Composition on fairness (15 selected articles)
Beloved old lover
2024-06-22 01:57:15

Composition on fairness (1)

My mother always compares me with others. It's unfair every time.

The final exam is over, and the results are out. I am satisfied with myself; It's just that the Chinese and English are a little poor, and the other tests are very good. On the way home, I reported the results of two classmates in the community to my mother, but my mother said; "Chen Nuo did better than you this time," I said; "My math is better than her, and my science is also better than her." "What's the use of those? She has two of the three main subjects, Chinese, math, English, better than you. You didn't lose?" "Science is also a main subject!" "No!" "Yes!" "No!" I can't argue with my mother, so I have to admit defeat.

I can't figure it out. The teacher said that science is also very important. You can only take one hundred exams in Chinese, math and English. If you fail in science, you will not be allowed to take the middle school exam. unfair!

Once I went out to eat, my uncle said; "Our Jialele didn't do very well this time, only 80 points." He asked me how many points I scored this time. I said; It's in the nineties. My uncle said I did well in the exam, but my mother said; "It's just a coincidence that he can't be happy this time..." I was extremely depressed: the high marks were in front of me this time, and I said I didn't do well in the exam! Mother should praise and encourage her children more. How could it be the opposite?

Composition on fairness (2)

My teacher is unfair. She is only good for girls, but bad for boys. Sometimes she is cruel to us. A girl was beaten and cried by a "tough guy". After the other girls gave a short report, the teacher rushed out of the office at the first time, took out a "slim" stick and hit it with great force. The "tough guy" cried on the spot. A boy was beaten red and purple by a violent woman. The girl was invited into the office, but the teacher said gently: "Next time I can't fight... OK?" The girl smiled and said: "Yes, I will not." She walked out of the office and squinted proudly at the "victim".

What's more annoying is that the teacher is an accomplice in cheating. This time, I only got 93 in the exam paper. 5 points, but my deskmate scored 94 points, only half more than me, and most of her sentences did not add a full stop, and the teacher did not deduct points, but I was deducted without a full stop. It's not fair. In the class, we boys only get beaten and criticized, while girls can bully us boys proudly.

The teacher is really unfair. She only helps girls. Isn't she born by her father?

Composition on fairness (3)

There are many kinds of people in the world, including the poor, the middle class and the rich. The poor belong to consumers, and the middle class belongs to the rich. If you don't believe me, read the following story.

One day God received a letter from a poor man. The letter said: "I think the world is very unfair."

God then confiscated all people's property. Then there will be no rich and middle class people in the world, and all of them will become poor to nothing. Three days later, they were so hungry that they were scrawny. Suddenly, God gave them each a rabbit.

The poor man who had been hungry for several days saw the fat rabbit. Kill the rabbit and stew it into a pot of meat. The rich are also hungry. That's why they become rich because they are smart. Some rich people think their rabbits are female rabbits, so they go to the middle class. The middle class people are still naturally willing to work for the rich, so they lend their male rabbits to the rich people and fertilize the female rabbits. A month later, the mother rabbit gave birth to 89 rabbits. A month later, the rich man took out two full moon bunnies and gave them to the middle class.

After a while, the rich had a large rabbit colony and needed more people to manage it. The poor were already starving and skinny. The rich came to the poor and said to the poor, "Help me manage the rabbit colony, and I will give you a rabbit every week.". The poor had to agree.

After that, as long as the poor have money, they will consume directly. As long as the middle class people have money, they will also help the rich to work for the rich. The rich will control everything when they have money.

In general, time and money are fair to people, but they only depend on how you use them? The rich are those who make good use of it, and the poor are those who make bad use of it.

Composition on fairness (4)

What is fairness? Fairness is the balance in life. If the balance is slightly tilted, it will appear unfair. Fairness can be seen everywhere in life.

There is a sports meeting in the school, which needs to be fair. You need to be fair when running; Competition rope skipping needs fairness; The shot put in the game needs more fairness. The referee should also make a fair decision.

Last time I held the sports meeting, I really realized what a "fair witness" is. Just listening to the whistle of the referee, the rope jumper immediately waved the rope. The timekeeper standing in front was seriously helping the referee count, only to see their faces serious. They would never count more or less. It was absolutely fair and honest.

