Character writing 600 (16 popular articles)
Laugh at the world of mortals
2024-06-06 04:28:58

Character Writing 600 (1)

What makes people beautiful?

Is it a beautiful appearance? Or a gorgeous coat? Beautiful appearance and gorgeous coat certainly play a role in people's beauty, but that's just people's external beauty. The most essential beauty of a person does not depend on the magnificence of his coat or the beauty of his appearance, but on his heart.

What do you think after seeing the following story?

There are two women. One is as beautiful as a fairy, and the clothes are fashionable. Everyone praised her for her beauty. The other is ugly and doesn't dress well. One day, the two of them met. The beautiful woman raised her eyelids, looked at the ugly one, and said, "She looks like an ugly monster. Get away from me quickly." The ugly woman was not angry, but stood to the side. The beautiful woman became even more arrogant, and would insult others when she saw a girl who was not as beautiful as herself. Think of yourself as the most beautiful person in the world.

But one day, the two of them met again. At the corner of the street, there was a lonely old man who had not eaten for several days. The old man climbed up and grabbed the beautiful woman's clothes, begged her to give him something to eat. She shook her head, dropped some indecent words and left. The ugly girl beside saw everything, helped the old man up, took the old man back to his home, prepared rich meals for the old man, and healed his wounds. He also said that he would be the dry daughter of the elderly.

The ugly woman's meticulous care of the old won everyone's applause. Now there is a smile on the ugly woman's face. When I saw her smile, the picture seemed to be frozen. The beautiful smile was forever engraved in my heart, which made people sigh: "Her smile is so beautiful, beautiful like an angel."

The beautiful woman who saw all this could only endure the torment and reproach of her conscience. Regret what you have done.

My friends, life is like a flower, full of fragrance. When your life blooms flowers and adds warmth for others, your life will also have a fragrance, which will be refreshing. Fragrance... When you gaze at those kind lives, you will find that their lives are quietly blooming, leaving fragrance to the world.

The most beautiful thing in the world is not the appearance of people, nor the gorgeous clothes, but the heart of people. Abandon selfishness and choose nobility; Give up treachery and choose honesty; Only by abandoning the ego can we complete the ego. This is really a beautiful soul.

Character Writing 600 (2)

It is she who nourishes the delicate flowers of our motherland. She is like a diligent gardener, who nurtures our growth and imparts our knowledge. She is of medium stature, has brown curly hair, a white oval face, a pair of glasses on the high bridge of her nose, and covers her calm and bright eyes. There is also a clever mouth and a pair of sensitive ears. She is easy to get into and takes classes very seriously. During lectures, she often used life examples or some historical stories to analyze problems for us, so that we could learn knowledge while listening to stories, which made me never tire of listening.

Once, she found a classmate whispering in class. At that time, she was writing in front of the blackboard. I don't know how she found it. Maybe her ears were really like downwind ears. The student was punished by her to stand up, but I can see that the student was reluctant to stand up. Yes, who wants to be criticized by the teacher! But facing her, he stood up helplessly.

All the time, it is she who worries about us day and night: late at night, we have entered a sweet dream, while she is correcting our homework under the bright moonlight and light; In the daytime, she stood on the podium again, leading us into the ocean of knowledge and roaming in the ocean of knowledge. She conscientiously spread every seed to us, and let it sprout, blossom, bear fruit, and produce a pile of large, full, sweet fruits... Who is she? Needless to say, you already know, she is the person we most admire and know most - the teacher.

In my heart

In my heart, there is a love that gives me warmth all the time.

It was on a rainy day. It was raining cats and dogs, and the crystal water drops were all smashing on the window, making a loud noise from time to time. I thought: Oh, no, I didn't bring an umbrella, and my mother took my brother to Guangzhou to see a doctor. How can I go home!

The students were picked up by their parents one after another. The rain is falling harder and harder, like a water column falling from the sky, and the formation is amazing! I'm like an ant on a hot pot, so anxious.

Come here for a while, most of the students have left, only my rapid breathing echoes in my ears. It was getting dark, and the rain had not stopped. My heart was full of fear. Carrying my schoolbag was like running outside the school gate. My heart seems to be beating with the beat of the drum. I just want to get home faster. The ground was pitted by the rain. Running, I stepped into the water with one foot, fell down with a "plop", my legs were bleeding ceaselessly, and also splashed with mud. I laughed again and cried.

At this time, a man ran up to me and asked me gently, "What's wrong with you, little friend? "I looked up and saw that it was my mother! I immediately stopped crying and put my arms around my mother. I made my mother's white clothes dirty. Then my mother helped me pat the mud and water and helped me up. Her crystal tears hung on her cheeks and said to me gently," Let's go home, my mother will bandage your wound. "Suddenly, My heart is full of warmth. Mother carried me home regardless of the hard work.

In the past, I always thought that my mother often beat me to blame me, but I knew that it was also a kind of love, because my mother wanted me to become useful, so I should carefully hide this heavy love in my heart, so that I will always cherish the best love in the world!

