Writing about the Forest (20 Collections)
Ten years of military service, lonely heart
2024-06-08 07:31:11

Writing about Forest (1)

Each tree is home to an elf, and Feifei is one of them. Their home is in a big dense forest.

One day, Feifei saw a group of strangers break into the forest. Feifei heard that the oldest fairy grandfather said that human beings are very intelligent and are a hundred times smarter than animals in the forest. Feifei thought: "Humans will certainly become our good partners like animals."

But from that day on, the strange roar kept ringing, and the big trees fell down everywhere and were made into exquisite wooden houses. There are many elf friends who can no longer sing and dance.

Feifei was a little sad. He thought: People already have houses, so they shouldn't cut trees anymore. But people's desire is not so simple: trees are made into matches, disposable chopsticks, disposable paper cups... tree fellers. People exchange trees for lots of money and put them into their pockets.

But still didn't stop the saw.

The calm life is broken, and Feifei is very anxious. It went to discuss countermeasures with Grandpa Elf. The fairy grandfather said, "Our weak elves can't compete with powerful humans, but I have a good idea."

As night fell, people fell asleep. The fairy grandfather took the opportunity to cast magic. When people woke up, they were shocked by the scene before them: the lush forests no longer exist, leaving only a large desert, and the wind blown sand covered the sky and earth.

The monkeys and singing birds that used to jump among the branches have disappeared, and the sun is burning hot for everyone; The beautiful waterfall disappeared, and the water source, the source of human life, dried up. "What on earth have we done?" People wailed.

At this time, a voice came from the ear: "People were very smart, but their vision was too short. Because you cut down a lot of trees, the ecosystem was damaged, resulting in forest desertification. You can no longer survive!"

"This is all our fault." Human beings regret, "please give us another chance! We will correct it!"

A thick fog poured in, and the fog dispersed, and the world returned to its original state. Human beings are lucky to be alive, and even more lucky to have forests. People throw away their saws and replace them with shovels for planting trees

Fairy Feifei and his friends finally found their home again.

Writing about Forest (2)

The spring of singing birds and fragrant flowers has passed, and the summer of luxuriant trees has come. The sky, the dense forest, everything is so bright. The thick milky fog covers the lush forest. The shy girl looms out of the clouds. The forest looks like an endless green sea under the sunshine.

The forest is the home and paradise of animals. There is a touching story about this forest! Now let me tell you something!

In a season of lush foliage and drizzle. Larks compete and sing in the ancient trees, little monkeys play swings in the trees, and pandas play "slide" in the forest. All animals are doing what they like to do. At that time, the forest was their paradise and their home for survival. But one day, something bad happened. Because some people carve graffiti on trees as souvenirs; Some people just cut down the trees in order to pay attention to the immediate interests. The birds have no place to build their nests, and they all fly away. The animals have no home, and they run away in all directions. What's more terrible is that one day, when a big storm came, there was no forest to stop the sand, which blew down the houses in the villages not far from the forest, and killed many people. The animals were heartbroken.

Under the leadership of Uncle Elephant, the animals organized to rebuild the forest by themselves. The birds brought some trees, the moles were busy digging holes, and the monkeys shuttled around carrying water for watering. After a while, the green saplings grew out. The spirit of unity and perseverance of animals moved people. Everyone took action to fertilize, hoe and care carefully. After a few years, the trees pulled out new branches and grew green and lush leaves. How beautiful! A new forest unfolds before people. Since then, no one has come to destroy the forest. People and animals live in peace, and everyone has a happy life.

Writing about Forest (3)

Bustling forest

One day, the weather was sunny, the sun was shining, and the grass in the forest was golden.

A few birds on the branches were chirping happily. Suddenly, they saw a big truck coming from a distance and stopped at the roadside. The rhinoceros driver laughed and got off the bus: "Dear 'friends, get off!" The animals scrambled to get off the bus, including tigers, lions, monkeys and lively rabbits. The forest is so busy, so they came to the get-together.

The performance began. The little monkey is best at performing acrobatics, passing the ball with both hands in the air and pedaling on the unicycle. The kitten sang and danced beautifully. The lion is accompanied by a big drum, which is sonorous and powerful. The rabbit plays the flute, euphemistically and beautifully. The duckling choir quack quack quack, quack quack, cadence. From time to time, there was applause.

It's really lively here. I also want to participate in the performance.

Writing about Forest (4)

The trees in the big forest have been cut down, and the rabbits, sika deer and giraffes have no homes.

The giraffe said, "Otherwise, let's move."

The rabbit said, "No, we love here and the big forest."

The sika deer said, "I have collected some seeds. Let's plant trees."

Then they began to work happily. (The rabbit loosened the soil, the sika deer sprinkled the seeds into the soil, and the giraffe watered it. A few years later, a dense 'forest' grew here, and the animals were so happy!)

Animals in the big forest look at pictures and write pictures

Mom's words: This is a story written in class. When we started happily, Lele finished writing. I said you think what will happen later? So Lele added the content in blue words, which made it more vivid.

Writing about Forest (5)

As we all know, the origin of human civilization is inseparable from forests. Forests can not only regulate the climate, protect the soil, prevent sandstorms, reduce natural disasters, but also provide people with food, fuel, wood, medicinal materials and other necessities of life. The forest is a filter of air and a natural oxygen producing field. It produces fresh oxygen, so that people, animals and plants can survive. If there is no forest, the earth will become a desert, and mankind will lose the living conditions, then how terrible the world will become! Therefore, I want to speak out to people: the earth needs green, and protecting forests is to protect human beings themselves. Fire prevention is the key to forest protection!

People often say that thieves steal a load and burn it. In particular, forest fire prevention is extremely important. Once a forest fire breaks out, the consequences will be unimaginable, which will cause immeasurable losses to people's lives and property. We often see the tragic scenes of forest fires on TV. The forests are lush and luxuriant. Villages, people and animals are engulfed by the fire. It's really horrible. There is such an example: a state-owned forest farm caused a forest fire because the villagers threw cigarette butts after smoking, burning more than 1000 mu of forests, more than 10 houses, four firefighters died, and the direct economic loss was millions of yuan. Such cases cannot be counted Tongji genital herpes treatment.

