200 words of parents' love composition (16 collections)
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2024-06-08 07:30:42
Junior two

Parents' love composition 200 words (1)

On Tuesday, in the social class, the teacher showed us a video, which let me know the love of parents for children, just as the video said.

Mother is like an angel, guarding me from childhood to adulthood, making me feel warm. Dad is like the pillar of the family. Without him, the family will collapse sooner or later.

To love my parents is to love myself, because they raised me and let me live in this world. I am afraid to grow up. At that time, I will leave my parents. I'm afraid of time. The passage of time makes me panic. I am afraid of the world. It is it that makes me sad.

My parents are two angels. They gave their youth and raised me. Some people, when they grow up, go away without looking back. I won't do that. However, I want to say to my parents: "I love you!

Parents' love composition 200 words (2)

The flowers are grateful for the rain and dew, because the rain and dew moisten its growth; The goshawk is grateful for the sky, because the sky makes it fly; The mountain is grateful to the earth, because the earth makes it towering; I am grateful to many people. Especially my parents, they not only gave me life, but also gave me a lot

The love of parents is sweet and dedicated. They always give me delicious dishes to eat, buy me beautiful clothes to wear, buy me new toys to play with, and buy me interesting books to read

Parents' love is encouraging and comforting. I remember one time when I only got 80 points in a math test. I thought to myself that I would be criticized this time. I came home listless with the test paper. My parents asked me why I was unhappy? I told them the exam results truthfully. Instead of trying to improve me, my mother said gently, "Fish, don't worry. Next time, be careful and get rid of careless shortcomings. Scores don't represent your position in my mother's heart." My father also looked at me with encouragement. Since then, my grades have improved without interruption.

The love of parents is great and unrequited. One winter when I was in grade one, it was raining. My father came to pick me up with an umbrella. Seeing that the umbrella was not big, my father carried me home. When I got home, my body was dry, but I found my father was much wet. And my father is still suffering from a cold, which really adds insult to injury! I hurried to take the rain off my father's body. My father said excitedly, "It doesn't matter, my father is strong!"

I think: I want to be the happy fruit of my parents. When they are tired, help them beat their backs and make a cup of tea; When they are upset, tell them jokes and interesting stories at school, and make parents happy as much as they can, just as they make me happy.

My friends, let's sing a song of gratitude for our dear parents!

Parents' love composition 200 words (3)

In the morning, I went to my teacher's house to write a composition. When I arrived at the teacher's home, Mr. Xing asked me to look at the information on his computer. I opened a folder and found that it was full of articles about parents' love.

The first thing I think of is my mother. When I was a child, I played with wine bottles on the ground and broke a wine bottle. When I was about to pick up the pieces, my mother rushed to me and stopped me. She picked up the pieces with her own hands. As a result, the glass pieces plunged into her mother's hands. Until now, there is still a small piece left in her right forefinger.

Later, I remembered that my father bought me something fun, and my mother got up early to cook for me

I didn't know my parents had such love for me before. I have accepted too much love and become numb. Today, it was Mr. Xing who reminded me. I tried to remember and found that my parents had paid too much for me.

I do my mother a little favor. My mother always thanks me, but she helps me clean the table, tidy up things, wash clothes I never thanked my mother.

Sometimes, when my father asked me to take something for him, I said, "Do your own thing.". Every time after school, my father poured me a cup of tea water and put it on my desk. But I never said thank you

Thinking about it, I blushed: I will not be so selfish in the future, and will help my family do something within my power!

Parents' love composition 200 words (4)

In our daily life, everyone will feel the love from relatives, teachers or friends. Among these moving love, parents' love is unforgettable and unforgettable.

I remember when I was young, I always had the bad habit of opening the quilt when I slept, which led to a high fever once. Mom and Dad were very worried when they learned that it was already 11:00 pm and it was still raining outside, but Mom and Dad didn't hesitate to take me to see a doctor. After coming back, they both stayed by my side in order not to let me catch cold again when I was sleeping. When I woke up in the middle of the night, I saw that they fell asleep without even covering the quilt, perhaps because it was too tired to take care of me. I could not help but feel a warm current in my heart, trying to cover them with quilts. When I moved, they woke up immediately, saw that I was much better, and finally smiled with a long sigh of relief.

This is how my parents care and love me. I hope to study harder in the future, and repay my parents' care with excellent results.

Parents' love composition 200 words (5)

Anyone who knows my father and mother will tell me how happy I am. I have a strict father and a kind mother.

