Moving Facts Composition (17 required)
Peace is bliss
2024-06-06 05:09:54
topic of conversation

Moving Facts Composition (1)

In my image, there are many things that move me. However, the most unforgettable thing for me is that it happened two years ago.

It was a cold night. I was playing in the daytime. In the middle of the night, the disease pulled me out of the black sweet country. I have a splitting headache and feel hot even when I am low. My mother was awakened by my groaning voice. She asked thoughtfully, "What's wrong, son?"? I am sad. My mother immediately touched my head with her rough hand, then ran to the lobby to take out the thermometer and put it under my arm. Yo, thirty-nine degrees seven. Mother quickly dressed me without saying anything. When I arrived at the hospital, my mother hurriedly registered me, took me to see a doctor, and finally took me to the infusion room for infusion. After the nurse pushed me to the ward, it was already three o'clock in the morning. I was tired and sleepy, and I fell asleep vaguely.

When I woke up, the snow had stopped and my illness was much better. At this time, I saw the most impressive scene that my mother sat on a small stool and fell asleep on the edge of the hospital bed. When I turned my head, I saw a lot of medicine and delicious food on the bedside table. I knew that my mother bought it for me when I was sleeping. There is another note on the bedside table. I picked it up and looked at it. The following sentence was written: Son, we should pay attention to our own body in the future. When I saw this note, my tears rolled in my eyes for several times and finally flowed out.

Although it has been two years since this incident happened, every detail of this incident is still in my shadow. I will never forget my mother's kindness to me.

Moving Facts Composition (2)

The word "moving" is easy to understand, and "moving" is also ubiquitous in our life.

I remember once, I accidentally saw a video on my mother's mobile phone. The content of the video is like this: A child in his fifties and sixties helped his father to cross the road. They came to the beef noodle stand on the road to eat beef. The child first helped his father to sit on the chair, and then went straight to the boss and said, "Aunt, I want two bowls of beef noodles." Suddenly he came close to the boss's ear and whispered, "Help me put all the beef in one bowl." The boss nodded in doubt.

After a while, two bowls of hot beef noodles were placed on the table. Then the child handed the bowl of noodles full of beef to the blind father, but he ate the bowl of noodles without any beef.

They picked up the chopsticks at the same time. The father picked up the chopsticks and put the beef into his son's bowl, while saying to his son, "Eat more, grow taller, and be a useful person to the society in the future!" The son said yes, while quietly clipping the beef handed by his father back into his father's bowl. In this way, two pairs of chopsticks clip the beef back and forth, while also conveying the deep love between the two fathers and sons for each other. The boss next to him was even more moved, so he brought them a large plate of beef. The child said innocently: "Aunt, we didn't order beef!" The boss said: "This is from aunt. You respect your father so much. You are really a sensible child!" The child took the beef and thanked him repeatedly.

After they finished eating, the child put all his savings under the plate. What he means is that I can't eat for nothing without receiving salary.

When I saw this, I was deeply moved by the child's behavior. This reminds me that when my parents treat me like this, I don't know how to be modest, respect the old and love the young like this child. I can't help feeling ashamed of myself

Moving Facts Composition (3)

Everyone has parents, who give us life. Our life is integrated with their blood and their selfless love. When I was sick, I could feel the heavy love of my parents.

One afternoon last summer, I played skateboarding alone in the park. Because I usually played well, I relaxed my vigilance and broke my arm. At that time, my arm was broken into a V shape. When my mother arrived, I, who was originally strong, cried out in fear, injustice and regret, and cast a helpless look at my mother. At this time, my mother was very anxious, but very calm, and always comforted me: nothing, my mother was there. Later, my mother told me that she also wanted to cry and was a little overwhelmed, but she knew that she could not cry. Once I shed tears, I would be more afraid.

Hearing the letter, my father came in a hurry. We went to the nearest hospital for a brief treatment, and then we arrived at Beijing Jishuitan Hospital. In the hospital, I had to undergo many examinations. My father was afraid that my walking would increase my pain, so he kept holding me, a young man weighing 70 or 80 kilograms, running up and down, running out and running in, and soon sweated his clothes. This is the power of love. Because of my serious injury, I need surgery. I don't know how long my parents waited anxiously. My operation was finally completed successfully, and then they gently breathed a sigh of relief. Because I was drugged during the operation, I was not allowed to drink or eat within 6 hours. Whenever I was thirsty, my mother would touch my lips with a wet cotton swab and fan me when it was hot... At night, my wound was unbearable, and my mother would rub it for me until I fell asleep. In this way, my mother had not slept well for three days in a row, and her eyes were sunken. I am very moved.