Character Writing 600 (3)

It is she who nourishes the delicate flowers of our motherland. She is like a diligent gardener, who nurtures our growth and imparts our knowledge. She is of medium stature, has brown curly hair, a white oval face, a pair of glasses on the high bridge of her nose, and covers her calm and bright eyes. There is also a clever mouth and a pair of sensitive ears. She is easy to get into and takes classes very seriously. During lectures, she often used life examples or some historical stories to analyze problems for us, so that we could learn knowledge while listening to stories, which made me never tire of listening.

Once, she found a classmate whispering in class. At that time, she was writing in front of the blackboard. I don't know how she found it. Maybe her ears were really like downwind ears. The student was punished by her to stand up, but I can see that the student was reluctant to stand up. Yes, who wants to be criticized by the teacher! But facing her, he stood up helplessly.

All the time, it is she who worries about us day and night: late at night, we have entered a sweet dream, while she is correcting our homework under the bright moonlight and light; In the daytime, she stood on the podium again, leading us into the ocean of knowledge and roaming in the ocean of knowledge. She conscientiously spread every seed to us, and let it sprout, blossom, bear fruit, and produce a pile of large, full, sweet fruits... Who is she? Needless to say, you already know, she is the person we most admire and know most - the teacher.

In my heart

In my heart, there is a love that gives me warmth all the time.

It was on a rainy day. It was raining cats and dogs, and the crystal water drops were all smashing on the window, making a loud noise from time to time. I thought: Oh, no, I didn't bring an umbrella, and my mother took my brother to Guangzhou to see a doctor. How can I go home!

The students were picked up by their parents one after another. The rain is falling harder and harder, like a water column falling from the sky, and the formation is amazing! I'm like an ant on a hot pot, so anxious.

Come here for a while, most of the students have left, only my rapid breathing echoes in my ears. It was getting dark, and the rain had not stopped. My heart was full of fear. Carrying my schoolbag was like running outside the school gate. My heart seems to be beating with the beat of the drum. I just want to get home faster. The ground was pitted by the rain. Running, I stepped into the water with one foot, fell down with a "plop", my legs were bleeding ceaselessly, and also splashed with mud. I loved to laugh again and cried.

At this time, a man ran up to me and asked me gently, "What's wrong with you, little friend? "I looked up and saw that it was my mother! I immediately stopped crying and put my arms around my mother. I made my mother's white clothes dirty. Then my mother helped me pat the mud and water and helped me up. Her crystal tears hung on her cheeks and said to me gently," Let's go home, my mother will bandage your wound. "Suddenly, My heart is full of warmth. Mother carried me home regardless of the hard work.

In the past, I always thought that my mother often beat me to blame me, but I knew that it was also a kind of love, because my mother wanted me to become useful, so I would carefully hide this heavy love in my heart, so that I would always cherish the best love in the world!

Grade 5: 2404017704

Character Writing 600 (4)

My good friend is an innocent and lively girl. She has dark and shining hair, and two big jewel like eyes shine under her eyebrows. She is my good friend, Lily.

We have become good friends since the third grade and often play together. She likes to help her classmates and doesn't talk much. But no matter what she did, she cut through the mess quickly and never hesitated. Maybe we sometimes have a little conflict, but it will soon clear up.

Although her academic performance is not among the best in the class, she is very familiar with everything in daily life. Although her academic performance is not the best, she stands out in sports. Her personality is running. I remember one time when she and other students were playing catch, she caught one of them in less than 30 seconds.

She is very stubborn and likes to laugh at others. Her hobbies are not so much as eating delicious food.

I remember once, she and I were sitting together doing homework. I was doing math homework, and it was doing math homework, too. As we were doing it, I happened to be unable to do this problem, so I took my exercise book to consult her. She laughed at me as a big fool. No matter how much she laughed at me, she always patiently solved my problems. When she has problems, I will be very patient to guide and solve her problems.

In terms of handicrafts, she seems a little more stupid than me. A while ago, we bought the craft package of "cross stitch" together, and she decided to embroider her zodiac monkey. She sat on the chair and embroidered while looking at the guiding legend. She looked very serious. When I saw her work. Although the handicraft was a little poor, after my little modification and her careful embroidery every day, the work was finally completed! When she saw her own hand embroidered works, her joy naturally showed on her face.

We learn from each other's advantages and help each other to become good friends. Her every word, every smile is always in my heart.