My father always reminds me not to be proud when I am happy, and warns me not to be complacent when I succeed. But the mother's character is just the opposite. She is kind. My mother always comforts me when I do something, and encourages me when I do something. Take the last exam for example. Before the exam, I was nervous and restless because I didn't do well in the exam. The next day I unexpectedly got a better result. I came home happily with the test paper and congratulated my mother. When she took the test paper, she danced like a child, always holding it gently. At this time, my father came to see the score and said, "It's not full score, what's so happy? Remember, 'Modesty makes people progress, pride makes people lag behind.' My father's seat was like a basin of cold water, which wiped out the excitement in my heart. But now I think my father's words are not unreasonable, but also a kind of love for me.

Parents' love composition 200 words (6)

In life, parents love us so much.

Now I will tell you what I have done to my parents. One day, it was raining, and my mother came home at night, tired and backache, because she was always staring at the computer during the day's work, so tired. So I asked my mother to sit on the sofa, and I gently tapped my mother's back with my little hands. After a while, my mother turned around and said to me with a smile, "You are really my mother's baby!" Hearing this sentence, I felt very happy.

Another time, it was summer. It was very hot. My father was repairing the TV set for others, and sweat was running down. I felt very sad. I wiped my father's sweat with a towel and handed him a cup of cold boiled water. My father praised me and said, "What a sensible child!" My heart was as sweet as honey.

Parents' love composition 200 words (7)

Both parents love their children, but their ways of expressing love for their children are different. So are my parents.

That was when I was in the first grade. After the final exam, the roll of paper was handed out. I did very well in the exam. I returned home and showed it to my father. I proudly said to my father, "Dad, look, I did well in the exam.". ”I sadly picked up my roll of paper and returned to the room. "The child is still young, can't you encourage him more?" In the living room, parents quarreled.

Later, as I grew up, I learned that both encouragement and criticism are parents' love for themselves.

Parents' love composition 200 words (8)

The love of my parents is the greatest in the world. The love of my father is like a mountain. It protects me from wind and rain and makes me feel safe. Mother's love is like sunshine, which illuminates the darkness and makes me feel warm.

My parents sometimes criticize me and cheat me, but I know that they are all for my good and care about me. If I am not in good health, they will take me to exercise; If I do a good job, my parents will praise me; If I don't do well in the exam, they will encourage me. But if I do something wrong, my parents will scold me.

Once, when I did something wrong, my parents scolded me, and I was extremely humbled. Tears flowed down my cheeks. But I know that they scold me because they want me to correct my mistakes.

Parents' love composition 200 words (9)

The love of my parents has given me a lot. Let me introduce one or two of them!

Once, my foot was injured. My father carried me to the hospital. He carried me to the hospital, to register, to find an expert, and to plaster. There were many drops on his head. I don't know whether it was tears that hurt me or sweat that made me tired. This matter left a deep impression on me. Another time, when I was in kindergarten, one day, when school was coming to an end, it seemed that it was going to rain heavily. After a while, the sky began to rain heavily, and the rain seemed to be splashed down from the sky. At this time, my mother came to pick me up against the wind and rain. When I returned, my mother was wet, but I was not wet at all.

From every little thing, we can see how selfless and priceless parents' love is! I love my parents.

Parents' love composition 200 words (10)

Grade 5 Volume 1 Unit 6 Composition 200 words - love of parents

I have a kind mother and a strict father. They are like my feet.

I remember that it was a sunny afternoon. I went to school with a good classmate of mine. Suddenly my left eyelid kept jumping, my heart was chilly, and there was an unknown feeling. Sure enough, something bad happened in the second math class in the afternoon. At the beginning of class, the teacher began to read the results of the last exam. When he read my name - "Thirty one Points", I froze when I heard it. This is my score? The news is like a bolt from the blue. I can't accept it

After school, I took this examination paper and walked back step by step in a dejected manner. At this time, I am like a bird with its wings cut off. If I want to fly, I want to hide in a tree hole. Before I knew it, I came to the door of my house and hesitated. I thought: If my father knew about this, he would definitely beat me; Mom, what would happen if mom knew? But one thing I'm sure is that she will be sad... Thinking about it like this, she suddenly heard the sound of bowls and chopsticks dropping off the table, and her dispiriting stomach started to "gurgle". I opened the door gently and walked past quietly on tiptoe. My mother still saw me and asked, "Why did I come back so late today? How was my score?" I stammered and replied, "I only got thirty-one in this exam." After that, I burst into tears, which made my dry face moist. At this time, my mother said gently, "Don't cry, my mother doesn't blame you. I hope you can do better next time!"