There was only a whistle, and the runner started to run. The starting line was carefully calculated by the referee, and it was not the classmate who moved the starting line forward or moved the starting line backward because he was not a classmate. Because fairness is a necessary factor in the game. If there is no fairness in the game, the game will be meaningless and chaotic. From this perspective, we can see how important fairness is.

Shot putters need fairness, fair length measurement, fair shot putting and fair competition. The referee will not give other people heavy shot, give his class light shot, measure the throw distance, and will not make a mistake.

What is fairness? Fairness is the measure of a person's heart; What is fairness? Fairness is the expression of honesty; What is fairness? Fairness is a quality that everyone should have. Fairness is the witness of the world, and it is also our witness. As long as there is fairness, the world will not be black and white reversed; Fairness is something that accompanies us. Fair weighing, fair referee, fair money sharing. Fairness, like our teacher, can always tell us how to learn fairness.

My view on fairness is that fairness is the soul of the game. Without fairness, the game cannot be carried out smoothly; Fairness is the expression of honesty. Without fairness, the world will become a dirty world; Fairness is a harmonious life. Without fairness, a harmonious life will no longer exist. This shows how important fairness is.

Fairness is like the sun, always around us; Fairness is like the rainbow in the sky, gorgeous and dazzling; Fairness is like sunset, without dark clouds, it looks dazzling; Fairness is the soul of life, which makes people open their hearts; Fairness also needs the witness of others. Let's be fair witnesses and witness the power of fairness!

Composition on fairness (5)

In fact, when I talk about such a topic, I have inexplicable feelings in my heart. I think not only the feelings, but also some feelings. Today's people's life is becoming more and more difficult. I don't know why. Of course, I don't know that in our lives, there are also mutual comparisons. Through comparison, we can see ourselves clearly, but through comparison, We can also see the existence of fairness and justice more clearly.

Since the birth of human society, people have been pursuing the ideal of fairness. Numerous philosophers have sought the true meaning of fairness in their confusion, and countless patriots have demonstrated the quality of advocating fairness in their actions. In today's era, the issue of fairness has become a hot issue of general concern. For example, equal enjoyment of rights and equal performance of obligations is an important manifestation of social fairness. Fairness concerns everyone's vital interests. Fairness is an important prerequisite for maintaining good cooperation. Fairness is the stabilizer of society. So, how to understand fairness? How to maintain fairness? When we think about these problems, we will have more profound feelings for society and more sacred responsibilities. Let us have a correct understanding and view of the issue of fairness, enhance the awareness of fairness, realize fairness for the society, fulfill our responsibilities, and contribute our own strength.

Recently, I have been watching Decryption, starring Chen Xuedong, Jing Chao, Ying Er, and others. I think it is very beautiful. At first, I didn't think so. I think Sparrow is better. But after watching so many episodes, nearly 18 episodes, I think the biggest feature of this play is not that it is a work bought by the father of China's spy war drama, It is the wonderful performance of a group of small fresh meat. I don't think we can judge the level of a writer or screenwriter, but whether it can be performed with real talent is the test of our actors' basic skills.

I gradually fell in love with this play. I like the ups and downs of the plot. Their words and work styles are gradually emerging in my mind. I feel that that era is the one I experienced, the one I want to go to. It is so simple and simple, and makes people feel the original dream, The original reason was born there.

Fairness is an important theme in our social life. Different times, different individuals, facing different problems, have different understandings of fairness. Fairness reflects people's pursuit of freedom, respect for power, and affirmation of their own strength. I wrote an article before, called "Constantly Give Yourself Strength".

In real life, we often encounter the problem of fairness and how to achieve fairness. In human history, there are various understandings of fairness. Some people believe that fairness is a balance on the scale, while others believe that fairness is a virtue that knows how to act in a specific environment and how to do the best in what circumstances.

Some people believe that fairness is that everyone performs a duty that suits his nature best in the country, and everyone performs his or her own duties, observes his or her own order and gets his or her own place in the society.

Some people believe that fairness is reflected in a balanced relationship, and fairness is "the sum of all virtues".

Some people believe that fairness is a social contract that people jointly formulate and abide by in order to live a better, happier and harmonious life.

Engels believed that fairness was always just an idealized expression of economic relations.

