is my gift for you. My mother praised my cooking 'really fragrant' while eating. Looking at my mother's happy smile. My heart is also happy.

Thanks to my mother, she gave me the most selfless love, and she was always concerned about my clothes, food, shelter and transportation. Thank my mother for her care. In short, there are too many things to thank my mother. Who said that the heart of grass inch, reported three Chunhui. I can never repay my mother for her love in my life!

Composition on Thanksgiving Mother (10)

Thank you, my grateful heart. Every time I hear this song, I always thank someone in my heart - my mother.

People say that maternal love is selfless. Yes, maternal love is the warm sun, and she offers the light of love! It is a vast sea, revealing a broad mind!

Once, when washing dishes, my hand slipped carelessly and broke my mother's favorite cup. I thought: What can I do? This is my mother's favorite cup. My mother will be scolded when she comes back. How can I tell her?

I decided to be a good baby first. I did all the housework at home first, but I think it is not enough. I should hide myself. When my mother came back, I was cooking. I wanted to wait until after dinner. When I ate, I was very nervous. In my heart, there were fifteen buckets to draw water -- seven up and eight down. My mother seemed to see that I was worried, but she didn't say anything when I ate.

But after dinner, my mother first said: Why are you so diligent today? I see that the house has been cleaned up. Is there something you need to use your mobile phone or computer, or is there another accident? I bowed my head and looked like accepting the sanctions. Since you all asked, I would not hide it. I stammered: I, I broke your cup. Mom was stunned for a moment, and then came back to her senses. She smiled: I thought it was a big deal. It was just a cup. It was no big deal. Did you hurt? After listening to this, I was relieved. I thought there would be a lot of scolding. Hearing that, I was stunned again, and then a warm current came to my heart. Eh? That's your favorite cup. Silly child, what my mother likes most is you!

My sister and I were stunned this time, eh? What is it? When we got back to our senses, we held our mother together. I told her that she would be more careful in the future.

Motherly love can contain everything in the world, like a vast ocean. While containing our naughty, capricious and wrong, it also spreads our happiness like ripples.

Composition on Thanksgiving Mother (11)

There are many people I want to be grateful for, among whom my mother is the most grateful. She not only gave me life, but also guided me to read books step by step, making me feel the pleasure of traveling in the sea of books.

When I was one or two years old, I played in bed every night. One day, my mother handed me a book. I threw the book on the ground and then went on playing. Mother picked up the book and began to tell the story vividly. I was so attracted that I stopped to listen to my mother's story. Her voice was so soft and beautiful. Later, I took books to tell my mother every night, so I knew many things, such as red sun, blue sea water, green leaves, brown tree trunks

When I was three or four years old, my mother told me about picture books. I listened to the Diary of Earthworms and knew that earthworms would drill into the earth to help the earth breathe; After listening to Rainbow Flowers, I understood that Seven Color Flower ignored herself and helped others. But the next spring, she died and came back to life again. If you help others, God will help her.

When I was five or six years old, my mother began to tell me thick books. She read word for word until she finished. When my mother was tired, I also pestered her to talk. She could only go on half squinting her eyes. She told me a lot of books, let me know how to behave. For example, Theo in "Theo, come on!" is a man who has no hands and no feet. After his efforts, he will dress himself and play ball by himself. From this, I understand that a man should be strong. I read the Adventures of Tom Sawyer and learned to be a kind, helpful and lovely person like Tom.

Now I like reading very much. No matter how tired I am, I will read for a while. Because there are some wonderful stories in the book, which attract me. I want to thank my mother. She taught me to read and made me feel the fun of reading. She built a bridge to knowledge and let me enter the palace of knowledge.

Composition on Thanksgiving Mother (12)

Today is Mother's Day. I wish all mothers and my mother a happy holiday.

Mom, thank you for giving me a pair of bright eyes to observe the world; Thank you for giving me a small, eloquent mouth to taste delicious food; Thank you for giving me a pair of strong 'legs, let me walk around this beautiful world. As the saying goes, "Father's love is the mountain, mother's love is the sea. With the protection of the mountain and the moisture of the sea, I can grow happily in this colorful world

Mom, thank you for your nagging in recent years. You nag me all day long about whether my clothes are well dressed, cold or hot, and you quietly come to my room at night, cover my quilt, and your nagging surrounds me anytime and anywhere. The thread in the mother's hand, the coat of the wandering son's body. Before leaving, I am afraid of returning late. Who can say that the heart of grass can be rewarded by Sanchunhui? The poem fully expresses the cultivation of greatness for children. Now that I'm in the third grade, I look at the certificate of award hanging on my wall, and my heart is full of pride.