Maybe it was the love of my parents that moved the disease. I recovered very quickly. Now my arms are moving freely, just like before.

Because my parents let me grow up healthily and happily. Mom and Dad thank you, I love you!

Moving Facts Composition (4)

There are many things passing by around us, but one small thing still reverberates in my mind and touches me.

This happened in a mall. On the day when the mall held an event, all the goods were given a 30% discount and prizes were given. It was stipulated that 7:00-10:00 p.m. My mother and I hurried after dinner. I took a basket and a few things at random. My mother told me to queue up quickly. It's up to mother to choose things. The line is like a long dragon, and I'm already behind.

After a while, a boy came behind me. He was about the same age as me. He was wearing a school uniform, and his hair was dry and yellow, and his face was black. After a while, I began to talk with him. I asked, "What grade are you in?" He said, "Fourth grade." Do you buy this? ". There are still a few people coming to us, and we are anxiously waiting for Mom.

Suddenly, a person came out of the mall carrying blue things. I thought it was my mother. After a careful look, it turned out to be a mother-in-law about 60 years old. She looked at the long line, put down her things, sighed, shook her head, and said to herself, "Oh, it's not easy to buy discount things!" She was about to leave. At this time, the boy beside me stood up and said to my mother-in-law, "You can use my position, mother-in-law." "How can I do that?" said the mother-in-law. The boy insisted on giving his position to his mother-in-law no matter what. I stood beside him waiting for his mother.

Just then, the boy's mother came out excitedly with a lot of goods. The boy bowed his head and said to his mother, "Mom, I have given my place to my mother-in-law." His mother was surprised first, and then smiled and took the boy away from the mall.

I looked at his receding figure and suddenly felt that his figure was getting bigger and bigger. I was also a Young Pioneer. Can't I do that?

Moving Facts Composition (5)

In my memory, I have experienced many things, but there is one thing that I am very moved and unforgettable. Let me tell you today.

In the past, every time my brother came back was the happiest thing for me. He took me around the yard by bike and found the "New World" in the yard; He also used his lucky money to buy firecrackers in a small shop and taught me how to set off firecrackers; Take me to the army's playground to play basketball with the soldiers... In the past two years, he has been busy studying every time he comes, and has no time to play with me. So I was very angry. However, after my brother left, I hope he can accompany me more when he comes back next time. A few months after my brother left, my grandmother told me something. My brother wrote an article. I felt that I should not be angry with my brother. The main idea of his composition is to describe how I like him, worship him, and give him my favorite food and things, but he only cares about himself and ignores me. He regrets that he is too ignorant to play with me. At this time, I was completely moved by this composition. He didn't play with me because of his heavy learning task. I was not angry with him at all, but also a little happy.

This summer vacation, my brother was admitted to East China University of Political Science and Law with excellent results. When he saw me again, he gave me directions everywhere and asked me to study hard and exercise. My brother's love, like a piece of honey, gives me a sweet taste and accompanies my growth. Let me realize that you should never ignore or complain about your family, they will always love you! This is what impresses me.

Moving Facts Composition (6)

One autumn evening when I was eight years old, my mother and I saw a scene on an overpass, which made me remember vividly and moved.

That is a beggar. He is very different from other beggars. His lower body has been amputated. He slides the cart on one hand and begs everywhere with a rusty pot on the other. The autumn wind was a little cold, and the fog was slowly coming up. His thin and patched clothes were lifted by the wind from time to time. There was no blood on his dusty face, and his lips murmured. I could not hear what he said, but unconsciously took out five yuan and put it into the jar. He smiled at me knowingly and nodded gratefully.

However, more people who walked by him seemed to ignore him, and my heart suddenly felt unprecedented sadness. These people are so indifferent! The beggar seems to have become accustomed to this. I can't find a disappointed expression on his face. He just continues to push the wooden cart under him. Occasionally, a compassionate person throws money into his jar, and he smiles knowingly and nods his head repeatedly to express gratitude.