Everyone of us highly values fairness, and I feel that fairness is more and more important. Social development is inseparable from human development. With fairness, society can provide equal rights and opportunities for human development, and the survival and development of every member of society can be guaranteed; With fairness, we can get what we deserve through honest labor, meet our reasonable expectations, and fully mobilize our enthusiasm. In this way, everyone in the whole society can perform his or her own duties, do his or her best, and work together to promote sustainable social development.

In addition, I used to like to watch some TV plays and movies about youth, but now I gradually feel that urban emotional dramas are the most capable of catching my heart strings. For example, "Women Are Not Powerful" starred by Hai Qing and Du Chun, I thought the level of 66 was unusually high, which can be seen from the previous "Mind Skill", but now, I think she grasps the work in a proper way and can express the psychological change process of each character incisively and delicately. I think this is where I need to learn.

What is the true meaning of fairness? Each of us has a measuring ruler in our heart. We need to compare our hearts to find the best fairness! Isn't it? Fairness is always restricted by certain social conditions, and there will be some unfair phenomena in any society. Fairness is always relative. No matter how hard we try, it is impossible to achieve absolute fairness. But we are making unremitting efforts towards this goal and continue to refuel!

Composition on fairness (6)

The law must be fair, otherwise the society will be unjust.

The reason for this was a case of mangoes. Because the carton tape fell off during transportation, one mango was accidentally lost. So the customer insisted that the courier stole the mangoes and complained to the courier again and again.

First, for a mango, is it worth it? Is it fair for the courier to haggle over every detail and be aggressive just because of a small matter, which embarrasses the other party and even kneel down to apologize?

This is unfair. We live in this world, and there are inevitably some mistakes in our life. At this time, we should forgive him. After all, "it is convenient for others, but it is also very beneficial for us.".

The practice of Yuantong Company is also worth discussing. Because it does not want to offend customers, it repeatedly humiliates its employees, first apologizing for compensation, then deducting wages, and finally even planning to dismiss them. Is this fair for employees?

This is unfair. The principle of "interests first", which focuses only on the interests of the company and ignores the interests of employees, still exists in today's society. This rude and unreasonable management method will only make the company lose both reputation and interests. We must know that a company that knows how to care for its employees can become more stable and more prosperous.

The courier wanted to "turn the big thing into the small one" and chose to tolerate it. However, she was repeatedly forced and begged by others. Even kneeling in front of the door, she still could not be forgiven. Is it fair for her?

This is unfair, although he chose to sacrifice his own interests to maintain the company's reputation, dedication and quality is particularly valuable and commendable. But in the face of unreasonable people, there is no good result in repeatedly retreating. It is not necessary to compromise in life, and there is no need to be too tolerant in the face of overly harsh people.

The three suggestions of the police are really very gratifying, which not only make justice work, but also maintain fairness. What our society needs is this kind of power. This kind of power to promote justice, because of this power, the slogan of justice and the rule of law is not a blank check, and because of this power, we can build a fair society.

Fairness is not a slogan. It requires people to truly support it, understand it, use it, and make fairness a reality. It requires not only the active participation and unremitting efforts of each of us, but also the pursuit and protection of fairness in real life.

Let's cheer for justice and salute fairness.

Composition on fairness (7)

Fairness, for some people, never exists in their hearts; For others, it has far exceeded fairness.

The ancient emperors liked to take pills, hoping to live forever. Because they want to rule their country for a longer time and maintain their dynasty, they don't want to lose the gold and silver they created. But in that dynasty, there were also some people who lived worse than death. They lived at the bottom of the society. They were slaves inferior to pigs and dogs. They were trampled on and played like puppets. So for them, death was the best relief, the eternal relief of the soul and the body

Until today, the society is still unfair. Some people, standing at the highest level of the society, look down on those working people; Some people, living in the middle of the society, live a leisurely and complacent life; Some people succumb to the lowest end of the society and work hard to make money on the construction site every day, but the money they earn may not be as expensive as a cup of tea from senior people, and may also be subject to ridicule and satire from others. Some people, because of physical defects, personality defects, accept other people's different eyes.

Some people, standing on the roof of the building, looked up to the sky and howled: "God, why are you so unfair to me? Where did I offend you? If you let me live like this, you might as well let me die." The following may be the heartrending laughter of these people when they were crying, or it may be that he jumped off the roof and lost his most precious life.