Mom thanks for your training in recent years. Here I want to say to you for the first time: "Happy holidays!

Composition on Thanksgiving Mother (13)

When you are free, you can easily open the University Fashion Weekly and have a look. There is a striking article: What are you doing on Mother's Day

What am I doing? What can I do?

I think. Looking at mother's photos; Call your mother or buy a gift and mail it back to her.

Mother is a genuine farmer: hardworking, simple, capable, hard-working. Although it can't give me a rich life like a fairy tale, it can give me a complete life and great maternal love.

When I was a child, my mother was the harbor of my affection. When I met something unpleasant outside, I would tell her when I came home. Many times, after I told my mother all my grievances, I fell asleep in her arms with tears in my eyes. When I woke up, I felt much happier and broadened my mind.

When I grow up, my mother is no longer my kinship harbor. It is not that there is a gap between us, but that I do not want my mother to see my vulnerability, and I am alone and carefree. I have learned to be "strong". Every time I get hurt, I always hide in the corner of nobody and cry silently.

Mother is the beacon of my struggle. I always think that vigorous scenery is the pursuit of people, so I have always taken this as the goal of my struggle and pursued it. As a result, I tend to be empty handed, exhausted and discouraged. When my mother knew it, she told me that it was the most true to be calm, and how much fame and fortune were just passing by. No matter how strong the wind and scenery were, they would finally return to calm. Ordinary is eternal, so why do you want to be emaciated by the applause and flowers.

Once, I saw roses blooming in the park. They were blooming vigorously, young and elegant. My mother, whether also like a rose in the sea of flowers, so young, so elegant? Twenty years of time wasted mercilessly. Mother's waist was no longer straight, her black hair was no longer elegant, and her face was no longer smooth. Instead, she was thin and bent, with silver threads and deep wrinkles. Behind her back, she did not know how much hard work was gathered.

The flowers bloom and fall, and start again and again. Although people have plum blossom like pride, how can they stand the passing of time? Flowers will bloom again, and people? When youth is gone, who can recover it.

The child is sorry for his mother, and is ashamed of his high hopes for her. Window Han studied hard for more than ten years, but he couldn't get into a respectable university. Every time I think about it, I can't help but burst into tears. My heart is extremely painful, and I can't calm down for a long time.

Mother needn't worry too much. The child has grown up to be an adult. In the future, I will go on well. Although you are not with me, I will use solitude, loneliness, diligence and wisdom to irrigate my dreams.

Children are ignorant and cannot use the most ideal words to describe the advantages of mothers, but I never stop thanking mothers with pen tips.

The festival passed silently, hoping that the mother could feel the child's missing and blessing in the distance at this time.

Composition on Thanksgiving Mother (14)

Once upon a time, I looked up at my childish face and said to my mother, "I want to travel with my singing voice." My mother just smiled but did not speak. She stood alone in the wind and looked thoughtfully at the white dandelion flying in the sky.

My mother told me that she knew my dream was far away, and that the farthest star in the sky would always be my destination. She said that she would always support me. At that time, my heart was only vaguely aware of my mother's understanding of me, but my ignorance at that time made me never aware of her reluctance and pity when she spoke.

Time lengthened my figure, and when I grew up, I looked at everything about my mother again: when the sun dissipated the twilight of the night, when the sunset was engulfed by the dim horizon, my mother carried farm tools and walked quickly on the path in the field, and neither light nor darkness could stop her steps; When the stars were all over the sky, my classmates and I were playing and chasing under the moon, my mother was knitting her love into my sweater needle by needle; When I was talking and laughing beside the fire in my warm down jacket in the cold winter, my mother was scrubbing the clothes in the cold water with her swollen hands

So, my heart was deeply touched and deeply hurt. At this moment, I began to doubt whether my dream was still far away? Can I still roam the world calmly with my singing voice?

"Thank you"! Rational thoughts send me a holy destiny. However, should I stay with my mother and let her enjoy the happiness of family? Or should we first break out of our own world and let our mother enjoy the rest of her life?

The morning sun has risen slowly, and it is a new day. I reorganized my mind and asked rationally: "How can you repay your kindness if you don't have a solid arm? How dare you repay your kindness if you don't have the ability to survive? What can you do to repay your mother's kindness if you don't have any capital?" I still couldn't let go. I was ashamed that I didn't know how to repay my kindness when I was young, and even more confused now that I knew how to repay my kindness but didn't know how to be grateful.

At this time, my mother said that she hoped that I could forge a pair of hard wings, build a courage to go alone, and then build her own future, which was her comfort. She said that she would guard a peaceful harbor for me, where there is a source of long-term love. Whenever I am, I will always be her concern.