Most of the forest fires are caused by human factors, which are mainly caused by outdoor fire. Water and fire are merciless. There is an old saying that those who play with fire will burn themselves. One careless act of people will bring disaster to the forest and endless pain to people. Therefore, everyone is responsible for forest fire prevention. So in forest fire prevention, what should we primary school students do? Symptoms of false condyloma acuminatum? First of all, I will not play with fire or set off firecrackers in the wild; Second, be a small propagandist of forest fire prevention, publicize the importance of forest fire prevention to people around you, and tell people that prevention is the most important thing to avoid fire and improve forest fire prevention awareness. In a word, let's guard this green home together, and let the forest benefit mankind. It will always be prosperous, beautiful and evergreen.

Writing about Forest (6)

I have seen such a group of pictures, which are named "Before Incineration" and "After Incineration" respectively. The former is presented in front of people is a lush forest, the leaves are green and flowing, and the leaves are surrounded by the trunk layer by layer. It makes people relaxed and happy after reading it. But at the moment when I moved my eyes from "Before Burning" to "After Burning", I could not help but frown and feel cold. It says: On a sloping hillside, the original tall and luxuriant trees are all gone, leaving only the burned and deformed trunks, and a thick layer of black coke is about to fall off. It can be seen that fire is not only a good messenger to bring light to others, but also an evil spirit that devours beauty.

As the annual Tomb Sweeping Day is coming, people have come all the way to pay homage to their ancestors with incense sticks and firecrackers in order to show that they do not forget their roots. They put incense sticks on the grave site, set off firecrackers, crackled and crackled. After a burst of excitement, they left without scruple. They were glad that they had not forgotten their ancestors. Perhaps at this time, the incense stick that had not been burned burned the withered grass beside it, and it continued to spread with the wind. Finally, a large area of vegetation on the mountain was burned down, leaving a big scar on the beautiful countryside.

These are by no means alarmist. An unyielding fact is before us. During the Tomb Sweeping Day last year, an old man went up to the mountain to worship his ancestors. He had just lit the incense stick and threw the match aside. But who knew that the match had not been extinguished, and then he "whirred" to burn the hay. The old man was dazed, but he didn't even know it. He was still praying to the Buddha. When the surrounding flames slowly approached him, the old man panicked, Take off your clothes quickly to put out the fire. At this time, the fire circle gradually narrowed and surrounded Grandpa... The result was tragic, not only burned a large area of forest, but also lost his life.

It is reported that China's forest coverage rate ranks more than 100 in the world, which indicates that China's forest resources are extremely scarce. The main reason is that frequent forest fires have seriously damaged the reproduction of trees, leading to the country's forest coverage rate ranking last.

The relevant government departments pay special attention to forest fire prevention. During the period before the Tomb Sweeping Day, people's behavior of burning incense and offering sacrifices to ancestors is likely to cause fires. Therefore, the government departments put up the orders of forest fire prevention on the wall in advance and drive around to publicize them, so that people can be more vigilant and prevent fires. People are also encouraged to sacrifice their ancestors in new ways. It is much safer and more beneficial to offer a bunch of flowers and sincere prayers to ancestors than to burn them into ashes. In order to avoid future trouble, let's actively respond to this new way of expression.

Forest fire prevention, alarm bell ringing. When the Tomb Sweeping Day is coming, each of us should use fire carefully to keep the forest away from fire sources and make the world green!

Writing about Forest (7)

The lush forests covering the earth are a huge and precious "green wealth" owned by nature. It has played an irreplaceable role in the history of human beings and development. Because of this, our ancestors and grandchildren can live and multiply under their care.

The forest is the purification of the air, and enjoys the reputation of "the lung of the earth". It can absorb a large amount of carbon dioxide and harmful gases, and constantly produce the oxygen needed by human beings and other creatures; It can conserve water and plays an important role in natural circulation; The forest is an oxygen factory, a dust filter, a natural reservoir, a natural air conditioner... The forest brings us endless benefits. Look, how selfless the forest has contributed to our humanity! Therefore, we should protect the forest and protect it from any damage.

The forest is closely related to people's production and life, but the forest is always facing the threat of fire! Fire can turn valuable natural resources into nothing! Everyone is responsible for protecting forests; Take care of the forest, the alarm bell rings. A little spark may cause great losses to people. Forest fire can not only burn many trees, destroy forest structure and reduce forest utilization value.

Water and fire are merciless. This is not a joke. There is an old saying: those who play with fire burn themselves! One careless action of people will bring disaster to the forest. Forest fires triggered in nature will bring endless pain to people. As a middle school student, we should start from ourselves, strictly abide by the rules of middle school students, and do a good job in fire prevention publicity. We should not play with open flames or set off fireworks in the wild at ordinary times; Don't panic when encountering a fire. Learn to be calm and calm, quickly evacuate from the fire scene, and call the fire alarm "119" to let the firefighters start the fire fighting.

Nature is our mother, and the forest is the source of life. It is they that give us the right to live and the need to live. Without nature, there would be no human beings. For our future life, please don't burn the green vegetation! Forest fire prevention depends on all of us starting from ourselves. Everyone should establish fire prevention awareness, attach importance to and do a good job in fire prevention. In this way, the lush forests growing on the earth will serve us better and send us more warmth.

Writing about Forest (8)

With the intermittent rain, it was Qingming again.

She took the wooden card made in advance and went up the mountain with a big black umbrella.

There are many grass and shrubs growing on the mountain. Although they are sparse, the dazzling green is enough to cover the black of last year's mountains - the black of death.

As she walked along the muddy road, she always felt a fire burning under her feet. The smoke of the fire was too big, which made her eyes wet.

She stopped, looked up at the sky, a few drops of rain hit her face, lips, astringent. She whispered, "It didn't rain last Qingming Festival."

On the way up the mountain, she passed many tombs, some of which were dilapidated and some were wrapped in concrete. She thought, would the dead really care if you had burned incense for him? This is just for the living to masturbate.

Some of the candles in front of the tomb have been extinguished by the rain, and some tomb sweepers have lit candles in places where the rain can not reach. Whenever she saw candles that had not been extinguished, she would go to the tomb, bow, gently extinguish them, then hang the wooden plate she brought, bow again, and leave.