Character Writing 600 (5)

At noon, when I was free after dinner, I wandered around the green playground again. Looking at the runways, I thought of the past in the playground and my classmates. It was a hot summer day. It was the day of the school sports meeting. At more than ten o'clock in the morning, I stood on the starting line to prepare for the 200 meter race. In the preparation time, I became more and more nervous with the passage of time. It was only five minutes before the start of the game. I was naturally timid and looked at everything around me. I felt scared and even wanted to give up. "Come on! Don't think about everything around you. Don't care about winning or losing. Just run as usual. Give full play to your own strength. We believe you can do it!" The students in our class stood on the bench, waving flags and various fuel sticks, cheering for me. "Bang --" Under the order of a shot, I swung my arms, took a big step, and rushed out. I was desperate, saying in my heart: "Don't mind those opponents, don't think..." When I ran, my classmates also ran with me, faster than me. I can't disappoint my classmates' expectations. I stepped up my pace, as if someone pushed me behind, This is the encouragement of the students pushing me forward. "Come on, don't have pressure -" The voice echoed in my ears. Although I didn't look at them carefully, I always felt that they were shouting hard. At the end of the long competition, I fought for my life but failed to win the first place and could not enter the final. I was disappointed and always felt empty. I was sorry for my classmates and our class. They were so tired that they cheered for me, but I failed them... My classmates had been waiting for me at the exit of the playground for a long time, and they were still so happy. They praised me for "running fast!" "second place, really powerful!" "playing well!", There was no point in blaming me. They also brought me paper towels to wipe, water to drink, and bread to eat... I was frowning, dumbfounded, and depressed. Seeing what my classmates did, I didn't become cheerful, but cried. Maybe I was moved! They still tried to comfort me.

Primary school life is like petals falling with the wind. It is so beautiful when it blooms, and it is also beautiful when it falls. It will treasure its beauty in the heart and meet by chance. I will never forget the beauty among my classmates. I will record the beauty, or press the shutter of the camera, and keep them in reserve... Five years is like a cup of strong tea, which will be drunk soon; Fine taste, the original taste is sweet. Five years of primary school is coming to an end. Looking at the history flowing through my mind, this is the deepest and deepest.

Character Writing 600 (6)

My brother is Hao Hao. He is 8 years old and belongs to Niu. His white and tender face was inlaid with black jewel like eyes, and he looked handsome like a girl. Although he is an ox, he is not as honest and steady as an ox in his shares. Instead, he shows the cleverness and mischief of monkeys. Therefore, he is known as "happy fruit" in his family. His funny things happen all the time. Look, the good play has begun again

One day, I was eating grapes at home. He had a sharp nose. After smelling the smell, he grabbed the door and came in. He reached out and grabbed the grapes

I stretched out my hand to the grape, which had already formed a conditioned reflex. I beat it aside and ordered him to wash his hands. But this time he didn't listen and lay on the ground "cleaning the ground" - rolling. I got a brainwave and asked: "We have a puppy now, who is it?" "Puppy?" He pretended to be puzzled and said cunningly: "Ugly!", Not long after he left, my father came in and said to me, "You are getting lazy. Just dump the garbage behind our house." Garbage behind the house? Is it behind the house? God, I was taken in by this little guy? it ticks me off!

After this incident, I vowed to avenge myself. Finally, the opportunity came

One day, my brother quarreled to play cards, but it was boring to play with him who had just learned how to play cards. However, an idea suddenly flashed in my mind: with my brother's competitive spirit, I would definitely make him angry if I won him three games in a row. Playing cards began. During the game, I never gave up every opportunity --- changing the cards secretly while he was not paying attention. I don't know how the little guy did it. It's very powerful. He always plays cards with confidence. In the end, I won by 5:3. He blushed with anger and said, "I don't want to play with you anymore. You always want to play goofy. Every time I see it, you can't play goofy!" Wow! What a child prodigy! Even this can make him see through. I threw myself at him angrily. It didn't matter. He also revealed his secret. There was a pile of cards under his buttocks. Alas, I was defeated again

My younger brother is so interesting, but whether he is naughty, cute or clever, he will always be my favorite!

Character Writing 600 (7)

It is she who nourishes the delicate flowers of our motherland. She is like a diligent gardener, who nurtures our growth and imparts our knowledge. She is of medium stature, has brown curly hair, a white oval face, a pair of glasses on the high bridge of her nose, and covers her calm and bright eyes. There is also a clever mouth and a pair of sensitive ears. She is easy to get into and takes classes very seriously. During lectures, she often used life examples or some historical stories to analyze problems for us, so that we could learn knowledge while listening to stories, which made me never tire of listening.

Once, she found a classmate whispering in class. At that time, she was writing in front of the blackboard. I don't know how she found it. Maybe her ears were really like downwind ears. The student was punished by her to stand up, but I can see that the student was reluctant to stand up. Yes, who wants to be criticized by the teacher! But facing her, he stood up helplessly.

All the time, she worries about us day and night: late at night, we have entered a sweet dream, and she is correcting our homework under the bright moonlight and light; In the daytime, she stood on the podium again, leading us into the ocean of knowledge and roaming in the ocean of knowledge. She conscientiously spread every seed to us, and let it sprout, blossom, bear fruit, and produce a pile of large, full, sweet fruits... Who is she? Needless to say, you already know, she is the person we most admire and know most - the teacher.

In my heart

In my heart, there is a love that gives me warmth all the time.