Some people, looking at contracts worth several hundred million yuan, show a smile, but this may not matter to them at all.

Some people, with the salary they just received, buy vegetables from the food market and happily go home to share with their families.

Is there really God in the world? Are those people above, fair or unfair to them, given by God? Of course not. Is the wealth of the rich born? Is the result of people at the bottom of society also born? Fairness or unfairness is due to your own efforts. I hope that from now on, we will all make our best efforts for our future or present. It doesn't matter whether we succeed or not. What's important is that I don't regret it!

Composition on fairness (8)

Recently, the court has been very busy. All the big and small planets in the universe want to sue the god of the universe unfairly.

First of all, Mercury asked the god of the universe: you have given the earth mountains, rivers, insects, fish, birds and animals, colorful things, making it the biggest bright spot in the solar system. And I am his eldest brother, why not give me such wonderful things? The god of the universe listened and remained silent.

Then came a bright little star. It turned out that she was the moon, and she also wanted to tell the god of the universe. She said: Now is a new era, all planets should be equal, and there is no difference between good and bad. Why is the earth a planet and I a satellite? Why do I have to go around the earth, but the earth doesn't go around me? The god of the universe still has no answer.

Pluto said: In the solar system, our nine planets were twins, but you forced us to arrange the order, which made me the ninth child. I was farthest away from the sun and received the least heat. I was cold or coughing. And you not only gave the earth so many good things, but also gave him a suitable position, so that he could get no more heat from the sun. You are so unfair! The god of the universe just closed his eyes and combed his white beard.

Mars came angrily. He pointed to the God of the Universe and said: I am a close neighbor of the Earth. He is the third and I am the fourth. We are very similar. The rotation period is only about an hour apart. There is oxygen on our bodies, and the temperature is not much different. Some people on the Earth called 'scientists' still want to look for life on me! Although we are so similar, you have given us a different picture - CC his blue skin is so soft, while my skin is sallow and rough. You are so unfair! Deviation, too deviation!

Yes, unfair, biased! Many planets echoed.

Composition on fairness (9)

In life, we can always hear such a sigh: "Why is God so unfair?" It seems that all this misfortune is God's gift. But I still believe that God treats people fairly.

I remember reading such a story in a magazine: A popular female star said to her friend after her performance, "I envy you so much. You have a good job and a happy family." The female star laughed and said, "Although there are stars fishing, the entertainment circle is very deep. Although I have one son and one daughter, my son is deaf and my daughter is mute, so God is fair to everyone. " The female star said that and left, her friend still stood in the same spot.

In real life, people always like to compare with each other. Whenever they are inferior to others in some way, and even if they do their best, they cannot reach the level of others, they always shout to the sky: "Why is God so unfair?" People are always unsatisfied and always hope to surpass others in everything. In fact, if you can understand the true meaning of the sentence "When God closes one door for you, he also opens another window for you", your heart will be balanced. Everyone has his own strong points. Maybe others can't do what you are good at. Don't demote yourself to nothing with a small setback, and then blame God. Everyone is a piece of gold, just with different shining points. The bravest person in the world is not one who perseveres, but one who has the courage to change himself and his goal. Know yourself correctly, develop towards your own strengths, and become a successful person with greater confidence, decision and perseverance.

God is fair. When encountering difficulties, don't be discouraged, don't be discouraged, appropriately shift the goal, and stick to it, to create your own glory.

Composition on Equity (10)

Six years of study and life are over. Teacher Zhou, we are going to separate. At the time of parting, I, the old "mopper", cannot help but say a few words to you. Mr. Zhou, I admit that I am not a good student: disobedient, stupid. You taught me the knowledge and the pre flight method of "stupid birds fly first", I always forget. I'm so sorry, teacher. Mr. Zhou, do you still remember the exam last year? I was so nervous during the exam that I forgot to write my name. After the exam, you came to me and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

I was shocked and stood there, unable to say anything. I felt your impatient and annoying eyes, as if I heard the words hidden behind your eyes - drag the whole class score! Since then, you have never looked me in the eye. I asked you questions. You ignored me and sometimes gave me a stern look, which made me timidly retreat from the blackboard to my seat. I often secretly shed tears after class.