This action has been repeated many times, and she always takes the trouble to do it without saying a word.

The sound of rain beating on the umbrella gradually faded. She put the umbrella away and walked to a new tomb.

She gently took out the tomb sweeping items from the bag, only a few fruits and a trace of cake. After placing these things, she wiped the picture embedded in the tombstone with a handkerchief. The smile on the picture was still simple and familiar. She finally couldn't help but let her tears burst.

A year ago, her parents died in a fire. It was also a Tomb Sweeping Day. It was windy, but it didn't rain. Her parents came here to visit the tomb, and she stayed at home alone. Soon, the bad news made her collapse.

In a fire, there were few trees left in the whole mountain. When the fire was found, the fire was out of control. In this way, she only has herself.

At that time, she was very depressed, and she just hated those who burned incense and candles on the mountain, and hated them for losing her home.

That day, she climbed up the mountain. The mountain was bare, only the traces left by the fire. She cried on the mountain for a long time and didn't know what to do.

But she is a strong girl after all. She told the people in the village that it is not allowed to burn incense on the mountain in the future. When she said this, she clenched her teeth and didn't let her tears fall.

This year, someone lit candles on the mountain again, so she spent a day walking on the mountain, like a person patrolling the mountain. She repeated those movements, even when tired, as if it was a task given to her by her parents.

It was dark, and she walked home with an umbrella.

After dawn, people saw such wooden boards hanging everywhere on the mountain, which said:

Please extinguish the fire source before leaving. A good deed is vital.

Writing about Forest (9)

As the main body of renewable natural resources and terrestrial ecosystems on the earth, forests play an irreplaceable role in the history of human survival and development. The forest has the laudatory name of the lung of the earth. It can absorb a large amount of carbon dioxide and continuously produce oxygen needed by humans and other creatures. The forest is an oxygen factory, a dust filter, a natural reservoir, a natural air conditioner... The forest brings us endless benefits! Forest is the basis for the sustained, rapid and healthy development of the entire national economy, and it has an irreplaceable position and role in the national economic construction.

The forest has the laudatory name of the lung of the earth. It can absorb a large amount of carbon dioxide and continuously produce oxygen needed by humans and other creatures. The forest is an oxygen factory, a dust filter, a natural reservoir, a natural air conditioner... The forest brings us endless benefits! Forest is the basis for the sustained, rapid and healthy development of the entire national economy, and it has an irreplaceable position and role in the national economic construction. The forest is closely related to people's production and life, but the forest is always facing the threat of fire! Fire can turn valuable natural resources into nothing! Fire can cause people to lose their precious lives! How many human civilizations have disappeared in the fire? How many precious treasures disappeared in the fire?

Let's take a look at these terrible lessons:

In 20XX, at a mountain farm in a town in Fujian Province. A farmer accidentally caused a forest fire by burning weeds in his vegetable field. The affected forest area reached 28 hectares, and the fire lasted 19 hours. The direct cost for putting out the fire was 10000 yuan! 8 people died!

In 20XX, a forest fire was caused by villagers smoking in a state-owned forest farm. More than 1000 mu of forest and grassland were damaged, and 4 firefighters died!

On February 14, 20XX, in Dake Mountain Farm, Xiachang Group, Longdou Village, Shuibei Town, Shaowu City, farmers burned weeds in vegetable fields, causing a major accident that killed 8 people. The affected forest area was hectares, and the fire lasted 19 hours. The direct cost for fighting the fire was 10000 yuan.

In May 1987, there was a forest fire in the Great Khingan Mountains. The fire caused a total of billion yuan of heavy losses. It was later found out that four of the first five fire spots of the huge forest fire were caused by human beings, and two of the fire spots were ignited by three "smokers".

There are two causes of forest fire: human factors and natural factors, of which human factors account for the main proportion. Human factors mainly include the use of fire to open up wasteland in the wild; Use fire for heating in the wild; Use fire to drive animals away in the wild; Smoking in the wild, throwing cigarette butts, etc. Water and fire are merciless, but they are not for fun. There is an old saying that those who play with fire will burn themselves! One careless action of people can bring disaster to the forest and endless pain to mankind! It is people's weak awareness of fire prevention that has led to painful consequences again and again!

What can we do as pupils? I think we should start from ourselves, strictly abide by the rules of primary school students, and not play with fire in the wild. And we should do a good job as a propagandist of small forest fire prevention, go to their respective villages, and work with uncles and aunts who protect the forest to publicize the importance of fire prevention and tell people that forest fire prevention is important.

The forest is closely related to people's production and life, but the forest is always facing the threat of fire! Fire can turn valuable natural resources into nothing! Fire can cause people to lose their precious lives! How many human civilizations have disappeared in the fire? How many precious treasures disappeared in the fire?

Through the ages, Mother Earth has nurtured countless generations of children with sweet milk. She was originally decorated by the younger generation. However, human beings are torturing her into darkness for their own interests. Man has only one earth; The earth is facing a severe environmental crisis. "Saving the Earth" has become the most intense among people all over the world. Forest fires refer to forest disasters that lose human control, spread and expand freely in forest pools, and cause certain harm and loss to forests, forest ecosystems and human beings. Forest fire is a kind of natural disaster with strong fire and great destructiveness, which is very difficult to deal with and rescue.

There are many kinds of forest fires. For example, one day relatives and friends go to the mountains to have a picnic. So he lit a fire to cook. After eating, he put out the open fire and left. However, if you don't pay attention to it, a little spark will be blown away by the strong wind, which will cause a forest fire. At that time, you will regret it!

The Qingming Festival is also a time of high incidence of forest fires. On Tomb Sweeping Day, people go to the mountains to worship their ancestors. At this time, they light candles and burn paper money. If you don't pay attention to burning some flowers and trees nearby, there will be another "forest fire"!

Fire is our friend, but if it is out of control, it may cause fire and cause huge losses to our lives and property. We must start from ourselves, establish fire awareness from childhood, attach importance to and do a good job in fire prevention.

Writing about Forest (10)

Nowadays, forest fires have become a major disaster in human life. As a member of society, what should we do? What should we call on others to do?