I am suddenly enlightened. Gratitude is like a holy life, which encourages me to wander around the world and create a new world of my own. I will carry my holy life to create a unique future, like a dandelion seed flying far away, carrying my mother's love and kindness, flying to the end of the sky, landing, taking root, sprouting and blooming. At that time, I will hold a new world for my mother with tears, and she will show the most moving smile in the world.

Composition on Thanksgiving Mother (15)

Who is afraid that we will get up in the middle of the night to make quilts for us? Who tries to guide us when we go astray? Who cheer us up when we are discouraged? It's mother! It is the figure who silently pays!

Friend, when you came home from school, did you ever notice the person who was busy in the kitchen? When you greedily eat delicious food, have you ever found a person smiling at you? Have you ever said to her, "Thank you!" Have you ever understood the person who keeps urging you to study hard? Have you ever cared about her? She is our dear and respectable mother!

Every child ignores his mother's love! There is no doubt that it is taken for granted. Is it a matter of course that we should conceive in October, give birth once and plant hard? How much did mother suffer for us? How many hearts did you hurt? Are these also taken for granted? Does it also take for granted that she feels bitter because of the cold war and anger with her for a small matter?

Of course, the answer is no! Mother has paid so much for us and supported our life for a long time, but we haven't repaid her a little bit. Mothers are strong and great! Mother, who has paid so much for her family, is so selfless!

We should also know how to be grateful. Thank her for more than ten years of upbringing, tolerance and education.

Mother's Day is coming, so let's send our best wishes to her with a small card; Use a beautiful handicraft to remove her worries; Use a beautiful song to blow away her wrinkles for us; With excellent results, she calmed her hard work yesterday. Of course, what is our return compared with her efforts? Why bother?

On this special holiday, Mother's Day, let's thank our mothers and cheer for their greatness! May the wind blow the fragrance of carnations into mother's nose; With our gratitude, Zhaoxia would like to weave a gorgeous wreath for her mother, thank her for her love for us, and deeply wish her a happy holiday! Happiness and health!

Composition on Thanksgiving Mother (16)

Kindness is like tea, fragrant and sweet; Tolerance is as broad as the sea; Strong like a mountain, thick and steady; Tender as jade, gentle and elegant. You are so perfect, because you are my mother!

Motherly love is like a clear spring. Every drop of it is a miss for children; Maternal love is like silk thread, which is a wish for children; Motherly love is like the starry sky, all of which are expectations for children! My dear mother, happy holidays!

No matter how hard life is; No matter how hard it is outside, my heart is always full of sunshine, because there is my warm cabin and my dear mother. Mother's Day, I wish all mothers healthy and happy!

It is you who gave us life; It is you who taught us to walk; It is you who brought us up; It is you who accompany us all our life. Today is Mother's Day. Let's wish our mothers happiness and health!

If you have been touched by persistent love; If you have ever been hurt by sad parting; If you are moved by the beautiful story. You should also sing praises for the selflessness of maternal love. On Mother's Day, don't forget to bless your loving mother

The most unselfish care in the world is a woman's heart; Ask the world's most priceless emotion is maternal love; Ask the world's most common language, is mother; To ask the greatest kindness in life is to nurture; To the greatest and selfless mother!

I hate that time has climbed your forehead, wind and frost have bent your waist, disease has entangled your body, and hard work has wasted your mood. I love you very much. You are always hardworking, simple, kind and sincere, mother!

Your eyes give me ardent encouragement; Your words give me the strength to work hard; Your smile, give me the deepest touch; Your support is my strongest banner. Mother, it is you who raise my sails with love!

Who gave me life and nurtured me to grow up is my own mother. You gave me all your love, and you always remember me. Dear mother, Happy Mother's Day!

My good wishes are too thick to melt; My good wishes are too deep to erase; My best wishes are only for you --- my dearest and dearest parents!

How safe is it? And send my missing far away. Continuous love and care, deep affection and blessing, happy Mother's Day!

Time brings sorrow to mother, but it does not reduce her love by half. Happy Mother's Day!

I am a bird flying out from the eaves of my hometown. Each feather grows with your deep love and earnest teachings.

Mom: Today is Mother's Day. I can't give you a bouquet of carnations when I am in a foreign country. I only want to express my heart with this short message to wish you health, happiness and happiness.

Mother's tears contain noble and deep love that cannot be analyzed chemically. Mother, I won't make you cry again. Happy Mother's Day!

Maternal love is a huge flame, a power that can make the god of death yield, and the greatest power in the world.