When I saw your kind smile and advice to my deskmate Xiao Ming, I was even more sad, but I didn't dare to hum. I'm afraid of you, and more afraid of the students' contempt for me. My good performance collapsed at once. Later, I became a substitute for your criticism of poor students: "Like Guo Kangqun, no brains!" Teacher Zhou, I can't stand such unfair treatment. In the past, my grades were also good. Is it just because of that exam that I will taste the taste of "one slip makes a lasting regret", and always bear the black name of "mopping oil bottle"? Would you please treat me fairly? Mr. Zhou, now that I'm going to junior high school, please send me off again with warm eyes and encouraging words when I'm about to leave, OK?

Composition on fairness (11)

When tens of thousands of people in the country were controlled by drugs, only Lin Zexu was a hero who could fight for the people and foreigners regardless of his own safety. Lin Zexu fought against foreigners with courage and insight in order to protect hundreds of millions of Chinese people from opium poisoning and to win the title of "Sick Man of East Asia" in China. He taught me to be fair. His spirit is a bright light in my heart, guiding my way forward, a national hero of China, and an example for us to learn.

At that time, Lin Zexu resolutely accepted the task of destroying opium given by the emperor, regardless of the lack of human resources and the British dominance. I can't help wondering: isn't he worried that the British will threaten his life? He worried, but never feared, because he has patriotic blood, a sincere love for the people, and a quality of fairness and integrity. Lin Zexu has a strong love for the nation, and his heart of justice has never wavered. He never hesitated to put the interests and justice of his motherland first in the face of foreign threats and inducements. He never had selfish desires and resolutely rejected drug trafficking. The fine qualities of the Chinese nation in Lin Zexu are the pride of the Chinese people. His steadfastness and awe inspiring righteousness deeply moved me. His good qualities infected me and made me determined to be a diligent, selfless person who loves the people like Lin Zexu.

I am ashamed to see that Lin Zexu ignores life and death for the sake of justice. In the mall, I saw an aunt secretly put a commodity in her bag, but I was afraid that she would be angry and keep silent. Isn't that very unfair? I still remember that at a debate, I would have had a correct point of view, but due to the strength and ferocity of the opponent's debating friend, I gave up my original point of view, my position was shaken, and my voice became weak... What a noble quality that Lin Zexu, facing officials who conspired with foreigners to sell drugs to the Chinese market and made friends with himself, did not play favoritism and bend the law to talk about crimes. If you think about us in the new era, instead of carrying forward the justice of our ancestors, we have made a mess. Isn't it worth reflecting? As primary school students and the hope for the future of our motherland, shouldn't we be more fair in dealing with things and acting justly? "Clean heart is the root cause, and straightforwardness is the body strategy." This is the portrayal of Lin Qingtian's justice as an official all his life, and also shows that what the country needs most is that people have correct thoughts and straight character.

The story of Lin Zexu has deeply touched everyone's heart. I also vowed since childhood to remember the national hero Lin Zexu, inherit and spread the good virtues and ways of doing things of our ancestors, and carry forward the fine traditions and cultural heritage of the Chinese nation!

Composition on Equity (12)

"God closes a door for you, opens a door for you, and opens a window for you." This sentence is easy to understand, telling us that all things are equal. God has given us life and rights, so there is no high or low. God is fair and sometimes unfair. Only if you break the unfair door, what belongs to you will be the joy of success.

There are countless celebrities at all times and in all over the world. When you think about it, how many of them get something for nothing, open their mouths and wait for the pie to fall? If that's true, then what should we do with our hard work? Simply play for a few years and enjoy the fruits of our parents' labor. But after a long time, he not only abandoned his studies and lost his ambition, but also ended up empty handed. Isn't it sad?