Today, earthquakes and floods. Disasters such as storms, fires and biological extinction are threatening mankind, including natural disasters and disasters caused by human hands; There are also disasters that can be prevented, controlled and prevented, as well as unpredictable and irresistible disasters that we ask. Now let's talk about forest fires.

Fire, I believe you must be familiar with this word. When you mention fire, you will think of the scene of raging fire, as well as those brave and fearless firefighters who are always willing to sacrifice themselves for others, regardless of their own safety, and are the first to rush into the fire to save people.

Human hands can not only create, use fire for lighting, heating, baking, but also invented various machines according to the nature of fire. But no one thought that this thing that benefits mankind has a bad side. We can't control it, and we don't know how to control it.

Different from fire, forest fire is more lethal and more likely to lose resources and property. Is the so-called forest fire just a fire in the forest? Then you are totally wrong. Forest fire refers to forest fire behaviors that lose control, spread and expand freely in the forest land, and cause certain harm and loss to the forest, forest ecosystem and human beings. In addition to the loss of human property, forest fires also brought other adverse effects.

A little fire, once burned to a big tree, became an irretrievable forest fire. If the forest is burned out, the plants will be dying, and the animals will have no way to return. After burning for an hour, two hours, or even longer, the big forest with beautiful mountains and clear waters, singing birds and fragrant flowers will become a dead and heavy gobi.

Thus, there will be sandstorms, floods and other natural disasters. Since then, there will be a lack of vitality and desolate.

The forest can purify the air and beautify the environment. When you hear the spring singing and the birds flying, do you feel comfortable? If you see that one day, the forests on the earth will be burned one by one, will it hurt you?

Everything has a good side and a bad side. We should make good use of their good side and avoid using their bad side. Just like fire, when used in the right place, you can benefit mankind, when used in the wrong place, you can also destroy the world. This sounds terrible, but there is still a solution.

If you want to prevent this disaster from happening, you must first start from yourself: first, do not burn or heat in the forest, bake food and cook; Second, do not smoke or throw cigarette butts in the forest; Third, no burning incense or blasting in forest areas; Fourth, in case of forest fire, call the fire alarm number in time to minimize the loss; Fifth, learn to self rescue, have emergency plans and escape quickly. Forest fire prevention, starting from me and everyone, let's do ourselves well, stay away from disasters and protect our beautiful earth home!

Forest fire prevention, start from me! Do you know how to do it?

Writing about Forest (11)

As the main body of renewable natural resources and terrestrial ecosystems on the earth, forests play an irreplaceable role in the history of human survival and development. The forest has the laudatory name of the lung of the earth. It can absorb a large amount of carbon dioxide and continuously produce oxygen needed by humans and other creatures. The forest is an oxygen factory, a dust filter, a natural reservoir and a natural air conditioner. The forest brings us endless benefits! The forest is the basis for the sustained, rapid and healthy development of the entire national economy, and it has an irreplaceable position and role in the national economic construction.

The forest is closely related to people's production and life, but the forest is always facing the threat of fire! Fire can turn valuable natural resources into nothing! Fire can cause people to lose their precious lives! How many human civilizations have disappeared in the fire and how many precious treasures have disappeared in the fire.

There are two causes of forest fire: human factors and natural factors, of which human factors account for the main proportion. Human factors mainly include the use of fire to open up wasteland in the wild; Use fire for heating in the wild; Use fire to drive animals away in the wild; Smoking in the wild, throwing cigarette butts, etc. Water and fire are merciless, but they are not for fun. There is an old saying that those who play with fire will burn themselves! One careless action of people can bring disaster to the forest and endless pain to mankind! It is people's weak awareness of fire prevention that has led to painful consequences again and again! The earth is the mother of mankind. This blue planet provides the most comfortable living environment for mankind. Without the earth, there would be no human beings.

With the development and progress of society, people are increasingly aware of the importance and necessity of environmental protection. More and more "green" can be seen in life. From green food, green appliances, green materials to green planet, people care about the natural environment everywhere. Then why does the environment suffer serious damage!

Even though the living standard of human beings has improved, most of them have built cement houses. But it takes wood to build a house! The desks and chairs we use are all wood, and we cannot live without wood. For example, in the lesson "Forest Sea" that I learned, Mr. Lao She's feeling of traveling in Anling is reminiscent of people's living and working in peace and prosperity from wood. The Great Khingan Mountains provide a large number of good materials for the construction of the motherland. Its beauty and construction are integrated. How much help these woods give us! Only then can our homeland have today's glory.

The trees in the forest are the only hope for human survival and the only home for animals and plants. What can we do to keep the balanced development of green vegetation and benefit mankind forever? For the prosperity of the country and a beautiful home, we must first achieve the "Ten Prohibitions" of forest fire prevention, and the most important one is not to burn mountains to open up wasteland. Many people are contributing to environmental protection, but the environment has suffered serious losses. This is because some people do not pay attention to environmental protection and destroy the forest environment at will. They burn many trees carelessly, causing serious losses to the forest. Sometimes floods or sandstorms occur, which severely punish human beings.

To protect the environment, start from you and me, and start from the side. Who brings the information of spring to melt the ice and snow, sprout the trees and open the flowers, and make the hibernating animals wake up with sleepy eyes and gather like a fair to form a brilliant spring; Who is flashing thousands of golden lights, like crystal stars, playfully winking at people; Who jumped across the field and made it a golden ocean; Who is like a huge, soft wool felt, covering the vast desert, shining silver. Make the natural scenery infinite and charming. It is a green power that makes our lovely home so beautiful. Green is the source of life, and green is the hope of the world. Green is the harmony between man and nature, green is the home of animals and plants, green is peace and tranquility, green is the realization and dream!

Let's have more green environment and less fire hazard. Children, please join our team and add a green color to our beautiful home!