It was on a rainy day. It was raining cats and dogs, and the crystal water drops were all smashing on the window, making a loud noise from time to time. I thought: Oh, no, I didn't bring an umbrella, and my mother took my brother to Guangzhou to see a doctor. How can I go home!

The students were picked up by their parents one after another. The rain is falling harder and harder, like a water column falling from the sky, and the formation is amazing! I'm like an ant on a hot pot, so anxious.

Come here for a while, most of the students have left, only my rapid breathing echoes in my ears. It was getting dark, and the rain had not stopped. My heart was full of fear. Carrying my schoolbag was like running outside the school gate. My heart seems to be beating with the beat of the drum. I just want to get home faster. The ground was pitted by the rain. Running, I stepped into the water with one foot, fell down with a "plop", my legs were bleeding ceaselessly, and also splashed with mud. I loved to laugh again and cried.

At this time, a man ran up to me and asked me gently, "What's wrong with you, little friend? "I looked up and saw that it was my mother! I immediately stopped crying and put my arms around my mother. I made my mother's white clothes dirty. Then my mother helped me pat the mud and water and helped me up. Her crystal tears hung on her cheeks and said to me gently," Let's go home, my mother will bandage your wound. "Suddenly, My heart is full of warmth. Mother carried me home regardless of the hard work.

In the past, I always thought that my mother often beat me to blame me, but I knew that it was also a kind of love, because my mother wanted me to become useful, so I would carefully hide this heavy love in my heart, so that I would always cherish the best love in the world!

Character Writing 600 (8)

Fan Wenyi: My friend

She is a very beautiful girl;

She is a good student who is willing to help others:

She is my good friend Fan Jiawei.

Fan Jiawei is a beautiful girl. She has a slim figure, tall head, and dark skin, but it does not affect her beauty, but adds some beauty. Her eyes are so beautiful: black eyes, like two sparkling black pearls, like a pair of black glass balls immersed in water. Any part of the eye socket looks smart and beautiful. Coupled with a pair of glasses with light purple frame, it looks like a "little doctor". She sometimes tied her soft and elegant hair behind her head with plain flower, and her sheep's horn braid looked like a "little lady".

Fan Jiawei is a good girl who is willing to help others. Once, Fan Jiawei and I were playing the game of "Wooden Man". Suddenly, a little girl stumbled accidentally. She probably fell badly and couldn't get up for a while. She was about to help her when I stopped her and said, "It's not our class. She can't afford it. Let's continue to play. Don't waste time." Unexpectedly, her eyebrows were twisted into two earthworms and she angrily said to me: "You don't care about other classes, do you? She is also part of our school. Just think what it's like when you fall like this and no one helps you! " With these words, he walked up to the little girl, lifted her up, and comforted her. The little girl limped back to class. My face turned red. What a good student! What a kind classmate! Compared with her, how selfish I am! She is a good girl who is willing to help others, but I

Once in an art class, I could not draw because I forgot to bring a watercolor pen. When she saw it, she did not hesitate to lend me the watercolor pen, but she was criticized. I walked up to him with guilt and said, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be so selfish..." But she said, "It's good to know and change it!" Since then, I have changed my selfishness.

Fan Wener: Mom

"I'm home! Grandma!" After school, I hopped home and shouted to Grandma. Just after the words fell, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and then it began to rain cats and dogs. "Ah! Mom didn't bring an umbrella!" I suddenly cried. Grandma's face also looked worried, but there was nothing she could do. I said, "I'll pick her up!" Grandma pondered for a moment, looked at my firm eyes, and finally made a decision. She said to me, "Go, be careful on the way." "Oh, I know." I replied.

I put on my poncho and umbrella, and couldn't wait to go out. It suddenly occurred to me that it must be very cold outside. So I added a sweater to myself and a coat to my mother, and put it in a small waterproof bag. Look at the watch, ah! Mom is almost at the station. In the stormy rain, I trotted all the way, and I was glad that I had worn an extra coat and brought one with me. The rain crackled on my head and shoulders, the wind roared as if to frighten me back, and the pedestrians on the road were sparse, but I didn't care. Finally, I arrived at the bus stop which my mother must pass after work. A car, another car, and a car behind... Other buses have arrived at the station, but the bus that my mother should take has not arrived at the station. A person who chose to give up thought: Forget it! I haven't seen one for a long time. It seems that it won't come for a while. Go home. Another choice I insisted on: Mom gets out early and comes back late every day, busy. And me? Can't even give an umbrella! It's useless! Reason compels me to persevere. So I stood quietly in the rain, waiting for my mother without an umbrella. Look! In the distance, a car came with wind and electricity. It's my mother's car. I have confidence again that my mother will be in the car. The blurred car like a dot gradually magnified, and finally, the huge body stopped beside me. Mother is helplessly looking at the pouring rain at the door of the car, helpless. Although I have money, where can I buy an umbrella? When she jumped out of the car, ready to "rush" home immediately, an umbrella blocked the big rain for her. Which kind person? When my mother was about to say thank you, she found that I was holding an umbrella for her on tiptoe. She immediately squatted down, hugged me, kissed me, and said excitedly, "Thank you, baby

In the storm, we walked on our way home. Holding my mother's hand, I felt that the rain was much less, the wind was no longer roaring, and the sky was slowly clearing up

Character Writing 600 (9)

On Children's Day on June 1, Daxiong's father took him to the supermarket to buy things. There is an activity in the supermarket. If the price is 1000 yuan or more, you can buy a lottery ticket with 1 yuan. The first prize is a remote control car of Transformers.