Celebrities' success is also achieved by 99% sweat and 1% inspiration. Especially those celebrities who become talented in adversity. Zhang Haidi, we all know that, unfortunately, he suffered from spinal cord hemangioma when he was young, leading to high paraplegia. Although she also had confusion and despair at the beginning. But she survived. All the way through hardships. Because she knows that she will only let herself slide into the bottomless abyss and eventually destroy herself. In front of her, there is only one choice, tenaciously fight against the disease, persevere, persevere, and only with their own sweat and hard work can they get "flowers" and "applause", and can they go to the other side of success. Some people may say, how unfair God is! She was confined to a wheelchair all her life and could not move freely like a normal person. However, who would have thought that in the long years, Zhang Haidi has proved to people with her tenacious perseverance that only persistence can lead to victory! She has completed self-study of all courses in primary schools, middle schools and universities, and has self-study of English, Japanese, German and Esperanto. Engaged in literary creation and translation, she became a world famous writer.

Therefore, God is fair to everyone, and there is no bias. The essence of fairness comes from itself. If you don't struggle, it's useless to give you more opportunities.

There are also many disabled and determined people like Zhang Haidi who use their hard work to turn injustice into fairness. Take our students for example. We were born fairly, standing on the same starting line. However, with the passage of time, the distance between us has been widened. Those who study hard get fair, such as being rated as "three good students". People who are lazy in learning will get bad reviews. Fairness is everywhere. Like civil servants taking exams, they choose the best through fair exams.

In short, fairness is everywhere in life. We advocate fairness. Only fairness can promote human development.

Composition on Equity (13)

Life is fair, and God's balance carefully weighs what we have, what we are aware of, what we miss, and what we desire all the time

Through the ages, everything has proved to us that life is always fair.

Life is fair to Saiweng. Once, Saiweng lost a good horse, and even his neighbors came to comfort him, but he was not pessimistic and disappointed, because he knew that life was fair, and he would not lose it for no reason. Sure enough, the lost horse returned with a better horse. However, owning a good horse did not make Saiweng happy. Soon, his son fell off his back, Broken leg... isn't that enough to show that life is fair? It only lets us have what we should have.

Life is also fair for deaf mutes. The actors in Thousand Hand Avalokitesvara are all disabled. They can't hear the beautiful music, speak the words in their hearts, and see the beautiful world. But life is fair. Life allows them to use their beautiful looks, graceful posture, and smart hands and legs

This is life, let us have shortcomings, let us have advantages, life is very fair.

Some people say that life is unfair to Hawking, but I think it's fair. He has the supreme wisdom, he has the deep vision of understanding the universe, he has the thought of transcending time and space. He is a disabled person, but he can be respected and admired by the whole world. He is disabled, but he runs at a high speed in the universe. Why? Because life is fair.

When we complain that life is unfair, time flies. When we lose heart, lose confidence in life, and do nothing, is life really unfair? No, face life, life is always fair.

Composition on fairness (14)

It was an exciting thing for the Chinese team to win the world table tennis gold medal, but some people think that this is not conducive to the development of table tennis, and some people proposed to give up one or two gold medals. However, have you ever thought about how much more efforts the athletes under the Chinese system have made than others? Have you ever thought about how the athletes from the mountains could support their families if they didn't show up in the competition?

Have you ever thought that if the Chinese team won less than one or two gold medals, will someone come out and blame the Chinese team for its strength? So, because of their hard work, they can't let them! Because the old people at home and the rest of their lives can't let them! Because of the honor of the nation and the country, they can't let it go!

We won't let it not only for ourselves, but also for fairness!

What is really contested in sports is not a medal, but a "higher, faster, stronger" self. Medals are just for the purpose of encouraging and mobilizing people to move forward and surpass themselves in the competition with others. Therefore, if you deliberately give up the medal, it is not only against the principle of fairness, but also against the spirit of sports. For athletes, sportsmanship is like the moral bottom line of ordinary people. If even the moral bottom line can make those people stand?

Some people think that monopolizing table tennis will do harm to the development of table tennis. I would like to correct that the real monopoly is to gain benefits by controlling the industry. Obviously, the behavior of the Chinese team is not related to the interests, so it is more appropriate to take the lead. In my opinion, an industry needs some people to lead it to better develop, and the Chinese team is the group of people in the table tennis industry.

Because China is in the front, athletes from other countries will train hard and forge ahead. In fact, there are many other places like the Chinese team in table tennis, such as NBA basketball. I think the strength of NBA players is strong enough to describe the perfection of the NBA system and the unbeaten myth of the Dream Team. Even retired athlete Marbury of the 96 golden generation still "gallops on the battlefield" in CBA.