Writing about Forest (12)

The forest is an indispensable part of the human survival environment. Protecting the forest is to protect human beings themselves, protect the forest, and benefit future generations. However, forest fire is also the most vicious enemy of the forest. Forest fire prevention is everyone's responsibility. In order to improve everyone's awareness of forest fire prevention and enhance everyone's sense of forest responsibility, we should strengthen forest fire prevention propaganda. According to the spirit of the county education bureau's Notice on Carrying out Forest Fire Prevention Education, our park has carried out the "Five Ones" propaganda and education activities of forest fire prevention. Summary:

1. By integrating safety education into students' daily life, we are faced with a group of junior high school students, who are young and have poor control. Sometimes speaking to them about the main road can not be understood, so we search for some information about forest safety through various ways through what we encounter, see, hear in real life Pictures and other materials allow students to observe and discuss their own views and summarize what should be paid attention to.

2. Integrate safety education into teaching activities to firmly establish students' safety awareness. Carry out a campaign with the theme of "forest fire prevention, everyone has responsibility for safety knowledge in my heart". Every teacher in every class carefully wrote "forest fire prevention" The activity teaching plan provides students with safety knowledge education and teaching of forest fire prevention. The series of activities tell about the contribution of forests to human beings and the serious harm of forest fires. Let students understand fire prevention knowledge and understand the importance of fire prevention. Let forest fire education enter the heart. In addition, our garden also issued a blackboard newspaper about "forest fire prevention". Hang forest fire prevention slogans such as "entering the forest area, fire prevention first"; "Everyone is responsible for forest fire prevention"; "A little spark can destroy ten thousand mu of forest"; Warning slogans such as "Who sets fire, who goes to prison, who catches fire, who goes to prison" create a good material education environment for students.

3. Do a good job of propaganda to parents to promote the consistency of family education. Family education is like a car with two wheels. Only by moving forward in the same direction can safety education be truly implemented. We wrote a letter to parents to promote knowledge about "forest fire prevention" to parents, so that parents also attach importance to safety knowledge education for students to achieve educational consistency and strive to create a strong atmosphere of "everyone is responsible for forest fire prevention" in the whole society.

In a word, we should make forest fire prevention a difficult and complex task to form a good atmosphere of "everyone talks about safety and always talks about safety".

Writing the Composition of Forest (13)

In the beautiful forest, Little White Rabbit, Little Turtle and Little Squirrel watched Snow White, Aesop's Fables and Green's Fairy Tales together on the bench under the tree. They were so serious that birds sang in the tree and crickets played in the grass without disturbing them.

At this time, the cute little hedgehog also came softly, holding an Encyclopedia of Animal Knowledge. He saw the little white rabbit sitting alone with an empty seat beside him, and sat down. The little white rabbit suddenly jumped up and shouted, "Oh, it's really stinging!" The little turtle and the little squirrel looked at them in surprise. They didn't know what was going on. After a careful look, the little hedgehog hurt the little white rabbit.

The little hedgehog looked at everyone and stared at him. He felt that it had affected everyone, so he said to the little white rabbit with shame: "Sorry, sit down! I'm leaving!" When the little hedgehog was about to leave, the little turtle came up to the little hedgehog with enthusiasm and said: "Don't go, sit with me, I'm not afraid of your thorns.". So everyone read happily again.

The little squirrel smiled knowingly when he saw that everyone could live in harmony and help each other.

[Example 2]

As the sun went down, Sister Moon gradually rose into the sky. Many small animals had fallen into sweet dreams, and the forest that had been bustling all day also slowly quieted down. At this time, the little deer who loves exercise is running from a distance, and it finds that only the light of the little tortoise's house is still on. It turned out that the little turtle was afraid of the dark and dared not turn off the lights to sleep. The deer wanted to let the turtle know that night was not terrible, so it invited the turtle to go out for a walk.

The deer carried the turtle out of the house and came to the forest. They talked while walking. They were so happy! Gradually, the little turtle found that the forest at night was as beautiful as the day. That night, the little turtle slept soundly! Since then, the little turtle is no longer afraid of the dark night. Boys and girls, are you also a brave and fearless child?

[Example 3]

After the first snow in the forest, the whole forest is covered with snow. It is really a snow world.

Quietly in the forest, a little fox stretched out his nose from the hole, and his nose was covered with snow; He stretched out his little ears, which were covered with snow. Fox wakes up his friends. Squirrel, rabbit and bear are ready to play a snowball fight first. The little white rabbit and the little squirrel, the little fox and the little bear, tired of playing, began to make a snowman | zk168, and the little white rabbit used the carrot as his nose; The little fox stepped on the mushrooms to make eyes; Little bears and little squirrels found red leaves to make mouths, and a living little snowman was born in the hands of small animals! The little snowman seemed to say to the animals, "Thank you for letting me come to this world."

What beautiful snow, snowflakes dancing, has brought endless fun to the little animals. Their laughter echoed in the forest for a long time.

[Example 4]

One sunny morning, the rabbit and the lamb went to the grassland to play happily, hand in hand. Suddenly, the rabbit and the lamb saw the self righteous pony coming. They walked up to the pony and greeted the pony in a friendly way, saying, "pony, let's play games together!" But the pony said, "Hum, who wants to play with you clowns? You two are not as beautiful as I am! I play with beautiful animals, so I won't play with low-level animals like you." Then he put on a proud look, He swaggered away.

After hearing what the pony said, the rabbit and the lamb cried and ran back to their respective homes.

The next morning, Little Rabbit and Little Sheep came out to play again. This time, they are far away from the pony. When the pony came out, it still carried a lot of snacks. Because it had too many things to take, these heavy things accidentally pressed the pony, and the pony cried in pain: "Help!" At this time, the rabbit and lamb heard the voice and hurried to look. It turned out that the pony was overwhelmed by food. The rabbit and the lamb helped the pony up together. Xiaoma feels sorry for everyone. The pony bowed his head and said shyly, "I was so bad to you before, and you helped me." The rabbit and the lamb said, "As long as you can correct your mistakes, we will still be good friends in the future."

Since then, Ma has corrected his previous mistakes and made his first friend.

Writing the Composition of Forest (14)

At the end of the game, the cuckoo won the first place. Although everyone was tired, they were very happy. As soon as they saw that it was getting dark, they said goodbye and went home to sleep.