The encouragement my mother gave me only pushed me forward. Mother, I really want to say aloud to you: "I love you!

Grade 5 Volume 1 Unit 6 Composition 200 words - love of parents

In this world, who has not bathed in the love of their parents, who has not experienced the care of their parents? I also have my father and mother who are thinking about me all the time.

My father is best described as "strict father". He is strict with my study and life. He made a timetable for me and urged me to finish my homework carefully. In addition, my father often let me read some extra-curricular books to let me understand the scientific knowledge beyond textbooks. As a result, my playing time is greatly reduced. Sometimes, other parents ask me: "Is your father strict with you?" The naive I nodded forcefully to show "especially strict, not generally strict!" Now, when I face the good ranking of the first and second in the class after every exam, I gradually understand that Dad does all this for my good. I am really grateful to him for this!

My mother is a typical "loving mother". She is very concerned about my food and clothing, and always cares about me meticulously. In order to make me eat well, she racked her brains to make some delicious food to satisfy my appetite. She didn't have time to rest every weekend, so she began to wash my dirty clothes. The next morning, she put the clean clothes on my bed. Especially when I was sick, my mother poured water and delivered medicine. She had to get up in the middle of the night to see if my quilt was properly covered

Now, although my parents and I are in two places, when I saw the words "How's everything going with learning?" in their letters and heard the familiar and gentle tone of "Remember to wear more clothes" on the phone, I immediately felt their concern and love for me. Indeed, parental love is like air, invisible and intangible, but I can feel its existence all the time.

Grade 5 Volume 1 Unit 6 Composition 200 words - love of parents

The love of parents is always full of our life. If we are young, the love of our parents is sunshine and water, and we grow up quickly; We are a drop of water, the love of our parents is the sea, and we are not evaporated; If we are a small tree, parents' love is mountains and tigers, protecting us from being dug up; If we are... parents love is always meticulous.

Father's love is kind in his eyes. When I was curious about bicycles, my father customized one for me. He said to me, "If you want to learn, you must not give up, be afraid of hardship, stick to it, and persevere. I nodded. He said to me," Learn everything with a spirit of hard work, or you can't do anything. " Inspired by my father, I rekindled my morale. Under constant setbacks and failures, my father's encouragement was like a spiritual and spiritual pillar, which made me march forward bravely. Mother's love is kind and soft. I remember one time, my stomach hurt unbearably. My mother didn't care about anything else and drove to the clinic. The clinic just prescribed some ordinary medicine. After taking these medicines, my mother found that they were useless at all. I cleaned up in a hurry and immediately got on a bus to Lishui. There were not many people on the bus. My mother immediately grabbed a seat for me to sit down. But when the bus started, I suddenly felt uncomfortable. My mother saw this and picked up the plastic bag. I felt a warm feeling in my heart, while my mother was nervous. When I got off the bus and got to the station, my mother quickly stopped a car to go to the hospital. By the time it was noon, the doctors had gone. My mother found an old doctor who had not left yet, and when I finished my examination, Only then did we know it was enteritis, we were relieved. My mother wanted me to take it after buying it. I felt a warm current coming to my heart. A mother's love is a clear spring that relieves my thirst. A mother's love is a wheat field that offers me delicious food

The love of my parents made me thrive and make contributions to my motherland.

Grade 5 Volume 1 Unit 6 Composition: danyuan/wuliu/

Composition of Grade 5 Volume I: danyuan/wushang/

Parents' love composition 200 words (11)

My mother's birthday is April 16, and my father's birthday is June 16. My father has been assigned by the company to work in Hainan, but he always brings me my favorite cherries, longans, mangoes, etc. His mother is in Shenzhen. He has to do many things every day, for instance: "If you want to cook in the morning, you should wake me up, send me to school, and then go to work. At noon, you can only sleep for about 10 to 20 minutes at home. In the afternoon, you have to pick me up, and you have to cook dinner. If I can't do homework, my mother has to coach me, and the fatigue of the day brings only my. Naughty, I think that as a sweet little cotton padded jacket for my mother and father, I should do more for you Think about yourself, not just yourself. Mom and Dad, I know your wishes are the same. I hope I can grow up healthily and happily, get good grades, and I will go to a good university in the future to repay your kindness.

Parents' love composition 200 words (12)

I believe your parents must love you very much! My parents are no exception.

I remember one summer, the weather was very hot these days. After a few days, the temperature suddenly plummeted, making me suffer from a fatal disease. My parents were worried and immediately sent me to the hospital. After a while, the doctor said to my parents, "Fortunately, it came early, or your daughter..." After listening to the doctor's words, my parents calmed down.