After Daxiong's father bought something, he immediately went to buy a lottery ticket. He thought to himself: Son Daxiong's birthday is coming soon. If I win the prize and give this to Daxiong as a gift, he will be very happy. And I had a good dream last night, I will win the prize.

Daxiong's father proudly took the lottery ticket. When he scraped it open and saw a number "6", he immediately felt happy and his eyes narrowed. He thought to himself, "I'm sure I can win the lottery.". However, the winning number was not announced until 10 o'clock. Daxiong's father looked at his watch. It was only 9 o'clock now, and there was still a whole hour left! Daxiong's father is like an ant on a hot pot, anxiously turning around.

Suddenly, Daxiong's father suddenly wanted to go to the toilet. However, what should I do if I go to the toilet and have announced the winning number. Daxiong's father became more and more worried, frowning and stamping his feet.

Next to him, Daxiong saw his father's thoughts and said with a smile: "Dad, it's more than half an hour before the winning number is announced! You need to go to the bathroom for a few minutes!" Daxiong's father hurried to the bathroom. In fact, he could not go to the bathroom, because he was too nervous. On the way to the toilet, Daxiong's father kept holding his mobile phone and staring at the screen for fear that he would not be there when the winning number was announced.

The exciting moment finally arrived. When the first prize number was announced as "9", Daxiong's father was like a deflated ball, his face wrinkled like a bitter gourd, his head bowed listlessly, like a pupil who had just been taught a lesson by a teacher. Daxiong's father said weakly to Daxiong, "Let's go home!" After that, Daxiong's father was about to turn around and leave.

Daxiong asked his father to take a look at the lottery ticket and reconfirm whether he had won the prize. When Daxiong received the lottery ticket, he burst into laughter and said to his father, "Dad, you won the lottery, in fact, you won the lottery!" When Daxiong's father heard this, his face immediately became cloudy and his eyes turned. His father was elated and ran to the podium, shouting: "I won the lottery, I won the lottery..."

Daxiong ran after his father and shouted, "Dad, you forgot to take the lottery ticket!" The people on the scene immediately laughed, and Daxiong's father also showed an embarrassed smile.

Character Writing 600 (10)

The evening in early summer is most pleasant. The cool wind is blowing gently, and the brook is gurgling. The setting sun shines on the surface of the water wrinkled by the evening wind. It is sparkling and beautiful.

"A small cloud, come slowly, please rest your feet, stop for a while..." On the square of the community club, bursts of music came from the square, and a group of elderly women were dancing square dance with great interest. They are arranged neatly, forming a small square array. An old lady leading the dance stood at the front of the square array. Look, how well she danced! She walked lightly, followed the music, waved her arms heartily, kicked her legs, twisted her hips, and her eyes moved with her hands, as if she were a beautiful peacock.

My eyes were attracted by an old woman with gray hair. The old woman stood in the last row, wearing a black dance dress, with a red border on the collar, and a pair of black sneakers on her feet.

The granny's movements were obviously a little rusty, not keeping up with the beat, and she was in a hurry to dance. It turned out that she was Grandma Xie, who had just retired upstairs.

Other grandmothers put their left hands on their hips, and their right hands swung from front to right with the rhythm. Their right feet landed on their toes, and their heels beat up and down. Grandma Xie shook her left and right arms and was still stepping on the spot. She looked at the old lady in the lead dance attentively and followed her to change her movements in a panic. She always couldn't keep up with the beat. Although she seemed clumsy, she still practiced hard.

Grandma Xie stared closely at the leader of the dance for fear of missing a detail and doing a wrong move. She was as attentive as I was when I first learned radio gymnastics. Soon, her wrinkled face was full of sweat, and even her gray hair was wet

Gradually, she became skilled. A wisp of sunset shone on Grandma Xie's gray head through the crack of the tree, and her hair suddenly became golden and beautiful! Although Grandma Xie was sweating all over her head, she still danced so happily and energetically. "Mo Dao Sang Yu is late, and the sky is still full of clouds".

Character Writing 600 (11)

In the morning, I took a walk in the community. In the flower bed on the roadside, the dew on the flowers is shining and particularly beautiful. In the soil at the corner of the flower bed, an earthworm tried his best to dig the soil for the flowers... Looking at it, I couldn't help recalling a warm memory.

