Three hundred words of composition for primary school students (8 practical articles)
Silent Bear
2024-06-03 05:26:30
primary school

Three hundred words in primary school students' composition (1)

I looked up and wished for the horizon, and found that the sky was covered with dark clouds. A closer look shows that it is the fog discharged by a gas company. I suddenly felt that the end of the earth was coming. I feel that if we go on like this, we will be tortured to death by the air. We should protect the environment.

Several regions died one by one due to the destruction of the earth's environment. Some were smoked to death, and some food was poisoned to death after eating without pollution. Whenever I think of those who died because of the impact of the earth's environment, I can't help shedding tears. I have seen animals die one by one. Remember again. I was exercising on the grass when I saw a mouse fall into the sewage ditch. It was the sewage shot from the factory. The little mouse struggled desperately. But he was also poisoned alive. I shed tears again. I can't help sighing ah! Another small animal died in the world.

Although I only see one person and one animal a day. But a year is 356 people or small animals. How important it is to protect the environment. Since the world is fighting with the earth's environment and dying one by one, since environmental protection is so important to us, let's act together to exchange our efforts for fresh air.

Three hundred words in primary school students' composition (2)

Water is the source of life. Everyone should protect water resources and save water.

Whenever I wash my face, I always turn the tap to the maximum. In doing so, I let the water go. In the past days, I never felt that this was a waste of water resources.

A few days ago, when I was writing the water resources report, I learned that the water resources of our league are the second in the region. But my father told me that compared with other places, our hometown is still a drought and water shortage place. Every spring, there are several sandstorms, because the trees and water resources are destroyed and the ecology is out of balance. I think if fish leave water, they will die of thirst, and so will we.

From today on, I will pay attention to saving water. I will tell the students to protect the earth environment and save water with me.

Three hundred words in primary school students' composition (3)

Dear students

How do you do!

The earth, the mother of human beings and the cradle of life, is so beautiful, grand and amiable.

Today's science and technology are really more and more developed, but the pollution of the earth's environment is becoming more and more serious. This poses a serious threat to human survival.

How clear the river used to be. Since the establishment of industry, the sewage discharged by them has all flowed into the river, and the souls of many small fish have risen to heaven. There are also forests. In order to make chopsticks, houses and paper, many people have cut down trees. People only know how to cut down trees wantonly. There are more and more natural disasters such as sandstorms and debris flows.

Students, let's take action together to protect the earth's environment! Let's do the following:

1. No random felling of trees

2. Do not litter

3. Do not litter in the river and discharge sewage

4. Do not spit everywhere

5. Use less disposable chopsticks

There is still a lot to wait for. As long as we do the above well, let's protect the earth environment together and make Mother Earth beautiful and spectacular.

Three hundred words in primary school students' composition (4)

My hometown used to be a beautiful picture with green mountains and green waters. However, I do not know when human beings began to exploit oil without restraint, manufacture cars in large quantities, and cut down those tall trees; Throw the garbage into the river at will, and throw the peel on the ground at will. If everyone is like this, how many times do the cleaners sweep every day.

Now people have cars. In fact, cars are harmful to human beings. For the sake of nature, we should plant more flowers and trees in communities, parks and roads, and cut down trees and flowers less. Trees can bring fresh air to human beings. If everyone does not plant trees and cut down trees indiscriminately, the house will be flooded by floods and the air quality will further decline.

If you throw the peel on the ground, it will not only pollute the ground, but also affect the earth's environment. Throwing garbage into the river will not only make the water feel uncomfortable, make the factory produce a lot of sewage, but also damage the earth environment and the home of small fish in the river. Some adults also smoke every day, which will make family members and friends around them smoke passively and affect their health.

For the sake of the earth environment of our hometown, we should protect our own home.

Three hundred words in primary school students' composition (5)

My hometown is a beautiful small village. My father told me that there are trees in front of and behind the original village, in front of and behind the houses. It is lush all the year round. There is a river in the east of the village. The water is clear and crystal, the fish are flying at the bottom, and the sky is blue and deep.

There are hundreds of families living in the village, and they all live comfortably. But I don't know when the global environment began to deteriorate. First of all, let's talk about our river. Now it has become a sewage river. A paper factory on the bank is discharging waste water into the river. The river is covered with white foam and stinks. The water plants and fish of the past are gone, and the river reflected by flowers is gone. My father said that the riverside was the place where he used to play when he was a child. Now people here are in a hurry, covering their mouths and noses. The river frowns all day long.