In such a moment, I was moved by his spirit of digging this little hope instead of fearing the horror of fate. How many people are depressed by the blow of fate, and how many people easily end their lives due to temporary difficulties. And he, in the face of such a merciless fate, without the company of his relatives, without the encouragement of his friends, slides on the wooden wheel, lives strong with his broken body, and gives a sincere smile to the people who helped him. What a powerful and valuable spirit!

Moving Facts Composition (7)

I read a true story: the protagonist of the story is a girl in Grade 5. She participated in the hand in hand activity organized by the school and met a mountain girl of her own age. One day, she received a letter from her friend in the mountain area. The letter wrote about the miserable childhood of the mountain girl and the suspension she was going to face. When the hero saw this, she read the letter to the whole class, hoping that everyone could donate some money to help the mountain girl go back to school. One dime, two dimes, one yuan, two yuan, ten yuan, all of which are neatly placed on the hero's table. She wants to warm the cold people with the heat in her heart.

Tears, splashing, flash in the sun, crystal clear, clean. When I finished reading, tears filled my eyes. This girl is a very compassionate, kind-hearted and sensitive girl. A mountain girl who had only met her once or twice organized the whole class to help the mountain girl when she was suspended from school. Ah! Auld Lang Syne. In the eyes of others, this matter may be insignificant, and some people may think: What does it matter to me? We are just ordinary friends. Why should I care? But the hero wants to warm and cold people.

I was deeply moved. She is a kind girl; She is a girl who knows that friendship lasts forever; She

Moving Facts Composition (8)

There lived an old lady next to Grandma's house. She was very poor. She lives in a small dark room all day. Her hair was completely white, her skin was yellow without any luster, her face was full of wrinkles, and her listless eyes were very dull. No wonder that the old lady lives a life without enough food and clothing every day. How can she be energetic like this?

Grandma knew about the old lady and helped her everywhere. She cooked a large pot of mung bean soup. The green beans swam freely in the green soup. I thought to myself: Xiaodouzi! Don't be complacent. You will be in my stomach later! I was about to start with the spoon, but my grandmother poured a large part of the mung bean soup into a big pot and said, "Give the old lady what's in the pot!" Then she took the mung bean soup and went out. I was surprised to look at the big pot of mung bean soup my grandmother served, and then I was stunned to see the small portion of mung bean soup in the bowl. Grandma gave the soup to the old lady, and she said in sincere words: "Here! Take it back to drink!" "No... no need..." The old lady said: "It doesn't matter, take it to drink! We are old neighbors, what others, we are a family!" The old lady was stunned for a while, and tears came out of her listless eyes. "Thank you! Thank you!" she said repeatedly.

The story soon spread in the neighborhood. When everyone knew about the old lady, they sent clothes to the clothes giver, and brought the old lady home to eat when eating

I will never forget these things, the poor old lady, the kind neighbor, and the warm love!

Moving Facts Composition (9)

One afternoon when it was raining cats and dogs, I hurried home by bus.

Looking at the raindrops as big as beans outside the window, a flash of lightning flashed across the sky from time to time, and the dark blue sky was like an ink bottle that had just been knocked over. I looked out the window and was deeply attracted by the beauty of the sky. Suddenly, a white haired old man appeared in front of me on crutches and slowly waved his hands to the bus. I thought to myself: It's impossible for the old man to get on the bus in such a rainy day. It's strange that the driver can stop. However, I was totally surprised. The car slowly drove and stopped with a "Shua -" sound. Several passengers on the car enthusiastically ran out of the car and slowly helped the old man onto the car. "Be careful! The old man's legs are inconvenient. Don't wriggle!" an uncle shouted. Passengers helped the old man up with all hands and legs. An innocent little brother walked up to the old man and said with a smile, "Grandpa, how do you do? Your legs are not convenient, let me give you my seat!" Then he made a gesture of please. The old man grinned, showing his yellow teeth, and said, "Good, good, good! The child is really sensible and good!" The little brother smiled happily. The car continued to move forward, and the people on the car were in a happy mood, humming beautiful songs and disappearing into the rain curtain.