Last winter vacation, I played downstairs at my grandmother's house. Suddenly, a burst of shouts caught my attention: "Recycling refrigerators, air conditioners, color televisions, washing machines at high prices..." Then a figure appeared in sight: that was a man in his fifties, riding a tricycle, and the waste piled up on the car was higher than others. He was wearing a cotton padded jacket of unknown color washed on his upper body, a pair of grey or black trousers underneath, and a pair of old cotton shoes on his feet. His face was covered with wrinkles, dark skin, and a weather beaten look. Grandma said that this is Lao Wang who collects waste products. He often appears in the community.

At that time, Aunt Li, who lived across the door from Grandma's house, was walking. When she saw Lao Wang, she said, "Hey, Lao Wang, I have some waste in my house. Please wait for me, and I will take it down." After a few minutes, Aunt Li came down with a cardboard box containing two old electric fans and some newspapers. Lao Wang took the boxes from Aunt Li, took them out one by one, counted them and put them away. At this time, I noticed his hands that had been hidden in the tricycle gloves. It was a pair of hands full of vicissitudes - the back of the hand and the finger root were covered with frostbite, a large red and purple area, serious places were festering, and the skin of the finger tip was cracked like an old tree root. I couldn't help feeling distressed for his hands.

That night, it was windy and raining heavily outside. We were watching TV in the living room. Suddenly there was a knock on the door in the corridor. I looked through the cat's eyes and vaguely saw Lao Wang standing at the door of Aunt Li's house with a bundle of newspapers in his hand. Then I heard Aunt Li keep saying "Thank you, thank you!" I was confused and didn't understand what had happened.

The next day, I learned from the conversation between Grandma and Aunt Li that Aunt Li had mistakenly collected the newspaper with money and the waste to Lao Wang when taking the waste. In the evening, Lao Wang braved the heavy rain and returned the money to Aunt Li. Hearing this, I can't help sighing at Lao Wang's spirit of returning money. Grandma told me that Lao Wang's poor, seriously ill mother and two sons who are studying abroad are in the right time to spend money! How precious is his spirit of returning the unexpected wealth without hesitation!

I seem to see Lao Wang in front of me, with his face of vicissitudes, old clothes and rough hands. It is these rough hands that carry bundles of waste from every household in the community all the year round, which facilitates everyone's life; It is also this pair of hands, coming and going in the wind and rain, walking through the streets and lanes, supporting a poor home; Even more, they went to the door silently on a stormy night to return a package of money

I quietly looked at the earthworm in the flower bed. It was like an old Wang who had found money, and was industrious and selfless in his ordinary position

Character Writing 600 (12)

Among all the bubbles that contain my beautiful memories, there is a bubble that is particularly large and gorgeous. In the bubble is a person who impressed me - an old woman.

It was a sunny winter afternoon. I was walking on the way to the bookstore. There were many pedestrians on both sides of the road. At this time, a young man in fashionable clothes was eating a cake while walking, and then a piece of cake wrapping paper fell down. The paper circled in the low sky with the wind. I took a look at it, but didn't pick it up. I thought, "It doesn't matter if it's not mine." Other people just looked up and watched the paper fall to the ground little by little, without meaning to pick it up. This piece of waste paper suddenly appeared on the clean road, making it particularly conspicuous. But I still walked into the bookstore by myself.

When shopping for books, I saw through the window that the plastic paper was still moving with the wind. At this time, an old lady came from a distance, leaning on a crutch. She walked with difficulty, bent over and hunched over her back. The wind blew the paper to her feet. She looked down and looked around again. After some hesitation, she slowly bent down and picked up the paper on the ground with her hands; Then he held the tree beside him with his hand, stood up again bit by bit, walked to the garbage can, and carefully put the crumpled paper in the garbage can.

Then she left as if nothing had happened. I stood in front of the glass and watched her leave. The aging figure gave a feeling of weakness. When her figure disappeared into the crowd, I found that there were many passers-by along the road, just like me, staring at the gray old lady with admiration in her eyes. I walked to the payment desk with a book in my hand, feeling thoughtful and ashamed of myself.

There will always be people or things that impress you everywhere in life. A drop of water can reflect the brightness of the sun. If you are a conscientious person, you will find lofty ideological quality and great spirit everywhere!

Character Writing 600 (13)

When I was very young, an aunt helped me, which impressed me deeply and affected the formation of my character in the future, making me feel the warmth of the world for the first time.

At that time, my brother and I wanted to find Dad. Because of our work, we haven't seen Dad for a long time. My brother and I said, "Brother, do you want Dad? Let's take an adventure and go to a far place to find Dad by car." My brother was afraid at the beginning, because the place where Dad works is a little far away, but with my repeated assurance, He agreed to my proposal.

I started my careful plan, because my father once took me to his company, so I know that I need to take a bus to his company, and I also need to transfer a bus in the middle. Because we didn't have much lucky money and couldn't take a taxi, we chose buses.

At the beginning, everything went smoothly, because I didn't know the way or the stop to get off. As soon as I got on the bus, I said to my uncle, "Uncle, do you know where Jiefang Luxi is? Can you remind us when we arrive?" The uncle readily agreed. At the station, the uncle reminded us. My brother and I thanked the uncle, and we were very happy to get off the bus. Our plan went well, and so far there have been no mistakes.

