119 National Fire Prevention Day fire prevention propaganda slogan (108 sentences)
Laugh when youth is gone
2023-03-28 03:18:28
Complete set of slogans

1. Administer fire according to law and benefit the country and people

2. Fire fighting for all, life first

3. Pay attention to fire fighting and keep away from fire.

4. Eliminate fire and ensure peace and prosperity

5. Prevention first, prevention and elimination combined.

6. Prevention first, combination of prevention and elimination

7. Everyone is responsible for safety and fire prevention.

8. Fire is the enemy of happy life

9. Everyone joined hands to put out the fire.

10. Public security fire brigade, no charge for fire fighting

11. The campus is my home fire depends on everyone.

12. Fire safety into the community thousands of homes.

13. It is illegal to make a false report of a fire alarm

14. Fire safety is the guarantee of living and working in peace and contentment

15. Fire alarm call, early alarm, small loss

16. Actively promote the prohibition of smoking in public places

17. Abide by the fire protection law and do not act as a violator.

18. Fire Protection Law is the foundation of fire protection_

19. Strictly enforce the fire control law and resist fire control violations

20. Increase fire fighting investment and improve fire fighting facilities

21. Develop fire protection and serve economic construction

22. Safety comes from vigilance and accidents from paralysis

23. Improve fire-fighting facilities to ensure fire fighting

24. Refusing to rectify fire hazards is illegal

25. Accept fire supervision and strengthen self-management

26. Improve fire awareness to resist fire damage.

27. Negligence may lead to disaster.

28. Non adult citizens shall not participate in fire fighting

29. Common responsibility of the whole society for fire prevention

30. Fire prevention is the common responsibility of the whole society

31. Staff dormitory is not allowed in public gathering places

32. Self inspection of safety, self correction of hidden dangers, and self responsibility

33. No construction is allowed without fire prevention review

34. Do a good job in fire prevention and self-help.

35. Strictly enforce the fire protection legal system and seriously investigate and deal with fire accidents

36. The People's Fire Protection Office should do a good job of fire protection for the people

37. It is the common responsibility of the whole society to do a good job in fire protection

38. Extinguish the fire alarm early and timely with little loss.

39. Vigorously carry out the activity of "119 days without major fire"

40. Propaganda every day, safety every day, fire prevention every day, peace every day

41. Safety is linked to thousands of homes, and fire control is tied to you, me and him

42. Never forget the common sense of fire control, and never panic in case of fire

43. Don't move the fire-fighting equipment. It is very useful for fighting fires

44. Fire is the enemy of mankind, and fire prevention is a social event

45. Seriously implement the unit's own fire safety responsibility system

46. Inflammables and explosives are prohibited to enter public places

47. It is the duty of every citizen to protect the fire scene

48. It is strictly prohibited to use flammable and combustible materials for decoration in public places

49. Public security fire fighting is for the people, and fire fighting costs no money.

50. Performing fire safety responsibilities is the legal obligation of the unit

51. The construction project shall not be put into use without fire acceptance

52. Doing well in fire safety management is the legal responsibility of the unit

53. Don't use fire and electricity without leaving people, and keep fire safety in mind.

54. It is every citizen's obligation to actively fight fires.

55. It is the duty of every citizen to maintain fire-fighting facilities

56. It is our common aspiration to keep families away from fire.

57. Observe the fire safety regulations and keep the fire away from the community

58. Strict safety operation procedures to eliminate the signs of fire accidents

59. The People's Fire Department will not charge half a penny for fire fighting and disaster relief for the people.

60. Strict fire supervision according to law to ensure the safety of life and property

61. Implement fire supervision according to law and serve social and economic development

62. Keep the evacuation passageway unblocked and ensure the personal safety of citizens

63. Improve the fire management system and actively rectify fire hazards

64. Strengthen fire protection publicity and education to improve the fire protection quality of the whole people

65. Strengthen the leadership of fire protection work and promote the development of fire protection

66. Strengthen the legal construction of fire control and implement fire control supervision according to law

67. Strengthen the construction of fire control organization and enhance the ability to resist fire

68. Enhance the fire awareness of the whole people and improve the ability of self prevention and self rescue

69. Enhance fire safety awareness and improve fire resistance ability

70. Vigorously promote the legalization and socialization of fire protection

71. Big economy needs big development, big development needs big fire fighting

72. Perfect fire extinguishing and evacuation plan and implement safety precautions

73. Perform fire safety responsibilities and standardize fire safety management

74. Popularize 20 pieces of common sense of fire control, safety connects you, me and him

75. Renew the concept and enhance the responsibility consciousness of the unit's fire protection subject

76. Actively eliminate fire hazards and strictly prevent fire accidents

77. Consciously abide by fire regulations to prevent fire accidents.

78. Seriously perform safety responsibilities and strictly manage fire safety

79. Abide by fire laws and regulations to ensure social public safety

80. Abide by fire laws and regulations to reduce fire accidents

81. Strengthen fire protection publicity and improve the fire safety awareness of the whole people.

82. Actively promote new fire technology to ensure social public safety

83. Take active actions to vigorously investigate and rectify fire hazards

84. Actively prevent fire and protect life and property

85. It is the duty of every citizen to prevent fire and report fire alarm

86. Everyone is safe from fire. One family is on fire and the neighbors are in disaster

87. Strengthen the construction of full-time fire brigade and enhance the fire fighting ability

88. Adhere to the principle of combining expertise with mass, and implement the fire safety responsibility system

89. Unify power and responsibility, and practically implement the unit's fire safety management responsibility

90. The person in charge of fire safety is fully responsible for the fire protection work of the unit

91. Responsibility should be assigned to each person, and each person should do his or her duty to conscientiously improve the fire responsibility system

92. Hidden danger is more important than open fire prevention than disaster relief.

93. For your and others' happiness, please do a good job in fire prevention

94. Strictly implement fire control laws and regulations, and open up a new situation of fire control according to law

95. Public gathering places shall not be opened without passing the fire safety inspection

96. Adhere to the fire fighting policy of "prevention first and combination of prevention and fire fighting"

97. Adhere to the principle of mass prevention and control in fire protection work, and implement the fire safety responsibility system

98. Consciously accept the fire accident investigation and seriously investigate and deal with the person responsible for the accident

99. Earnestly implement the order of the Ministry of Public Security to implement the legal person's independent fire protection responsibility.

100. Abide by fire laws and regulations, and strive to create a new situation of fire control according to law

101. Hidden danger is better than open fire, prevention is better than disaster relief, and responsibility is heavier than Mount Tai

102. Strengthen the construction of fire fighting facilities of the unit, and strive to improve the ability of self prevention and self rescue

103. Strengthen fire infrastructure construction and strive to maintain social public safety

104. Strengthen fire prevention publicity and improve the ability of the whole people to prevent and resist fire.

105. Strengthen the qualification management of fire engineering and improve the construction quality of fire facilities

106. Conscientiously abide by the safety operation rules, and put an end to fire violations

107. It is the duty of every citizen to prevent fire and maintain fire safety

108. Legal representatives of enterprises and units are the first responsible person for fire safety