The earth is our home, and the beautiful earth environment is the premise of our happy life. In order to make our living home warm and comfortable, I put forward three suggestions:

First, industrial sewage should not be discharged at will, and it is better to recycle it after unified treatment.

Second, household garbage should be classified and recycled for reuse. We call on people to take good care of the earth's environment and put up eye-catching warning signs in some areas with poor sanitation.

3. Supervise and control air pollution, especially those chimneys with excessive emissions.

There are many people around us who have little awareness of environmental protection. I really hope that more people will join the ranks of environmental protection, so that the earth environment in their hometown will become better and better.

Three hundred words in primary school students' composition (6)

Spring is beautiful with birds singing and flowers fragrance. It was said that the rape flowers in Donghaitang are blooming now, so my mother took me and several partners to drive to Donghaitang to watch the rape flowers.

Along the way, we came to Donghai Pond unconsciously. The first thing I saw was an endless golden yellow scene, as if someone had accidentally knocked over the yellow paint bucket. The golden yellow looked so dazzling and beautiful under the sun. My friends and I were stunned, and then shouted loudly, ran forward and shouted "What a big rape flower! It's so beautiful!"

My friends and I shuttled in the rape ditch and soon merged into this golden sea of flowers. I picked up a rape flower in the flower cluster and looked carefully. The root of the rape flower was medium in size, between light green and turquoise green, the leaves were all turquoise, there were a little thorns on the edge of the leaves, and the leaves were very soft and light. There are four petals of rape flower, which are golden yellow, thin, and very delicate. The water drops on the petals are somewhat transparent and crystal clear in the sun. A breeze blows, and a charming fragrance comes to the nose. The fragrance of flowers is mixed with the smell of soil, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

I like rape flower, its natural simplicity, its unknown dedication, and its purity and nobility.

Three hundred words in primary school students' composition (7)

We have a changeable teacher Cui, who has a melon face, small eyes like grapes, and ears like gold ingots. Every class wore black pants, and sometimes wore beige 'suits.

He is said to be changeable, sometimes extroverted and very cheerful, and he tells us everything. We were very serious in class, and played games with us like a big brother during recess.

Teacher Cui loves us very much. I remember one time when I came to school, because I came early, I had a quarrel with my classmates. We were having a good time. Suddenly, I fell down with a "ouch" sound. When I got up, my leg was skinned and bleeding. I felt painful immediately. Teacher Cui came. Seeing this scene, I immediately called my mother and asked her to pick me up. My mother took me to the hospital, The teacher said, "Let me go too, it's our teacher's responsibility." He also came to the hospital with me... My injury soon recovered.

Teacher Cui is also very strict. Let's take today as an example. When Mr. Cui was giving us a lecture, he suddenly stared at a place and stopped moving. It turned out that Wang Cong was happy to hear this and knelt on the stool. When Mr. Cui saw this, his eyes stared and said, "Wang Cong, how can you squat on the stool? This is not PE class." Since then, Wang Cong has never been naughty again.

Our teacher Cui is humorous, strict, outgoing, cheerful, kind and serious. We all like him.

Three hundred words in primary school students' composition (8)

Since the first grade, Zhou Wei and I have become inseparable friends. We always play together after class. Zhou Wei is a little fatter than me, but he is shorter than me. She usually likes to wear ponytails. She has a pair of eyes that are very clever and can hardly see when she smiles. She likes dancing, and I also like dancing. This year's Children's Day, she and I, as well as other students, also performed together! We not only play together, but also care and help each other.

Once, when we were having an art class, the teacher said, "Next class, the students should bring watercolor pens, because we are going to have an art class next class." My classmates and I all said in unison, "OK." The art class soon arrived. The teacher sent us a picture book, let us paint, and paint after painting. Soon after I finished painting, I took a watercolor pen from my schoolbag to paint. It suddenly occurred to me that I had forgotten to bring a watercolor pen. At this time, I was so worried about the ants on the hot pot. When Zhou Wei found out, she said to me, "Don't worry, let me borrow mine!" I quickly said, "Thank you." She said, "You are all good friends. You are welcome!"

I really hope Zhou Wei can be my good friend forever!
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