As a result, I was in trouble when I got off the bus, because I didn't remember where the stop sign of the next bus was. No car passed by where I got off. My brother and I waited for a long time, but none of the cars could reach my father's company. I was a little flustered, but in order to appease my brother, I had to pretend calm.

I asked passers-by again and again, but they were in a hurry. They shook their heads, waved their hands and left. I was so anxious that I even wanted to cry. My brother began to complain about me and blamed me for not going out alone. At last, I cried at a loss. An aunt saw how pitiful I was crying and asked me what happened to my brother and me? When she learned about my brother and me, she immediately chose to help me because she didn't know where my father's company was.

Finally, she asked a taxi driver for help and gave him ten yuan. The teacher saw that my brother and I were very poor. Although the money was not enough, she chose to help us and sent us to Dad. When I met my father, the driver severely criticized him: "The children are still so young, they should be watched carefully, and they should not be allowed to run around." Finally, my father promised the driver that this would not happen again, and planned to pay off the rest of the fare, but the driver did not want it.

I have long forgotten the appearance of this enthusiastic aunt and driver. But their help to me will never be forgotten in my life. They taught me the meaning of kindness, and also let me know the value of helping others. Without their kind help, I don't know what would happen to my brother and I later. I am probably the luckiest person in the world when I meet such kind people as them. They helped me so that I can never forget it all my life. I deeply understand how precious goodness is. In this world, you can have so many choices, but when you choose goodness, you are destined to be the savior of some people. I also pass on this kindness, so that more people can feel the beauty and warmth of the world.

Character Writing 600 (14)

"My father, who is of medium stature, muscular, strong and energetic, walks like a tiger, and looks energetic." Eh, Wu Fengling, don't go on reading. "My father made a pause gesture, looked at me with curious eyes, and asked curiously:" Why do you use the same sentence every time you write about my father's appearance? " I righteously asked, "It's strange. Can your appearance change like the Monkey King

Dad not only talks funny, but also works funny sometimes. I remember once, when I came home from school, I saw my father holding a washbasin on the wall as soon as I entered the door. "Hey! Dad, what are you doing?" I asked doubtfully. "Bang bang!" The basin fell on the ground, and Dad twisted his body, turned his head and looked at me in panic, "Ouch! It startled me, why do you always surprise me?" He patted his chest as he said. "Dad, are you practicing 'pattern washing'?" Dad looked at me, his mouth curled, and said, "Cut, don't talk nonsense if children don't understand. I'm practicing turning the steering wheel." After saying that, he picked up the basin, pressed it on the wall, and held it on the edge of the basin with his hands, turning left and right. Look at his earnestness, I can't help laughing, "Your posture of learning to drive is really wonderful! You always practice slowly, and I will do my homework. Excuse me!"

At dinner, I asked my father strangely: "Is it not enough for you to learn driving in the training ground in the daytime? Can you improve the steering wheel by practicing in the household washbasin. You should remember that 'the fist does not leave the hand, the song does not leave the mouth'. You can squeeze more time to study at ordinary times, and you will get good results in the exam. "I know my father's political lesson has started again. I kept silent and" worked hard "with the food in the bowl." Dad, I remember what you said. You eat slowly, and the food is almost gone. "After that, I went upstairs humming a song.

This is my favorite person - funny, humorous and good at reasoning dad.

Character Writing 600 (15)

Forget the boundless dawn, I will still accompany you to wait for the dusk—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

It is enough to take one peach in your heart. The meeting between you and me is the best.

"The falling flowers are so beautiful that they are more beautiful than the flowers when you see them". You are like a flower petal in spring. You suddenly stop at my heart. Your smile is my unforgettable memory in my life. You are my front desk. I remember when you first moved here, we were not familiar with you. Time moved, and slowly, we began to know each other and understand each other. I know what you like to eat, and what kind of clothes I like... You give me the deepest impression of being upright. At that time, the girls who were particularly good at learning in the class kept taking shape every day and stood out for each other.

On one occasion, I, who can only get the tenth or so in the Chinese exam each time, got full marks, just like the representative of the Chinese class. When I was immersed in joy, several of her funny companions came to me, one of them crossed his hands, glared at me with disdain, and said, "Cut, you can't copy her if you can get full marks!" The other several also looked down upon me, I looked at them blankly, looked at the Chinese class representative, hoping that she could explain, but she did not respond at all. I know that they will not listen to me alone, and my Chinese score is really not as good as her. At this time, you suddenly stood up, glared at them and angrily scolded: "There is no evidence, why can you judge her score is wet? How can you study? It's too much!" They were stuck for a moment, couldn't get out the evidence, cut you hard, and left. You clapped your hands, handed me your schoolbag and said, "Go, go home!" I looked at you, and you smiled at me. My resolute expression reassured me: "No matter what happens in the future, you must remember that I will support you, which is called Zhangyi!"