I suddenly understood that there is truth everywhere!

Moving Facts Composition (10)

Movements can be seen everywhere. In this world, moving things will happen every moment, as long as you have a pair of good observation eyes.

One hot summer day, I walked carelessly on the road, ready to play basketball in the nearby basketball court. I was walking to the intersection of an alley when I heard several barks, from which I heard anger. Curiosity drove me, so I stepped forward and looked into the alley. It turned out that several dogs were fighting. Although there are many dog fights, it's the first time I've seen such a fierce fight, so I decided to stay and watch.

There are six dogs in the alley, two big yellow haired dogs, one black haired bitch, and three puppies behind the black haired bitch.

The big yellow haired dog pounced on the black haired bitch viciously, shouting: "I want you to invade our territory. I'll teach you a lesson."

The black haired bitch barked several times to her child, as if to send a danger signal, telling her child to evacuate to a safe place quickly.

At this time, the big yellow haired dog found that there were still several puppies, so he changed his mind and rushed to the small, helpless puppies.

Of course, the black haired bitch refused and kicked the big yellow haired dog on the stomach. This kick did not make the yellow haired dog back down, but greatly increased the anger of the yellow haired dog. It jumped on the back of the black haired bitch and bit on her back, biting off several hairs on her back.

The black haired bitch barked louder, as if to say, "Run, kids!" The big yellow haired dog saw that one of her dogs was not good, so she barked a few times and asked not to be chased by a big yellow haired dog.

I thought to myself: One dog is not worth two dogs. It seems that the dog is going to die.

Unexpectedly, the black haired bitch came to deal with another dog. It tripped the big yellow haired dog, and then cleverly bit the tail of the other big yellow haired dog to prevent them from chasing their babies... In this way, the black haired bitch dragged on for a long time to let her children escape from the big yellow haired dog's eagle claws. After a long time, the black haired bitch was finally overwhelmed. She was still a bit injured and fell under a big tree on one side, but her children had already escaped.

The big yellow haired dog barked a few times in discontent, as if to say: "Damned guy, he has escaped. If you invade our territory next time, we will be rude to you." After calling, he left disappointed.

I was deeply moved by the scene in front of me, and my nose felt sour. I never thought that dogs should have such a deep love. I always think that dogs are ruthless, and I never thought that dogs' love is no less than that of human beings.

Ah! Movements can be seen everywhere, and I was moved by these dogs!

Moving Facts Composition (11)

In my memory, there are many things that moved me. They are just like countless pearls emitting dazzling brilliance. Now, I touch the biggest one again and let its light illuminate my heart again.

Last summer vacation, our family went to Beijing to play. The next day, we planned to walk to Badaling, but the sun overhead was so hot that we had to take a taxi. On the way, the taxi driver said to my father, "It costs 150 yuan to go to Badaling." "It's so expensive, can you reduce it?" My father tried to bargain, but it was useless. The driver said that it was the cheapest. The driver was so greedy, and it cost a lot of money. I thought to myself. When we arrived at our destination, we started our journey. Just as we were about to take a picture of the magnificent scenery in front of us, we found that the camera was missing. We were sure that the camera was left in the taxi. "These days, there are too few good people. It's too late to pick up such a valuable camera. How could it be returned to you? Besides, the driver may have forgotten our appearance and will buy one tomorrow." Mom said calmly. We visited the Great Wall. When we were about to go back, we saw a taxi in the distance. The driver was wandering outside the door and looked at us from time to time. At this time, he seemed to see us, ran quickly to my father and said: "Sir, you left your camera in my car just now. Thinking you must be traveling, he hurried to wait for you here. Unexpectedly, he was really waiting for you. Be careful when going out!" Before we said thank you, he turned around and left.

The driver who was haggling over the fare just now unexpectedly drove back our lost camera. My father, my mother, I and my grandfather were deeply moved. We unexpectedly misunderstood a spiritual teacher.

The scenery of the capital Beijing is beautiful, and the people in the capital Beijing are even more noble. This hot summer and the driver who returned the money will condense into a touching pearl inlaid in my memory.

Moving Things Composition (12)

One day in the summer vacation, I caught a cold and had a headache. Dad was very worried and took me to the hospital. The doctor said he had a cold and had a fever. He prescribed some medicine and water.