Part 2: Forest Games

One day, a sports meeting was held in the big forest. "Guagua, guagua", "Moo, moo", "Woo, Woo" Many animals participated, including frogs, calves and puppies······

The fourth event is "compare and see who can jump high". Many animals compete in the high jump. Jumping kangaroos, cute frogs, ferocious leopards and fleas······

At the beginning of the competition, the kangaroo jumped 6 meters, the frog jumped more than 2 meters, and the leopard jumped more than 5 meters. After a while, it was the turn of the flea. It only jumped 4 cm. Some other animals commented that fleas must be the last. The flea heard this and began to cry sadly. The result of the competition came out soon, and the first place was flea! It only jumped 4 cm, but this height is 130 times its height!

After the results of the competition were announced, other animals apologized to the fleas and said, "Sorry, let's send you a song!"!

Chapter 3: Forest Games

It was a very sunny day. The animals decided to hold a sports meeting.

There are a lot of animals participating in the sports meeting, including Miss Bird, Brother Lion, Sister Cat and Mr. Bear. Everyone has his own special skills. Miss Bird used her slender neck to turn the hula hoop, and the beautiful movement attracted other animals. Mr. Hercules Bear, just saw him lift the heavy barbell with one hand, and also turned one leg several times. It was so cute. The nimble kitten was jumping rope seriously. As soon as she lifted her feet, the rope fell down from the kitten's legs. Ninety eight, ninety-nine, and one hundred, the kitten had already broken through a hundred hurdles. The animals applauded for him. The singer Mr. Lion congratulated everyone with his loud voice. The animals performed so well that the eagle referee could not be hurt, Who should this gold medal go to?

Chapter 4: Forest Games

The spring concert is about to start, and the animals are looking forward to the arrival of the spring concert.

The elephant is strong, the pig is fat and the butterfly is smiling.

They are all practicing hard before the game. Zhuang Zhuang puffed up his cheeks and blew out the music of ticking. Pangpang twisted his fat ass vigorously, with a stick in his right hand and a stick in his left hand. The dance of Xiaoxiao is not beautiful. The little elephant came up to it and said, "Xiaoxiao, you should work hard, and the concert will start tomorrow." Listening to the little elephant, he practiced hard.

The game started, and the little elephants came on. The baby elephant puffed up his cheeks and blew his trumpet. The little pig also knocked the wooden taro. Smile also danced. Their wonderful performance attracted many small animals, and everyone thought that their group performed very well. The concert ended with warm applause.

Chapter 5: Forest Games

The annual forest games opened, and everyone came to sign up. This time it was different. The lion king ordered: whoever wins the championship can wait for my old queen to be the new king. This time, it's very lively.

The game finally started. With the command of the woodpecker, everyone ran. It is used by sister rabbit and brother horse. Only the fox followed.

Finally, when he reached the shore, the fox immediately put on a new invention - magic swimming pants. Anyone who puts on his pants can swim. As soon as he puts it on, he quickly goes to the bank, runs to the end, and runs with the monkey. It wanted to sprinkle the magic magic powder on the monkey to make it itch. Unexpectedly, the monkey hooked his tail on the tree, jumped up and stood steadily on the podium: "I won!" The monkey's face showed a satisfied smile.

Since then, the monkey has become the king and ruled the whole forest.

Writing the Composition of Forest (15)

Deep in the forest, a group of animals were having a meeting. I was also invited by the animals. The meeting was hosted by the lark. The theme was: "Protect the forest and protect our home."

First of all, the younger brother of the squirrel said: "My friends, I'm really poor now. People have cut down a large area of forests, and I don't even have a place to live. In addition, the pine cones we eat are gone because the pine trees have been cut down. Several of my brothers have been starved to death. We must collect more seeds from trees, scatter them everywhere in the forest, and rebuild a green forest. "

Then the bear said, "Our home was so good. Now the trees are cut down, wild flowers are trampled on, and grass can't grow, so there is no honey for me to eat. I miss my old home very much."

The rabbit then said, "You are better than me. All the carrots I planted last year were because there were no trees in the forest. A heavy rain poured down the mountain torrents, and my home and the fruits of my labor were all washed away... Sobbing..." The rabbit cried sadly.

The monkey also said, "We used to live happily. I really miss the bananas we could pick, the flowers all over the mountains, the forests with trees and flowers."

I also said: "I used to like to play in the forest, because there are many wild fruits and beautiful flowers I like to eat in the forest, as well as my favorite rabbits and squirrels. I like to play with them, but now there is no such beautiful place."

With peacocks, yellow warblers, leopards... scrambling to speak, they all hope to have a beautiful home.

At this time, the lark said: "Everyone, we all know that our home beautiful forest is being destroyed by human beings. If we continue like this, we will all die. We can only rebuild our home by working together. Now division of labor: rabbits are responsible for growing vegetables, bears and monkeys are responsible for planting trees, elephants are responsible for watering, leopards and lions are responsible for digging rivers... "

The forest was full of joy, and everyone was busy building their homes.

Jingle, jingle, jingle... The alarm clock woke me up. I was dreaming. Only then did I know that because of our destruction, small animals are homeless, and forests are being reduced one by one. Without forest protection, floods will destroy our homes. Therefore, we must protect forests, love animals, and live in harmony.

Writing about Forest (16)

In the beautiful forest, Little White Rabbit, Little Turtle and Little Squirrel watched Snow White, Aesop's Fables and Green's Fairy Tales together on the bench under the tree. They were so serious that birds sang in the tree and crickets played in the grass without disturbing them.

At this time, the cute little hedgehog also came softly, holding an Encyclopedia of Animal Knowledge. He saw the little white rabbit sitting alone with an empty seat beside him, and sat down. The little white rabbit suddenly jumped up and shouted, "Oh, it's really stinging!" The little turtle and the little squirrel looked at them in surprise. They didn't know what was going on. After a careful look, the little hedgehog hurt the little white rabbit.

The little hedgehog looked at everyone and stared at him. He felt that it had affected everyone, so he said to the little white rabbit with shame: "Sorry, sit down! I'm leaving!" When the little hedgehog was about to leave, the little turtle came up to the little hedgehog with enthusiasm and said: "Don't go, sit with me, I'm not afraid of your thorns.". So everyone read happily again.

The little squirrel smiled knowingly when he saw that everyone could live in harmony and help each other.