Their behavior has not hindered the development of basketball, but has made it popular all over the world. Because they are powerful and let the world know the charm of basketball; Because of their strength, American teenagers love sports; Because of their strength, basketball players all over the world have a goal to strive for. The positive significance of such dominance is obvious.

But monopoly is just the opposite. Monopolists squeeze competitors with bad means to make profits. Just like Qualcomm in the United States, they forced many manufacturers in its subordinate industry, the mobile phone industry, to buy and sell the intellectual property rights of important technologies to force their research and development achievements. Their behavior has raised the price of mobile phones, hit the R&D interest of the mobile phone industry, and hindered the development of the mobile phone industry.

Therefore, in China's current industrial transformation, we need more leading enterprises to accelerate and promote the industrial transformation. More importantly, we should strengthen supervision to prevent some enterprises from seizing the loopholes in the transformation to seize the market and monopolize the overall situation. It is advisable to take the lead in an industry, while malicious monopoly should be despised and spurned by the world. Only in a fair and good environment can an industry develop healthily.

Of course, as a strong country in table tennis, we have the responsibility and obligation to lead the world's table tennis to a higher and better place. For countries with strong strength, we can exchange athletes, learn from each other, and promote mutual progress. For countries with weak strength or in the initial stage, we can send coaches to guide their development. This must be able to shut up many people's mouths.

I hope that one day we can use 1/6 of the people in the world to create 1/6 of the miracles in the world.

Composition on Equity (15)

The fox bit a piece of meat left and right, and the meat became smaller and smaller. Finally, the puppies got two portions of meat of the same size, but they were much smaller than before.

The dogs' desire for absolute fairness was exploited by the fox, and they suffered a lot. In fact, absolute fairness does not exist. The puppies finally got two pieces of meat of the same size. If they were accurately weighed, there would still be differences. So it is unnecessary to haggle over every ounce in life. At the beginning, if they had a good discussion, one would share the meat and the other would choose first, which would ensure relative fairness and the best of both worlds. Therefore, the essence of fairness is win-win.

It is alarming to kill three soldiers by two peaches. Facing the only two peaches, Gongsun Jie, Tian Kaijiang, and Gu Yezi could not help fighting for merit, although they realized that Yan Zi was the instigator of the discord, they all committed suicide and paid the price of life under the drive of self-esteem. In fact, they don't suffer much if they don't get peaches. Compared with their generous salaries, what does a peach mean? It's not worth being calculated for fairness.

Fan Li can serve as a model in his work. After Gou Jian destroyed Wu, Fan Li retired after success and enjoyed himself by boating on the five lakes; Moreover, he accumulated a lot of wealth through animal husbandry, known as "Tao Zhu Gong". Fan Li didn't want to split the land. He understood that in the feudal era, it was impossible to be fair with the monarch. For the lonely people who can only share hardships with them, but cannot share joys and sorrows with them, it is common for them to kill the donkey and destroy the bridge. Therefore, Fan Li retired after success and lived a better life in seclusion, which was "free from the chaos of silk and bamboo, and free from paperwork". Youzai Youzai enjoyed a win-win situation with the monarch.

Lianpo Lin Xiangru has finally become a story. Because of the performance of returning to Zhao and Mianchi, Lin Xiangru was worshipped as Shangqing, ranking above Lianpo. Lian Po feels unfair and speaks out loud. Later, Lian Po learned of Lin Xiangru's good intentions, so he pleaded guilty. The two became sworn friends, avoiding the rivalry between two tigers and realizing a win-win situation.

A cup of wine can be called a classic. Zhao Kuangyin was afraid that his men would wear yellow robes, so he told his worries after drinking. The generals claimed illness or returned home. The emperor monopolized the power and gave them a lot of property. The emperor and his officials did not doubt that everyone had a good life.

A big pot of rice leads to common poverty. Xiaoping then pointed out that poverty is not socialism, leading the people of the whole country to the goal of "common prosperity". While the practice of "letting some people get rich first" seems unfair, it is actually an inevitable stage of development. With the emancipation of the mind, China is moving faster towards a more equitable and prosperous world.

The concept of "not suffering from oligopoly but suffering from inequality" needs dialectical analysis. It is more reasonable to change it to "suffering from inequality but suffering from oligopoly".