When I was in the infusion room for infusion, I saw an aunt. She put one hand on the head of a chubby big brother. Tears could not stop flowing down. She saw the big brother's round head, round body, and yellow and shiny face. It was clear that she was seriously ill at first sight.

There was an old woman nearby who seemed to be familiar with her aunt, so she talked about her elder brother. I learned from their conversation that the elder brother had uremia, his father was a bricklayer, and her mother was a small worker. Last year, she ran out of money for medical treatment, but now she can only rely on the money his father earned every day and borrowed from others to see a doctor. The big brother is very sensible. He always bears it when he is uncomfortable. Every time his mother drags him to the hospital, this time is no exception. The elder brother said to his mother in his tender voice, "Don't worry, Mom, I will work hard to go to school. When I graduate from college, I will earn money to see a doctor myself." His mother listened to him and shed tears.

My father and I were moved by the big brother's behavior, and my tears could not help flowing down. My father took out a hundred yuan and gave it to the aunt, who refused to take it. My father said, "This is my daughter and I, please accept it!"

It's been a long time since this incident happened, and I will cry when I think of it!

Moving Things Composition (13)

Every night at 9 o'clock, there is always an old man who is dressed in rags and has a light heart. He will come to school to pick up rags and will leave quietly, never arriving early or leaving late.

When she first saw the old man, she spoke. On one occasion, the neighbor uncle worried that she could find nothing. She gave her a bag of good oranges. She said that I was a rag picker, not a beggar, and then walked slowly, but never came again. A few days later, the old man appeared at the school garbage dump. When she left school, my aunt took two nails at home and nailed two nails on two big trees near the school garbage dump. The next night, my aunt hung some wrapped food on the tree. My aunt tied some old books and newspapers together and hung them on another big tree. The old man who picked up the bad deeds came. She took away the bag hanging on the tree. She thought it was unwanted garbage.

Later, many residents learned that they often hung bulging food bags on the trees. Once, Xiao Li, who often came home late, said that when he saw the old man picking up the food bag, he burst into tears.

Dignity is priceless. In the face of other people's fragile dignity, sometimes no care is worth a thousand words.

Moving Facts Composition (14)

In my memory, there are many moving things, but the only one left me deeply buried in my heart.

One day, it was raining cats and dogs in the sky. I was walking to school with an umbrella. Suddenly, a little girl hid under my umbrella and said softly: "Big sister, I don't have an umbrella, can I use the same umbrella with me?" Although I said yes, my heart was very unwilling, so I tried to move the umbrella to my side, but the little girl's shoulder was already wet. The little girl looked at me and said nothing.

After walking for a while, I suddenly tripped over the stone at my feet. Fortunately, the little girl pulled me, but the right pants were covered with muddy water. I want to go home and change one, but I have to go to class soon. What should I do? The little girl seemed to see through my mind. She took out a handkerchief and handed it to me. I said, "Your mother will scold you if you get dirty." The little girl shook her head and helped me clean it. On the way, I asked curiously, "Why don't you take your umbrella when it's raining so hard?". After hearing this, my face is burning. I'm older than her, but I'm not as kind as him. Ah!

This touching thing has been engraved in my heart, and I will always remember that little girl.

Moving Facts Composition (15)

Moving is like love. It warms our hearts all the time. As long as we find it carefully, we can be moved.

Every day, my mother carries my sister's and my sister's school bags to send us to and from school, and my sister and I naturally follow her with a kettle. But one day, I found that my mother always changed her backpack. At this time, I realized that these two schoolbags are also very heavy on my mother's shoulder. So, from then on, I robbed my mother of my schoolbag. However, my mother said: "You are now growing up. If you are bent by your schoolbag, you will not grow tall!" My mother insisted repeatedly, so I had to listen to her.

It was only then that I found that many mothers also carried two school bags to take their children to school. Seeing this scene, I smiled and said to my mother: "Mom, look, they are all learning from you! Two shoulders carry two schoolbags." My mother said: "Little fools, they are not learning from their mothers. This is every parent's sincere love for their children.

Although this is a small matter in life, it makes me understand that every parent's love for their children is the same. This kind of love moved me and encouraged me to study wholeheartedly.