Physical test running, you who lead me on the side; You cheered me on before the speech; After failing the exam, tell me, "Next time, we'll get it back" you... The sun is warm, the breeze is blowing, and the world and I are just fine. It's always pleasant to meet each other every day. The fragrance of jasmine lingers around you. Your smiling face looks like the petals are not as shy as the cool wind. The idea of parting is hard to leave. Are you OK?

You accompany me in primary school. If you want to part, you should also say "goodbye", but also be grateful for the unforgettable and precious memory you gave me.

Character Writing 600 (16)

Chen Anxin

"Ding zero zero", the bell rings, and the students quickly return to their seats. The teacher came in and began the class. "Report", a clear voice sounded. As soon as we looked up, we saw a boy with disheveled hair and sweat standing at the door of the classroom. It was obvious that he ran up from downstairs with a broken box in his hand.


He is the "worm king" of our class. He loves bugs very much and walks around with a broken box all day long. In class, he didn't listen carefully, just hung his head and played with worms.

"Li, where are your books?" The teacher looked at his clean desk. Hearing the teacher's question, he was a little flustered, afraid that the insects would be found by the teacher. He hurriedly put the insect into the drawer, then took out the book and listened to the teacher seriously. But after a short time, he took advantage of the teacher's inattention and took out another insect to study.


At noon every day, the "Insect King" would go to the damp and dark woods to catch insects, and would never tire of doing so. One day I passed the woods and met him. He was slouching around in the woods looking for his target. Suddenly, he stopped. He found a worm. He stared at the worm, but was not eager to attack it. When he thought the time was right, he made a decisive move. Unfortunately, the insect escaped. But he still did not give up and continued to search for his goal. At this time, a butterfly flew over. He immediately gave up the insect and ran after the butterfly.


When it was time for dinner, all the students lined up to have dinner, except for the "worm king". When all the students had finished eating, they still did not see him. The teacher had to ask the other students to take his lunch box and help him finish the meal. Then he came back with a big sweat from the outside, still holding the broken box in his hand. Under the pressure of the teacher, he could only honestly explain that he was catching worms downstairs. He really uses his time.

It's school time now. If you are interested, you might as well go to the grove to have a look. You will surely see the "worm king" of our class there.

[Chapter 2: He Who Loves Fighting]

Chen Anran

One sunny morning, I came to the school. As soon as I stepped into the classroom with one foot, I heard the students shouting in my ears. I looked at the noisy classroom and found that he had fought with others again.

None of the students in our class wanted to provoke him, but he often provoked others, which caused a lot of "wars". Every time after the smoke, his clothes were torn to pieces. Then he stood there, staring at each other with angry eyes, his eyes seemed to explode with fire. Or as soon as the other side turns around and is unprepared, he rushes up and pushes, then turns around and runs away. But the other party wanted to catch up, but it was too late, so he angrily threw all his books to the ground. He ran around, saw his books scattered on the ground, and suddenly understood, so another "war" began.

Every time when he and his classmates were invited to the office by the teacher, he was very angry. It seemed that he was saying, "It's not my business to fight. Why does the teacher invite me to" drink tea ". When the class bell rang, he and his fighting classmates also came back, but his face was filled with a satisfied smile, cocky, as if he had won the "war". But the other side was angry, and looked like they wanted to fight with him again.

When fighting, his voice was louder than the thunder in the sky; But when he came to class, he seemed to have changed from a tiger to a mouse. His answer was even quieter than that of a mouse. Even his deskmate did not know what he was talking about. However, after class, his thunderous voice came back, shaking the world. Then he went to provoke others, and then there were "big wars" one after another.

Sometimes I really want to say to him, can you change this habit of fighting, bully classmates every day, and will have no friends. How lonely a childhood without friends is!

[Chapter 3: Gentle Girl]

Liu Jingyan

She is the most gentle person I have ever seen. No matter how you offend her, she just smiles.

After class, she often stayed in the library and read with relish. Once, I ran past the library and saw her. She was sitting in a clean chair, with her legs bent, holding a book and watching intently. I thought for a while and came up with an evil way to frighten her. I walked over quietly and jumped out behind her without knowing it, which made her eyebrows curl up like the moon. I saw that she was frightened by me. I thought that the knowledge in her mind must have gone to the sky this time. She must be furious this time. But she was not angry. Just looked at me calmly and said, "Don't be so naughty next time, so that others won't play with you." After that, she went on reading, leaving me standing there embarrassed.

One day after school, she walked on the road with a worried face, as if she had been criticized by her teacher. I think: I'll try to scare her again. So, I hid behind the tall and strong pine trees and giggled as I thought about her frightened appearance. She came slowly. I stretched my leg hard, and she fell to the ground with a bang. Her flat straight hair was in a mess. I came out and burst out laughing. She stood up, patted the dust on her body, pulled me over, and gently said to me, "Can you stop being so naughty?" Then she left

I don't know what she will look like when she is angry. She is really the most gentle girl I have ever seen!