Chapter 2

One sunny morning, the rabbit and the lamb went to the grassland to play happily, hand in hand. Suddenly, the rabbit and the lamb saw the self righteous pony coming. They walked up to the pony and greeted the pony in a friendly way, saying, "pony, let's play games together!" But the pony said, "Hum, who wants to play with you clowns? You two are not as beautiful as I am! I play with beautiful animals, so I won't play with low-level animals like you." Then he put on a proud look, He swaggered away.

After hearing what the pony said, the rabbit and the lamb cried and ran back to their respective homes.

The next morning, Little Rabbit and Little Sheep came out to play again. This time, they are far away from the pony. When the pony came out, it still carried a lot of snacks. Because it had too many things to take, these heavy things accidentally pressed the pony, and the pony cried in pain: "Help!" At this time, the rabbit and lamb heard the voice and hurried to look. It turned out that the pony was overwhelmed by food. The rabbit and the lamb helped the pony up together. Xiaoma feels sorry for everyone. The pony bowed his head and said shyly, "I was so bad to you before, and you helped me." The rabbit and the lamb said, "As long as you can correct your mistakes, we will still be good friends in the future."

Since then, Ma has corrected his previous mistakes and made his first friend.

Writing about Forest (17)

Forest Mystery Recently, a big event happened in the forest kingdom: the lion princess's favorite diamond is missing! That day, the Lion King summoned the retiring Dog Sheriff. The Lion Princess said about the situation at that time: "Last night, I was talking with Jimmy Lamb in the conference room, when I put the diamond box on the windowsill, the diamond was lost when I finished talking." The Dog Sheriff asked: Who else did you meet that day? " The princess thought for a moment and said, "I saw the crow black fog that day. Do you think he stole the diamond?" The king immediately ordered, "Go and catch the crow black fog for me, He withdrew his order. The police chief dog said, "King, please give me two days. Two days later, I promise to give you a satisfactory answer!" The king agreed to the request of the police chief dog. Returning to the police station, the police chief dog was puzzled: "Who stole the princess's diamond? Is it Jimmy the lamb, or the black fog of crows...?"

The next day, Sheriff Dog put a notice in the newspaper about finding things: A few days ago, a friend of mine lost a diamond. If there is a clue, the reward is 500. If you return it directly, the reward is 1000! Please provide clues or diamonds at 9:00 tomorrow morning. Two days later, police chief dog came to the palace to answer. The king was very angry when he saw that he had brought no diamonds with him. He wanted to lock up the dog sheriff. Chief Dog said quickly, "Wait a minute, the king. After nine o'clock, someone will send diamonds.". Police chief dog said, "No, someone has sent diamonds." When the black fog came to the front of the hall, police chief dog ordered to arrest crows and black fog. Crow Black Fog was wronged: "I'm not a thief, I'm here to return the diamonds, which I took from Little Goat Jimmy! Why do you think I'm a thief? 2. The princess's room is on the fifth floor, while Jimmy Lamb is just talking with the princess in the conference room. You came with Jimmy Lamb at that time. Where have you been? How could Jimmy the lamb steal the diamond without entering the princess's room? Do you fly in through the window? 3. In your crow's nature, you are very fond of shiny things. So, the situation at that time was like this: the princess was talking with the lamb in the conference room, and you accidentally found the princess's diamond, but there was a guard at the door, so you had to steal from the window, right? " Under the impeccable reasoning of the sheriff, the crow and black fog lowered their heads, and the diamond finally returned to the princess. Chief Dog retired safely.

Writing about Forest (18)

In a dense forest, there is an animal kingdom. Animals live in harmony and help each other. The forest is full of animals' laughter.

But one day, a hunter came to the forest. The hunter carried a shotgun and laid many traps in the forest. There was no laughter of animals in the forest. Instead, there were bursts of gunshots, and a smell of blood was everywhere. The animals were so frightened that they either hid in the cave and dared not come out, or simply moved to another forest. However, some animals were caught by hunters carelessly, and other animals could do nothing to help.

One day, when the little monkey was delivering water to the tiger king, he accidentally fell into the hunter's trap. The animals knew that and were worried about it - monkeys are good people in the animal kingdom. Once, the little deer brother accidentally fell into a trap. The monkey and his family pulled the little deer up together; Uncle Elephant's leg was injured by a hunter accidentally. It was the monkey who went to the mountain to pick herbs for him to apply... The good deeds done by monkeys can be counted for days and nights. Everyone gathered at the tiger king's house to discuss countermeasures. The tiger king said first, "I will rush in with the lion and elephant to save the monkey." At this time, the fox came out, "I have a plan to let the hunter taste the taste of falling into the trap." The fox whispered in the ear of the tiger king, who smiled with satisfaction.

The next night, the animals acted according to the plan. The squirrel went to save the monkey, and the elephant deliberately stepped on a trap, and then made a cry. The hunter heard this and hurried to look, but he found nothing in the trap. The hunter was about to go back when the animals pushed him down the trap. The fox asked, "Your Majesty, what should he do?" The tiger king said, "He has killed so many of our compatriots that he should." The hunter heard their conversation and panicked: "You... you can't kill me." "Why?" The tiger king asked. "If you kill me, other hunters will catch you. Let me go and tell others to protect animals," said the hunter. The tiger king thought it was reasonable, so he let the hunter go. At this time, the squirrel also saved the monkey.

After the hunter came out, he told people his experience. It suddenly dawned on people to protect animals. The forest is full of animals' laughter again.

Writing about Forest (19)

300 word composition of forest: beautiful forest

Spring has come, everything has recovered, and the forest is full of vitality.

The sky is as clean as a wash. The white clouds in the sky are like ponies, cars, and Xiaobaimian. The bird is flying happily in the air.

In the distance, there are continuous mountains, on which some sheep are eating grass and some are sleeping.

The leaves of the big tree are like green clouds. A gust of wind blew, and the big tree made a "rustling" sound. Sika deer kiss the river and eat the newly grown grass.

The river is sparkling in the sunshine. A group of small fish are playing happily in the water. The duckling was wearing yellow clothes and flapping his wings on the water, playing to his heart's content.

Hua Er took off her thick winter clothes and put on her gorgeous new clothes, waiting for her admirers. Sure enough, a group of beautiful butterflies came. The grass straightened the waist. The industrious little bees are not idle, they also fly to collect honey.