When I woke up, there were several infusion bottles hanging on the head of the bed. Mom and Dad sat in front of the bed, their eyes full of blood. I thought: Mom and Dad must have not slept for a long time to take care of me. I really want to say to them: "Mom and Dad, I love you!"

Parents' love is selfless, and I will always love you.

Parents' love composition 200 words (13)

Parents' love composition 200 words

I remember when I was three or four years old, I was eating.

"Come, Yang Yang, open your mouth and let me feed you!" Grandma said happily. I immediately opened my mouth and ate with relish. Suddenly, Dad, who was sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper, seemed to sing "Empty City Plan" in his stomach, and immediately turned three steps into two steps and walked to the table.

I played with toys while eating. Grandma followed me around, just like me. When Dad saw that Grandma was feeding me, he immediately walked over and said seriously to Grandma, "Mom, let her eat by herself. It's not without hands and feet." But Grandma said nervously, "But... you see she is still young, she is not 5 years old, and she is not sensible yet! You see she is so young, feeding her is a very normal thing."

At that time, I was really young and couldn't understand what adults were saying. But now when I grow up, I gradually understand what is care and what is love. At that time, my father was also good for me. Good habits should be formed from an early age. Do what you can, so that you won't be able to do anything in the future.

Parents' love composition 200 words

Today, I watched an episode of Animal World called Parents' Love. The first and greatest animal was the wild dog. In the animal world, few fathers raise children, while the father of a wild dog has taken the responsibility of raising 27 children. Every time I come back from hunting, I will give my children ruminant meat to eat.

The second is the strongest father of the African Bulleye Frog, who protects the tadpole for a minute. When a snake comes to sneak attack, it rushes forward bravely, scaring the snake away in dismay.

The third most remarkable is the mother salmon. When they migrate home to have babies, the salmon will meet the expert brown bear who preys on them. On their way home, they need to jump over the waterfall. If they are unlucky, they will be eaten by the brown bear. If they are lucky, they can return home to have babies. But they died after giving birth because of their lack of physical strength.

This episode of Animal World made me understand what is true love - parents' love for their children.

Changchun 87 Middle School Primary School Department II

Parents' love composition 200 words

My parents love me very much, but their love for me is different. When I say something in life, everyone will understand it.

Once, my parents and I went to Xingqing Park to play. My father asked me to climb high, but I fell down before I reached the top. My mother rushed to hold me and asked, "Are you all right, honey, where are you hurt, But I didn't want to admit defeat and stood up again. I climbed higher and higher, and finally reached the peak. Only then did I know that both parents have love. Mother's love is gentle and warms my heart, while father's love gives me courage and encouragement.

This is the love of my parents. The love of my mother can heal the pain in my heart, while the love of my father can encourage me to rush forward.

About touching composition: 200 words of parents' love composition

When I was young, I could not fully understand the meaning of the phrase "father's love is like a mountain, mother's love is like a sea". As I grew older, I gradually realized the meaning of.

Last year, I went to balloon castle to play. When I was sliding the slide, I accidentally fell off the slide and broke my hand. I cried in pain. My mother ran quickly, picked me up and rushed to the nearby hospital. It was very hot in summer. Mom's clothes were soaked with sweat quickly, but she didn't stop for a second. She sent me to the hospital in time. Looking at my mother's anxious eyes, I realized her love.

Every day, Dad is the first person to get up and go to work in our family. I can't see him every morning from Monday to Friday. Not only that, he was the last one to come back at night, often working overtime. But every time Dad comes back, he smiles. His hard work has brought me a happy life.

The love of my parents moved me and made me happy. I will study hard, grow up happily, and repay my parents' kindness to me.

My love for my parents: 200 words

In life, parents love us so much. Therefore, we should also love our parents and do something within our power to repay them.

Now I will tell you what I have done to my parents. One day, it was raining, and my mother came home at night, tired and backache, because she was always staring at the computer during the day's work, so tired. So I asked my mother to sit on the sofa, and I gently tapped my mother's back with my little hands. After a while, my mother turned around and said to me with a smile, "You are really my mother's baby!" Hearing this sentence, I felt very happy.

Another time, it was summer. It was very hot. My father was repairing the TV set for others, and sweat was running down. I felt very sad. I wiped my father's sweat with a towel and handed him a cup of cold boiled water. My father praised me and said, "What a sensible child!" My heart was as sweet as honey.

In real life, we should care about our parents and express our love with practical actions.