Moving Facts Composition (16)

There are many things in my childhood. They are like glistening dewdrops that will disappear forever. They are all in my mind. Many unforgettable, touching, sad, happy and so on can not be counted. Ha! Now I won't talk about it one by one. I'll take that one.

I am most moved to tell you!

On a sunny Saturday, I was happily carrying my schoolbag and preparing to go to the activity center to have an English class. "Today is the beginning of a new semester, I must go early." I thought to myself. I came to the road, stopped a taxi and got on happily. Along the way, I was in a good mood, enjoying the roadside scenery while humming a tune. The driver uncle turned his head and looked at me with a simple smile. I looked down at my watch. It was still ten minutes away. So I turned my head to watch the scenery outside the window. In a short time, the activity center is here. I paid the money, smiled at the driver's uncle and said, "Thank you, uncle." The uncle smiled at me again and drove away. I skipped to the classroom. Suddenly, I found that my schoolbag was missing. "Oh, it's early. I must have left it on the bus when I got off the bus." I suddenly looked foolish and thought: What should I do? I still have 320 yuan in my schoolbag! I was so worried that tears rolled in my eyes... "Wait a minute, little friend!" Someone behind me was calling me. I turned around and saw that the driver was coming panting. He ran up to me and handed me something. When I looked closely, it was my schoolbag. I rummaged through my schoolbag, and there was nothing missing. My 320 yuan was still lying in my schoolbag "sleeping soundly". I was so touched that I wanted to thank this simple driver uncle, but I didn't say a word. My uncle patted me on the shoulder and turned away. I stood there dumbfounded, tears blurred my eyes again, but I knew that they were moved tears.

Until now, that matter has been remembered in my heart. Whenever I think of this, I always think of the tall figure of the driver uncle.

Is my story moving?

Moving Facts Composition (17)

Young people like girls who work in convenience stores.

Every day he would go to the shop where the girl worked to buy a packet of cigarettes.

Gradually the two began to get familiar with each other.

When girls are bored at work, or when they are in a bad mood.

Young people will appear, and they will talk with girls or amuse girls.

The girl also knew that young people seemed to like her, but she already had a very good boyfriend. She didn't know how to refuse him when facing such care from young people.

One day, a doll machine was shipped outside the shop, and the girl liked the doll inside.

When the young man knew it, he went to clip a doll for the girl.

On that day, he finally confessed to her, hoping that the girl would accept him.

The girl who doesn't know what to do can only tell the young man cruelly that it is impossible for her and him, because she has a beloved boyfriend.

The young man nodded quietly after listening.

I just like girls more than I expected.

He didn't give up asking the girl, did he really have no chance?

The kind-hearted girl can't bear to see the originally cheerful and funny young people become so depressed and unhappy.

So she pointed to the fuzzy doll in the doll machine and said.

Unless you have 100 dolls, and you can only have one doll a day.

It turns out that the girl hopes to use time to dilute young people's feelings for herself.

She thought to herself that it would take more than three months before there were 100 dolls a day.

And young people should not have the patience to fill 100 dolls!

During the three months, she will try to keep her distance from the boy.

She is determined to restore the relationship between the two employees and customers.

The young people still came to the shop every day, but the girl began to grow cold.

He always tries to talk about some topics that girls are interested in, but the girls still ignore him.

Because she knew that only by doing so would not let the young people sink deeper and deeper.

Young people may feel the girl's intention.

So he began to clip the doll every day, and sometimes he was lucky enough to clip it once or twice.

Sometimes I'm unlucky, and I can't get my pocket money when I run out. So I have to borrow money from my friends and continue to clip it until it is in the middle.

No matter how much money and time he spent, he would definitely clip a doll every day.

But he couldn't share the joy of picking up the doll with the girl.

Because he knew that the girl wanted to avoid him.

In order to avoid affecting the girl's mood, he could only smile and nod outside the shop window.

Several times, I saw the young people happy because they caught the doll.

The girls all want to rush out and say to him, "I'm lying to you. Don't clip again.".

Even if you really clip 100 dolls, it is impossible for me and you!

But at the thought of the disillusionment of young people's hopes, the girl could not bear it, and she could only hesitate constantly.

That's one day, two days, three days. The number of young people's dolls is constantly accumulating.