Ah! How beautiful the forest is!

Writing about Forest (20)

A 400 word composition about the scenery and the forest 1: The forest in spring

Spring is gradually coming, and the forest is gradually bustling.

Sister Liu Shu has grown a thin and long braid. Under the wind, the thin and long braid is floating gently. How beautiful it is! When Xiao Cao heard that spring was coming, she dressed up beautifully at home to welcome spring.

The good news that spring is coming is known to all the animals in the forest. The lively and lovely little monkey happily walked out of the room and looked around, as if to ask who did not know the happy event that spring was coming. Let everyone dress up to welcome the arrival of spring. The birds also flew back and forth in the sky, as if saying, "Don't let Spring down."

The ferocious big tiger heard that there was so much excitement outside and wanted to go out to play. It seemed that it had changed into a person and was no longer so ferocious. Everyone was willing to play with the tiger. The little fox is not as cunning as his grandfather. He shouted: "Friends, all the animals in the forest know the good news that spring is coming. They are preparing for it. Let's not let the animals compete. We must give Spring a surprise."

When the lovely white rabbit heard the happy event coming in the spring, he was so happy that he could not even say a word, and he kept skipping.

The little animals were talking about the happy event coming in spring, and they could not help laughing.

When spring came, everyone had a happy and harmonious spring.

Ah, the forest in spring is really lively!

A 400 word composition about scenery and forest 2: I love the woods in my hometown

There is a small forest in my hometown. It is a charming forest. Standing on the balcony, I can see that it is wrapped in green one after another, emitting refreshing fragrance.

In the spring, peach trees sprouted and small trees sprouted. They were green and lovely! After a dozen days, the leaf "babies" have grown up a lot and are no longer as tender and small as before; The buds on the peach tree are also blooming, look; Peach Blossom sisters dress up one by one, wash their white cheeks, put on their pink robes that have been "sewn" for nine months, nodded and smiled at you.

In summer, the leaf "babies" have grown up and become hard. It's not as soft as before. When you come here in cool summer clothes, you will feel very refreshing, as if you came to the Summer Resort. There are many willows and camphor trees on both sides, and there is a path between them. Walking along the path, there will be a spring, which is a natural water resource. When you are tired of playing and thirsty, you can drink this mountain spring water, which is sweet and cool, and tastes no worse than Sydney juice.

In autumn, the leaves "children" turned yellow and became haggard, falling one by one, paving a golden road for us. I always like to step on the leaves to make them creak. At this time, I always laugh happily.

In winter, the spring water freezes, the snow covers the grass and trees with a thick quilt, and the house is "painted" with white paint. There is an unspeakable beauty! And people? But they played with snow. The girls made snowmen and the boys played snowball fights.

The grove in my hometown is beautiful. I love the grove in my hometown.

400 word composition on scenery and forest 3: ancient forest in hometown

There is an ancient forest in my hometown. The scenery is pleasant all the year round. In spring, flowers bloom. In summer, green trees make shade. In autumn, there are many fruits. In winter, there is white snow. People can't help but go to the ancient forest that I yearn for for a long time.

In spring, new branches and leaves come out of trees. The grass with tender leaves emerges from the hard and incomparable earth. The snow and ice on the mountain turned into flowing water.

In summer, trees grow luxuriantly. The leaves piled on top of each other, blocking the dazzling sunlight and people's sight. In the morning, milky fog filled the valley. In an ordinary place far away, there are many beautiful flowers, white, red, yellow, pink

In autumn, the leaves of ginkgo trees are like new little fans, which fan away the heat of summer; Maple leaves are like stamps, floating, floating, floating to the cool autumn; A faint fragrance came from the shame tree. The scorched leaves fell off, and the earth put on a golden coat.

In winter, trees take off their shiny clothes and change into a white one. Those peach trees are in full bloom. The mountain road is covered with a snow-white carpet. It's white and flawless. It seems that people can't bear to step on it.

I love you! The ancient forest in my hometown!

A 400 word composition about scenery and forest 4: Forest

When I was in the first grade, I was reading on the mountain and there were several forests attached to it. It was beautiful all the year round. In spring, the lovely spring girl came to the world with light steps, and then the scene of vitality came to all directions. The whole world seemed to wake up from a long sleep. The trees also sprouted new leaves. The distant streams tinkled in winter, Is playing a paean of spring.

In the summer night, it was like someone accidentally knocked over a bottle of ink and dyed the sky black. After a while, a group of fireflies flew over and circled the grass. It was like a festival of ethnic minorities. It was very beautiful. In autumn, ginkgo trees wore golden robes, maple trees wore red crowns, and persimmons were round and red, It really looks like a small lantern hung with branches. There are many withered and yellow leaves on the ground. I picked them up and made them into specimens. In winter, the forest is cold and quiet. There are birds sleeping in the trees. My sister threw them with stones. My sister is really naughty! Did you feel excited after listening to my introduction? Come and finish it quickly.

400 word composition on scenery and forest 5: Forest Park

Time is like a drop of water, slowly passing by. I am like small trees growing slowly. I have been to the ancient scenic spots, the colorful butterfly country, and the vast grasslands... However, I prefer the plain forest park.

One day in the summer vacation, my parents took me to the Forest Park. My heart was pounding with anticipation. In the morning, as soon as I went out, I bumped into the breeze. The birds call my name, and the water drops exchange eyes with me. It's refreshing in the morning.

I came to the forest park with a happy mood. There are countless trees and small trees in the forest park. They leaned down slightly to say hello to me, and I responded with a smile. They were all ecstatic. Unconsciously, I came to the lotus pond. The lotus flowers are like shy girls, and the big trees with luxuriant branches are soldiers guarding them. I went to the lotus pond, and I saw small fish and shrimp playing under the lotus leaves. The lotus leaf is like a mother, and the small fish and shrimp are just like their children, silently guarding them on the water. Isn't this just maternal love? I am filled with tears. My mother has silently contributed a lot to us, but we don't think so. I really want to say to my mother: Mom, I love you!

Although this trip was very short, it also made me understand a lot of reasons. This experience will make me unforgettable.