Parents' love composition 200 words

The care and care that our parents give us is a kind of love. There are many ways to love. My parents' love, I think, is the warmest love, such as:

Worried love

One night, when I was sleeping, I felt very hot and weak. I was very weak and cried out, "Mom. Mom

My mother felt something was wrong, so she touched my head. My mother was shocked. I had a fever. My father sent me to the hospital quickly. When I was in the hospital, my parents were worried when I was taking injections. Although I was asleep, I felt it. This is worried love

Nagging love

Another time, my classmates and I were riding bicycles together, but my parents kept calling me. One by one, they hung up and called again. I didn't know how many times to stop. Finally, even my classmates were bored. Although I was bored, I knew that my parents wanted us to be free from harm. This was nagging love.

There are many kinds of love from my parents, and these love are the warmth that we cannot get.

A 200 word love composition for parents

For whom are the grey hairs on the temples

Hard work has roughened my hands

Full of vicissitudes and wrinkles

They are all for one family

Working without regrets

They are my parents

When I was young, I often talked back to my parents

I really want to leave them

Gradually, with the increase of age

And understand the hardships of parents

I also found that my father's big body

Become bloated

Mother's figure has also lost weight

Not as high as before

But still working hard for me

The skin of the past has been tanned

My parents have paid time and sweat for me

They gave me too much

I can do little for my parents

I still have time, but my elderly parents have less time every day

Maybe the word "love" is hard for me to say to my parents

But when you get old

I will definitely go with you to the place you want to go

Do what you want to do

Wei Caili, Junior 2, Xiafu Middle School, Wuhua County, Meizhou, Guangdong

Parents' love composition 200 words

The love of my parents is the greatest love between heaven and earth. Since I was born in this world, my parents have loved me forever.

As the saying goes, motherly love is like water, and fatherly love is like a mountain. My parents are like this.

One late night, I tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. My mother gently stroked my forehead with her hand, "Ouch! I have a fever!" She said. After getting dressed, I ran to the hospital with my back. Because the weather was very cold, I sneezed several times. My mother took off her clothes and put them on me. We finally came to the hospital. When I saw the sweat on my mother's forehead, I thought to myself: I will repay my mother well when I grow up.

The father's love is as thick as a mountain. He always gives me the correct guidance when I make mistakes, and he always gives me the correct guidance when I encounter problems

My father and mother care for me in different ways. I love them!

"Who can say" grass heart ", will be rewarded" I will repay them well when I grow up

Parents' love composition 200 words (14)

In the middle of the night, I was burning again. My parents knew that my father went to the pharmacy to buy medicine, and I fell asleep after eating the medicine. My parents loved me too much, and I will never finish. I use one sentence to praise my parents: their kindness is as deep as the sea.

Parents' love composition 200 words (15)

When I was in the third grade, I failed my Chinese exam once. Looking at the bright red 79 points on the test paper, I opened my mouth wide. You know, in Chinese, I rarely get below 90 points!

On the way home, I was thinking about how to explain to my parents, who would certainly criticize me

Unconsciously, when I got to the door, I opened the door and entered the room. My parents had not come back yet. I put the test paper on the table and waited for them to go home

Ten minutes, twenty minutes, time flows difficultly, like an hourglass, falling into my uneasy heart. After half an hour or so, my heart beat faster when my mother came back with the sound of opening the door. Sure enough, my mother severely criticized me. I felt very sad and wronged. I already knew I was wrong, but why did my mother make it worse? Why don't you switch places with me? Why can't you understand my sad mood?

After a while, Dad came back. He looked at the score on the test paper, but smiled and said: "Child, the score is secondary, the key is whether you understand." After saying that, he analyzed the test paper with me, and my father took pains to tell me the questions I didn't understand until I understood them.

A few years later, I felt very lucky. Because I have a strict mother and a kind father. With my mother, my grades keep improving. With my father, I won the first place in the mid-term Chinese exam of Grade 5.

I understand that these two different languages have a common starting point, that is, love! Like a wind, it always pushes me forward.

Parents' love composition 200 words (16)

After arriving at the hospital, my mother took me to the last room on the third floor for inspection. The doctor said, "Your son has runny nose." My mother took my hand to the first floor to dispense medicine. My mother only dispensed children's cold medicine. After the medicine was dispensed, my mother took my hand and returned home to take medicine. My mother first took out a bowl, soaked in water in the bowl, and waited for the water to cool, Mother poured the medicine into a bowl for me to drink. When I got well, I said to my mother, "Mom, I'm very grateful that you have cured me."

Teacher's comment: In life, my mother has done too much for me. I don't know how to repay you, but I sincerely say to you: "Mom, you have worked hard, and I love you!"